If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!)

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If I Can Dream (Hell Yeah!) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  Molly jumped up. Could it be Tennessee? Maybe he came back early to surprise her. Without really thinking, she ran to the door and threw it open. But it wasn’t Ten, it was Greg O’Neil. “Oh, hello, Greg. Can I help you?”

  Greg tipped his hat. “Sorry to bother you so late, Molly.”

  “That’s okay. What can I do for you? She remembered how upset Tennessee had been when they’d talked casually. She didn’t want to do anything to upset him more.

  “Is Tennessee here? I’d like to talk to him if he is.”

  Molly hesitated for a heartbeat or two. Telling a near stranger she was all alone could be foolish. But this was Ben Hunt’s friend and she’d known him when he was younger. He couldn’t be all bad. “No, he’s at the family ranch up near Burnet.”

  “Oh.” Greg looked a bit disappointed. “Too bad. I really needed to speak to him…about the turbine bid,” he explained. Removing his hat, he gave Molly a friendly smile. “I hate to ask this, but would you mind if I used your facilities. I’m embarrassed, but I don’t even know where the nearest restroom is, and I hate to just use the bushes.”

  She shouldn’t have blushed, but she did. How could she turn away a man in dire straits? “Oh sure, come in.” She stepped back and opened the door. “My place isn’t much, at least it’s clean. Down the hall, first door on the right.”

  When he disappeared into her restroom, she fled to the other end of the trailer and sought refuge in the kitchen, pretending to check something on the stove. When she heard the toilet flush, Molly waited a few minutes before returning to the door. He was emerging from the hall.

  “Thank you, Miss Reyes. I’m sorry to have barged in on you and taken such an advantage of our brief acquaintance.” Greg started toward the door, seemed to be in a hurry.

  “I’ll let Ten know you came by.” Molly offered.

  “Oh, that’s not necessary. I’ll phone him tomorrow.” Without farther adieu, he let himself out. “Thanks again, Molly. You helped me tonight.”

  She came to the door, watched him leave and locked it. Weird.


  Once he was a safe distance away, Greg O’Neil pulled over and turned on the overhead light. He stared at the ring in his hand with disbelief, trying to digest the implications.

  What could this mean?

  His head was swimming with possibilities. He had some investigating to do.

  Slipping the piece of gold in his pocket, he pulled back on the road.

  Tennessee McCoy might not be his only problem.


  It wasn’t five minutes after O’Neil left that Molly heard the scream of sirens. She peered out the window and saw an ambulance rushing right by her trailer. Going out to stand on her steps, she saw the emergency vehicle stop at Paul and Carlos’ trailer. Not hesitating a second, she took off running, hearing Paul yelling. “He’s in here!”

  She didn’t get in the way. Instead, she hung back until the men were in the door, then she grabbed Carlos. “What happened?”

  “I think he had a heart attack. He clasped his chest and collapsed. How’s that possible? He’s only twenty-five.”

  Molly could see the fear on his face. “Is he still breathing?”

  “Yes, but he won’t wake up.” Molly turned with them and watched the EMT’s work on Paul. “How is he?” Carlos asked.

  “He’s stable, but we’re taking him to the hospital.”

  Soon, they had him on the stretcher. “Let me ride with you?” Carlos ran behind them to the ambulance doors.

  “Won’t you need your car?” The EMT asked.

  “I’ll follow you to the hospital,” Molly called out. “Don’t worry.”

  The flashing lights and the siren were turned on again as Molly hurried back to her trailer to grab her purse and keys.

  Back at the Highlands…

  The eleven o’clock hour didn’t come quick enough for Tennessee. As soon as he could, he broke away from his family and retired to his room so he could have some alone time with Molly on the phone. Stretched out his bed wearing nothing more than a pair of cotton briefs, he phoned her.

  With anticipation, he listened to the rings. One. Two. Three. He frowned. Why wasn’t she answering? Four. Five. Six. When the voice mail kicked in, he spoke up quickly. “Molly, where are you?”

