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Latex, Leather, and a Pinch of Pixie Dust

Page 13

by E Gregory

  Getting inside together involved a lot of giving and taking considering neither of them would actually fully let go of the other as they walked. Ethan pressed Niki to the hood of his car, dipping his tongue deep in his mouth, savoring the feel of him, maybe, or the taste of him. Niki felt like maybe it would almost be okay to be spied on by Ethan’s cousin, but then he thought that might be traumatic for everyone involved so they parted and stumbled toward the house. They made it up the steps, but just barely, and across the porch before Niki backed Ethan against his front door. No one was around and he needed to climb Ethan, this was a real problem he was trying to handle.

  They did get inside, though, eventually, and in the dark of the living room, they stared at one another, chests heaving almost in time. And Niki just knew. He got how big of a deal this was. Ethan appeared for a moment to be listening, maybe he was trying to see where Liam was, but he flashed a hesitant smile at Niki so he must be off in his room minding his own business as a good pack member should.

  Then Ethan held his hand out for Niki and Niki reached out to take it, giving it a quick squeeze. They walked together, hand in hand up the stairs to Ethan’s bedroom and when they got there, Ethan flicked on the bedside lamp and then stepped into Niki’s arms.

  Niki took his time exploring the different ways Ethan kissed him. He went from gentle and slow to sucking Niki’s bottom lip between his teeth and biting. His hands were everywhere, stroking Niki’s back, kneading his ass, framing his face in the tenderest of ways. It was heady and full of something unspoken, but beautiful.

  “Sit down,” Ethan said this softly, guiding Niki to the edge of his bed, and he sat, watching in wonder as Ethan slid to his knees before him. Ethan began unlacing his right boot, methodically pulling out the laces all the way down until he could lift Niki’s leg to remove it. Once it was set aside, he laid a kiss on Niki’s knee before moving to the left boot. He repeated this process while Niki watched on in wonder. Ethan’s face held so much more than he ever expected and each touch was so moving that Niki was left feeling utterly open and vulnerable and it was the best feeling. He felt safe. And cared for.

  Ethan stood and shed his vest and cuffs and shoes until he was standing in only the leather pants. He reached to undo Niki’s collar, but Niki stopped him, voice all wobbly all over again. “Leave it.” He told him.

  That surprised a smile out of Ethan and it was so genuine it made Niki’s stomach flip over in response. “Yeah?” Ethan asked.

  “Yeah,” Niki said, echoing his smile.

  Ethan ran his finger under the edge of the collar but left it in place. He moved to undo his pants, but Niki stood and took his hands, pushing them aside and reaching for the fly himself. Ethan’s smile vanished, but it was replaced with a look of open desire. So Niki leaned in and placed a kiss right under his belly button, before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

  Getting them off was a team effort, because leather is a little tricky and they were tight as they could get, but Ethan hid nothing under them, so halfway through the process, Niki was distracted and nuzzling against Ethan like it was his new favorite thing, and maybe it was.

  It was thick, dark, and larger than any Niki had seen up close. Ethan smelled musty from the leather and the heat generated by his body, but under it his skin was clean and surprisingly soft under the fuzz of red hair that ran all over him. Niki wanted to taste him, but settled for drawing his nose along the length of him before helping him step out of his pants.

  Once he was naked, Ethan hauled Niki back to standing by his collar and attacked his mouth. He shoved Niki down to the bed unceremoniously and covered him with his body. “You’re going to kill me,” he panted, tearing his mouth away from Niki’s and laying a row of tiny bites over his jaw.

  Niki laughed because he was pretty sure Ethan was the one wrecking him, but he didn’t say that, couldn’t with Ethan attached to his neck and sucking a bruise at the spot where his neck met his shoulder. He thanked whatever deity might be listening that this was happening and then he fisted his hands in the sheets because Ethan was moving and repeating the process of biting and licking and kissing all down his chest and torso. He took time to very gently lick at the barbell through Niki’s nipple, carefully so it didn’t hurt, but at the same time, it lit Niki up all over, in all of his nerve endings because it was still so fucking sensitive. His nipple went pebble-hard and that ached, gods, it burned, but Ethan made it feel so good Niki was starting to whimper.

