Barefoot Bay: Just the Two of Us (Kindle Worlds)

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Barefoot Bay: Just the Two of Us (Kindle Worlds) Page 6

by Carolyn Rae

  “Do you have your loupe in your car?”

  He shook his head, not wanting to press the issue.

  “Would you bring it with you when we go out to dinner?”

  She looked as if she really wanted to know. He nodded. He’d put it in the glove compartment in case she insisted, but hoped the subject wouldn’t come up again. “I ate at South of the Border yesterday, but Junonia is a more upscale restaurant.” He waited to see if she’d mention seeing him at South of the Border with Ashley, but she merely glanced at him.

  “What time will you pick me up?”

  “Six. I’ve noticed they don’t start getting crowded until around seven. I guess folks around here like to make the most of the sunshine in the afternoons.”

  “I’m sure that’s true for the vacationers from cities up north without access to a beach.”

  He grinned. “Like them, I’m going to soak up all the sun I can without getting burned while I’m here. I love feeling the sand beneath my feet, and playing in the waves, especially when it’s with you.”

  He glanced at his Rolex. “I’d better get going so I have time to shower and shave.” He took her hand in his and kissed the back. “Till I see you again, au revoir.” He hurried out the door. He’d wanted to hug her and feel those soft breasts against his chest. Too bad he wasn’t still bare-chested, but he’d needed her sweatshirt to warm up after their dunking.

  Sitting behind the wheel, he waved at her as she stood in the doorway and then drove away.

  * * * *

  An hour later, wearing a green dress, white heels, and the yellow diamond ring, Lisa smiled at the hostess who greeted them at Junonia. “Table for two, please,” Justin said in his deep voice.

  Under the glass counter a four-inch, cream-colored shell with brown spots was displayed in an open black-velvet case. The hostess pointed to it. “That’s a junonia, highly prized by shell collectors. It once housed a large sea snail. This restaurant is named for it. The shell probably washed up on nearby Sanibel Island, which is made mostly of shells. People digging in their back yards often find shells mixed in with the dirt.”

  Later, seated at a linen-covered table, Lisa read the menu. Lobster tail was too messy to eat in front of a date. “I’ll have the Chicken Cacciatore.”

  “Did you know,” Justin said, “that alla cacciatora refers to a dish prepared “hunter style” with onions, herbs, bell peppers, tomatoes, and sometimes wine?”

  “So you’ve eaten it before?”

  “I have. That’s what the menu said where I had it. However, I think you’d enjoy the lobster tail. I ate it here the first day I came, and it was marvelous. A little messy on the fingers, but they bring you a bowl of water to wash your fingers in.”

  Lisa smiled. That’s what she wanted anyhow. “All right, I’ll have the lobster instead.”

  When the waitress approached, Justin ordered lobster tail for both of them.

  As Lisa ate her salad, she met Justin’s gaze. “You know,” he said. “That green dress looks really nice on you, and the color matches your eyes. I’ve never seen anyone with such a pretty shade as your eyes.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. “Thank you.” He sure knew how to make a woman feel beautiful.

  When the lobster dinner arrived, Justin dug in with gusto, and she did the same, no longer worried about being messy. The accompanying sweet-potato, shoestring fries were so tasty she didn’t want ketchup, and the rice pilaf was delicious too.

  The waitress had just brought the dessert menus when the woman Justin had been dancing with at the gala walked in. She wore a tight miniskirt and a sweater so low-cut it was a wonder the top of her bra didn’t show. She came over with mincing steps on the arm of a well-dressed man. His suit looked to be Armani, and he wore a heavy gold chain bracelet. He also had a Rolex on his other wrist.

  “Hello, Chenille,” Justin said, glancing at her. Lisa wondered if her eyes were turning a deeper shade of green. Why did that woman have to come over just when Lisa felt as if she and Justin were getting to know each other better? The woman looked dainty and petite, making Lisa feel somehow … too ordinary. Was he comparing her to Chenille?