  Worried, he stood up and paced the room. Every two or three minutes, he tried again. Finally, about two o’clock, he gave up. He plopped down on the bed, bowing his head, dry-scrubbing his face. Hell, if she didn’t call him first thing in the morning, he’d call the police and head straight back.

  After a restless night’s sleep, Tennessee was fit to be tied. He was on the verge of telling Heath that he couldn’t go with him to visit the turbine farm. The girls prepared omelets and the whole family sat down for breakfast. Ten was just picking at his food.

  “What’s wrong?” Pepper asked, concerned.

  “I can’t reach Molly.” No use hiding it. “I’m worried.”

  As if his words were the cue, a vibration in his back-pocket alerted him to a phone call. Jumping up from his chair, he jerked the phone out and glanced at the display. Molly Reyes. An overwhelming feeling of relief hit him in the gut, it made him weak in the knees. “Molly?” he asked as he answered.

  “Oh, Ten, I’m so sorry I missed your phone call. Paul, my neighbor, had a heart attack and I’ve been at the hospital with Carlos all night.”

  “Is he all right?” Only now was his heart rate finding its normal pace.

  “Yes, they think he’ll be fine. It was scary, though. He’s so young.”

  “I was scared, Molly. Where was your cell?”

  “I left it on the coffee table, I’d been waiting for your call. When the ambulance came and I decided to go with Carlos, I grabbed my purse and didn’t think about getting my phone.”

  He started to point out that she could’ve called him on a pay phone or collect, then he realized she probably didn’t know his number. He’d entered it into her phone and she didn’t have it memorized. The ranch number was unlisted… “That’s okay, baby. I’m just relieved you’re all right.” He let out a long sigh. “I imagined everything from you lying hurt in the hospital to you being out on a date with another guy.”

  “I would never do that,” she whispered. “I was so looking forward to your call. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I’m just so happy to hear your voice.” Heath cleared his throat behind Tennessee. “Are you going to work today after being up all night?”

  “Yea, I have to.”

  Ten didn’t like that either. “Drive carefully.”

  Molly wanted to ask him when he was coming home, but she didn’t want to appear to be pressuring him. “It’s so good to hear your voice,” she whispered.

  “I know, me too. I’ll talk to you later.”

  He hung up and Molly never thought about telling him of Greg O’Neil’s visit.

  * * *

  By ten that night, Tennessee was pulling into Alpine. He’d had a jam-packed day. The trip to the windfarm with Heath had been productive. He’d left with all of the contact information he needed to do the set-up - if his bid won the contract. Zane, their lawyer, had been notified to take care of accessing the trust fund when the time came. His family had been disappointed that he was leaving so soon, but he’d insisted on returning to West Texas. He hadn’t specified the reason, they were all aware of the pending business deal. None of them were fooled, however. As he’d left, his brothers and sisters had wished him luck with Molly. They were smart enough to know what was really important to him.

  The sign for the trailer park was the most welcoming sight he’d ever seen. Putting on his blinker, he made the turn, his heart pounding like thunder. When he parked, he barely got the truck stopped before he was out, up the concrete steps and knocking on her door. “Molly!” he called so she wouldn’t be frightened.

  Molly was drying dishes, and the moment the banging started, she threw down the clot
h and ran for the front. Throwing the door open, she jumped into his arms. “You’re back! You’re back!” She gave him no time to speak or even get all the way into the trailer. Molly rained kisses all over his face and neck.

  “I couldn’t stay away,” he whispered against the smooth warmth of her throat.

  Picking her up, Ten carried her inside, finding her mouth with his in a demanding kiss. He walked to the bedroom before he set her down, kissing her everywhere he could reach. His hands were busy, taking off her clothes, caressing every bit of skin he uncovered. He did his best to inflame her, entice her, pushing her up against the wall and covering her sweet body with his own. “I’m sorry, Molly, I can’t wait. I’ve been crazy with wanting you.”

  “I don’t want to wait. Make love to me.” Because that’s what it would be. She loved him so much, her heart could barely hold it all.

  Undoing his buckle, Ten unzipped his Levis and took out his cock. It was pulsing, distended, the head dark and leaking. “Up,” he said, grasping the cheeks of her bottom and lifting. “Hold on to me.”

