Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2) Page 11

by Maree, Aleisha

  Disconnecting, I walk over to her she’s fifty shades of mad, I can see it in her eyes, she has a face like thunder, she’s spitting sparks and I can’t lie; it’s sexy as hell. Rather fucking arousing, I have to touch her it's taking all I have not to strip her bare and do bad, bad, fucking inhuman things to her sweet as fuck body. I briefly wonder if I could do it in the twenty minutes we have, that seems to stimulate all my senses. Reaching her, she holds up her hands. “Backup Knox! Why the hell did you ring Bray. Like what the fuck dude! This is bad. I can’t have them involved in this again, and Lill, like she’s in a world of hurt anyway. She’s still getting over seeing how fucked I was when they brought me home, like hell this is beyond fifty shades of fucked up! This shit you just did is now off the charts, you don’t get the right to just storm on in and make the rules on how this plays out. You don’t get a say in my life and what the fuck I can and can’t do like, dude who the fuck are you anyway!”

  After she had finished beating on me, I wrap her in my arms falling down onto the couch, as it was the only thing I could do that wouldn’t get me in trouble. Cos seeing her all feisty and fired up does things to my cock that I’m fucken sure isn’t going to help either of us right now. “Well baby suck it up it’s done now.” Kissing the back of her neck, I run my fingers over her thighs, all I want to do is rip her clothes off.

  God, he makes my anger melt with one look, one kiss, one fleeting movement of his fingers over my body. I wonder if he can feel the explosion forming between my legs, one more lick of his touch, just one more kiss from his lips to my skin, and I’ll be down, it will be over. I won’t be able to hold back. Thank fuck I can hear voices outside footsteps on the stairs, and there you go the rack of knuckles on the door, jumping to my feet a little too fast, I stumble back a little landing against the wall of Knox’s chest a little dizzy. I shake it off. “See told you, ya ass wasn’t ok! Sit the fuck down, I got this.” “God this caveman shit’s wearing real thin, eh,” I say to him as he opens the door to the Calvary known as Reaper’s Reign MC, Lilly runs in past Knox, to me.

  “What’s wrong, are you ok? Jeez Blue.”

  “Whoa Lilll calm down I’m fine it’s nothing,” I say, looking over her to the men in the kitchen talking all heavy and gruff. Knox’s eyes meet mine. I give him the death stare and the prick just smiles that panty-wetting smile and wiggles his eyes brows like this is funny. Jumping to my feet and out of the suffocating hold of my best friend’s arms, I pace, fisting my hands into my pockets. Fuck I’m angry, so freaking mad at this man right now, doesn’t he realize what Bray will do? Punching the glass window, I let out a soul taking screech and, just like magic, some of the pent-up anger disappears as our very own master of crazy, the in-house executioner and unhinged lunatic wraps me up in his huge arms, talking into my hair.

  I’m instantly calm. I know he’s got me, he’s got this. If anyone can fuck the world up it’s our lunatic unhinged Mr. Ghost himself, but I’m still writhing in anger at Knox. “He had no fucking right.” I spit out to Ghost.

  “Baby Blue he’s got every right, we knew this was coming,” he says into my neck, his voice cool on my skin.

  “I fucked up! I sliced and stabbed my way out, and they seem to have frowned upon that. Not like my fire and soul. My burn and need. Me, they broke me, beat me, drugged me, and fucked me, but, the minute I take charge and claw and stab my way ou,t they want to, what? Come and fight? Na, Ghost, they want to come and kill me. They plan to make war and take me down in flames.” Ghost’s grip tightens as I talk, it’s a story he hates, a pain he hates. He hated that I had to go through shit. His side job is to fucken destroy mother fuckers like Viper and his boys, so having them do this to me is hitting way too close to home for someone like Ghost. Turning in his arms, his lips meet my forehead.

  “Baby Blue don’t,” is all he says as Knox moves, singling them to follow to my room. Great here we go, time for me to hide. This isn’t a story I want to relive again.

