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The Nameless (The Huntress #3)

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by Dawn Robertson

  Everyone wants the baby, and no one gives a shit about me anymore, which is actually kind of awesome. I used to yell and scream at all the annoying paparazzi, but what is the point? It all falls on deaf ears anyway. They have a complete lack of consideration for people’s privacy. I mean, it’s not like I am a movie star or anything like that. Yes, I am a McGuire and that name comes with a lot of baggage, but it’s not like I signed up for that shit.

  I make it to the store and make a scene on my way in the door. The stroller gets stuck and seeing as I’m not super mom just yet, I have no idea what I am doing. I start to laugh as the paparazzi starts to run up to catch a picture.

  “You could at least help me out!” I yell at the scrawny photographer as he scurries away, glancing down at the digital screen on his camera and smiling. I guess he got a good shot. I will probably see it in a tabloid sooner rather than later. I can just picture it now, the headline saying something along the lines of New Mom Issues: Is Eleanor McGuire really cut out to be a parent?

  I dislodge the stroller from the door and walk inside, pretending like nothing happened. I’m embarrassed as hell, but I can’t help but laugh. Shit like this must happen to all new moms, right? One day I’ll figure out how to use this stupid expensive stroller, but today it got the better of me. Complicated ass stoller one, Ellie zero. Probably right when Finley outgrows the damn thing will be when I finally master the damn contraption.

  I wander around the store for a few minutes picking up the cutest little odds and ends, as if this little girl doesn’t already have enough already. I round the corner into the clothes section and just dive in—a couple I love my daddy shirts, a Daddy’s little princess onesie, and an adorable little pink Red Sox baseball cap to match Linc’s favorite one that he wears all the damn time. I even find a matching daddy-daughter set of t-shirts. Of course, I also have no self-control at all. A huge smile spreads across my face, and I can’t think of the last time I’ve genuinely felt this happy. It’s a welcome feeling for me. It’s new and exciting.

  My god, I could get used to this beautifully charmed life.

  Right as I get to the checkout counter, my phone pings with a text from Seven: Mommy and me yoga tonight?

  I start to unload my overflowing basket onto the marble counter as the attendant begins to ring up all the adorable items. “Oh, this one is my favorite,” the young girl says as she holds up a lavender dress I grabbed on a whim as I walked past it hanging in the aisle.

  “It’s it the cutest?” I reply as I start to rattle off a text back to Seven: Sounds like a plan.

  Chapter 6

  Going Out with a Bang


  “Are you sure about this?” Ellie asks while she packs Finley’s diaper bag. I can tell her anxiety is starting to get the better of her, but she is handling it well.

  I pull her into my arms, kissing her forehead. “I told you, I want you two to have some girl time. You’ve been working so hard lately to get back out there. You deserve an evening with just your little girl and your best friend.”

  She sighs, grabbing her keys from the counter. “I feel like I am forgetting something.”

  As she pulls Finley out of her playpen, I say, “You’re forgetting to kiss me goodbye. You have like six changes of clothes for Finley in that damn bag. I am sure you have everything you would need for a week being stranded on a deserted island if it really came down to it.” I tease her as the stress starts to melt off her face a bit. A smile finally forms as Finley starts to pull at Ellie’s skeleton key necklace.

  “How’d I get this lucky?” Ellie asks, looking up at me.

  “I could ask you the same question,” I respond, lacing my fingers with hers. The way she looks at me tugs at my heartstrings, turning me from a tough guy into a damn puddle of mush in the palm of her hands.

  With a quick kiss, my girls are out the door, heading to a mommy-and-me yoga class with Seven and Levi Jr. I only have an hour and change to pull off my master plan. Everything has to be perfect, because that’s what Ellie is: fucking perfect for me.

  I rattle off a quick reminder to Seven: Don’t forget to text me when you guys are finished.

  She responds within seconds: I got this covered. I have everything set for Finley to stay with us tonight. Good job setting all of this up.