  Molly put her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She felt him press his cock to her opening. This time he wasn’t slow, he wasn’t gentle – Ten conquered, slamming in to the hilt. She gasped with pleasure.

  “Oh sweet Lord, this is good.” He held still, holding her tight for a second just to revel in the homecoming. Pulling out slowly, he let himself focus on the way her internal muscles flexed snug around him. Two, three, four times he drove all the way in, then pulling slowly out, his whole body screamed to take her hard and fast, pounding into that tight little channel until he was blind with pleasure. But he’d missed her so much he wanted to savor the moment.

  “Don’t hold back, baby,” she whispered, sucking on the hard cord of his neck. “You’re home. It won’t matter if we come fast, we can just do it again and again.”

  Again and again sounded good to him. With a protective hand behind her head and one at her back, he unleashed the passion he’d been holding with a tight rein. Gazing into her face, he was aware of the bounce of her tits against his chest and the clasp of her sexy legs around his waist. “Fuck, that’s good,” he growled. Slamming into her with enough force to jar the door, each pounding thrust moved Ten closer to the edge.

  Molly certainly wasn’t immune to their love-making. With Ten, she came quick and often. When her climax hit like an earthquake, she screamed.

  Her throaty feminine whimpers and moans were the sexiest sound Tennessee had ever heard. When the contractions of her sex began, it felt like her little body was greedily trying to suck his throbbing member as deep as possible. Ten almost lost his mind. He drew himself all the way out and thrust back in, impaling her on his cock. His balls tightened and released, filling her channel with his seed. All he could do was close his eyes and enjoy as she milked him dry.

  Afterwards, he held her, so glad to be with her again, he could barely breathe. “Can I stay?”

  “Of course, you belong with me.” She held on to his shoulders as he gently let her slide to the floor. “Let’s go to bed. I want you to hold me.”


  Dawn was breaking. The first rays of the morning sun were slipping through the small gap in the curtains. Tennessee hadn’t slept much the night before. He’d been insatiable, making love to her over and over again. The rest of the night, he hadn’t been able to sleep, all he wanted to do was lay awake and stare at her beautiful face. She rested in his arms, cuddled next to him, completely at peace. Before he’d returned to the Highlands, he’d known he would miss her. But he’d had no idea how much. He couldn’t wait any longer to tell her how he felt.

  “Molly?” Pushing her hair back over her shoulder, he kissed her gently. “Wake up, baby.”

  She rubbed her face against him, breathing in his scent, her left hand rubbing his chest lightly. “I’m awake. I thought I might have dreamt you.”

  “If this is a dream, we’re both having it. When I was away from you, I couldn’t rest for wishing you were with me.” Ten’s voice was low and sincere.

  Molly eased up in the bed to kiss him. “Do you want to play?”

  Ten framed her face with his big hands. “I want to play, love, laugh and be with you forever. Molly, I love you. I can’t live without you. Will you marry me?”


  I love you, Molly. I can’t live without you. Will you marry me?

  Blinking her eyes, she repeated the words in her heart.

  “You love me?”


  She touched his cheek. The love-light in his eyes told her he meant every word. “I love you too, Tennessee.” Molly kissed him hard. “I love you so much I could die.”

  Ten chuckled, relieved. “Well, don’t die. I need you too much.” He ran hungry hands down her sides as if ensuring himself she was really there. “Anything else you want to say?”

  For a second, Molly stared at him, then her eyes widened. “Oh, yes, yes, I’ll marry you!” She smiled and kissed him again. “Of course, I will. You telling me you loved me just stole my good sense.”

  With a laugh, he cuddled her close. “I love you so much.” He let out a long breath as if all was finally right with his world. “I’m so happy.”

  “When do you want to get married?” She asked, letting her mind wander to who she’d invite and what she’d wear.


  His answer galvanized her into action. She sat up, staring at him with her mouth open, then bounced from the bed. “Today? I don’t think you can get a license and get married on the same day in Texas. There’s a 72 hour waiting period.”

  Ten turned and picked up his pants off the floor, retrieving his phone. “Let me check something on the internet.”

