Made To Love

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Made To Love Page 21

by S. M. West

  “I don’t intend to and I couldn’t agree with you more. She is the best, something rare and precious, and I promise I’ll cherish her every day.”

  He nods, the small, tight upturn of his lips gives away his regret before he resumes the walk to his car. Reinforcing my hold on the grocery bags, I turn in the direction of the house.

  She stands, rigid, almost like she’s holding her breath while watching us. Her hands are clasped in front of her, worrying her bottom lip. A small, unsure smile graces her face.

  The intensity in her eyes are piercing as I climb the stairs. Stopping two steps below her, face to face, my breath stalls. Damn, she’s so beautiful. It’s only been a couple days since I last saw her, but having her this close, it feels like we’ve been apart an eternity.

  Last night was bittersweet. I held her and was with her, but I wasn’t with her. We were with Alec and Paige, and it wasn’t the time or the place to have our conversation. Truth be told, a part of me chickened out. I didn’t know if she’d figured things out and I didn’t want to push her right out of my arms.

  Now, after what she said to Pete, we don’t need to talk. I know exactly where she is, and that’s with me.

  “You know what I realized?” My voice is low and gravelly. She shakes her head, eagerly hanging on for my next word. “When I’m not with you, everything hurts, especially my heart. It may sound cheesy, but it’s true. It’s the only way I can explain it.”

  “I know,” she whispers. Her cold fingers lightly skim my lips. “Sam, I’ve been such an idiot. I love you so much and I should have told you long ago. I have no excuse other than that I was scared—not of you or us, but of me, of losing myself again, but I realize first and foremost, you and I are not Olivia and Pete. I love you, and every day, you make me a better person than I was the day before.”

  Capturing her lips, I kiss her with all my love, desire, and need for her. She clings to me, our bodies plastered together as the cold night air circles us.

  “Livvy, I love you too, and I’m here to stay. You are the one for me. I was made to love you.” Feeling the need to say it all, tell her my plans for us, I continue, “And we may be in different cities right now, but you know what? My career is important to me, my restaurants, but none of that means anything to me without you and your kids. If I don’t have you, nothing matters. Growing up, it was instilled in me by my grandmother, Bas, and Alec just how important family is. It’s the only thing that matters. That’s what’s most important to me, and Olivia…you are my family.”

  “And you’re mine,” she murmurs before covering my lips with hers.

  She wraps her legs around my waist as I drop the groceries to the ground and items spill out of the bags. We share a laugh. Oh well. Grasping her divine ass, she rocks her heated core against my abs. Fuck, I want her now.

  Having her in my arms grounds me, makes all the shit that’s been going on, the loss of the best man I ever knew, more bearable. She gives me hope that I’ll get through this. We’ll get through this.

  Speaking into her mouth, I groan, “Alec and Paige are inside waiting on me to make dinner.”

  Breaking apart, she rests her forehead on mine. Her long lashes flutter as her chocolatey brown eyes open, filled with love and lust for me. “When are they expecting you back?”

  “Soon, but I could be another twenty minutes or so.”

  “How do you feel about the garage?” Her eyes slide to the door at the side of the house. “It’ll be chilly, but I bet I could warm you up real quick.”

  My cock twitches and lengthens at her seductive grin.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Dragging me into the dark, cold space, she shuts the door behind us and lunges at me. We’re all lips, teeth, tongues, arms, and legs as I pull her pants down and bend her over the workbench. Her luscious ass is up and out for me, begging to be palmed and squeezed as I ram my cock hard and deep into her.

  Livvy’s on the pill and I’m clean. We’ve already had the talk, but fuck, to be honest, I would be over the moon if I knocked her up. We haven’t talked about kids and it’s not a deal breaker for me, but this woman is my everything. The love of my life. My heart and soul. If I could add mother of my children to that list, I’d crow like a cock.

  Speaking of cocks, the pale moonlight allows me to see my dick moving in and out of her sweet pussy, her beautiful ass matching my rhythm. Bending over her, I roll her taut nipple with my thumb and forefinger through the fabric of her clothes, gently tugging as my other hand mercilessly rubs her clit.

