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Latex, Leather, and a Pinch of Pixie Dust

Page 10

by E Gregory

  “You’re sure?” Ethan stepped past Jessica and fixed him with a look. It made Niki feel like he might combust. They were standing way too close now. So close he could smell Ethan’s aftershave and that was super close because Ethan never used products with strong scents. It was a werewolf thing, Michael had explained.

  Niki feigned confidence to convince Ethan, “I’m sure. Besides, you need my mojo in case things get,” he wriggled his fingers in the air, “hairy. Ya know?” He realized that he did not sound so sure, but instead of worrying about trying to convince Ethan any further he reached for the leash still in Jessica’s hand. In the process, he got some space from Ethan.

  “Fine, let’s go over the plan one more time,” Ethan said.

  They went over the plan three more times until Niki refused to speak any further, and Jessica had to hide her laughter behind her hand.

  “I wish I could see how this is going to go. Please remember to play your part, Niki, okay? You’re not supposed to be a misbehaved sub tonight. Call me, the minute you get home? The very minute, Niki.” Jessica grabbed her bag and pulled out one more thing. The amulet they’d found for Niki to wear. For safety. She passed it to him quietly and then she was heading for the door. Elaine was already downstairs waiting for her. They were going to be staying at home base and for just a moment Niki envied them. He didn’t like being left behind though.

  “Yes, alright, yes. I promise.” Niki was nervous, and a little too excited for all of the standing around he was doing. They needed to leave already before he remembered Michael’s reasons for why this is a bad idea.

  “Or text me if you’re too occupied to call!” Jessica said over her shoulder as she left the room, the door swinging shut behind her. Niki was probably blushing. Most likely he was, but he was ignoring it for sanity’s sake.

  There was a brief silence before Niki started towards the door.

  “Come on Daddywolf, let’s get this show on the road!” Niki hated his mouth sometimes. He did not look back, just walked through the door as any grown ass man would.

  The ride to the Fae club was absolutely silent. Niki did try his hand at small talk, but small talk had never been Ethan’s thing, so he opted for the radio instead. Ethan even turned it up when Fall Out Boy came on because he was awesome and secretly cared that Niki was beginning to freak out in the passenger seat.

  The “club” as they were calling it, was in a big freaking mansion just outside the city proper. Niki wasn’t entirely sure the Fae didn’t just magic the thing into being, because how could he have missed it sitting on the side of the hill the way it did? Jessica had explained it was a whole barrier thing keeping everyone from seeing it and the only reason Niki saw it now was because he was a lot more in tune with his own magic.

  He could see it now as Ethan turned on the road that wound towards it for the next two miles. All of the lights were on and it was big, but not old and stuffy like some haunted house mansion he would’ve tried to break into with Michael as kids. It was modern, streamlined, and gorgeous. Way too rich for the likes of him, that was for sure, but Ethan maybe looked the part tonight.

  Niki stole a glance at him for the fourth or fifteenth time. Black leather pants that looked painted on, a leather vest, and no shirt (thank you very much, Jessica). It showed off how rock hard his chest and abs were, and when he moved it revealed dark nipples, god damn. Then there was the big studded belt that felt a little bit like a dog collar joke to Niki. Ethan didn’t look like a joke though. He looked edible and this was the second most important reason Michael thought all of this was a terrible idea. Because Niki was already into Ethan and there would be no hiding it tonight. In front of the people they were trying to fool. Which meant Niki had to pretend he saw Ethan like this all the time and was totally used to it and comfortable with it and was expecting rewards for being so good and calm…

  “Niki.” The car was pulling off the side of the road and he thought maybe now was a good time to remind Ethan about driving safety, and pulling over on the nonexistent curb on a dark road, but his hands were shaking.


  “Hey, look at me.” Ethan’s tone was gentle.

  He grabbed Niki’s hands between his and squeezed. “Hey. We can still turn around. I’m not about to put you in a situation that makes you feel like you don’t have any control, okay?”

  Niki laughed, still looking forward. It was a tiny sound. And not a happy one. But he turned to look Ethan in the eye when he said, “It isn’t that, alright? I’m okay with that. I trust you, dude.”

