If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!) Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  “So, Mr. Hunt says you work in his spa?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I might have to come by, my back’s been bothering me.” He flexed and gave her a grin. “Do you think you could make me feel good?”

  “I’m sure I could help.”

  A warm hand at her back gave Tennessee’s presence away. “I’m afraid she’s all booked up for the foreseeable future, O’Neil.”

  “Ah, I see.” He gave Tennessee a cold smile. “Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying.” He winked at Molly. “I should’ve been faster on the draw.” Slapping Ten on the back hard, he said, “If I’d been here a week ago, this all might be working out differently. No hard feelings?” Greg held out his hand to Tennessee. “The best man won and all that.”

  Molly didn’t know what to say and Tennessee appeared to be a bit upset. She placed a hand on his arm.

  “If you’d been here a week ago, I still would’ve taken her away from you.” Ten drawled, finally shaking the other man’s hand, maybe squeezing a bit harder than necessary.

  “Possibly, who knows? Anything is fair in love and war.” Greg bowed his head, seeming to accept Ten’s open avowal of what he considered to be his territory. “Good to see you again, Molly.”

  “Do you want war, O’Neil?” Tennessee was fast losing his cool.

  Greg O’Neil got right in Ten’s face and whispered. “I’m going to take you down, McCoy. I don’t know how or when, but you’d best always be looking over your shoulder. I won’t rest until I take everything away from you I can.”

  Tennessee tense, ready for a fight. People had gathered around. Rita Hunt was watching them like a hawk. “Just try, Greg. I’d love to see you try.”

  “We best be going,” Molly interjected, attempting to diffuse the surprisingly tense situation. She wasn’t used to men vying for her attention. Some women might like it, but she didn’t.

  “Yes.” Clasping Molly to his side, Ten led her out. The moment the cooler breeze of the dark spring night hit his face, he came to his senses – somewhat. “I showed my ass, didn’t I?”

  “A bit.” Molly conceded with a smile. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing worth worrying about. He’s someone from my past, we have a bit of a history. How do you know him?”

  “His family used to stay at the lodge where I worked.” Once they were out of the glare of the hotel lights, she pulled him close and kissed him hard. “I am so damn proud of you.”

  Immediately all of his jealousy melted away. “This afternoon when Hunt called, you’re the first one I wanted to tell my news to. Not my family. And there’s no one else I’d rather have with me tonight than you. I can’t wait to take you out, show you the land and tell you about my dreams.”

  “I’d love to see.” Molly did something then, she hadn’t thought she would. She didn’t want to sleep anywhere near anything Rita Hunt owned. “Come home with me, Ten. I want to be with you in my bed.” Also, when he was gone, she wanted to remember him there.

  “Like I said – anywhere, anytime.” Taking her by the hand, Ten led her away.


  Molly didn’t know if it was the slight run-in with the man at the party or the excitement over the proposed business deal. But whatever it was, Tennessee was more intense than she’d ever seen him. She loved it. He didn’t even let her walk. Instead he carried her over the threshold like a bride. Once he placed Molly on her bed, he undressed her with impatient hands.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she teased him.

  “To bed with me,” he countered, ridding himself of his own clothes when he was finished with hers. Coming over her, Tennessee kissed the corner of her mouth, then used his tongue to trace the seam. Molly kissed him back, inciting him to sink his teeth into her bottom lip. With a moan, Moly parted her lips and invited him inside.

  Tennessee accepted her invitation. With unparalleled hunger, he inhaled her. Cupping her breasts, his hard cock nestled between them, Tennessee used his whole body to claim her. With heated kisses, he blazed a trail down her throat to her breasts. “You have no idea how much I love sucking your nipples. I’ll never get enough.” He pushed them together, then rubbed his face over their plumpness, spreading little biting kisses from nipple to nipple and up and down her cleavage.

  Running her fingers through his hair, Molly closed his eyes as he licked and lapped at her breasts. He kneaded, molded, shaping them in his hands. He kissed her all around one nipple, but deprived her of the erotic sensation she needed most. “Please, please,” she begged.