  When he got to Niki’s shorts, Ethan rubbed his palm lightly over them, a tease and a reminder of an earlier moment when they couldn’t stop themselves from being all over one another.

  “Please, fuck. Please.” Niki begged.

  He didn’t have to beg long though, Ethan didn’t even bother with the zipper, just peeled them down Niki’s legs and threw them off the bed. He never took his eyes off Niki the entire time and it was a lot. It was way more than Niki had had in college while he was trying everything out. That was fun and fulfilling in its own way, but this was Ethan. Both of them were very aware that this wasn’t some one night stand to get each other out of their systems. Niki saw it in Ethan’s eyes as he crawled back up over Niki and laid down, pressing them skin to skin for the first time.

  Their mouths found one another again and Niki opened himself. His mouth, his legs, his arms, taking Ethan in as close as he could while they lost themselves together, rolling and breathing. Ethan rocked his hips against Niki’s so they rubbed together with almost too much friction.

  “Ethan, please, fuck.” Niki breathed the words into Ethan’s mouth, broken and needy.

  “Let me just...” Ethan hadn’t pulled away, but was speaking into his mouth. They were twined tight together and Ethan was pressing him into the mattress.

  Ethan reached out to the side table drawer and rustled around in it for a moment. Niki felt like he was losing any thread of thought left in him. “Hurry up.” He gasped.

  That earned him a gruff laugh as Ethan finally pulled away enough to really dig through his nightstand drawer. Niki couldn’t stop himself though, not even long enough for Ethan to find the lube. He latched onto Ethan’s shoulder, nibbling, testing the muscle between his teeth. He wanted to eat Ethan up, and it felt like there was no time to waste. That earned him a groan so he bit harder just before Ethan was back over him, grabbing a handful of his hair and jerking him back into another kiss.

  Ethan didn’t stay long and Niki whined when he pulled off again. He couldn’t be too sorry though because Ethan was crawling back away, his mouth leaving a trail of bright red bite marks down Niki’s chest and alongside the trail of hair leading from his belly button to his member.

  “Oh my god,” Niki murmured. He was watching Ethan’s eyes as they began to shimmer with brilliant gold light, then he blinked and they were back to normal. Ethan rarely lost control of any sort with Niki, so the show of his werewolf eyes made Niki shiver with anticipation of what was to come.

  “You smell so fucking good. Always, but it’s strong, just here.” Ethan told him, as he buried his nose against Niki’s inner thigh. Niki had seen men in porn dig their nails into their thighs, but he’d never had to do it himself to stave off coming. Until now.

  Ethan didn’t give him any warning but began licking up and down Niki’s hardness as he laid there and shuddered and tried to hang on to a tiny bit of self-control. He almost lost it again when Ethan sucked at the head, suddenly slowing down again. He tongued at the underside and at the slit before suckling gently, then repeating the process. Niki was a mess. He might be talking out loud and gods he hoped he wasn’t because he’d be telling Ethan how much he wanted him inside him already. Like deep inside him. How he wanted to be anything Ethan wanted, he’d take anything Ethan wanted to give him.

  “Anything? If I’d known you’d cave so quickly I’d have done this sooner.” Ethan only looked up a moment and Niki wanted to be humiliated for saying all of that out loud but all he could feel was the heady buzz of nee
d and the hot mouth taking him back in, deeper still.

  “I hate you,” he tried, but it came out breathless and whiny which made Ethan laugh.

  “Good try,” Ethan told him with a chuckle. He was an asshole, but they both knew how much Niki didn’t hate him.

  There was a soft click, the lube being opened, he was sure. Then a single finger brushed behind his sack. It was slick and cool, but Niki squirmed because he needed it. Now. Ethan didn’t keep him waiting, but began massaging, pressing his finger into Niki. Then he swallowed Niki back down, this time to the base.

  It had been a while for Niki. His last relationship was with a girl briefly last year in school and since then it’d just been his fingers or his dildo which he was now very aware was much slimmer than Ethan. Fuck. Ethan gave a particularly vigorous suck and his finger was buried to the knuckle inside him. Niki arched off the bed, grinding himself down, spreading his legs further.

  “Come on Ethan, I can take more, I need more.” He panted.

  Ethan pulled off long enough to say, “I knew you’d be bossy in bed.”