  Ethan looked Niki in the eye and nodded, believing him. He was taking things very seriously because he didn’t even try to tell Niki not to call him ‘dude’.

  “Good, because we never really got a chance to talk about this alone and it’s almost too late to say it, but whatever happens in there, it’s still your choice okay? I’m not going to hurt you and I’m not going to leave your side. No one else will lay a finger on you. And if it’s too much, we leave. We might be playing at Dom and sub, but I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to. I think we should set some limits. And agree on a signal, in case one of us needs to leave.” Ethan told him.

  “You want a safe word too?” Niki asked, because he was a shit and liked to give Ethan a hard time even when Ethan was sort of being awesome.

  “Yes. That too.” And okay. He really was serious.

  “Okay. If one of us needs to leave, we should tap our own wrist or the other person’s wrist three times.” Niki began.

  “Good. And the safe word?” Ethan asked.

  “Fahrvergnügen” Niki replied immediately.

  “Niki.” Ethan looked totally disappointed in him, but it was funny, okay? He was nervous and being a douche was how he handled that.

  “What? It was the first word that came to mind!” Honestly, it was better than the first word. The first word was muffin, as in blueberry with a crumbly top. As in stud.

  “Something simple.” Ethan blinked at him, waiting.

  “Okay. How about bread? That’s simple.” Niki grinned. Giving Ethan a hard time was taking the edge off his nerves.

  “Bread? Can you take anything seriously?” Ethan gave up on looking at him and turned to look out the windshield with an annoyed grunt.

  “I am taking this seriously, I’m serious about bread. It is simple and wholesome and unsexy.” Not at all like muffins of the studly variety.

  “Fine! We’ll use bread.” Ethan continued to look away. There was something somewhat satisfying in the way he huffed his breath in and out, all frustrated over a little word. It made Niki laugh, which was not the right time, but Ethan just glared until he stopped.

  “And limits?” Ethan asked him softly once the car had gone quiet again.

  “I don’t know, man. I mean I’ve thought about it, but I’m not imagining you’d get anywhere close to anything that will hurt me or bother me.” Now Niki was being really serious.

  “Let’s just set some anyway. For my sake, okay?” There was no way Niki could say no when Ethan lost the glaring and went all puppy soft. He had to have learned it from Michael, which was so not fair. It was hard enough having one werewolf capable of the puppy eyes, he didn’t need two doing it.

  “Alright. Like, I don’t want to crawl around on my knees. I’m going to look stupid doing it and it’ll hurt because I haven’t had any practice.” Niki complied, answering as his eyes cast around for anything to look at that wasn‘t Ethan, because, awkward. Though he was sure it was going to get way more awkward before the night was over.

  “Fair enough.” Ethan conceded.

  “And I don’t want to be hit with anything but your hand.” Niki’s lips pursed at the thought of being bent over Ethan’s knee at some point, for the mission of course.

  “Niki, I’m not going to hit you at all.” Ethan was trying to assure him.

  “Okay, but for argument's sake, nothing but your hand,” he insisted.

  “Fine. I ag
ree.” Ethan said calmly.

  Niki still couldn’t look directly at him as he said the next part, his eyes darted to the side, out the window behind Ethan instead. “I don’t think… it’s going to come up, I’m sure, I mean Jessica basically prepared me for every situation already, but I don’t know if I can handle it, that is…”

  Ethan placed a hand on his knee and squeezed briefly before letting go. “Okay, whatever it is, I’m not going to do it. Not if it makes you this nervous. We’re just playing roles here, I’m not actually planning to do anything with you other than stand around, pretending to drink, and enjoying the atmosphere while we’re casing the club. So whatever it is, it’s okay to say it.”

  “Alright. I don’t think we should go too far, physically. In general. Which will ruin the effect, won’t it? What if they expect us to be all over each other?” They weren’t even there yet, but it was a little like being on a roller coaster already, imagining various what-if scenarios.