  She struggles to keep her whimpers to a whisper—as much as I love to hear her come apart, keeping this on the down low is best. Having Alec or Paige come to investigate her screams would be a serious mood killer.

  As she clenches and spasms around my dick, climaxing, I too tense, every nerve ending in my body alive and firing on all cylinders. My orgasm rips through me as she wails my name before I clamp my hand over her mouth.

  Before we both have had a chance to come down from that mind-bending experience, she spins around, her sensual body pressing against mine. Having her in my arms is the best. As she bestows heavy, languid kisses on me, we murmur words of love and promises of a future.

  “Sam,” Paige calls from the sofa.

  “Hmm,” I absently respond, my focus on the documents Bas’s lawyer emailed to me.

  We’d held off reading the will right away; neither Alec nor I were ready to face the reality of it all. Only last week we finally decided it was time to read through everything. To my surprise, except for their home which he left to Alec, Bas left everything to me. I was dumbfounded, though in retrospect I’m not sure why, and protested, wanting to give Alec his rightful share. Alec would hear none of it, saying he knew what Bas’s wishes were and that he was successful and well off, didn’t need or want anything of Bas’s to remember him by.

  My inheritance solved a lot of my investor problems. I hated that it came at the cost of Bas’s life, but he’d have loved to hear that because of it, I kicked Thibault to the curb. This was the good news I finally told Olivia last night after Paige and Alec had gone to bed.

  “I like you,” Paige whispers, blushing.

  Looking up from my laptop, her pretty face is scrunched into a frown. Meeting my gaze, her eyes—so dark and deep like her mother’s—appear troubled. She’s worried about something.

  “I like you too. What’s up?” Closing my laptop, I give her my undivided attention.

  Casting her eyes down, she fixes her gaze on my throat. Fiddling with the frayed edge of her blanket, she goes on, “I just wanted you to know that. You make my mom happy. Really happy. Happier than I’ve ever seen her and…” Her voice cracks.

  With one quick leap, my arms envelop her. Taking her small body into my arms, I perch precariously on the edge of the couch.

  “Hey, I love hearing that. I want to make your mom happy, and you and Drew. What’s got you upset? Do you want me to make her life miserable?”

  My jesting is a nod to some of the few conversations we’ve had about her mother where her attitude has been inappropriate and I’ve tried to smooth things over.

  With a small laugh and a few sniffles, her eyes dance with mirth. “Nah, I do a pretty good job of that on my own.” I scoff and chuckle. “I thought my dad was the one who should make her happy. I thought he did, but now I see that he didn’t. Maybe he did at one time, but not anymore.” Pain and confusion etch her brow and pool in her eyes.

  “Hey, I’m sure he did at one point in time.” Talking about Pete making Livvy happy sticks in my throat. They are over, but at some point, while I hate it, I hope it’s true that he did make her happy. “Besides, he gave her you and Drew, and I know that makes her fucking happy. Shit, your mom would have my balls if she could hear me now. Let’s keep the f-bomb stuff between us,” I beg with mock fear.

  She giggles. “Your secret is safe with me.” Hugging me, she says, “Thanks Sam. I guess, I just, ah…I just didn’t
understand why my mom did it—left my dad,” she clarifies. Her voice is small and quiet, but she’s earnestly looking at me. I get the sense that she needs to say this, needs me to hear her. “I love him very much. I was afraid she’d not only move on from him, but also us, Drew and me, but…”

  With her pause, she glances to the doorway, where Olivia quietly leans against the door jamb, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Paige continues, speaking to her mother.

  “I now know she won’t do that. She loves us and we’re part of her life, no matter what, even with meeting you.” Paige glances over her shoulder at me, then back at her mom. “She brought you into our lives, didn’t leave us for you.”

  The dam cracks and the tears fall for both Olivia and Paige. Olivia practically runs to Paige’s side. Before I can get out of the way, she sits on my lap and cradles her daughter. Wrapping my arms around the both of them, my chest fills with pure adoration for these lovely ladies and joy to see them finally building a more solid bridge to each other.


