The Emerald Virus

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The Emerald Virus Page 38

by Patrick Shea

  “If I can do that and convince him to trust me, and trust my partner, she might be able to find out who the insider is. I don’t think he would tell her, but a girl toy hanging around the big guy could overhear a lot of things in a week.”

  Again Sam spoke up, although more calmly this time, “So if you survive putting your life on the line, you think you’ll be better able to protect your partner from a distance? And what if you lose the fight, what will happen to the two of you?”

  Danny looked at her with a soft smile and said, “Sam on this point you’ll just have to trust me. I don’t lose fights.”

  Sam looked at Noah and Ted and saw them both nodding their heads. They believed Danny and she realized that she did too. She didn’t know what all he was capable of, but she couldn’t see putting any limits on the possibilities. And she realized that everything he said rang true, if anyone could pull this off, it would be him. But what if he was wrong this one time, what if he died. She decided to ask.

  “Danny, what happens if you guess wrong and somebody shoots you when you walk in the saloon, or you die some other way?”

  “The sad part would be that my partner would be in jeopardy. She would have to get out at the first possible opportunity. And if she didn’t make it you would know about it when we missed our first call-in to you. Then life would go on for the rest of you.

  “You would have the same problem you have now, and you would have capable men and women ready to defend this camp. My death would be inconvenient for me, but it won’t hurt this group. It would just mean I wasn’t able to help you.”

  Sam was stunned as she thought about Danny’s statement. Two of their members would lose their lives and the rest would go on as if nothing happened.

  She realized that Danny was right. The question was if the risk was worth the reward. She thought about what Danny brought to them and what the group would lose and she realized that she was going to agree to this scheme. Not because of the good it would do them if Danny accomplished this, but more because she believed that he had the best chance of all to do this right, and get out.

  She wondered if military commanders felt this way when they sent men to fight; this mixture of fear for the safety of their men and confidence in their abilities as soldiers. She wished her father was here so she could ask him that question.

  She understood intuitively that Danny didn’t want to die, but that he was one of those men who had to take action. And not just any action, he was always going to be the one that took on the toughest job. And then she realized why there weren’t more of these men in the world. They tended to die young. She didn’t know until this moment how lucky she was to have had a father for all these years.

  Colonel Green looked at Danny and said, “Do you actually think Shelly will do this with you?”

  “Colonel, I’ll be really surprised if she doesn’t.”

  Sam asked, “How can the two of you be sure she’s the right one.”

  Danny responded, “I’ve trained with her this week. She spent seven years as a Marine Corps Officer, working as a woman in a man’s world. And not only in that world, but as a leader of some of the hardest men around and apparently she excelled.

  “She is also good looking, almost a knock out, and she’s well built. She could be very convincing in floozy clothing. She would have to learn how to play the part of course. While I’m not an expert in the area, it doesn’t seem to me that playing a floozy can be that tough.”

  “Colonel, how did you know Danny was talking about Shelly?

  “For the reasons Danny mentioned, and for one he didn’t. She is totally committed to defending our group. She understands better than most what we are really up against. Without anyone telling her about Turner’s Saloon, she knows there are bad guys out there, and that sooner or later we’re going to run into them. She’ll be ready when that day comes, and I think she’ll want to help Danny regardless of the danger.”

  “Noah, what do you think?”

  “Sam, I think we have to let Danny try. He has a better than even chance to do this. I don’t know Shelly as well as Ted and Danny do, but I agree with them when they say she is one tough cookie.”

  Noah looked at Danny and said, “I really dislike not being able to help you. In fact it galls me to no end that I’m going to end up staying here while you walk into the lions den.”

  As usual Danny smiled and said, “I know it does Noah, and I would love to have your help with this. But Turner knows you also and probably hates you for humiliating him. You had your chance with him and you’re going to have to let me have round two.”

  Sam had a fierce look on her face when she said, “And if it comes to a round three I’ll kill that son of a bitch myself.”

  All three men looked shocked, but none of them laughed or disputed what she had said.

  Sam continued “Danny, “We’ll take you up on your offer to go to Turner’s Saloon and try to find out the name of the insider. I don’t want to do this, but I don’t have any options. We will never be able to thank you enough for your offer, and I’ll never be able to repay you.”

  With his ever present smile Danny said, “I’m not looking for either thanks or reward, you have no obligation to me at all.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Shelly about the mission?”

  “No, I’d like to do that myself. I’ll have to be totally honest with her. She’ll know if I’m trying to pull the wool over her eyes. And if she doesn’t agree, I’ll find someone else.

  “If you don’t mind I’ll go to her RV right now and talk to her. I’ll also explain to her that she and I are going to need to be seen together publicly holding hands, arms around each other, and that type of thing. I’m also going to ask her to resign from the militia until we get back.

  “And Colonel, I’m going to stop participating as well. I’d like you to give the impression that you didn’t care for how Shelly and I were acting, but that we left voluntarily. Of course Shelly has to agree to all of this first.