  “Please? God. Ethan, please, I’m good. I fuck myself with at least two fingers on a regular basis.” Niki was begging again. He would cry if he had to.

  “Christ, Niki.” Ethan slid back in with two fingers and now they were getting somewhere.

  Niki was hot all over, achy and the stretch wasn’t too much, but just right. He didn’t want Ethan’s fingers, though. However, Ethan was all over him. His wet, hot mouth was a beautiful distraction. Even if it was torture to be teased open so slowly. Apparently he wasn’t going to be able to rush Ethan in any way because he was too intent on making Niki fall apart. Ethan was moaning softly now, and the vibrations traveled down through Niki’s body and his legs started to shake.

  Ethan added a third finger then and twisted them slowly until they slid easily in and out of Niki and the sounds they were making together were simply pornographic. With the sight of Ethan before him and the way he was making Niki feel, Niki had to force himself to keep watching. He was afraid if he lost focus for a minute he’d come. And Ethan looked amazing, he was beautiful, and so fucking hot it hurt. It hurt all the way to Niki’s toes but in the very best way.

  “I can’t, Ethan, I’m too close, we gotta--” He didn’t even have a voice at this point, his words were thin and breathy.

  Ethan looked up at him, crooked his fingers up, and rubbed, then hollowed out his cheeks and took Niki all the way down and sucked. Hard. That was all it took for Niki’s back to bow right off the bed as he emptied himself down Ethan’s throat with a shuddering groan.

  He was vaguely aware that Ethan’s fingers were pulling out and Ethan was hovering back over him, slicking his own self with lube and that’s… almost too much to handle in his blissed-out state. Niki’s eyes fluttered closed for a second and then Ethan was kissing him, a soft warm press that tasted bitter and wild and a little like something he could get used to.

  “Niki, look at me,” Ethan’s command is more of a plea so Niki met his eyes.

  Ethan looked undone, but at the same time very much in control, even though his chest was heaving like he’d been running. “Ready?” He asked.

  Niki nodded, mouth falling open with a sigh. He’d been ready since forever, he thought.

  He could feel Ethan rubbing against him and he wanted it in him already, except, “Wait.” Niki reached for Ethan’s wrist and held it.

  “What?” Ethan’s face shuttered down over whatever emotion he was hiding.

  “I just… we never talked about it.” Niki bit his lip, suddenly nervous again. He knew they didn’t need a condom, he’d had that talk with Michael already. Werewolves couldn’t carry or transmit diseases like that.

  Ethan followed Niki’s gaze and looked down at himself with a frown. “About what?”

  “Knots. Knotting. Is that a thing? I need to know if that’s something that could happen because I don’t know if I’m that ready, you know. Like ready, ready.” Niki couldn’t exactly look him in the eye when he asked it. He’d read things on the internet, many things, and now he needed an answer. Fanfic could be wild, okay?

  Ethan started laughing and it made Niki feel small and grumpy. He looked back up at Ethan and pouted.

  “Only you would ask something like that right now.” He was shaking his head, his guarded expression replaced with something fond and warm.

  “You don’t have to laugh at me, dude.” Niki huffed, embarrassed.

  “It’s not a thing. I don’t have a knot. My body is just like yours. And just so we’re clear, Niki? I’m not making fun of you. Always ask me anything, alright?” He leaned in for a kiss.

  “Anything else?” He asked. Ethan was looking at him with such evident care and tenderness that Niki felt that little thread of anxiety leave his chest as he relaxed into the bed again.

  “No, I’m good. I’m ready.” Niki told him.

  Ethan didn’t move away but reached between them to line himself up. Then he was pressing in slowly and watching Niki’s face intently. Niki hooked a foot over the back of Ethan’s leg and pulled him closer, wrapped him up in his arms as he sank into Niki’s body. It was a lot, he knew it would be, but everything felt so good. The pressure, the stretch, Ethan’s weight as he pressed him down.

  “God, you’re tight. Are you okay?” Ethan asked, clearly worried.

  “I’m good. I’m so good, Ethan, please. Please fuck me.” Niki panted the words against Ethan’s mouth.