  Five years later

  “Bas,” I yell, tearing after my three-year-old terror as he careens around the corner into the kitchen. With a frustrated chuckle, I run after him, in hot pursuit.

  Entering the bustling kitchen, I prepare to see Bas creating havoc of his own, but he’s nowhere in sight. My staff is busy at work preparing the lunch for Livvy’s birthday. As I catch the eye of Stéphanie, my sous-chef, she smirks, likely knowing what I’m going to ask.

  “Bas? He came barreling in here, have you seen him?”

  Her light laughter flits through the air as she smiles at the dilemma I usually find myself in with my son.

  “You mean the adorable little boy that just left with his sister?”

  Nodding, I sigh. “Paige took him?”

  “Yes, she’s out back with him. If you have a minute, can you tell me what you think of this?” She hands me a spoon full of whatever she’s working on.

  I place the spoon in my mouth and savory, succulent flavors burst on my tongue. “Shit, that’s fucking fantastic.”

  “It’s the sauce for the pork tenderloin, thought I’d try something new and test it out on your guests. Hope you don’t mind?”

  “Damn, Stéph, that’s going on our menu. You gotta let me know what you did. Seriously, it’s amazing.”

  She blushes, a small smile gracing the curve of her lips as she shoos me away. I’m damn lucky to have her running the kitchen. Sure, the success of my Toronto restaurant, Camellia, is all mine, but I can’t deny that she’s certainly contributed to the reason people keep coming back.

  She’s a very talented chef and it’s only a matter of time before she leaves to start her own restaurant. While I’ll fully support her, I won’t lie, I’m not looking forward to that day.

  I step into the courtyard where our friends and family are scattered around the large table in the center of the outdoor space. It’s decorated with balloons, streamers, and twinkling lights in the trees and along the trellis.

  It’s Livvy’s birthday and we’re celebrating with a special meal surrounded by our family and closest friends. We closed the restaurant for the occasion and while she didn’t want me to, I’m glad we did.

  My chest swells with happiness at my life. While a day doesn’t go by that I don’t wish Bas were here to see this, to be a part of it all, to meet my son, I’ve got a lot to be grateful for—most of all, my beautiful wife, who I adore beyond measure, and our fantastic children, Drew, Paige, and Bastien.

  When I moved here years ago to be with Livvy and to open Camellia, Alec came with me. I thought the transition would be hard, especially for Alec, since he’d lived in Montreal all his life, but it was the complete opposite. He adjusted well and is thriving.

  He needed the change and it’s not like he walked away from his past. We both still have business in Montreal and visit often, but my heart is here with my love and my family.

  At the end of the table, Olivia stares at me, a smile blooming across her face, lighting up her pretty features. Bas is running around with Paige trailing behind him, pretending to not be able to catch him. His light, playful laugh floats through the air.

  Walking toward my woman, my heated gaze never wavers. She excuses herself from a conversation with Sin, Jonah, and Alec and heads in my direction. We meet in the middle, my arms wrapping around her slender waist as she leans up and lightly kisses the underside of my jaw.

  “Hey you.” Her voice is low and sexy.

  “Hey you, happy birthday.” I lightly kiss the tip of her nose as she smiles.

  “Thank you. I hear this place is owned by a panty-melting celebrity chef, have you seen him?”

  “What? Seriously? I haven’t seen him. Will I do?”

  “Hmmm.” She places her finger on her lips, her smile still big and bright. “I don’t know, what did you say your name was again? I think I’ll have to Google you first.”

  We both laugh at the memory of our first meeting and our gazes soften, both of us reliving all the wonderful moments that got us to where we are today.

  “You missed the appetizers. We polished them off, they were so good.” She purrs, licking her lips suggestively. “I’m not sure I should eat lunch or else my pants won’t fit me.”

