Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2)

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Fractured Promises (Reapers Reign, #2) Page 23

by Maree, Aleisha

  I feel the fear rise inside me. I won’t let him win. Play his game Blue play his game. Bitch please you know you wanna stay high. Shit, there she goes bad me is back where the fuck is good me when I need her boring ass. “I’m alone and broken, fractured and fucked,” I mouth against his hands.

  “Alone? No Junkie, love, you have me. Broken yes and this time was a lot harder than last the plane is getting ready, we roll out first thing in the morning. “Pushing his body on top of mine I feel his dick harden as he runs his fingers up my bare skin. My skin crawls as his tongue licks up from my collarbone all the way to the tip of my ear. “You ready to come home baby, I made you this.” Lifting his hand up shaking it, I see the bag of pills he’s holding.All different sizes and colors I thrash in his grip, trying with all I have, to break from him as he sits up pushing all his weight down into my pelvis and hips, pushing me deeper into the bed, holding me there. With one swift flick of his fingers, the bag pops open. My eyes follow the pills one by one as he tips them out into his hand. “One for you, one for me. Two for you, one for me,” he says placing the pills out onto my chest. How can he go from this crying sack of shit to the devil in two point zero seconds? My head’s spinning with the effects from the last fucking concoction still swimming in me. Watching him like a hawk, he starts to hum away to himself, he reaches over the bed and pulls a steel trolley closer. I can see it contains a bottle of water, a rubber band, spoon, lighter, needle and gauze. I go cold, shaking my head from side to side, I start pleading. “Please, Viper, please I’ll go I’ll be what you want, just no more drugs please. I’ll be your Queen. I’ll help you rule the Dublin underworld just no more, if you love me, let me be sober.”

  An evil laugh erupts from his body as he unscrews the lid from the bottle. “Drink” he spits as he reaches to the pills on my chest picking one up. I close my eyes and relish in the cold liquid as it slides down my hungry, dry throat to sit in the bottom of my stomach, sending the most delish sensation out over my body. Placing a green pill on the tip of my lipthenwhite and another green lined up ready to be consumed, I shake, my body knows what’s coming. The evil me is sitting on the edge of her throne ready for the sweet daze to come, while the good me is in the fetal position in the corner crying her eyes out. The rational part of me wants to fight while the junkie part has caved and is hungry for the painless feeling of freedom to take me.

  Viper grabs the spoon and needle, then, using the plunger end, he crushes up the pill and mixes it with a little water before running his Zippo under the spoon as he heats it up. The tang of the drug heating has my soul on fire and my mouth is watering my bottom lip quivers at the anticipation.

  “Be still Baby.” His lips meet my ear as he whispers this one gut wrenching sentence into my soul as my insides burn at the hungry look that is floating around in his eyes as he brings them back to lock onto mine. Sucking up the liquid, I watch as the amber shines inside the clear tube, he places it between his lips and repeats the process. “Open,” he grunts over the needle. I shake my head. “Mmm mmmm,” is all I can push out not wanting the pills to fall from my lips. That will warrant another punch to the face.

  “Don’t fucken test me, Blue,” he spits as he takes the needle from his lips and places it down on the table with the other full one and spoon. “One more chance, OPEN!” he screams frustration clear in his tone.

  “NOOOOOOOO,” I wail, holding my breath and slamming my eyes shut. I don’t want to see what’s coming. I feel him pick up the pills, one at a time, grabbing my mouth tight between his fingers forming an O he forces it open. No matter how hard I try to keep them shut, with just one squeeze he has it open. Take it, Blue I hear her, my evil side, the greedy drug-hungry little slapper. You know you want it. She cackles out as I zone my vision in on her in the dark depths of my brain. “FUCK YOU!” I spit out more to her than Viper, but he doesn’t see her and her evil twisted ways, he just sees me and defiance.

  He pushes the pills into my mouth, I feel the small weight of them on my tongue and the chalky feeling sits on it’s tip as I gag before opening my eyes. I watch as he pours the cool, clear water into my mouth pushing my chin up and holding my mouth shut blocking my nose with his fingers. I struggle to hold on. To not swallow down the death wish he has, to no avail. I have to swallow to breathe, I don’t wanna go out this way, not with him on top of me. Shuddering I feel the pills mixed with water slide down my throat with such ease. “Why,” I ask him with disgust in my voice.