  “What do you need, baby?” he asked, as he tortured her with systematic sensual intent.

  “You know what I want,” she gasped out the words.

  “Say it,” he directed, circling her breast with a wreath of kisses, but not coming to the very center as she craved.

  “Suck me, dammit!” she whimpered.

  He smiled against her flesh. This woman’s passion equaled his own. Lucky is the man who finds a woman who desires him as much as he does her. Placing his mouth over her breast, he drew the nipple deep and sucked hard.

  Molly cried out, feeling desire build between her legs.

  He didn’t let up, he sucked and laved, flattening his tongue against the nipple and rubbing until she did the same thing with her legs, seeking relief for her clit that was buzzing with arousal.

  “Like that?” he whispered as he pulled back to catch his breath.

  “More, more,” she fisted her fingers in his hair and guided him to her other breast. With a groan of satisfaction he accepted her direction, suckling and tickling her nipple with his tongue.

  Molly was mindless with pleasure, she had no idea she could feel like this just from his mouth on her breast. From out of nowhere she was hit by an orgasm so hard that she couldn’t keep her body flat on the bed. “Tennessee!” she cried as he held her down, his fingers delving between her legs to catch the cream that was pooling there.

  “Oh, baby, you are so sweet, so sweet.” He went to his knees, carefully straddling her body until his knees were almost under her arms.

  “Where are you going?” He loomed over her like some wild-maned Greek god. “Can I?” She reached for his big cock, opening her mouth like she was anticipating a lolly-pop.

  “Yes, but my way.” He looked to her bedside table and saw some lotion in a pump bottle. Reaching over, he squirted a dab into his palm, then rubbed it on the shaft of his cock, not the head. “Will you take me between your tits?”

  His request thrilled her. “Yes. I’m up for experimenting.” Molly gave him the same smile Eve gave Adam in the garden, decidedly seductive.

  “Well, since I’m ‘up’ for it too,” he grinned at her, “let’s see how this feels.” Leaning forward, he grabbed the headboard. “Make a place for me, push those golden globes together.”

  Sex with Tennessee was erotic excitement laced with pure fun. The best combination she could think of. Framing her breasts, she pushed them together, capturing his manhood between them.

  With a flex of his hips and a tensing of his thighs, he began to move, sliding up and down the valley between her breasts. Molly wasn’t huge, but she was proud her breasts were round and firm. Watching his face was amazing, he really was incredibly handsome. And by the look on his face, he was enjoying what they were doing. Soon her attention was drawn to where their bodies were joined. Molly saw an opportunity and acted on it. The next time his cock slid toward her face, she darted her tongue out and lapped at the tip.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he moaned. So she did it again, and again. Finally, he pushed up and stayed there so she could suck to her hearts content. “Sweet, sweet mouth.” With a growl, he pulled out, pumped a couple more times and let her suck some more. Ten was about to blow, but he wanted to come inside of her. “Let’s switch.” Molly whimpered when he pulled out of her mouth and moved. Soon she was on board, though. He reversed their positions, guiding her on top of him. “Take me inside of you.”

Molly braced herself, raised up and fit his cockhead to the mouth of her channel. “Oh, this is gonna be good,” she sighed, sinking down – down – taking him deep. “You fill me up just right.”

  Ten loved the look on her face. Giving this woman pleasure was a pleasure in itself. “Now, ride me. I want to see your tits jiggle.”

  His raunchy comment made Molly blush and giggle. But ride him she did. Taking his hands, she twined their fingers and moved up and down. Up and down. “Hmmmm,” she hummed, loving the way his erection stretched her. When she found her rhythm, he pulled his hands free so he could hold her tits, a palm cupping over each, rubbing the nipples and squeezing the sensitive flesh. “Oh, Ten,” she moaned.

