Swept Away

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Swept Away Page 4

by Marie Byers

  “I know it’ll eat you up if you let it,” he says.

  “You speaking from experience?” she challenges and her words are loose and raw with the fresh pain of Mom’s deception scratching at her memory with this stranger’s hand on her face.

  She wants to lash out at him, strike him and cut him with her words and fuck him hard into the ground with her body until he’s writhing beneath her, trapped and tamed. Or let him gobble her up like he says her ‘sad’ will do until there’s nothing left of her and nothing left to feel because even that’s preferable to this yawning empty hurt that throbs and aches every second of every day.

  He sees that too, or hears her desperation, or has his own betrayer in his own recent past.

  “You gonna let it,” he asks her instead of answering her question, and she was wrong before, there is a hint of an accent, something faint but familiar and it sounds like home on his lips.

  “Are you?” she gasps breathlessly, honest and real this time and not the fake approximation of lustful temptress she’ll never be.

  A door opens at her back and he’s growling into her lips, a kiss broken with words and swift bite of his teeth pulling her in:

  “Not today. Not. Yet.”

  He’s rough and unyielding and it’s exactly what she needs, the harsh rasp of his stubble as he sucks the breath from her body, the searing heat of his tongue laving her mouth wide open and the way he takes just as desperately as she gives.

  Amber doesn’t have a chance to look around but she doesn’t care, there’s nothing important here. Walls and a floor and a soft bed are all a bonus at this point. She wants his wide hands on her body, touching her, burning her and leaving her skin sizzling in their wake; his firm chest beneath her own, until her aching muscles sink into the girth of him and melt.

  He doesn’t disappoint. Amber’s pushed up against something hard, a wall or the door, and he follows her there until she’s trapped, happily, moaning into his deep wet kisses and scrabbling for purchase at that sailor’s uniform that looks so very good on him but would look much better on the floor.

  Simultaneously he’s yanking at her dress, pulling the skirt further up her thighs as he slides his thickly muscled leg between her own. Amber shudders against him, into him, and lets him stake his claim.

  He’s the exact opposite of everything she’s attracted to—chiseled and thick where she’s always gone for reedy thin nerds with brains larger than their brawn—and yet her body is vibrating with lust. Desire a tsunami that sweeps through her and leaves her wet and her limbs shaking and fine beads of perspiration dripping from her brow.

  His large hands fondle her body, knuckles brushing against her stiff nipples that strain through cotton and lace for his touch. Caressing at her hips as her thong panties are slowly revealed as he raises her hem, gathering fabric between his fingers. She hisses when he grunts in her ear, pleased with the progress he’s made when rough fingertips hit the soft concave of her belly.

  She’s breathing harsh and fierce so fucking ready for sex, for a fuck, for him, that she breathes his salty musk in deep as sin.

  Amber’s never wanted something as much as she needs that long steel rod that’s still tucked in his pants and rolls against her now with each grind of his hips against her yellow silk covered crotch.

  She spreads her legs invitingly, moaning into his clothed shoulder. He’s so broad and huge and everywhere, wrapped around her and sheltering her from the outside world with just the sheer size of him. And she likes it, and she wants it, wants more of him. Wants his taste in her mouth, and her senses filled with him until she can’t think of anything but the carnal dance of their bodies crashing over and over into each other madly.

  “Fuck me,” she groans, shy and awkward lost somewhere between his teeth and his tongue, in her mouth, on her neck, down her throat.

  He chuckles, grinds his cock against her cunt, boldly mimicking what it is she wants. “Oh I will, honey, I’ll fuck you good and full until you’re screaming the walls down and coming on my cock.”

  He’s as good as his word, she’s learning.

  No sooner are the words out than he’s swallowing her back up with his talented mouth, full and swollen and slick with her kisses, and gets his fingers on her panties.

  He hesitates there a second, wickedly, turning her inside out with his tongue in her mouth and his body firmly pressing her hard into the wall, and his braced stance keeping her legs wide open to his advances, and her skirt a tangled mess of wrinkled fabric wound around her waist. She’s whimpering by the time he moves her panties aside and traces her pussy with the barely there weight of one searching finger.