  “How have you been?” Chenille purred. “Thanks for taking me on the balloon ride. I really enjoyed it.” She turned to her date. “Zoe does a wonderful job of piloting the balloon.” She pointed a well-manicured nail at Lisa. “You should try it sometime.” She turned her attention to Justin. “I wouldn’t mind going again.”

  Justin shook his head. “Count me out. Once was enough. A balloon could drift out over the ocean, and maybe sink into the waves of the Gulf.”

  Chenille cocked her head toward at Lisa. “Aren’t you the woman I saw dancing with Rocco, who traded partners with Justin and me at the gala?”

  “That’s right,” Lisa said. “Gussie fixed me up with him.”

  “He seems like a nice guy,” Chenille said. He must spend way too much time working on city council because I never saw him out with a date before the gala. It was good of you to go out with him. A nice young man like him could use some fun time.”

  “Nice to see you again, Chenille,” Justin said and turned to face Lisa. “Now where were we. Oh, yes, dessert.”

  Chenille wrapped her arm around her date’s arm. “I’d like to walk out under the stars where we can enjoy the rest of the evening without anyone to bother us.”

  Justin pointed to the appetizing picture on the menu. “The Apple Cinnamon Delight comes in a sizzling iron fry pan with a scoop of ice cream. It’s huge, but we could share. Would you like to try it?”

  Lisa nodded, too annoyed by Chenille to trust herself not to make a nasty comment. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

  After all, she was the one Justin chose to be with tonight. So what if Chenille believed she could parade an expensively dressed man before Justin to make him jealous. Justin’s body language hadn’t changed much. In fact, he still seemed to be paying close attention to Lisa instead. He must like her. She couldn’t help smiling.

  Maybe he didn’t like her as much as she liked him. Not only was he well-built, but she admired him for admitting he might have been at fault when the sailboat capsized, and for warming her up afterwards. And his compliments made her feel good.

  The waiter set the dessert on the table, the smell of apple, cinnamon, and nutmeg swirling in the air. As she picked up her fork, Justin grasped her hand. “Careful. It’s hot. I don’t want you to burn your tongue.” She liked the sizzle from his touch even more than that of the delicious pastry.

  She broke off a bite and blew on it before putting it in her mouth. Luckily, the bit of ice cream on top cooled it just enough to melt in her mouth. “It tastes heavenly.” The crunch of pecans and the flaky pastry contrasted nicely with the tender apple slices. “If I eat this often, I’ll bust right out of my swimming suit.”

  He grinned. “I’d like to see that.”

  She laughed. “You won’t have a chance. I plan to eat judiciously while I’m here.”

  “You seem good with the kids here. Tell me about your regular job.”

  “I teach at a private religious school. The pay isn’t as good as the public school teachers get or teachers in the more prestigious private schools. I don’t have to follow a state-mandated curriculum, which allows me to be creative so I can keep students interested. And discipline is easier. Students know if they get sent to the principal’s office more than twice a semester, they’ll be expelled. Usually, the parents are asked to meet with the principal after one infraction, and they ensure their children are well-behaved after that.”

  “What do you expect to gain by getting your master’s degree?”

  “There’s a private girl’s school I’d like to teach at in Dallas.”

  “I see. Will you be taking graduate classes during the year?”

  “Yes. Unfortunately, I’ll have to take a full load next summer in order to finish in two years so I can’t work here next summer.”

unds like a hard schedule to keep.”

  Lisa nodded and took another bite of dessert. He lived in Dallas, but he hadn’t mentioned wanting to see her after the summer ended. She thought about asking if he’d call her when she got back, but she didn’t want to put him on the spot. Looking up into his brown eyes, she was glad he was focused on her for now. He set a nice flame glowing inside.

  After Justin pushed the empty dessert plate aside, the waitress walked up. “Would you care for coffee or some brandy?”

  “Not for me, thanks. Lisa, would you like some?”

  “No. Thank you.”

  The waitress took the empty plate and returned a moment later with the check. Justin glanced at it, then laid down enough bills to cover the dinner and a nice tip. He walked around the table as she rose, put his hand in the center of her back, and led her toward the door.