  Closing my eyes, I fall back onto the couch. “Kill me now, Lilll, will you? Put me out of my misery. I don’t get it, you know, one day he doesn’t want to know me, acts like I don’t exist, and then the next he’s fucking me in the shower. Don’t even get me started on the way he was the night he found me drinking in the gym trying to bury the demons with liquor. He calmed me and made it all ok in that small moment in time. I thought shit you know what maybe I can do this again allow another person in. But t hen boom, nothing... No hey how you doing, not a thing. We jump from one extreme to another and its fucking making me dizzy. Look at tonight he’s all cave man like, I got you baby I’ll sort this shit! Earlier today when we were wrapped in each other’s arms I was happy you know. Now I’ve got to tell him all the dark shit, what if he can’t deal, Lilll? He’s just as fucked up as I am, but shit my closet ain’t pretty and may just counter his shit”

  Wrapping her arms around me, I hear my friend say, “what if he stays though?” Looking up at her I see innocence in her eyes, I wish I still had.

  “Lilll I love you, you know that I’m sorry for all this.” I say waving my hands in the air as the boys walk in.

  “Pack a bag Blue baby, you're coming home with us, you’ll be safe there, and I can watch you all the time.” Bray says like he gets to tell me what the fuck to do.

  “Like fuck, I am Bray I’m staying here in my house doing me. I ain’t bringing this back to the club, not this time. It was bad enough I came tonight. Now macho man here had to go ring you, bring you here. I know he’ll have eyes watching. He can watch all he likes. I’m not going to show him he’s got to me, got it? And I refuse to put you all in the middle of this.” Spinning on my heels, I stomp over to the window, slamming my fist into the glass. How dare he ring them, how dare he bring them into it again. Fuck, I’m livid. “Best you all back the fuck up and get the fuck out before I go all crazy fucking violent on your asses.” Looking at each one of them, I notice that they are all just standing there waiting for me to do as they ordered. Not going to happen. “FUCKEN MOVE” I scream out like a deranged nutcase.

  Looking around, I see them all staring at me, not even flinching or looking like they are going to even take one goddamn step. My eyes fall to the fucker that has caused me to go all damn loco, Knox. I jump through the air and lunge at him with a powerful right hook, hitting him right on his fucken jaw. Not seeing that one coming, he falls back a step, before he comes at me with an erotic glare in them deep grey pools. Wiping his arms out fast he has me in a cross-body lock, and I’m fucked. Bray clears his throat as Ghost laughs, my eyes fall to his, evil eyeing him, as the leader of the pack speaks.

  “Knox, you don’t fucking leave her side, bring her to the club with you tomorrow when you come, your patch will be ready. Then we will talk about where she and you will be staying.”

  I hate that they are talking about me like I’m not there. “What the fuck’s this about a PATCH?” I spit out.

  “Oh, that,” Knox says causally into my ear. “I was going to tell you about that when we got back, but, this shit right here happened. After last night with you in the gym, watching how scared you were in your sleep, how much you shake and quiver. I vowed to find out what the fuck was going on. So I texted Bray and he filled me in tonight. That was what I was doing at the club, they are patching me in tomorrow, so I’ve got their backing and help. Whatever it takes to keep you safe, I will do it. It's easier for us all if I am a member so you see, doll? I am now a Reaper.”

  Breaking free, I spin around on him, breaking the contact, “don’t you fucking doll me. Knox. You went behind my back, you took what I told you and spilled it all out. You could have asked me, I would have told you.”

  Ghost sits back on the counter laughing “Here we go, she’s going to lose her shit.”

  “FUCK UP Ghost! This ain’t the time to be a smart prick,” I whirl on him and punch his arm

  “Whoa, sorry sugar, you’re just so much fun when you’re all riled up,”

’s voice cuts in seeping hurt and anger. “Like fuck you would have, Blue, you’re, right here, telling whoever will listen that you’re ok, that you got this, when last night, I felt your body quake with terror as you laid in my arms. Trust me I got you, I got this. I told you I would.” He says it like he knows me and what’s good for me. I’m beyond fucked off with them all. I know I can bring Viper to his knees. I like the idea of being free from him and I’m not going to let him or Knox trap me into something again. Knox steps into me then, right up in my space, his eyes meeting mine. I look deep into them “don’t” I whisper to him “I can’t” I say. It doesn’t stop him though he walks in closer, my hands go up to stop him meeting his chest. God his chest, it is a hard mass of pure lean muscle, I can feel it under my shaking hands.

  My body is irritate as he grabs me tight pulling me to his, wrapping his huge arms around my tiny frame. I have to break from him I can’t have him and this I’ll save you act cloud my judgment. “Stop right there! Stop asking me to fucking trust you while I’m still coughing up water from the last time you let me down!” I hurl out at him as his grip tightens. I can feel the muscles in his body tense as my words hit a nerve inside him. His jaw clenches around his words as he hurls them back at me, full of anger.

