The Childe (The Childe Series, #1)

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The Childe (The Childe Series, #1) Page 6

by C. A. Kunz

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, trying to make eye contact with him.

  “Yeah, yeah, sure, I’m fine. Really,” he murmured loosening his grip. An awkward silence fell between them.

  Cat felt Ryan staring again and turned to look at him. Feeling embarrassed that he had been caught gazing, he dodged her glance and looked straight ahead. As the ride came to an end, Ryan jumped from the seat, and took off into the crowd without a backward glance.

  Well, that was odd. Why was he staring at me? I bet that’s why he was fidgeting. He was regretting getting on the ride with me. I know he doesn’t like me because every time I pass him in the hallway he acts like I’m invisible. Sighing, Cat caught sight of Julie waving to her. As she walked toward Julie, Cat noticed Isaac leaning against the counter of the midway game behind Julie. He watched her with a cold stare like a cat does to a mouse. She stopped herself from sticking her tongue out at him and grabbed Julie by the arm, leading her toward the House of Mirrors, where she saw the others waiting for them.

  “Where have you guys been? We’ve been waiting here for like ten minutes!” Amanda demanded as she tapped her foot with her arms crossed.

  “Sorry guys, we had a little run-in with you know who. But it was no big deal. So, how were the rides?” Cat asked, changing the subject.

  “They were great!” Amanda replied, noticing Cat looking at Elle, who was hunched over and holding her stomach.

  “Elle, you okay?” Julie asked. Elle nodded.

  “Of course she’s okay, you enjoyed it didn’t you Elle?” Amanda asked, putting her arm around her. “Now let’s take a break from the rides and head into the House of Mirrors! She exclaimed, leading the group up to the large and very creepy clown face entrance.

  CRACKLE…CRACKLE…“Welcome to my house of mirrors! It’s full of surprises! Beware the walls, they might move on you. Hope you can find your way out. If not, oh well!” A creepy voice came through the speaker in the clown’s mouth. “Yes, welcome!” The menacing laughter that followed sent chills down their spines.

  Entering the mouth and pushing their way through a wall of black curtain, the group slowly approached a door with a sign that read “Fun this way!” The door slowly creaked open, revealing a labyrinth of mirrors. It appeared as if their reflections went on forever.

  Entering last, Cat was mesmerized. It took her a few seconds to realize that the others were far ahead of her. She hurried to catch up, but found her path suddenly blocked by a mirror that somehow appeared in front of her. Oh wow, that’s what that creepy ass clown voice meant by moving mirrors. I bet there’s some mean little man operating them.

  The mirrors seemed endless and just when Cat thought she had found a way out, more mirrors were placed in her path. Looking around she saw nothing but her reflection looking back. Where did the path go? She was completely surrounded with no apparent way to move ahead, to the sides, or back. As she stood watching her reflection, Cat saw her image slowly disappearing, until she was looking at an empty mirror. The lights dimmed and then she was in total darkness.

  Don’t panic, Cat! This is all a part of it! Sighing, she was relieved when the lights slowly flickered on and she could see her reflection again. That was weird. This place is giving me the wiggins. I need to find everyone and get out of here now. After turning around, she caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure in the distance. The mirror in front of her shifted and the figure disappeared. The room became freezing cold and Cat could see her breath.

  What the hell’s going on? That’s it, I’m out of here! Scanning side to side Cat began to panic, looking for the exit. With her heart pounding, she began pushing the mirrors to see if she could move one herself. In the reflection of the mirror she was trying to push open, Cat saw the mirror behind her move and expose the cloaked figure. The hood of its cloak was pulled slightly back, revealing its bright red curly hair. Terrified, she screamed hoping someone would hear her. She shivered as her cry echoed over and over.

  “Catherine! I need to-” the figure called out. Before it could finish, the mirror Cat was desperately trying to open gave way, causing her to fall forward, hitting her head, and knocking her unconscious.

  “Cat! Cat, wake up! Cat! Elle, go get someone. Cat, can you hear me? Matt, go help Elle,” Julie ordered while rubbing Cat’s hand.