  “Oh God, Yes. Just do it, touch me,” she begs.

  Fingers trail around her outer lips and her clit pulses to the rhythm of their drag, wet sliding down her folds.

  “Please just touch me, just touch me,” she pants.

  Her mind isn’t on anything but the here and now; his heat emanates from his pores and she soaks it in, feels his presence within her in the heaviness of restraint. Amber rocks her hips up to meet him, to force his hand on her hungry cunt, make him go faster, now, immediately so she can grab that crest that’s already threatening and ride it for all it’s worth.

  He kisses her flushed and writhing, desire wriggling and twisting her up into knots, and pretend-touches through her pubes so it tickles her, teases her, wrenches up her arousal tenfold.

  Finally, when her throat is stinging rough-hoarse and her cries are still pouring from her lips like water from a well, he rubs her. Skin to skin, flesh to flesh, he puts his fingers on her clit and follows that stiff nub all the way back to her slick hole.

  Amber wraps her legs around him, her calves winding around the back of his thighs and her pussy pressed up against his crotch as their hips and his fingers grind.

  Electric shocks of arousal and pleasure rock through her body in bursts of “oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” And she can’t keep it silent. He fills her with his fingers, one, then two, then three, playing with her hole and scooping wet from her cunt to slide stickily up her clit and between her pussy lips. There’s a pounding in her ears and her eyes are squeezed shut so hard spots dance behind them and her fingers hurt from how she fists them, the tangled fabric of his shirt caught in her fierce grip, and he pumps in and out of her cunt.

  He thrusts with his hips, the bulging line of his erect cock bumping against his fingers as he works. Fucks her with them, keeps her wet and open and fucks her with no thought for gentle soft love. Claims her with his touch and washes away everything that’s come before with the sheer force of her orgasm when the fucking touches something deep inside and unleashes it with a sudden gush.

  Amber raps her head hard on the wall but she’s too busy being overwhelmed by her climax to notice the pain.

  She comes a long time, mouth open in a silent pleasure that beats against her excruciatingly; words and voice stolen abruptly with the intensity of orgasm sucker-punching her. Feeling warmed and good and viciously reborn with just a couple of fingers inside her cunt; Amber sags against him when she’s done. He pets her through the afterglow, moving slow and careful despite the fact he’s still hard as rock and he’s rubbing himself off in tiny circles on her thigh, breathing heavily and whispering mumbled words she can’t decipher with her body loose and eyelids heavy with the sweet pull of sleep.

  “So beautiful,” he groans, voice wrecked even though she’s been the one screaming.

  Amber rolls her head towards his neck and breaths him in. Sex and salt and something spicy besides, he smells so fucking good, just as good as he feels. She licks up his throat and his fingers rock inside her pulling out another shuddering wave. Yes, and tastes. She loves the way he tastes too, with desire on his skin clear and bright.

  He slides his fingers out and wipes the remnants of her pleasure on her panties, though he doesn’t bother to pull them back into place. And her pussy feels empty again, she can feel after waves still contract
ing it and she wants him back, wants him filling her and on her and in her.

  “Mmm,” she moans, squeezes around him tight between her thighs.

  “I wanna feel you, baby,” he groans right back, words licked into her mouth.

  He swoops her up into his arms and deposits her onto her bed, gentle now that the first flush of desperation has passed. At least for her, she doesn’t know how he can stand to move so fluidly with that third fucking appendage tenting out his pants. Fuck, she wants his cock inside her, mouth, pussy, ass, she’d even be willing to try that last one, maybe, if he asks.

  He kisses her quick, fierce, breaking her thoughts.

  “You feel me? Feel how hard you made me?” he breathes onto the damp space between her breasts.

  Her cleavage is bare and heaving on offer to his bent mouth hovering so tantalizingly close. But it’s not enough and she grapples with her dress to get it off. He eases his weight off her long enough to strip out of his own clothes and she’s frozen for a moment, watching glistening golden skin appear, chiseled and cut every inch of him as hard and defined as she’d guessed.