  “You know why, Blue, I was on the top of the food chain with you and in one moment of pure defiance you destroyed it and pulled me down to the depths. I told you that you’d pay! I’m here to collect payment.” Pulling my arm up into the air he wraps the belt around it, pulling it tight till the purple vein pops to the top sitting just under the surface of my skin. Kicking out I try to pull free from him, but his body has me pinned.

  Pleading with him I beg. “I’ll do anything, don’t please don’t!”

  “Too late baby,” he says slamming the needle into the vein. My life flicks before my eyes fluttering his lips come down on my arm licking the small droplet of blood that has formed at the entry hole in my arm; a small prick is all that it took to fill my body to its limit. Overdose, please come and take me.

  Watching his movements through glazed eyes as the angels above me start to sing, and the evil me lolls back in the chair while the good me has passed out, he fills his arm then, with the juice of the Devil watching. The stress and tension leave his body as he joins mine on the wings of this drug we call fake love. Falling down on top of me, I feel his hands run down my clammy, naked, exposed skin as his fingers reach my opening, he sends a finger into me. Circling it around and playing with my G-spot nice and deep, he knows how I like it. Bringing his lips to my breasts, sending out small kisses over me, knowing this body so well he feels like a sick home that I need yet want to ruin. Finding my hands moving on their own free will, I pull at the cold steel of his belt buckle and hastily undo it, all of a sudden needing his skin on me. Hating my body for betraying my mind and apologizing to his angel staring down at me for this insanity of mine I let go and allow the Viper of Dublin’s underground to take me.

  The smell of cigar smoke and whiskey swirls out around me as the cool air kisses at my sweaty naked body. I can feel a heartbeat against me

  One, Two, Three, One, Two Three.

  “Knox, is that you?” The arms holding me grip my weak, limp body as I try to move. I feel so heavy. This man’s spine straightens as his steps still to an almost crawl; a low growl vibrates up his torso sitting at the base of his neck. This does not feel at all right, or like Knox. Willing my heavy eyelids to open just for a split second I try to see, but I can’t, it’s like a blanket of concrete has been laid over me. Why can’t I move? Why will my eyes not open? What’s happening to me? Why can’t I remember anything? The air changes as does the smell, I can sense a shift and feel the steps as he takes them One, two, three, four, five, all the way down to twenty-five, stopping at the bottom. The smell hits me. I know this smell. I’ve been here before, the sounds of whimpering and sobs rings out as the telltale sound of keys unlocking a door clink.

  Walking again and then nothing but heavy breathing coming from the chest I’m held against. Before I know it, I’m falling for a split second, free and then, boom, I hit the cold, wet floor of what I now know is a cell, my cell. I’m back in the dungeon again. Shock washes out over me as I shriek from deep down below, the sound scares even my own ears, not realizing it had come from my own body, as a bucket filled with ice cold water hits my naked body, sending jolts through my body, shocking the blanket of what I felt as concrete from my body. My eyes ping open as I try to focus on the man in front of me. Viper and his gang of merry masked men flanking his sides form a circle around me.

  “Baby is that the way you treat your toys?” I question raising my eyebrow up at him trying with all I have to pull my body to a sitting position at least. He looks at his men and back down
at me with a sick twisted smile and leans down, punching me square in the jaw. Head flying back, my vision blurry from the water pooling in them, I bring my hand up to the burn and I look at him with clearer eyes as that smack released a small amount of the drug grip on my soul.

  “Don’t pull that shit, Blue.” I try to scurry back. “Doing what? What you ordered Viper?” I ask rubbing my hand over my face.

  “Don’t piss on me, Blue. you're pushing it” his eyes look at me with sadness.

  “Pushing what? Your bounds? you wanted me out there! You bring her out, it’s not my fault you can’t handle her or want to share. Couldn’t you stay hard baby? Is that why you’re so mad?” I remember now the sad eyes with love in them, the drugs and shooting up not only me, but himself. “Couldn’t do the job hey baby? Went soft did you? That’s what’s got you so worked up!” Whirling around he jumps on me taking my breath, breaking my nose instantly with one sharp punch. The blood pools out over my face, sliding warm and sticky down my neck. But I continue, hoping that maybe he will finally end this torment. “Couldn’t fuck me while I was passed out near OD material, eh honey had you scared, did it?” I was not letting up on my verbal tirade on his sorry ass.