  “I’ll still be able to work with you on some behind the scenes stuff if need be, but to tell you the truth it would be safer if I didn’t have anything to do with you from this point forward.”

  Sam asked, “When do you want to leave?”

  “Sometime next week I think. I hope the snow will hold out for that long, but if it doesn’t I’ll get through somehow.”

  With that said Danny left the RV to go and find Shelly.

  An hour later a knock on the door to Sam’s RV woke her up. She had fallen asleep sitting up her couch. Apparently the men thought she was better off sleeping sitting up since they were gone.

  She opened the door to see Danny and Shelly standing outside. She motioned them in and told them to make themselves at home while she went to brush her teeth.

  When she returned she apologized to Shelly who laughed and said she would have done the same thing. While she was gone Danny had made a fresh pot of coffee and was drinking a cup. She didn’t know how he or Noah ever slept with the amount of caffeine they maintained in their systems.

  Danny said, “Sam, I’ve told Shelly everything, and I think we’ve discussed the risk thoroughly, and she wants to participate. I wanted her to come and visit you and listen to your perspective, and I wanted to do it late at night because we can’t be seen with you any longer. I’ll do my best to distant myself from Ted Green and Noah as well, as will Shelly.”

  Sam looked first at Danny and then turned to Shelly and said, “Shelly, as I told Danny we won’t ever be able to thank you enough for taking this risk. I don’t want you to feel any pressure to go with Danny. You aren’t in the military, you didn’t sign a contract with us and you don’t have to risk your life for a group of people you hardly know. Many of whom would not risk their life for you.”

  “Danny and I talked about that a little bit. I can’t tell you what makes people like Danny do the things that he does. In fact, I can’t even tell you what motivates me. But I do know that I’ve al
ways relied on my intuition and I’m doing that now. I know that if we don’t solve the problem now, we’ll end up fighting these men later and probably when they’ve had time to better arm themselves, and to find leaders with military experience who will make the fight much tougher.

  “So all I’m doing right now is what I think is the right thing to do, which is all I know how to do. If you have any better ideas or a different perspective, or even another person who might be better than me at this please say so.”

  Shelly looked to Sam as if she was dead serious. Sam realized that this wasn’t something she was looking forward to like some adventure. She realized how serious this was and while she was willing to do it, she wasn’t rushing head long into it on a whim.

  “I wish I had a better way, but the only option I can think of is to do nothing and hope we catch and turn the insider. The men have convinced me that is probably not going to happen, so I’ve agreed with this plan. As for finding a better person, you’re welcome to make any nominations, but from everything I’ve heard, I don’t think we’ll find anyone with your skill level.”

  Shelly gave an ironic smile and said, “No, I don’t think you will. I’ve always known I was unusual for a woman and I chose a different path than most. My father and my older brother were both military men and I thought I owed it to them to do my time also. I found out I liked being able to compete with men and I thought I’d spend a career in the Marine Corps.

  “But I realized over time that they were simply never going to make the one change I wanted them to. They let me lead men, and train with them, and compete with them, but when it came to war they sent my men without me. I was naïve enough to believe that if I proved myself to the Marine Corps, they would let me fight as a Marine.

  “I don’t blame the Corps for that; I knew the rules going in. And I don’t regret the seven years I spent in uniform; I think I needed them to make myself whole. And they did prepare me in case I ever needed to infiltrate a group of bad boys in the middle of a Montana winter after the world had died. Good thing, huh?”

  Sam liked this woman who was attractive and confident, and maintained her humor, and knew the difference between right and wrong and didn’t question her intuition. That was a lot to accomplish in twenty nine years of life.

  Sam said, “I wish it didn’t have to happen this way, but if I can feel good about anything, it’s that you and Danny are probably the best two people we could hope to find for this mission. I can’t imagine finding anyone more qualified than either of you.”

  Shelly said, “Okay, let’s consider the decision made and talk about what I need to do. First of all Danny has said I need to dress and act like a floozy.

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t have much experience with that. I know what I’ve seen in movies and on TV, but it will be a real act for me. I hope I can pull it off.”

  Sam said, “I’m no better than you are in that area. Danny, have you noticed any of the women that might help us?”

  “You don’t actually think I’m going to answer that do you?”

  When they stopped laughing Danny said, “I don’t think we can chance that. If the insider is a woman she is more likely than not to be that kind of a woman. I don’t want to do an injustice to the floozies of the world, but I think that would be too much of a risk to take. We’ll just have to practice amongst ourselves until it’s time to go.”

  Shelly asked, “Sam would you come with me to town. I’ll have to find a store and purchase some different clothes. I don’t have any really tight jeans or slacks, or any short skirts, or even any low cut blouses.”

  I’d be happy to come with you. Together we’ll figure out everything you need.”

  Danny smiled and said, “Shelly, if you’re going to model the clothes I’d better come along to give you a male perspective.”