  He met her gaze. “Now, I’d like to take you for a walk along a private beach I’ve found.” He glanced down at her feet. “We can take off our shoes and walk in the sand barefoot. Would you like that?” He enveloped her hand in his, imparting a pleasant warmth.


  After he opened the car door, she slid in and waited while he got behind wheel. He watched as she put on her seat belt. Soon a country song filled the interior, and he drove off under a starlit sky.

  The cove he parked near was deserted. He led her down a short path to the sand and laid down a blanket. When she looked at him quizzically, he said, “No. We’re not going to moon bathe, but we can sit down to take off our shoes and leave them here.”

  She sat and removed her sandals while he took off his shoes and socks.

  He grasped her hand and pulled her up, right into his arms. He gazed at her for a few seconds, then cradled her face in his hands. He bent his face closer and closer, but stopped about an inch away. He whispered so quietly, she strained to hear him. “I probably shouldn’t, but I’ve wanted to do this since the night I danced with you.” His mouth met hers, softly at first, and then more firmly, as if he wanted to really feel the taste and texture of her lips. It felt so wonderful to be kissed like this.

  She kissed him back, reveling in the chance to show him how much she’d wanted this. She slid her hands around his neck. His hair, a bit longish, was wavy, but soft. His hands caressed her shoulders like he adored her. She felt wonderful. He pulled back just far enough to look into her eyes and smile. She couldn’t help grinning. Wow, to think he felt this way about her was thrilling. She kissed him, showing him by her mouth and her hands caressing his neck, how much she liked him.

  He hugged her and then slid his tongue between her lips, roving, exploring, all while his hands grasped her waist. She let her tongue tangle with his as he let her inside his mouth. She felt his thumbs sliding up, and then they were stroking the underside of her breasts, making her flesh swell and tingle. She felt like pushing her breasts even closer to him so he’d caress them some more, but then she remembered Chenille and Ashley. Had he acted like this with them too? Was he another flirt like Bill?

  He backed away. She looked into his eyes. What now?

  He squeezed her hand. “I’d better take you for a walk under the stars. That blanket is too tempting.” He led her a few steps from there and pointed up. “Let’s see if we can find the North Star from here.”

  Chapter Six

  Justin let his eyes rove the sky while his toes dug in the sand. Where was that damn Little Dipper? He was so bedazzled from kissing Lisa, he couldn’t even spot the Big Dipper. But he’d better find it soon. He’d be damned if he’d let his emotions rule. His friend, Luke, was already married and seemed still enchanted by his wife, Arielle. Justin’s friend had been lucky.

  Justin didn’t know what it was about Lisa that drew him to enjoy her company so. She looked up to him, admired him, and told him so. The only person in his family who did that was his mother. She’d be proud of him, no matter what he did, as long as it was ethical. He liked the way Lisa gravitated toward him. She seemed to like his touch and from the way she responded—wow, she must really like kissing him.

  And he liked kissing her—too much for his own good. He wasn’t going to get hooked and then get his heart broken. No other woman had held his interest more than a few months. He’d only be here a couple of weeks, but now he wished it would be longer. Surely, he could solve Luke’s little theft problem in that time. But the thought of going back to Dallas alone made him feel as if he’d be leaving a part of himself here.

  Maybe, when he got ready to settle down, he’d find someone he could be friends with. The women he’d dated recently were good bed partners, but he couldn’t see them being interested in a serious relationship, that is if he was ready for that, which he wasn’t.

  Lisa was really good with children. She seemed to have a lot of love for them. Now, love between a man and a woman, that was different. It was really overrated. His mother’s love for his stepfather seemed to make her blind to all the little insults Stevie shot at him. Sure, Justin and his sister occasionally argued, but she wasn’t always making digs at him.

  Lisa pulled on his arm. “There it is.”


  “The North Star.” She pointed to an area low on the horizon. Sure enough, there was the Big Dipper, looking as if it were pouring into the Little Dipper. The North Star twinkled brightly, although some of the stars in the handle were faint.