  I send back a quick thank you and then get my ass in gear to get everything ready. I start by laying out my favorite suit and a tie that matches the dress I bought Ellie for tonight, and then I hightail it down to the kitchen to start cooking up a storm.

  It has been so long since Ellie and I had a night to ourselves, and I’m not going to spare a single detail. Candles are lit, and Frank Sinatra is playing.

  I am in a Kiss the Cook apron, mumbling the directions for the filet mignon with porcini mushroom butter to myself as I go step by step. “Season the steaks generously with kosher salt and ground black pepper. Season more than you think you’ll need as much of it comes off during the cooking process,” I mutter while dousing the raw meat with seasonings. My stomach growls in anticipation of how amazing this dinner is going to be.

  I turn on the gas stove and wait for a second for the fire to ignite. A huge roar cuts through the house, and a second later I am thrown against the island behind me as flames engulf my home. Instantly, everything is still and darkness consumes me.


  “Seven!” I hug my best friend with my free arm, holding Finley’s carrier in the other. “And how is Levi Jr. doing?” I ask, bending down to look at the sleeping baby boy in his stroller. He fat cheeks are so adorable, it takes everything in my power to not pinch them.

  “He’s been running Mommy ragged all day, fucking tired himself out for sure.” Seven rolls her eyes. “How did I ever let Levi talk me into getting knocked up in the first place?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You know you love every damn minute of being a mom.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Seven flashes me a quick smile before continuing. “Ready to bond with our kids?” The sarcasm that laces her words is palpable.

  I open the door to the yoga studio for us. “Oh, come on, this is going to be fun. Linc did some research on this stuff, and apparently it is super helpful for early childhood development and really great to help speed up a mother’s bond with an adopted child.”

  “For what these stupid classes cost, it better do that and make our kids fucking geniuses.” Seven’s face is dead serious before her lips pull at the corners.

  I shove Seven’s shoulder as I feel the glares from the other moms burning holes through Seven and me. “Hush! People are giving us the fucking evil eye.” I hold my finger over my lips, finding a spot near the back for us to set up our mats.

  Seven puts her stuff down next to mine. “Let them send daggers at me with their glances, they don’t know who the hell they are messing with.” Seven starts to laugh and I follow suit—it is fucking true. Between my unique skillset and murderous resume and the pair of balls Seven has, we could take out this entire room of women in a matter of minutes, easily.

  After a bunch of breathing on command and stretching while holding my daughter, the class is finished. Even though it was an interesting way to spend an evening, I don’t feel like the class was all it was cracked up to be. I’m not a conventional stay-at-home mom with a house in the burbs, toting a car full of kids from soccer practice to violin lessons, and Seven and I were definitely out of place. At least now we can say we tried it, right?

  “Did you remember to bring Finley’s overnight stuff?” Seven asks as we get back to our cars, which are packed right next to each other.

  I nod. “Yep, it’s all in here, and if you need anything, I am only a phone call away.” I put Finley’s bag into the trunk of Seven’s Audi A3.

  After making sure her car seat is secure, I kiss my little girl goodbye.

  “This is her first night not sleeping at home.” I feel a lump form in my throat. I cannot believe how damn emotional this i
s making me.

  “You know she’ll be in good hands with Levi right in the next room.” Seven pulls me in for a huge hug. “Now go home to that sexy as hell man of yours.”

  “Thanks for this, Seven,” I say, holding her door open for her.

  She slides into her driver’s seat. “No need to thank me. What are friends for? Be sure to have an orgasm for me,” Seven says while giggling like a high schooler before slamming her car door shut and pulling out of the parking spot.

  I cannot wait to get home. I know Linc is planning a nice night for the two of us, and grownup alone time with that hunk is exactly what I need.

  As I drive closer to my neighborhood, I get passed by two fire trucks and an ambulance speeding with sirens blaring. I can see off in the distance that smoke is bellowing up from somewhere in the direction of my house. My heart immediately starts to pound in my chest. Is this really happening? Could this be real? Could my house be on fire?