  “Then they’ll be somewhat disappointed. I told you, nothing is going to happen in there that we both aren’t okay with.” Ethan assured him.

  Niki let out his breath in relief. “Okay, okay. Good. I mean, you can touch me I just didn’t want to have to--”

  “No, I got it. We’re not going to take it too far. Is that everything? Because I have two things to add.” Ethan asked.

  “That’s it.” Niki nodded.

  “Alright. One, I don’t want you to leave my side. No matter what you see. Even if you think you can help someone, whatever we do, we do it together.” He was holding up a finger at Niki and it was a little bit funny.

  Niki nodded, though, in total agreement with that idea. The last thing he wanted was to be kidnapped by fairies tonight. Reason number one why Michael thought this plan was a bad idea. He had two reasons, both of them simple enough. The danger and the fact that Niki was basically in love with Ethan. Niki had about a million, all to do with just how hot he found Ethan on a regular day, and only one good reason to go along with it. Ethan needed him. So it was a done deal in his mind. He could set aside his personal issues for the pack, for the town.

  “Two,” Now he was holding up two fingers like Niki might lose count. He got points, though, for distracting Niki yet again from his nerves. “Your magic is the last resort. The moment you use it, everyone will know what we’re about. So let me take the lead and you hold back unless you absolutely must tip our hand. Got it?”

  “Got it. Okay, I think we have to do this now.” Niki felt better in some ways, but he was still apprehensive. All of Jessica’s information couldn’t possibly prepare him for whatever they’re about to walk into.

  “We do.” Ethan agreed. And after one last searching look that Niki couldn’t begin to fathom the meaning of, Ethan pulled back on to the road and then continued the drive up to the mansion.

  Chapter Nine

  The music could be heard before they even pulled up. It was thumping into their car and making Niki’s knee bounce. Ethan’s hands were squeezing the wheel, but otherwise he stayed calm and that helped Niki. The front-drive was circular, allowing patrons to pull right to the door where a valet was set up, waiting to park their car in the back or wherever. Niki was a little taken aback by it if he was honest. One doesn’t expect a valet where humans are being enslaved. It was strange but convenient.

  The center of the drive had a fountain ringed by flowers and Niki wasn’t entirely sure they were regular flowers. He had never seen some of the hot pink vines or the purple bell-shaped flowers that were crawling over the edge of the fountain. He couldn’t think too much about it because Ethan was putting the car in park and handing over his keys to a man in uniform. Then he came around to let Niki out.

  His hand was warm and Niki gripped it tightly for the few seconds they were touching. Then Ethan was leading him on the leash, one step ahead of Niki as they walked to the front door. They were welcomed by a huge man whose biceps looked to be about the size of Niki’s waist. His skin was so dark that it was almost indistinguishable from the black leather straps that criss crossed his arms and chest. His terrifying look was completely disarmed as he smiled warmly at them and took their invitation. He might be sparkling, too, but Niki couldn’t tell if it was his skin or the lighting.

  “Mr. Birns,” His eyes traveled over Ethan briefly before turning on Niki who suddenly remembered he wasn’t supposed to be making eye contact. Even with incredibly large and friendly looking men. “And guest. My mistress is expecting you both. You are most welcome here.” His voice was so deep and soothing that Niki relaxed just a little bit more as they were ushered forward. Even so, he reminded himself not to trust anything he saw or heard, at least not until they had a better feel for the place.

  They were led through the darkened foyer, a grand affair tiled in black marble and lit with scattered wall sconces, through a pair of double doors and into what had probably been a ballroom or something equally insane. From Niki’s quick look around this was the main room. There was a D.J. on a stage to the right, space for dancing, a bar across the way, and the rest of the space was arranged like a series of living spaces with couches and small tables and several pieces of ominous-looking furniture Niki wasn’t sure about. It wasn’t a wide-open space either. There were curtains and half walls that made all the spaces he could see feel intimate. Dark. Everything was in black or shades of red.

  Black curtains framed massive windows across the way and draped around the perimeter of the room. The ceiling looked like a moving artist’s rendition of the universe with galaxies and stars that spun and shot around until Niki thought he might get dizzy if he kept looking at it.