  The two women laughed and Shelly said, “Danny, there’s not a chance I’m modeling those clothes for you any sooner than I have to. Sam and I will take care of getting everything I need. And I’m sure Sam will help me figure out how to act.

  “Sam, I’m not at all sure how much skin I need to show to play this part. I’d like to err on the side of caution, but I still want to play the role properly.”

  Sam said, “Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure it out. We should make the trip to town soon though. You’ll have to start playing the part for the insider as well. Fortunately you don’t have to overdo that role while you’re here.”

  Thursday Morning: West Yellowstone, Montana

  After the meeting the next morning Sam asked Ben if he would go with them to town. She loved the smile on his face when he realized that he was included in whatever Sam had in mind. They took one of the snowplows and Sam asked Ben to drive.

  Sam said, “Ben, I hope I’m not keeping you from anything important. I’m sure Noah would come if you can’t.”

  Ben surprised Sam by saying, “Hold it Sam, you’ve invited me on an outing with two of the best looking women in camp and I’m holding you to it.”

  Sam laughed and looked at Shelly as she said, “You know when I met him he was actually a shy young man.”

  Shelly said, “I would guess he’s been spending too much time with Danny.”

  Ben responded, “I’m just trying to learn how to sound more confident, and I’m really comfortable with you Sam. And I kind of figured Shelly must be like you for her to be with you.”

  Both women laughed and Sam said, “Actually I think you’re doing okay Ben. It’s certainly okay to compliment people, especially women. Just don’t go crazy with it; I surely do not want you to become one of those slick young men who spends all of his time trying to hustle the girls.”

  Ben responded, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I’d just like to get to the point where I can talk to girls at all. Right now they just make me nervous.”

  Shelly laughed and said, “Ben, from listening to my brother I’m not sure how you can change that, but you’ll get to the point where you can talk, and the more you practice the easier it becomes, I think. You see, I was never very good at talking to boys.”

  “You’re kidding me! Why would someone like you have trouble talking to anyone?

  “We’ll, remember you’re meeting me now, not when I worried about things like that. At sixteen I was as nervous as you are. And most girls feel the same way. Even the ones that are outspoken and seem confident are hiding some nervousness. Most kids get over that by practicing talking to members of the opposite sex. But it isn’t real easy for most of them. At least it wasn’t for me.”

  Sam said, “Ben, it was the same thing for me. Life got easier with time. In fact that’s still true. I think as long as you focus on learning from others things keep getting easier.”

  Shelly added, “I agree, and if life isn’t getting easier for you, you’re probably doing something wrong. Most likely you’re listening to the wrong people or following the wrong examples. Unless you’re still really young when you realize things are going wrong, only you can come to the correct conclusion and make the needed changes. If you don’t you are probably in for a tough life.”

  “I’ve always thought that was one of the hardest lessons about life. You can make a couple of poor judgments as a young person and end up with some bad habits that will take you down the wrong path over and over again.

  “On the positive side, if you recognize your errors and honestly work to correct them, you’ll be able to do so.”

  Now it was Sam’s turn to add, “I think what makes it difficult for some young folks is that they’ve listened to someone else tell them what to do their entire lives. When it comes time to make their own decisions they aren’t prepared to do that. And they have the added burden of believing that this stuff is easy and they should be rewarded immediately. It takes years of work to make real change, and there isn’t anything about life that’s easy.”

  Shelly said, “I think the sooner you learn that life is hard and it takes hard work to l
ead a nice life, the better off you are.”

  Ben finally said, “And all of this because I was feeling good about being with you two.”

  Sam laughed and said, “You’re right, you really didn’t say anything that should have led to that much lecturing by the two of us. I just worry about you is all.”

  Shelly smiled and Ben said, “I know you do Sam, I don’t think you need to, but I’m okay with it.”

  Sam realized that Ben had not asked why they were going to town and she realized she needed to tell him what they were up to, and why. She didn’t want Danny to leave as if on a fling of some sort without Ben knowing the truth. There were a couple of people in the group she would bet her life on, and Ben and Noah were two of them.

  She spent the next fifteen minutes telling Ben everything she knew about the Turner Saloon and the insider. Ben surprised her by saying that Noah had taken him into his confidence last night and told him he wanted his help in trying to ferret out the insider.

  Sam remembered that she had skipped breakfast with the men this morning, and that Noah had told her at the meeting he wanted to talk with her about Ben. She was so anxious to get started this morning she had forgotten to talk with Noah. Well, at least now she knew what he wanted to talk about.

  At first she was a bit miffed that Noah had done this without first discussing the decision with her. And then immediately she realized Noah had done so because he felt like she did about trusting Ben. And Noah wasn’t the kind of man to ask permission for doing what he considered the right thing. Especially since he knew Sam would agree with him on that.

  And then she realized that she had just done the same thing. She knew Noah would agree with her when she decided to tell Ben, so she didn’t worry about talking to Noah first.

  And all of a sudden she felt kind of warm. It was nice to know that she and Noah were so in sync that they didn’t have to worry about the other one questioning their judgment.


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