  I floor it as fast as I can and to my horror, my street is blocked off by first responders of all kinds. Cops, firefighters, and EMTs are rushing around frantically in front of a home completely consumed by a raging fire.

  I fly out of my car, keys still in the ignition as I start to make sense of the nightmare in front of me. My gorgeous home is engulfed in flames that are being doused by streams of water.

  A policeman rushes at me as I try to get as close to the wreckage as possible.

  “Ma’am, you can’t go in there!” he yells as he grabs my arm, gripping me tightly as I try to continue running toward my house.

  “Linc!” I scream as tears start to roll down my cheeks. “Where is Linc?” I sink to my knees, grasping the officer’s hand. “That’s my home,” I mutter between sobs.

  The cop pulls me to my feet, holding both of my shoulders tightly. “Ma’am.” He shakes me hard, making my eyes snap to his. His bright amber eyes have years of wrinkles surrounding them and his hair is starting to gray. I force myself to fixate on his features so I won’t pass out from sheer shock. “They sent a bus away with a survivor, the only body recovered from your house. I can have someone take you to him.”

  Chapter 7

  The Aftermath

  Three weeks later


  My eyes flutter open. The bright lights burn my eyes, and an annoying beeping in the distance is driving me fucking crazy. My throat and lips are drier than the damn Sahara, and everything hurts; it feels like I just got run over by a Mac truck.

  Trying to speak, I burst into a coughing fit. Ellie’s voice squeals, “You’re awake? Oh my God, Linc.” By the end of her short statement, Ellie is crying. How does elation turn into tears so quickly?

  “What? What happened?” My voice is weak and shaking as I try to force my blurry vision to focus on Ellie’s face. I can tell she has been crying based on how puffy her eyes are. I lift my hand to try to rub her cheek, but the damn finger monitor attached to my index finger stops me halfway.

  She grabs my hand in midair while she sniffles. “You had us pretty worried there for a bit, ya know?”

  Confusion washes over me as I start to realize exactly where I am. “Why am I in the hospital?”

  The sigh that escapes Ellie consumes me as I start to remember the explosion. “You were really banged up, Linc. We’re lucky you survived at all. You’ve been in a coma for weeks now.”

  I try to sit up, but my body revolts, making me lie still for a few seconds until the searing pain subsides.

  Something feels off, more than just the pain. Something is really wrong. I look down at my legs, and panic sets in.

  “Ellie!” I scream, staring down, trying to wiggle my toes but only seeing one set moving.

  She grips my hand tighter. “There was nothing the surgeon could do to save it, babe. I am so sorry.” Now she is crying uncontrollably as she sinks into the plastic chair right next to my bed.

  The reality of her words hits me and I realize I am missing half of my right leg. From the knee down, there is nothing. I start to hyperventilate.

  A nurse rushes into the room and pushes a syringe full of clear liquid into my IV. “That should help him settle down a bit. I will go let the doctor know he has woken up.”

  All I hear is Ellie thanking the nurse before my eyelids get too heavy and I drift off.

  It takes a few days to really wrap my head around what actually is happening to me and get used to the understanding of my new reality. Ellie and Theo work tirelessly to track down the person that put the hit out on us. Apparently the mafia didn’t take too kindly to one of their best enforcers being taken out. Since Ellie has been contracted by them in the past, the use of her knife put up a red flag when Vito’s autopsy report came back from the morgue.

  “I guess it is a good thing we put in a bid on that condo in Seven’s building,” Ellie says while eating the orange jello that came with my lunch.

  “How is Finley doing?” I ask, wishing our baby was here with us.

  “Seven and Levi are taking great care of her in the city. Wanna see?”

  I nod and Ellie scrolls through tons of pictures of Ellie and Levi Jr. playing together. “She is so damn cute,” I say while smiling at Ellie, who is still on the edge of my hospital bed. She is chewing on her lip, lost in deep thought. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Her beautiful eyes snap to mine. “Linc, I love you.”