  He chuckles as she lets out an unintended, “Holy shit.” And he removes the rest of her clothing for her, swift and efficient.

  He brings himself back down to her breasts and kisses her there. His tongue swirls around her nipples tracing the pink-brown of her areolas thoroughly and sucking her nipples up between pursed lips, sucking on her tit like he can extract milk from them. She’s shivering and wet again, ready to receive him with pleasure singing loud and gripping and off-key. She only got a glance at his cock as it rose proudly through a thicket of coarse brown curls, struck as she was by the rest of him so different from what she’s used to.

  That one glance was enough though, he’s every bit as thick and long as she thought and she wonders frantically if perhaps she’s not wet or open enough to accept him inside painlessly. It doesn’t matter, pain or pleasure she wants him there. As hopelessly desperate for his cock to fill her up as she has been for peace these last few weeks. Somehow the two intrinsically connected and tangled together like their bodies are now.

  She bucks up with her hips, arches her back to get closer, and his wide hands press her tits around his face as he eats out the valley between them with laving licks.

  “Don’t tease me,” she groans, pussy pulsing and throbbing and his own erect cock twitching imploringly where it’s nestled between the crease where her inner thigh meets her pussy.

  He grumbles something she can’t make out, his fingers splayed along the sides of her breasts and keeping them molded around his face, his breath tickling her and chilling the drying spit he’s licked onto her sweat slick skin. He pulls up when the need for air gets to be too much, she can tell by the way he’s panting and flushed.

  “You on the pill?” he asks and his eyes are blown wide, pupils dark and aroused swallowing everything else.

  She shivers with lust. And maybe a little disappointment because no she’s not, she’s a virgin, she’s a goddamn stupid virgin and she’s not on anything but a couple of glasses of alcohol and her own impotent rage and her stupid fucked up family.

  Amber shakes her head and tears burn at her eyes. She wants him, she needs him, he can’t stop now.

  He rolls his hips and his cock slides up, rubs against her pussy and makes her eyes flutter shut with how good it feels.

  “We get tested,” he says and he’s staring into her soul but she doesn’t want to hide, she wants him to see every part of her because there’s nothing she’s ashamed of here, nothing in his gaze that makes her feel less than fucking fantastically perfect.

  She stares back, open and willing but uncomprehending.

  He smiles a little and adds, “I’m clean.” And his cock juts harder against that sweetly sensitive place and she shudders in his arms and just wants him fucking in.

  “I’m a virgin, I haven’t ever been with anyone like this before, I’ve never done more than kiss,” she babbles, letting him rock and grind, moving her own hips up in a counterpoint that never quite provides enough.

  He hisses and presses his forehead back down against her breasts, holds still there and makes some noises high and desperate like whimpering. “Fucking, shit,” he groans, wet and broken into her skin.

  “I still want you,” Amber admits, she brings her legs up around his waist and holds him there. “Please, I just—I want this.”

  He moans as she finds the head of his dick and it skitters off her belly. Breathlessly he agrees, promises her, “Okay. I’ll pull out before I come, okay?”

  “Okay. Yes. Okay.”

  Her head rocks back for the second time that night, this time swaddled in the soft press of pillows. He’s just as tight a fit as she’d feared and he burns going in, stretching her wider and wider on one long unending thrust.

  It burns, it burns so bad though she’s used dildos before. But the feeling of getting filled, having him in there…fuck, that makes it all worth it.

  He grunts, softly patient as he pushes himself in, slow increment by fucking inch. His arms brace himself up over her head, their fingers entwined and she squeezes down hard as he finally bottoms out, making her gasp with how much of him there is filling her up. His balls are brushing against her ass, her legs wrapped firmly around his waist and his jaw is clenched from how badly he’s restraining himself from just taking what he wants. She can see his pulse jump in his temple and it makes her pussy flood with slick, arousal shuddering through her.