  “Now that you’ve found it, let me show you Booties.” Hugging his arm around her waist and liking the feel of her body against his, he pointed. “See those four stars in the shape of a kite.”

  She moved her head closer to his, her hair brushing against his cheek. She smelled of gardenias, making him want to see her lying beside him, her head on a pillow. Then he could smooth his fingers over her skin, kiss her, and do so much more. She drove him to distraction. Getting harder, he found it difficult to think straight. “I’d better take you home.”

  She looked up at him, her face looking so kissable, he had to clear his throat.

  “But it’s not late,” she said.

  “Hauling that sailboat in worked muscles I haven’t used lately. I need to smooth on some muscle rub to ease the aching.” That wasn’t all that ached, but he wasn’t about to mention it.

  She grinned. “Take me to your place. I can rub it on for you.”

  He swallowed. He couldn’t trust himself with her. She wasn’t the type of girl you took to bed after only a few dates. He wanted to see more of her, lots more. Rushing things could ruin everything between them. Now if only he could control himself until the time was right—he hoped it would be soon. It was all he could manage to hold her in his arms and stop at kissing her when she responded so enthusiastically. But one irritating thought nagged him. If she turned out to be the thief, he wouldn’t want her in his arms or his bed.

  After they walked back to his car and he opened the door for her, he got behind the wheel and turned the radio on. “After you fasten your seat belt, feel free to find some music you like.”

  While Lisa searched the dial, he wondered how long it would be before she was ready to let him share her bed. He wanted to make it special for her, but first he had to convince her he wasn’t like her ex-fiancé.

  No woman he’d met seemed as adorable, pretty, sexy, and wholesome as Lisa.

  Wholesome? He didn’t usually go for wholesome. Adventurous, sexy beauties were his type, enough of them to keep him happy in bed, but strangely enough, he felt more comfortable with Lisa than he had with any of the others. And she seemed honest. She didn’t shower him with fulsome compliments like Chenille. However, Justin wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his future, so he wasn’t in a position to offer any woman permanency.

  Lisa found a country station featuring Luke Bryan, a singer he liked. The song was, “I Don’t Want This Night to End.” And Justin didn’t. He was having too much fun getting to know her. “Hey, that’s one of my favorite singers.”

  “I like him too.”
br />   Well, that was one thing they had in common. Wonder what else he’d learn about her.

  At her cottage, he parked the car and opened the door for her. As he walked her to her door, he kept telling himself not to push for anything more than a good-night kiss. One wouldn’t be enough, but he’d play it by ear.

  She unlocked the door, opened it, and then hesitated. “I enjoyed the afternoon in spite of tipping the boat over.”

  He grinned. “I did too. Guess I’ll have to be more careful in the future.”

  “But that was a pretty strong wind. I don’t think it was your fault.”

  “Thanks for saying that. I’d better say good night so you can be fresh in the morning for your classes.” Taking her in his arms, he kissed her. He enjoyed her fervent response so much, he kissed her again and slid his tongue between her lips. She responded, even initiating a foray into his mouth. He loved the way her hands fondled his neck. She made him feel so good, he grasped her waist and let his hands slide upward toward her breasts.

  She dropped her hands to cover his. “That’s enough for tonight. I need my sleep so I can study tomorrow after my classes.”

  “I don’t think you need to spend much more time on it. After I quizzed you the other day, you seemed to know the answers pretty well. You’re smart. You’ll pass the test with flying colors I’m sure.”

  “I hope so.” She squeezed his hand. “Thanks for a nice time.”

  “I’ll be busy tomorrow with a favor I’m doing for Luke, but I’ll call you if I find I have some free time. That is, if you’re not busy.”

  “I don’t have any plans. Go ahead and give me a call.”

  He glanced in her cabin, and seeing nothing amiss, he gave her one more quick kiss, and then another. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her sweetness. He hoped he could find time to be with her tomorrow night. After she shut the door, he waited to be sure she didn’t cry out in alarm, although he was pretty sure no one waited inside to harm her.


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