  I grab her hand. “And I love you,” I say before kissing the back of her hand.

  Her fingers start to roll over my smooth cheek. “At least when your beard grows back, this scar will be covered.”

  The explosion left cuts and gashes all over me, which made it necessary for the nurses to shave my beard so the doctors could actually patch me up. I feel so naked without facial hair—I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have some form of a beard—but in due time, I will be able to grow it back.

  Lost in Ellie’s touch, I barely hear the nurse come in. “Sir, I have your things. We were finally able to track them down.”

  It has been over a month since I was brought to the damn hospital, and now they are finally bringing me the crap I had on me when I almost got blown to bits. My heart starts to pound in my chest as I think back to the moments before the blast, remembering one very important item that better be in that damn bag.

  I snatch my effects out of the poor girl’s hands. “Finally!” I yell as I immediately start to dig through. I find my cell phone, my wallet, my keys, and a small black velvet box.

  I clear my throat. “Ellie?” I glance up at her face as it twists with confusion.

  “Yes?” she asks.

  I swallow the lump that is forming deep within my throat. I guess now is as good a time as ever. “Eleanor McGuire, I almost didn’t get to ask you this, so I am just going to come out with it.” I pause for a second, popping the box open while it is still hidden in the plastic bag. “Will you marry me?”

  I hold the ring out and slide it onto Ellie’s shaking finger before she can even start to overthink this proposal. I know her too damn well and if I give her too much time to think about it, she will find every excuse on this planet to say no.

  She starts nodding her head as tears start to roll down her face. I completely ignore the nurse that is standing awkwardly in the corner of the room, sniffling up a storm.

  She clears her throat and we both look over at her. “There’s a chaplain here, just sayin’.” She points to the door. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  Ellie jumps to her feet. “Let’s do it right now.”

  I chuckle a little. “I was hoping we could do it when I’m not in a damn gown.”

  Ellie shakes her head violently. “No, Linc. I don’t want to spend another minute not being your wife. Let’s get married.”

  The next thing I know, I am sitting in a wheelchair in a blue and white faded hospital gown with Ellie’s hands in mine while an older man clears his throat. “Do you, Eleanor McGuire, take Linc Masterson to be your husband?”

She smiles down at me. “I do.”

  Best two words I have ever heard in my life. Even though it is not the way I pictured this going, it is fucking perfect. It isn’t conventional, but Ellie and I are so far from normal that this just makes perfect sense.

  The chaplain looks to me. “And do you, Linc Masterson, take Eleanor McGuire to be your wife?”

  “Heck yes, I do!”


  A Shower for the Ages


  Who would have thought? Fuckin’ Theo having a baby.

  Even though I’ve had months to get used to the idea, it is still hard to wrap my head around the whole thing. It is all quite comical to be honest. Seeing him and Journey next to each other, you would never think they are a couple, but when you catch them alone, you can see how they look at each other like they are the only two people in the entire fucking world.

  I thought I would be hurt watching them; it wasn’t so long ago that Theo was mine, and a little over a year ago, I thought he would be forever. It wasn’t healthy what we had going on, and I’m thankful every day that Journey came into the picture when she did. If not, Linc and I wouldn’t be where we are today—married with a beautiful little girl, a new home, and a life together that we were almost robbed of.

  When I made the choice to remove myself from the assassin life, I didn’t think it would become so volatile. I blame myself for Linc losing his leg, and for him even going out on that hit. The lives we were living were far too dangerous for the family we’ve built, Theo included. You can’t be a family man and kill people on the side. We are going to build our business into something different, make a small shift so the money can keep rolling in. Theo already has it all in the works.

  The day my home—his old one—was blown up was the last straw for all of us. Theo sprang into action immediately and put everything into motion for us to get out of the assassin business. There was a time in my life when all I craved was the power I wielded when I was taking the lives of terrible people, but now I could barely even stomach the thought of the life we all used to live. The reality of how dangerous it truly was hit me like a ton of bricks. For a while I felt like we were invincible, and I was so wrong.


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