  “You’re so sexy,” he praised her as he played with her tits. He kept his eyes on her face, loving the way she chewed on her lower lip, like she was concentrating so hard on how good what they were doing felt to her. He was totally fascinated, in tune with her every move. And when she placed her hands on his pecs and bore down, tightening herself around him, he growled.

  Instead of sliding up and down his pole, she began to move back and forth, letting her clit find friction against his body. “I’m cumming!” she cried, a hot thrilling rush of pleasure flashing through her sex, radiating all the way up to her nipples.

  Ten felt like the original primal possessive male. He held on to her hips and began to buck upward, thrusting up into her over and over. Like he’d wanted, her tits were bouncing and jiggling and the sight was hot as hell. With his heart pounding and his body wet with sweat, he slammed his cock into her tight, wet pussy.

  Molly was flying. She was hanging on, the meaning of a multiple orgasm becoming clear. “God, Ten! Harder!” she screamed as he pistoned into her.

  When her sweet pussy started pulsing around him again, he closed his eyes, giving himself over to the rapture. Surrendering, he emptied his cock. Nothing he’d ever experienced even came close to this.

  * * *

  “Take the day off and spend it with me,” he whispered against her lips. The alarm clock had sounded, waking Ten up. Molly was draped across his chest as cuddly as a contented kitten.

  She yawned and stretched, making his heart hitch. There was really no way around it, he was falling for this woman – hard and fast. “Ummm.” She rubbed her face against his chest. “I could call in, I have a couple of vacation days left.” Raising up, she kissed him on the nose. “What did you have in mind?”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he rubbed her back, enjoying the velvety smoothness of her skin. “I want to drive out and look at the land the Gages are offering for bid.”

  “And you want me with you?” Her chin was on her hand which rested right over his heart.

  “I want you to help me dream.”

  Awww, a lump came in her throat. Rolling off, she took her phone, hit a number and waited for Selma to answer. “Hey, girl. I’m taking the day off. I only had two appointments. It’s going to be a slow day. Can you cover for me?”

  “You? A day off? Is the world ending?” Selma laughed. “Sure. It wouldn’t have anything to do with that sex-on-a-stick cowboy I saw you with the other day, would it?”

  “Maybe.” After Rita had threatened her the night before, she might lose her job anyway. Molly hoped Mr. Hunt wouldn’t let that happen, but she couldn’t be sure.

  “Okay. Have a good time,” Selma said in a sing-song voice.

  “Thank you.” Hanging up, she turned back to kiss Tennessee. “I’m all yours!”

  “Yes, you are.” He caught her to him. The world seemed to be fraught with excitement. With her in his arms, he felt like anything was possible.

  After they were up and ready, Molly fed him bacon and pancakes she prepared in her tiny kitchen. Ten had no complaints. Everything was as neat as a pen. The only thing worrying him was that he saw no A/C unit. There was only an oscillating fan. Right now, the temperature was cool. But what did she do in the summertime? Or the winter? He didn’t like it, but he said nothing. She was happy and he was lucky to be with her.

  Once they were through with breakfast, she quickly cleaned up the kitchen, then stood before him. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Great.” Ten was checking his phone, plugging in the address on the GPS. We need to head southwest of town.” He held the door and soon they were in his car and on the road. “You don’t know how important this is to me,” Ten explained. “This is my chance to do something on my own.” He began to pour out his heart, telling her how every one of his brothers seemed to have their dreams within their reach.

  “I gave you a hard time when we first met.” Molly turned in the seat to look at him.

  “Yes, you did.” He let his eyes rove over her. She could do more for a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt than any woman he knew. “You made me prove myself.”

  “Well, you did,” she assured him. “An ordinary man can’t do what you do. You go into the wilderness or the desert, you scale mountains and forge rivers – all to rescue people who get into trouble. I can’t imagine doing anything more important.”

  “Thanks.” He rubbed a finger down her cheek. “I will never stop search and rescue. I just feel there’s more I can do.”

  “You can do anything you want to do, Tennessee.”

  When she gazed at him with complete faith and trust in her eyes, he believed her.