  “Out of my way, out of my way, what’s going on here?” A man as tall as he was round pushed Julie and Amanda away from Cat. He spoke into a two-way radio, “Yes, get in here now! We’ve got a fainter. Yeah, she’s breathing. No, I don’t know why she fainted! Get your ass in here now!”

  Looking at Julie and Amanda, the man pointed at a mirror behind them. “Push on that mirror. That’s right, now when it clicks, push it again.”

  To Julie and Amanda’s amazement the mirror moved and they could see a hallway leading outside. A person was hurrying down the corridor toward them, carrying a small case. As he got closer they realized he was a paramedic.

  “Okay everyone, clear a path. What happened here?” the paramedic asked hurriedly.

  “We don’t know, we got separated from her, heard her screaming, and then we found her like this,” Julie explained with concern filling her eyes.

  “Does she suffer from low blood sugar?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” Julie replied.

  “Well, let’s check her vitals. Wait, it looks like she’s coming around. Guys, stand by,” he barked into his shoulder radio. “The patient’s coming around, over and out. Well, little lady, just lay there. No, don’t try to get up,” he said, gently suppressing her attempt to sit up.

  “What…what happened, where…am I? Julie…Amanda?” Cat focused her eyes on their faces, confused as why they looked so worried.

  “Now, how do you feel? Do you hurt anywhere?” the paramedic asked, intently looking at her.

  “No…I…I don’t hurt. I remember…I…nothing.” Cat stopped as she remembered what happened. The cloaked figure. The one I saw from the carousel. How did it know my name? I don’t think I should say anything about it right now. “I think I know why I passed out. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Maybe I should eat something.”

  “Yes, that could be it. Can you stand?” the paramedic asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, I think so. I feel so stupid. Sorry guys, I guess this will teach me to skip a meal, huh?” Cat tried to laugh, but it sounded hollow.

  “I’ll go get you something to eat,” Amanda said as she started walking down the hallway. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, okay, let’s get her out of here. We’ve got to restart the attraction. There’s a crowd waiting outside, and they’re getting impatient,” said the rotund man.

  Cat stood up. With the help of Julie and the paramedic, she walked down the hallway to the exit. The rotund man followed, pushing the mirror back into place, muttering something about young girls and not eating due to them thinking they were fat. His daughter had gone through that phase and it had driven him nuts.

  Outside, Cat was lead to a picnic table away from the crowd. The paramedic looked at Cat and shut his bag. He stayed with her until her friends came back with an assortment of drinks and food, enough to feed themselves and a few others too.

  “I’m going to leave now. Eat slowly and then, and only then, get up and start walking around. No crazy rides for the rest of the night. You might even want to consider going home a little early,” the paramedic said as he walked away. Matt handed Cat a hot dog with mustard and ketchup from the tray that Amanda had brought over. She took a bite and started chewing slowly as she had been directed. Everyone else sat down at the table with her and grabbed a hot dog too.

  “How are you feeling, Cat? Do you want to go home?”

  Startled, Cat looked at Amanda. “Yeah, unfortunately I think I’ve had enough tonight.”

  “Alright, I’ll call my mom and have her pick us up,” she said while taking out her cell.

  During their walk back toward the entr
ance, Cat made sure no one was watching as she reached up and felt the painful small knot on her forehead.

  “What happened to you?” Taylor’s voice called out in front of them.

  “Hey, Taylor, my man!” Matt gushed, outstretching his hand for a high five. Taylor rolled his eyes and walked passed him toward his sister.

  “Hey, Cat! Heard you had problems at the ferris wheel?” Jonathen, Taylor’s best friend and captain of the football team, interjected.

  “What do you mean? I was talking about the House of Mirrors. What happened at the ferris wheel?” Taylor asked, turning to Jonathen.

  “I don’t know, ask your sister,” Jonathen replied. All eyes turned to Cat.

  “Well, Cat, what did you do this time?” Taylor asked.

  “I didn’t do anything! Why do you automatically think I did something wrong? For your information, I had a little run in with Isaac.” Taylor’s facial expression became serious. “Hannah was going on the ride with me and Isaac didn’t like the idea,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, acting like it was no big deal.