  “When have I done that, Blue?” Huh I think as I let his words sink in as he says it like he’s the saint, not the fucken devil sleeping in the wings of a goddamn angel.

  “When Knox?” I spit at him pulling back. “You want to fucken know when! Well listen up. How about in the shower when you fucked me and left me like dirt on the ground sobbing? Or the gym inside the cage today, tonight at the grave of the fucking angel, who you cling to like a fucking life raft, or right now... this.” Pointing from him to myself and everyone else standing in my small apartment looking on with shock. “This right here!” Throwing myself at him I start swinging. “You don’t fucking get it, do you? You’re so damn blind. I can do this alone. I don’t need you or your demons. I taught mine to swim remember. They will be my savior, not you, not the club, after the shit they have been through dealing with this, it’s the last thing I want, Knox. So leave with them, do what Knox does best, walk away, hide behind your angel, your anger and your hate, get out!” I scream at them, at him “Just go, all of you, now!

  He slams his hand over my mouth what to quieten me huh fool on you that won’t happen.

  “Sshh will you stop all that fucking shrieking, it's doing my head in” Biting down on my hand with all her fury, she breaks the skin. I let go, “FUCK” that hurt, shaking out my hand I see Bray laugh.

  “Told you she was hard work, brother.”

  Ghost chips in, “she’s fucking mental. Blue, baby, have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  Flipping us all the bird, she answers. “I fucken hate you all; now fuck off!” She runs into the bathroom locking the door, Lilly hot on her heels.

  Speaking with the boys for a bit, I send them off with Lilly. She must be pissed if Lilly couldn’t reach her. “I’ll see you all tomorrow, I got this. I’ll stay all night, I’ll sleep outside this damn door if I have to!” I say it loud enough for her to hear. Letting the boys out, I lock the door, grab a beer from the pack Bray brought, along with the bottle of Jack. I smirk. They know her well, care for her deeply, their sense of family loyalty is what I’m about! What I want, what I need, with just enough of the dark stuff to keep my demon fed. Sliding down the door, I speak through the wood keeping me from her and her insanely hot, fiery soul, and eyes that shine like lava when she’s hell-bent on fucking you up. “Blue baby wanna let me in?” With a THUD! Something hits the door, vibrating against my head.

  “FUCK OFF DICKLESS,” is all I get.

  This is going to be long ass night. At that moment I remember all that angel has said to me. ‘Time to let her in.’ As I sit there, waiting for her to come out, I prepare myself to tell her all about my story. I want to tell her all about Angel before, and after, the fight, about the night I lost her, the love we shared, and even about jail. I want to hold nothing back, I want to give her the whole works, the whores and all. I want her to understand just how deep a hold the demon has on me. Just as I go to open my mouth and bleed out the poison, I hold in my soul that had been sold to a devil. I hear an ever so soft voice laced with tears as she speaks to herself.

  “Why can’t he see me? He won’t let me into his soul, can’t he see his demons don’t scare me? They are no match for the monsters that live in my head.”

  My heart hurts listening to her break on the other side of the door. “Baby let me in, open up, please, Blue, I’m trying here I am.” Slamming my hands against the door, I let her know I am serious. Her voice sounds out from the other side of the door fractured and pained.

  “I let you in, I fucking let you in, and you completely destroyed me, Knox. Breathing you in, blowing you out. I’m fucking drowning under the weight of your stare.” The gates open and all the hurt, all the pain he has caused, from him, from the grave hit me all at once. I fall down the sobs racking my body “I can't do this.” I sob.

  “I just can’t, after you Knox, after this, after it all. Hell should be easy.”

  “I’m already there darling so come and greet me in the depths of flames so we can both become the ashes of one soul. On the same day at the same time as our demons feed on the hatred of our blackened hearts,” I whisper to her on the other side of the door.

  “This I can't do. I can’t have you this way,” I hear him through my sobs. He shifts behind the door then nothing but my painful sobs. I haven’t cried like this since the night in Dublin when she came to me. How can I ever match her? That pedestal he has her on is so high. A loud bang jolts me out of my thoughts. I look over to his foot coming through the door, again and again, till he reaches up, unlocking it, moving in his massive body, sparking anger, fear and pain. He falls down at my feet and wipes my tears as he brings his forehead to mine.