  She knows it’s stupid to agree to let him fuck her bare but she’s never wanted another human being as much as she wants him. It equals the fervor with which she wanted Michael, but different, more real, he’s actually in her arms, his chest squashing down her breasts so her stiff nipples sting with a beautiful hurt, his sweet breath mingling with her own, tongue sucking kisses out her mouth. It’s real. It’s what she wants.

  Amber releases one of his hands and caresses his face. “Fuck me,” she breathes.

  He does.

  He fucks her deep and hard, as she bucks up to meet each thrust, slamming their hips together and rocking his bed with loud unmistakable crashes of the head board thumping into the wall above.

  He fucks her until she’s trembling, caught on the precipice of another spine melting orgasm and stuck there.

  He nips at her throat and soothes it with his tongue, growls into her mouth that he’s not leaving until Wednesday and laughs when she gasps out: “I don’t know your name.”

  “Michael,” he groans, “Michael Westlake.”

  Amber’s pussy clenches and convulses around his hard length as she realizes he’s not a stranger after all, she knows him almost as well as she’s known herself.

  He keeps on humping and thrusting as she breaks apart, screaming her pleasure to the world.

  He fucks her and fucks her and she takes it, loving every last second.

  He takes her virginity in the most perfect way, even if it’s not flowers and candles and softly sweet with his mouth pressed against her pulse point like she’d fantasized about. Those were mostly the imaginings of a romance-soaked youth and his strength at her fingertips, his force pressing her mouth open to accept his tongue, his thick thighs between her legs, opening her up, it’s better.

  Then fucks her full of his come, promise forgotten as his own orgasm seizes his muscles tight.

  Amber melts into him as his hand trips down to her clit, she bucks her hips and rolls into his touch and orgasm swallows her up.

  * * * *

  She’s never sobered up so fast, not that she makes it a practice to get drunk in the first place.

  “Michael?” Amber asks when her heart has settled down and she’s no longer on the brink of an attack. His cock is softening inside her and her legs are still around his waist, slick with sweat.

  He moans, “Amber” into her throat. And at first she thinks it’s an answer to her question but then she realizes…she hasn’t told him her name. Not once ha
s she said her name tonight.

  Amber pushes him up and he goes loose limbed and flops onto his back, an arm thrown over his eyes. “Sorry,” he mumbles thick and hoarse, “I mean I don’t know your name so I can’t really—” he breaks off with a laugh that’s more hysterical than amused. “If you tell me your name, I’ll call you that instead. You just remind me of someone and I—”

  Amber leans over him, lets her hair fall across his face as she moves his arm so she can see those beautiful eyes again. “Someone you know?”

  His eyes soften as he looks up at her. “Someone I’ve been in love with for a very long time,” he admits quietly, “I’m just too much of a coward to tell her. God, I suck at this. I’m sorry, it was supposed to be your night, you just let me have your—you know, and I’m talking about loving someone else. Can you tell I don’t do this—pretty much ever?”

  Amber laughs, just a soft small chuckle, and puts her fingers over his mouth. It’s good to know he still rambles and says ‘you know’ every other breath when he’s nervous. Talking by letter left a lot to be desired. “Michael, you can call me Amber. It is my name after all.”

  She just looks at him until he gets it, a wide grin pulling sappy-stupid at her mouth.

  Under her hand his chest has stopped moving, by the way his eyes widen it’s because he’s holding his breath not because she’s killed him with the surprise. “Amber Moore?”

  “It’s me,” she confirms simply, “I told you I was coming to Australia, you’re the one that pulled out last minute.”

  The words hardly leave her mouth before he’s crushing her to his chest and enveloping her in another spine-melting, knee-weakening, soul-shaking kiss. He doesn’t let her up for a long time and she doesn’t mind.

  Their next time is just as slow and soft and sweet as every imagining, better. His hands caress every inch of her body, his mouth takes and tastes her entirety. And when he slides back in, sticky wet from their first time, slick on her own juices, she receives him eagerly, her hips helping to guide him in.


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