  Taylor’s friends gathered closer around Cat, looking at her with anger in their eyes.

  “Did he touch you?” Taylor seethed through clenched teeth.

  “Of course not. He wouldn’t dare,” Cat replied, not liking the looks on their faces. “Taylor, why are you so angry? He’s just a jerk. I can handle him,” she said vehemently.

  “I don’t like anyone messing with my family, especially my little sister!” His voice carried over the noises around them.

  “I didn’t know you cared so much,” she said with an impish smile, trying to break the tension.

  “Yeah, well I have my weak moments. Just don’t get used to it, doesn’t happen often.”

  “Well, hello, fellow classmates,” a sickly sweet, voice piped up behind Cat. “Hey, Cat, congrats on making the swim team, I knew you would. Oh Taylor, aren’t you proud of your little sis?” Cat turned to see Kirsten and her two minions, Jessica and Tonya, standing there.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Cat saw Matt’s eyes grow wide, drawn to Kirsten’s snug fitting sweater that left nothing to the imagination. His mouth had fallen open and Amanda reached up and pushed it closed.

  “You made the swim team?” Taylor asked, looking at Cat.

  “Yeah, I guess you didn’t hear, as you were out with Trish last night when I came home,” she said, throwing Trish, Taylor’s girlfriend, a big smile. Cat really liked the sassy petite brunette, and knew she was exactly the type of girl to keep her brother in line.

  “That’s awesome!” Trish smiled back and put her arm around Cat. “Look at that, two athletes in one family. We should go celebrate!” Standing behind Trish, Taylor shook his head, mouthing the word no to Cat.

  “Cat I just talked to my mom, she’ll be here shortly,” Amanda interjected.

  “Sounds great. So, Trish, can we maybe celebrate another time?” Cat asked. Trish nodded.

  “Oh, Cat, you can’t leave yet. It’s early. Hang out with us. We can take you home, right girls?” Kirsten asked, looking at Jessica and Tonya who were nodding in agreement, mimicking bobbleheads.

  “Thanks, Kirsten, but I think I’ll pass. I’m not really feeling too hot anyway.” Cat flashed a fake smile to her brother. “See, Taylor, you don’t have to worry about me any more tonight. I’m going home.”

  “Great! Now I’ll have three hours of peace, not worrying if you’ll get into any more trouble. Oh yeah, and congrats Red Freak on making the swim team,” he said and then turned to follow Jonathen and the rest of his group toward their cars.

  “Love you, Taylor!” Cat yelled, watching his shoulders stiffen as her voice carried above the crowd. Chuckling, she turned and said goodbye to a forlorn Kirsten and then followed her friends to the parking lot.

  “Did you get a load of Miss Kirsten Fuller? Did she really think she was fooling anyone by making those goo-goo eyes at Taylor? And with Trish standing right there? Some nerve she has,” Amanda stated.

  “I feel sorry for her,” Elle said.

  “Hey, if I was Taylor I’d be all over that,” Matt interjected.

  Amanda reared back and punched Matt in the arm. “You would, you immature male chauvinist pig.”

  “Ow, that hurt,” he whined, rubbing his arm.

  Amanda laughed. “What a wuss!”

  A loud horn blasted from across the parking lot. It was Amanda’s mom, sitting in a drab grey van. She waved and smiled at them as they approached and opened the doors. Cat loved Aurora Stevens. Her unique outfits, which would have looked awful on most people, suited her to a tee. Her house was just as colorful and eclectic, with fun furniture, antiques, modern art, hippie stuff, and everything in between. The confusing part was that Mr. Stevens, the ultimate number crunching banker who was very rarely ever seen without a suit and tie, was her husband. I guess the old saying is true, opposites do attract.

  “You kids have a good time?” Aurora asked as they all got settled.

  “Yeah, we did,” replied Amanda, smiling at her mom.

  “I love your outfit, Mrs. Stevens,” Matt said with a mischievous smirk.

  “Thank you, Matthew, it’s my Victorian look. Found it in the attic of an estate sale. Fits perfectly! I think I’m going to keep it.”