  “I told you I would try! I told you to be patient with me! I don’t know how to love without pain but let me try! Today, tonight? This is so fucked up, but I won’t go. I’m staying, as much as it hurts me, I’m staying, and I don’t ever stay, Blue! I run and hide. I seek out the dark and let it eat me.”

  Picking me up he carries me to my bed laying me down. He pulls off my pants leaving me in just my tank and undies. He starts to undo his belt buckle, along with the top button and zip of his jeans. I can’t help watching him while trying to rein in the sobs raking at my body. I run my tongue along my lip, he’s so mesmerizing. I get lost in him as he removes his shirt and I see the perfect snail trail and chiseled body. My eyes travel to the tight muscles of his perfect chest and abs. I want to run my tongue over the whole of his body, all the small things that I seem to have missed each time before. Subconsciously I suck my lip into my teeth. I hear the sharp intake of his breath as he pulls back the covers, hopping in with me, pulling my lip free. “How many times do I need to tell you, don’t do that.” He breathes against me as he wipes the tears that have stained my face, pulling me into him. He kisses my forehead. “Sleep, baby, I got you.”

  Wiggling myself back into his embrace, I allow him to wrap me up in his arms, arms that scream safety, but at what cost to him? He’s joining the fucking Reapers Reign MC to keep me safe. Oh hell, this is a right fucking mess, a shit storm is coming. I was so foolish to think I could escape Viper.

  After what seemed like hours, Knox finally falls asleep, his arms wrapped around me like a vice. This man is going to go way overboard with the caveman shit, starting with tomorrow, I can just feel it in my bones. Closing my eyes, I allow the early hours of the morning to take me into the darkness of sleep, wrapping me in their sweet embrace. I fall, under its warmth, to a sleep that will be haunted and dark.

  Chapter Ten


  Awaking in the morning to the warm sun kissing my skin, I stretch, the night's memories assaulting my mind as my arm grazes against the warm body of Knox.

Rolling over I just stare at his beautiful face as the sun dances with the patterns of the lace curtain covering my window, a small breeze coming through the tiny crack allowing the smell of summer to greet me. I’m grateful to Knox for allowing it to only be open a crack and that’s only because he was here.

  I’m startled out of my thoughts by his husky voice laced with sleep. “You do know it's rude to stare, eh baby?”

  I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks as he brings his hands up, cupping them around my face, pulling me down into a tender kiss. “Good morning beautiful.” He murmurs against my lips, morning breath and all.

  “Whoa back up.” I say with a smile on my face. “It's ‘beautiful’ now is it? And staying the night? Who is this man in my bed? What have you done with Knox, the man who can't be tamed?” Pulling back, I look him in his eyes, fuck, he’s so damn stimulating, I just can't handle it.

  Throwing his head back, I watch the way his teeth catch the light and think about how much I would love for them to bite down on my nipples, and all over my dang body for that matter. I’m lost in thoughts, naughty thoughts, full of bad things I’d like to do to him. He must have read my mind as he straddles me pulling my hands back over my head, then, leaning down, he sucks my bottom lip back, pulling it into his teeth. Sucking in a deep breath, my nipples harden from the bulge forming in his boxers, pressing against me. I lift my hips slightly to meet it while I push my tongue through into his mouth meeting his. They do their own dance like they are made for one another. Ravishing his mouth with my own, he lowers himself down onto me, his whole body consuming my tiny frame. Then, releasing from our kiss, bringing his mouth to my ear, his is voice soft against my neck,

  “I told you I would try, so try I’m going to do, if that means staying the night then that’s what I will do.”

  Bringing his eyes to meet mine I see a mischievous look in them. Just like that he takes his face down to my breasts, grazing his tongue up over the middle of my chest. I feel the heat of his warm, hot tongue through the light cotton tank coming back up and leaving a line of hot fire in his wake followed by the chill of air. He licks to the tip of my nose. “Anyway, babes I licked it, so it is mine.” Flicking me a wink, he pulls my tank up over my head. A look of pure admiration enters his eyes as he sees my hard, ready and wanting nipples. He lowers his lips down to one, sucking it into his mouth, swirling it around, flicking his tongue over the hard tip. Wiggling my foot up to his crotch, I slide it over his hard erection. Slipping my toes down the top of his boxers I pull them down, his cock bouncing free where I start rubbing it with my toes, he sucks in a deep breath as his grip of my nipple intensifies.


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