  “That’s where I come in.” Jonah pops up beside us, grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Back off, Jonah. She’s taken,” I quip,

  Jonah isn’t a threat. He’s a true friend and I’ve been lucky enough to watch him find happiness with the right person. Needless to say, we still carry on the usual sparring we’ve taken to engaging in regarding Livvy.

  Quirking a smile, Olivia pipes up, “Hey, I can speak for myself, thank you very much.”

  Jonah chuckles. “Oh, she’s taken, is she? Well we’ve got a date tomorrow morning,” he taunts, jokingly referring to their workout. “And what say you, Liv?”

  She laughs, shaking her head. Then, schooling her features, she glances from Jonah to me. She looks serious now, but I can tell it’s an act, reminiscent of her joking moment before about the celebrity chef.

  “I’m taken.” Her tone is genuine but also suggestive, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eye.

  Placing his hands on both our shoulders, he leans in closer, kisses her on the cheek, then turns to look at me, his sly grin firmly in place.

  “Sorry Sam, I wish I could kiss ya. You’re real pretty and all, but I don’t swing that way.” We chuckle as he pats me on the back before sauntering away.

  Staring up at me, her eyes are heavy lidded, sultry as she whispers, “Too bad for him, but all the better for me, because I sure would like to kiss you.”

  She grips my hair, her tug like a detonator, and my cock hardens as she pulls me closer. Before she can make her move, my mouth crashes onto hers and I take over with an intensity that devours, addictive and furious.

  Clapping, whistles, and catcalls from our guests have us reluctantly breaking apart. Her cheeks are a lovely shade of pink and I have a silly grin on my face. I scan the crowd of close friends and family, all of them smiling at us, and my heart swells. We’re surrounded by love and friendship and even still, all I can see is her. It’s been that way from the very beginning. As my smile widens at that thought, I lean in and lay another quick but no less searing kiss on my Olivia.

  If you got this far, I hope you enjoyed Made to Love and fell in love with Sam and Olivia as much as I did! I had so much fun writing this book. These characters are so near and dear to my heart. It was bittersweet having their story end.

  I couldn’t have indulged and lost myself in Made To Love without the love and support of my family. My husband and daughters are my world - thank you, to the moon and back, for all you do to support me.

  To Stéphanie, my sweet friend and loudest cheerleader when writing this book, I love you and thank you so much for all of your fangirling over this story. Girl, Sam is yours, although I wanna know that I can borrow him once in a while!

bsp; To my green indie sisters, Kim, Saffron, and Bella, you’re amazing!! I’m so grateful for your support, encouragement and friendship. There were moments when each of you kept me sane (or as sane as possible for me). I’m beyond happy that we found each other.

  To my beta readers, some of whom I’ve already mentioned, your feedback was invaluable. Thank you for your suggestions and support. A special call out to Julia! You’ve become a fast fan and great friend. Thank you so much for your love of my characters and stories, and your amazing teasers and videos!

  And Claudia, my dear friend, thank you for our wild and crazy talks and your friendship. Having you in my corner and as my go-to, it means so much to me. Love you!!

  To my editor, Caitlin, you rock! Your edits and feedback make my stories better! To my proofreader, Melinda, thank you for the extra pair of eyes and your wonderful suggestions. I love working with you. And Jules, my fabulous formatter, girl, you’re work is magical. Each time I’ve given you one of my books, my babies, you always give it back shiny, pretty and awesome!

  Najla, I love my cover. Every time I look at it, a silly grin takes over my face. You beautifully captured the sexy and sweet of Sam and Olivia and most of all, the love. Thank you!

  To the fantastic bloggers and readers, thank you doesn’t seem enough for taking a chance on me. Thank you for reading, reviewing and sharing my book. What you do means so much to me. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!

  Suzanne xo

  Want a sneak peek of the next book, Blue, in my standalone Love in Color Series?

  Blue (Love in Color #2) by S.M. West

  Copyright © 2017 by S.M. West

  *Subject to Change*


  My tone’s gruff, her name strange to my ears despite her constant presence in my mind. My throat’s dry and I swallow with difficulty thanks to the bowling ball of nerves lodged in my throat. And fuck, my palms are sweaty.


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