  As they neared their destination, Ten could see the hills turn into broad mesas. “Look, the perfect terrain for wind turbines. This is such an opportunity, Molly. I’m not new to this. Heath has all the connections. When he orders blades or motors, I can order with him and we’ll be able to get a better quantity price.”

  “Sounds like it’s meant to be.” She loved to see him so excited. “Can we drive closer?”

  “Yea, there’s supposed to be a turn-off, watch for it.”

  “There it is.” She pointed and he eased off the road and turned down a narrow lane. “In about a quarter mile there should be a gate.”

  When he came to a stop, she opened the door and jumped out. “I’ll get it.” Molly held it open while he drove through.

  Once she was back in the truck, he started off again. “You’d be a good partner, Miss Molly.”

  Molly certainly thought so. A longing for something more with Ten was beginning to build in her soul. She tried to keep her feet on the ground, but the more time she spent with him, the more she began to dream.

  “Let’s park here and get out to walk around.” He came around to meet her, then they strolled toward one of the huge buttes that rose some five to eight hundred feet above the flatter ground. Pulling Molly in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her. “Just picture it, a whole forest of wind turbines, generating electricity, saving the earth from global warming and dependence on fossil fuel.”

  Molly layered her arms over his, loving the feel of being cradled to him. “Those wind turbines always remind me of big birds, thunderbirds or eagles. Maybe a hawk. A bird of prey.”

  “That’s what we’ll call it.” He kissed her on the neck. “The Thunder-hawk project. I like it.”

  “When do you have to have the bid in?” she asked as he tugged her hand and they walked closer.

  “I have a few weeks to get my proposal in, the Gages are supposed to send me an exact date in a few days.” Molly stood at his side while he surveyed the horizon, picturing how it would look covered in the three hundred foot towers. “The only downside is that I have to go home.”


  Molly felt like she’d just been punched in the gut. She’d known he would have to leave, he had to return to his ranch sometime. Still, she didn’t want him to go. “When?”

  “Tonight, tomorrow at the latest. The pilot had another run to make, so I have to wait for him. I need to see Ben Hunt before I go.” He turned her in his arms and kissed the living daylights out of her. “But I need to spend all day with my best girl.”

  Molly clung to him. “I think that can be arranged.” She refused to ask
him when he’d be back or how any of this was going to work.

  “Perfect. Let’s drive a little farther down the road, then I need to get somewhere with a good signal and call Heath.”

  On the way back to Alpine, Ten talked to his older brother, filling him in on some of the details. She listened, learning a few things about him and his family. It was obvious he was close to them, and equally obvious that they supported him. She kept waiting for him to mention her, say something about their relationship or the time they’d spent together – but he didn’t. Molly inched over closer to the window. Her body was chilled and the rays of the sun felt good on her skin. It wasn’t because she was pulling away from him, steeling herself against their separation, and the unanswered questions in her heart. Or at least that’s what she told herself.

  “I’ll be flying home tonight. The contract was for a round trip flight. When I come back, I’ll have to make other arrangements. Maybe I can make some kind of deal with Jimmy, use his plane occasionally.”

  Molly wondered who Jimmy was, realizing how much she didn’t know about him. With a sigh, she looked out the window at the barren landscape. The view was appropriate, she felt barren, bereft. Despite her intentions to protect her heart, she could feel it clench in fear that he didn’t feel the same as she did. And how did she feel? Molly shook her head, dispelling those thoughts before she admitted to herself something she wasn’t ready to face.

  “And Heath, I’ve met someone, someone I’m going to want you to meet really soon.”

  Molly whipped her head around to look at him, Ten was grinning at her.

  “Her name’s Molly.” He listened, then frowned slightly. “Yes, that’s right.” Molly wondered what his brother had said. “All right. Sure. Tell everyone hello.” Once he put down the phone, he took her hand.

  “You told Heath about me.” She blurted out the obvious.

  “Yes, I did.” Ten rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. “He wants to know more about you. He’s a protective cuss.”


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