  His palm slaps me hard across my face sending sprays of blood to slash out at him and his mask men standing to the right of me. Slowly I bring my face back to his licking the blood from my lips as my smile widens “Hit me again baby, do you need that to get hard?” I smile out at him and his goons with a wink and blowing him a kiss. His fingers find my throat squeezing until little white dots hit the back of my eyes. Defense kicks in and I pull my legs up kneeing him square in his limp dick. His grip loosens and he falls back as the pain cruises through his body. I scurry back against the cold wall flicking my eyes from man to man waiting for one of them to make their move.

  “Boss” one calls out as the other reaches down and pulls him to his feet as he gasps for air. “I shall fix you junkie love, and that defiant ass of yours.” He spits at me wishing death upon my soul. I take two steps towards him as he takes two towards me spitting blood in his face.

  “Hit me with your best shot scum bag, it’s not me who will meet his maker.” Raising his fist nice and high he brings it down with all he has. He pops my other eye socket breaking it, that I’m sure of as I feel the bone crack under his knuckles. Falling back at the sheer force the wall greets my back sending the rough edges of it’s surface into my bare skin. Sucking in deep, I remind myself that pain is nothing compared to the pain in my face as my eyes begin to close over. I start coughing up blood, spitting, trying to suck air into my pain ravaged body. I look up to see him shaking his head as he wipes my blood from his face. Grabbing my hair tight pulling me into him, he curls his finger inside me. Clenching around them the feeling that consumes me is one mixed with lust and pain.

  “You see, junkie love, I win either way, limp I may have gotten, but fucked you surely got. Sleep baby I’ll be back.” Dropping my body to the cold, wet floor, he stalks away with the masked men flanking him bringing my shaking hands up to my face I can feel the true extent of his work as I feel the blood caking and pooling still along with the puffiness. His footsteps stop as I look up at him, ushering his men away he picks up a blanket from the door, walking back over to me crouching down to my shaking body, he says.

  “I’m beyond fucking angry but I still fucken love you. We could end this all now and overdose together baby it was the plan, wasn’t it? Popping pills, injecting our way out of this envy and into our paradise.” Running his fingers through my hair which is caked in blood, leaning down, he kisses the tip of my nose running his finger over my bottom lip. “See you soon.”

  Curling myself up in the blanket trying hard to cover my naked, bleeding body for the first time since I got here I cry.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Pulling up outside the compound pausing as I go to punch my code into the keypad, the flicker of the hardware sign light catches my eye. Looking up to the windows above I see Nan watching Pa read in his chair. Pushing my bike over the road and pulling down the stand I remove my helmet, jacket, and gloves. Walking up the steps I head into my home, the one place that always, no matter what happens in this fucked up world, feels safe. Pushing the door open my Nan jumps at the intrusion giving her a fright, she stands walking over and wraps her hands around my face. Breathing in her smell I twist my head into her hands, that is all I need, letting out a soul racking breath I lose it. Breaking down she wraps her soft arms around my massive frame.

  “Shh, my sweet Bambino,” pulling me to the couch she sits down. Pulling my legs up I lay my head into her lap, she grazes her fingers over my temple through my hair like she used to when I was little, the pain of the last five days rips at my soul as I lay it all out for them to bear. Pa stands walking over to my shaking body, he pulls a blanket out and flicks it over my body, tears staining my face and hands.

  “I have nothing left.” I utter. Nothing left but the ache for a love lost for the second time. Nan moves to get up, pushing me from her lap. Looking up into her wise eyes. I plead, “please stay. I can’t handle the emptiness,” my voice cracks out.