  “By the way, what’s with the new paint job, Mrs. Stevens?” Cat asked.

  “Oh that. Yes, well I can’t wait for it to be finished. The man at the auto shop said he had to put this gosh-awful color on before he could paint it. Primer I think he called it. Whatever it is, it sure offends my eyes. So, everyone buckled in? Well, off we go then!”

  “Just me coming to say goodnight,” Rachel said softly, walking into Cat’s room.

  “I’m so glad you had a good time tonight. I’m bushed. We had a busy day at the shop. I’m off to bed. Love you, honey.”

  “Love you too, Mom. G’night,” Cat said as she lifted her face for her mom’s kiss. Cat was glad she hadn’t told her mom about what really happened at the carnival. Cat knew she’d only worry.

  After closing the door, Rachel stood outside the room and sighed. The paramedic had called Sam a couple of hours ago to make sure Cat was alright. Rachel was hoping Cat would tell her about the incident in the House of Mirrors and wondered why she hadn’t. The paramedic was the son of one of Sam’s colleagues. He had no idea that Cat wouldn’t tell them, and for now Rachel would just let it go. Sam told her they should keep a closer eye on Cat to make sure there were no further issues. He tried to convince her that everything would be okay, but she knew things were likely to get worse. Wishing she knew what to expect, Rachel walked down the old creaky attic staircase with melancholy eyes.

  Hearing a scratching noise at the window, Cat opened it and Jewels gracefully sauntered through the opening. After jumping on Cat’s bed, she lay down and started purring.

  Cat lay down next to her, scratching behind her ear. “Do I have tons to tell you? You’ll never believe what happened to me tonight!” As Cat talked on, Jewels listened to every word she said.


  The Big Game

  The next two weeks of school flew by, filled with preparations for homecoming festivities. With school spirit in high gear, the halls of Astoria High echoed with the excitement of its student body and roar of the school mascot, the Panther. Banners with black and gold writing were hung in the hallways as a constant reminder to the school that they would soon face their rivals, the Madison Warriors, in a pigskin battle royal.

  Bypassing the gym, Cat opened the side door leading to the pool. The warm, humid, chlorine-filled air hit her as she entered. She walked around the edge of the pool and then headed for the locker room to change. While passing the coach’s office, Cat overheard a heated argument coming from within.

  “You’re lucky I’ve let you swim in these last two meets, Miss Rowe! Not showing up for practice is unacceptable!”

  “We both know I don’t need to practice. And your winning attitude will not
allow you to kick me off the team. So this conversation is totally moot,” Amelia said pompously.

  “Well, you better keep winning, or you’ll find yourself on the sidelines! That’s a threat and a promise! You’re dismissed!” Coach Hutchins bellowed.

  Amelia stormed out of the office, nearly colliding with Cat. Glaring at her, she wondered how much Cat had overheard. Moving to the side, Cat watched as Amelia shoved open the locker room door, making it crash against the wall, and sending a shower of concrete tumbling to the floor.

  “Running a little late, aren’t we Cat? Well, don’t just stand there, get suited up Colvin!” Coach Hutchins pointed, and waited for Cat to walk ahead of her.

  Standing by the pool waiting for her turn, Cat mulled over what she just witnessed. Amelia must be really strong to crack the wall. She’s definitely an intense person, that’s for sure. And how does she get away with talking to Coach like that? Looking to her left, she saw Kirsten stretching arrogantly. Upon feeling her gaze, Kirsten looked at her and smiled, though Cat noticed her eyes were cold and calculating.

  “Next!” shouted Coach Hutchins and Cat turned to take her position on the blocks.

  Sixth period finally rolled around, it seemed like the day had been endless. A static noise erupted from the speakers at the front of the classroom. “Hey Panthers! Cindy Napleton here! Just reminding you that tonight is the big night when we’ll cream the Madison Warriors!” her bubbly cheerleading voice piped through the static. “As I speak, each teacher should be passing out Homecoming Court ballots. At the end of class he or she will collect them. By the way, I’m on it. Also, we’re soooooo happy with our mascot, Eleanor Porter, who’s done a fabulous job over the last two weeks.”


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