  While he was doing that, Molly was pacing. “When you told me to wake up, I thought all you wanted to do was make love.”

  He snorted. “I always want to make love to you. But the next time we do, it will be on our honeymoon.”

  “We’re going on a honeymoon?”

  “Yes.” Tennessee stretched back on the bed with his hands behind his head. “Not that I’m complaining, but you do know you’re naked, don’t you?”

  “Good grief!” She grabbed for her robe, wrapped it around her and sat down on the bed. “Today and tomorrow are my regular days off. I could try to work today and take off Tuesday instead, that way we could get the license today and get married at the JP on Tuesday.”

  Tennessee pulled her up and on top of him, kissing her between every third or fourth word. “I have a surprise for you. Call and get Monday off. Take a shower, we’re leaving on a trip in an hour. I just need to make a few phone calls and make sure everything will be ready when we get there.”

  “How? Where?” She started to ask more questions, but he cut off her words with a long, deep, hungry kiss.

  “Trust me, Molly. We’re going to have the time of our lives.”

  Molly did trust him. She trusted him with her whole heart.


  Tennessee didn’t waste any time. He called the Inn at Loretto in Santa Fe and made reservations. Not just reservations for a room, reservations for a wedding. It would only be the two of them. Frankly, he didn’t want to share her. Or at least that was what he told himself. He also knew his father and Heath would think he was acting too hastily. Ten didn’t want their wedding day to be marred by conflict. He knew what he was doing. He knew what he had to do to preserve his sanity.

  Make Molly his.

  After the wedding there would be time enough to let everyone know. Right now, his priority was to get a ring on her finger and change her last name to McCoy.

  Molly was in a tizzy. Not because she’d had to hurry. He hadn’t let her pack anything. The only thing she’d done was call Selma, schedule her day off and got ready. She wore the nicest thing she owned, a pink tea length dress adorned with handmade lace. Not exactly what she’d envisioned wearing for her wedding, but the dress
mattered little. The groom and how much she loved him was the important thing.

  Once they were on the road and headed northwest in his black pick-up, she had to ask. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “New Mexico, obviously,” he answered with a smirk. “You’re going to love it. Jimmy, Heath’s best friend, travels all over the world. He’s the one that told me about this beautiful resort in Santa Fe. It’s called the Inn at Loretto. We’re getting married there in the chapel. They’re going to prepare us a wedding dinner, a cake and we’ll have a beautiful honeymoon suite.”

  Molly felt a lump in her throat. He was so excited. “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble. I know it will be wonderful, but I only need you.”

  Damn, he was a lucky man. “You’ve got me, Miss Molly. I want to give you the world, this is just the start.” Ten held her hand as they sped down the highway toward their future.

  Several hours later, they pulled into the parking lot of the Inn. Molly was entranced. The building before her was a magnificent adobe structure. “Oh, this is too fancy for me,” she breathed in awe, taking in the flat roofs, parapeted stucco walls, and vigas, the thick round roof beams that extended out from the roofline. The lighting and landscaping was beautiful.

  “Are you kidding? This is perfect for us.” He pulled into the front and a valet met them to get his luggage and park the vehicle. Holding out his arm, he offered to escort her in. “Let’s stop by the boutique first and I’ll buy you anything you want.”

  Molly felt like a queen as Tennessee helped her pick out a snazzy little sundress, a short set, sexy baby-doll sleepwear and a swim suit. He also made sure she chose shoes and even a bag. “I’ve arranged for someone to bring a few wedding dresses to our suite. You can choose one there.”

  “Thank-you” seemed insufficient, but she had no other words.

  He registered, picking up the key-cards. “Let’s take these things up, grab a bite to eat in the restaurant, then I’ve made an appointment for you at the spa.”

  They rode the elevator up to the penthouse suite and Molly spent ten minutes running from room to room, admiring the place they’d spend their honeymoon. Their honeymoon! The bed was huge, the bath luxurious and they had a balcony overlooking the city. “I love it!” He smiled at her indulgently. “I’m sure the dresses are hanging in your closet, but first let’s go eat and I’ll explain what’s going to happen.”


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