  Ethan’s hips stuttered and snapped, burying him deep in Niki with a soft moan. Then his mouth was on Niki as he began to move. It felt like being taken apart at both ends, like Ethan was everywhere, filling him, taking him, claiming him. It was heady and perfect and Niki was crying out into their kiss. He was so sensitive from having just come that every sensation made his head spin.

  He wrapped his legs around Ethan’s, hands sliding down his muscled back to grab handfuls of his ass, to feel him as he pounded into Niki, faster, harder. Niki was already getting hard again, but he couldn’t even focus on that, all he could feel was how full he felt with Ethan inside him and how well their bodies fit together.

  Niki was lost to it, to the way he felt like his chest was cracking open and it was totally okay because it was Ethan. He didn’t have to be afraid, so it was a little bit of a shock to feel the world tip and tilt and suddenly he was looking down at Ethan. Ethan grinned, so fucking bright, that Niki couldn’t help but return it. Then he was rocking his hips, enjoying the new angle and the site of Ethan coming to pieces beneath him.

  Ethan had him by the hips, tugging in time with Niki’s motions, rubbing up and down his thighs, but every time Niki pushed up higher on his knees and fell down a little harder, Ethan’s face went slack and he sucked in a breath. Soon enough Niki lost the gentle rocking rhythm just so he could see Ethan lose it, lose the last of whatever control he was hanging on to. Niki planted his hands on Ethan’s chest and rode him as hard as he could and Ethan for his part got a hand around Niki which yeah, that, now he could feel it. He could feel how close he was again and it made him ache.

  Niki leaned down for a breathless kiss and tried to get his bearings, but he couldn’t hope to do anything other than pant against Ethan and go pliant as Ethan lifted him up and down on him. Niki was crying out, he was so close, everything felt like so much and there was a burning spiral at the base of his spine that felt like it was expanding out, filling him with heat and electric currents.

  They flipped again and Ethan slowed way down. He laid kisses on Niki’s throat, softly nuzzling into him.

  “No, no, no, I’m so close, please Ethan, please,” Niki was a wreck. He was sweaty and trembling and he couldn’t really make his voice work right.

  “Not yet, not until I tell you to,” Ethan told him, kissing him roughly now, though his movements were still careful, easing in and out of Niki’s body, dragging each motion out. He was hitting Niki deep, hitting his sweet spot more often than not, but it was
so slow.

  Okay, yeah, Niki was definitely on board with this whole Ethan in control thing since it was going so well for both of them, and his body certainly agreed with going along. He nodded, closing his eyes as Ethan brought their foreheads together. Their stomachs trapped Niki’s hard on, rubbing it in long slow teases, but it wasn’t enough anymore to push him over the edge.

  “You submit so much easier than I expected,” Ethan whispered. Niki wanted to look at him, but he was floating, and it was much easier to drift in this place where everything felt so charged, all through his body.

  “Not like I was going to say no to any of this,” Niki told him. “God.” The last word was an almost silent whisper, but he knew Ethan heard him because he huffed into Niki’s shoulder as he began sucking another mark on Niki’s sensitive neck.

  “I want to play with you sometime, would you like that? It seemed like something you were interested in earlier.” Okay, Ethan might be evil, just a little bit. Niki wanted to tell him so, but Ethan kept going.

  “We can work out all the details later, if you want to.” Okay, that was better, and Niki groaned and nodded.

  “Please,” Niki whimpered then, because as great as all of this felt, it was actually also probably going to kill him.

  “Okay, okay, I have you. You can come, as soon as you’re ready.” Ethan kissed him once more before he let loose again, fucking into Niki hard and fast.

  He reached between them to fist Niki, and that was it, that was all it took before Niki was crying out and practically sobbing as he came between them. Maybe he was crying because Ethan was kissing his face and snuggling into him, pulling him tight and wrapping him in his arms as his hips began to lose their rhythm. Ethan followed quickly after that, burying himself as deep as he could while he kissed and stroked Niki’s face.

  He collapsed and Niki held him as tight as he could manage, the sweat cooling between them as they caught their breaths in the quiet of Ethan’s bedroom. It stretched on like that for several long minutes, but it felt comfortable in a way Niki hadn’t ever felt before. There was no rush here, it was just them, just enjoying the afterglow of everything that had happened between them.


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