  But the people were what really had his attention. So many people everywhere. Doing things. Together. He was suddenly glad he was supposed to be keeping his eyes down. Niki needed to acclimate before he could try and take it all in again.

  “Ethan, darling!” Someone called.

  Niki hazarded a peek at the woman coming toward them. She was tall, so tall, holy shit, and wearing a black satin gown that’s neckline went down almost to her belly button. It was tight and left nothing to the imagination. Her black hair was piled in curls on her head and held back with a glittering ruby comb to match the ruby choker around her neck. Her skin was so pale and lovely Niki thought it looked like moonlight. Her shoes were black strappy stilettos and she was wearing long black satin gloves. Out of her cloak, she looked like a terrifying character from True Blood. Gorgeous and instantly someone to fear. Ethan very subtly pulled him closer and took his hand.

  “Lady Enrieta Morningwillow of the Keshalyi, thank you so much for having me.” Ethan bowed because he was fucking charming like that and Niki was uncultured swine so he stood there looking at the lady’s feet. Her toes were bejeweled as well.

  “And this must be your Niki. He is as lovely as I first thought.” She said in her musical alto voice.

  “Thank you,” Ethan answered.

  “Oh Ethan, you are so formal, please, both of you enjoy yourselves tonight. We have a very special evening planned. Grab a drink and a seat near the dancefloor, and find me or any of the staff in masks, if you need anything.” With that Enrieta reached her hand out and lightly touched Niki under his chin so that he was forced to look up at her.

  Niki held his breath as she took in his features.

  “Oh my, yes. He is quite lovely.” Then she was turning and disappearing into the crowd. Her finger had been like ice even through the glove and Niki couldn’t help but shiver.

  “Let’s go pretend to get drinks,” Ethan whispered to him.

  The bass thumping beneath Niki’s feet was distracting, but Ethan had his leash still so he followed along easily enough. It helped that the patrons moved aside as though unconsciously avoiding touching the werewolf or his pet. Niki did try to keep his head down, but it was so hard.

  They passed people in every stage of undress. They passed Fae of all colors and sizes, some even had fucking wings and no one warned him there c
ould be actual winged fairies here. A woman was being spanked across her master’s knee and a small crowd had gathered. Niki wanted to worry for her, he really did, but she looked so freaking blissed out that it was impossible. Also, thanks to the various displays around them and the mere thought he and Ethan could engage in something even remotely similar, he was getting hard.

  Everyone would know. Ethan knew already he was sure. Ethan could probably smell it on him and that was so embarrassing. Time to look at the draperies or the chandeliers, not the creepy chains they were passing. He tried to find anything to look at other than the writhing bodies all around them.

  They arrived at the bar. At last, a respite.

  “What can I get you, sir?” The bartender was in the coolest dress Niki had ever seen. At first he thought it was jewels, but they weren’t. They were crazy spikes in tones of red, black, and silver. It looked metal as hell. Niki couldn’t help but think of a certain drag queen he knew who’d look amazing in it. He’d have to check in on his drag queen friends before he went back to school but that was a thought for another day. The guy also had a big fat ruby nestled in the middle of a black satin ribbon around his neck and a shock of pink hair with a fat glittering nose ring that almost detracted from the way his blue eyes glowed. A black filigree mask outlined those eyes. It was almost too creepy. Cool, but seriously creepy.

  “Sit, for god’s sake,” Ethan told him as he let go of the leash.

  Niki gratefully sank onto the nearest stool and crossed his legs as subtly as possible. The music had been lowered a notch or two and the dancefloor was being cleared. A little part of Niki really wanted to stay close to Ethan, to safety and honestly because it felt sort of nice being led around by him. Which of course Niki would never tell anyone ever. However, now was so not the time for thinking like that. Now was the time for thinking unsexy thoughts. Things like nightmares about being back in high school. Naked. Not naked though. Something less sexy than naked. Pop quizzes. Cleaning out the disposal when it clogs up, Ethan’s ass was literally right there, god damn.


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