  Ahh Bambino sure,” She nods to my Pa, and he smiles down at his wife with nothing but love in his eyes. Pulling over the footstool, he places my Nan’s legs on it wrapping her shawl around her before kissing us both on the head. I fall into a sleep laced with boyhood memories and nightmares of times past. The morning sun shatters my slumber, opening heavy sleep filled eyes to the familiar smells and sounds of home I sit up stretching out my stiff limbs from a night curled up on a sofa that is no way meant for my six-foot frame. I hear a crack of knuckles on the door and my Nan scurries in a wind of aprons opening the door with a blunt and forced SSSSHHHHH. I smile she’s amazing I think as I hear Bray’s voice sound out over my Nan.

  “Is he here?” he questions.

  “Sshh yes sleeping and manners young man. Where’s your manners? “Nan scolds him.

  “Sorry Mrs. Ambrose.” I hear him say as he leans down and kisses her cheek. I laugh at the sound of his voice, all sweet boy like, nowhere near the harsh tone of a MC president that I’m so accustomed to hearing.

  “Child that’s fine come in and sit, I shall fix you breakfast.” Bray pulls her in for a hug.

  “Ahh, Mrs. Ambrose I won’t say no.” Standing at the door frame, I smile for what feels like the first time in a long while. Pa walks up behind me slapping a big firm hand on my back. “Sit Knox, eat, you have a long night ahead if you're to save your BELLA- DONNA eh.” He says to me over his coffee cup, smiling at him I nod. Walking over to Bray who smiles at me, he stuffs Cornetti into his mouth, before lifting up his cup of coffee.

  “Morning Brother,” I say eyebrow raised in question to what he is doing here.

  “Morning,” he mumbles out as he gulps down the steaming coffee. We fall into a nice chatter, and from the outside, it would look like a normal breakfast, but to us, it's far from normal.

  After eating I shower changing into fresh jeans a white Tee and my cut. Bray and I kiss my Nan goodbye, shaking Pas hand I pull him in for a man-hug. “Be safe son” he mouths to my ear, nodding I kiss his cheek. Praying to the gods that this won’t be the last time that I get to kiss this man that saved me from more than just a drug filled home and dreams of the dead. He brang me back from the brink of destruction to him and my Nan, both showed Kash and I just what it was to be loved without the exception of anything other than that love.

  Back at the compound, the plans are in full swing to raid Satan’s Dancer’s Gentlemen Club tonight. The plan is that at 12 AM we attack, my skin is itching for it, my blood is thumping and the demon inside is relishing in the taste of the hell-bent massacre that we shall rain upon them. Bray has scouters out watching gathering info. The two muppets are still up in the shed, they will be delivered first in an unmarked van, beaten, bloodied with a warning attached to their heads and the Reaper craved and burnt into their backs. Walkin
g into the club I pull out a bar stool singling the young lady behind it for a beer, I haven’t seen her here before.

  Spinning in my stool beer in hand I watch as the clubhouse comes to life, Bray walking down from his office takes my eye, he looks stressed something is up with him. More than this shit going on, he sees me nodding I nod back, what’s he up to, I down the rest of my beer as Jamie walks in,

  “Brother, you ready for a shit fight?” I ask him. A massive grin spreads across his face, he gets off on this shit.

  “You know it.”

  I smile at him glad to have him by my side. He knows me better than anyone, he knows the way my body moves, fights and breathes. His demon is friends with mine. They will both come together and blood will fly. This won’t be pretty. As the minutes mold into hours we all get ready, giving orders, packing the vans and 81 and cage drag the limp forms of our house guests through the dirt throwing them into the back of one of the vans. I smirk at the state of them and just how much fucken worse it’s about to become.

  Lilly and the club girls set out food and drinks bringing down our gear for tonight’s raid, all black with skull bandannas that leave just our eyes free so they see into the eyes of the Reapers Reign as I put it on the black hoodie I see the reaper of death sitting proud on the back smiling. I pull it down over my head sliding into,shaking it out as I step into my black combat boots lacing them up. I see Bray walking in looking a fuck load worse than before. I am hoping like fuck that his head is in this. I know he has sit going one, but Blue needs us to be one hundred percent there tonight. I carry on as all the Reapers gear up along with our sister chapters who have had a serious cull out after the shit that just went down. Heading out into the night’s sky, looking up I send a silent wish out to Angel to watch my back and the backs of my brother’s, “baby here we come” I whisper into the night.


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