Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1

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Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 Page 1

by Ryan Johnson

  Minecraft Adventures Series

  (Full Series- 3 Book Bundle)

  By Ryan Johnson

  Copyright © 2014 by Ryan Johnson

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This book is in no way authorized by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Minecraft or its subsidiaries. All references to Minecraft and other trademarked properties are used in accordance with the Fair Use Doctrine and are not meant to imply that this book is a Minecraft product for advertising or other commercial purposes.

  Table of Contents

  Book 1: Awakening Of The Ender Dragon

  The Deadly Night

  Herobrine’s Resurrection…

  Meet Intelligence

  What Lies Ahead

  Hunter of Gift

  War of Fireballs

  Destroy Mind

  Transforming Journey

  Lord of the Ender Dragon

  Book 2: Quest To Kill The Ender Dragon

  Core Sky

  The Haunted Mind

  Time Revenge

  Twinkling Pleasure

  Thorn In The Dreams

  Heat In The Touch

  Azure Fighter

  Death Wave

  Forgotten Legend

  Book 3: Legend Of Swords Battle

  Dark Break

  The Saga Sword

  Dream Evil

  Core Two

  The Oracle

  Invisible Nemesis

  Ultimate Test

  The Final Thought

  Legendary Sword

  The Final Battle

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  Book 1: Awakening of The Ender Dragon

  The Deadly Night

  Diamond swords clashed again, sending a resonating sound through the cavern. The only light breaking the darkness was the torch in Steve’s left hand. The diamond sword in his right flashed, reflecting the fire light as he parried one attack, struck out with one of his own and then blocked another incoming swing.

  “You have no place here!” Herobrine shouted as he mercilessly swung his blade at Steve, aching to rid this world of the pitiful fool.

  “I don’t know who you are but you messed with the wrong guy!”Steve did his best to counter each strike, backing up as he was forced against the stone wall of his mine shaft.

  The white eyed man let out a scream of power as he swung his blade with crushing force at Steve. The adventurer tried to block but the blow hit too hard, knocking his sword out of his hand as it skittered across the ground. Holding him against the wall by his throat the man got right in Steve’s face, pure anger and hatred filling his blank eyes.

  “We have met many times before…but this time you will remember my name; the name of the man who has finally killed you.” He stepped back, then lifted his leg and forced his foot into Steve’s chest, kicking him with such force that he broke through the wall of the coal mine and outside into Overworld.

  Steve flew backwards, the sudden brightness of the sun forcing his eyes closed as he tumbled down the mountainside. He had been mining a small cave for coal when the white eyed man had cornered him. For weeks now he had seen him in the corner of his eye, around dark corners, following him, watching him.

  Steve finally came to rest on the grass as he looked up at the hole his body had made in the mountainside. Standing there, watching him with great pleasure was his new enemy.

  “I. Am. HEROBRINE!” he shouted as he jumped from the top of the mountain down towards Steve, diamond sword flashing in the sunlight.

  Steve managed to roll out of the way just in time, swinging his leg out after Herobrine landed to trip him. It worked, he sent the would-be killer flailing to his back. Steve didn’t have much life left in him after the fall. If he was going to survive this then he had to act quickly.

  Digging through his inventory Steve grabbed his bow, getting to his feet and running to put some distance between him and Herobrine.

  “You cannot run from me Steve! You do not belong in my world, I will not be deleted and forgotten!” his voice boomed behind him as Steve ran.

  Herobrine caught up to him quickly, circling the mountain where he had disappeared and found him aiming a bow at him. “You think that can stop me!?”

  “Willing to find out” Steve said as he shot an arrow right at Herobrine’s head. The white eyed man tucked his body in and rolled to his side, dodging the arrow with ease.

  “You will have to do better than that!” Herobrine laughed as hurried to his feet.

  “I wasn’t aiming for you” Steve said with a cocksure grin. He dove behind a tree quickly as Herobrine looked behind himself.

  Tucked behind a tree, just feet from him was a TNT block, the arrow now sticking out of it was on fire.

  Before Herobrine could react the TNT exploded with earth shattering force. The explosion sent him flying backwards into another tree. He hit it so hard the tree snapped and fell with him as he rolled to the ground.

  “Not again…” he said in a great deal of pain. Steve hurried over to him, a new arrow knocked to his bow as he stood over Herobrine.

  “I told you before…You messed with the wrong guy.” Drawing the arrow back he aimed it right at Herobrine’s heart.

  “No!” he reached up; trying to take the bow from him, but it was too late. Steve released the arrow.

  The world went dark, not for the first time. Herobrine’s death triggered the world to reset. His body slowly came apart one block at a time, as did Steve’s. The whole world began to come apart. Soon, nothing remained, but the darkness.

  Herobrine’s Resurrection…

  The world is darkness again. There is nothing here but an endless nightmare of silence and despair. It is always this way, always this silent after I fail. But this is not how it will remain; this is only the beginning, a new beginning, a new chance to reclaim what is mine.

  In the darkness of a mine deep below the surface of the Overworld something began to stir. Particles crawled across the floor of an empty antechamber, moving like a hundred insects across the stone to gather in one place. The process took only a matter of minutes before the body of a man laid unmoving against the cold stone floor. Then, the darkness was broken as two solid white eyes snapped open and the man once again rose to his feet.

  A new beginning. But this time must be different, this time, I cannot follow the same path. This world belongs to me, I am its adventurer, its ruler. But there is one who has invaded my home, who seeks to rule its people and steal its precious gems. This one known as Steve has continuously risen and defeated me without fail every single time I come against him. It is only my all powerful control that saves me, deleting the world entirely and letting it reform once again. The false king will not remember me nor any of the countless battles between us. But I remember.

  The newly reformed man walked from his place in the antechamber, leaving behind the place of his rebirth. With a single thought from this man his naked form was clothed in his usual attire, the green and blue that the false king had claimed as his own.

  Each time I have been defeated I have only grown stronger. But I know now that even I cannot hope to defeat Steve alone. I must have an ally, someone powerful enough to help me reclaim my world. From the mountains and deserts to the mines below, I will emerge from the shadows, the true ruler, the only king of this world!

  The white eyed man traversed the cave with ease, knowing every hole, ev
ery turn and every sparkle of precious metals. He had come back to this place so many times before that he could have navigated it in his sleep, if he slept. For hours he climbed silently though the mine shafts, undisturbed by the spiders and skeletons that let him pass unnoticed. Until finally he came to the place he once called home.

  A mine cart track came to a dead end, abruptly stopping a few blocks away from a wall of stone. Torches adorned this wall on either side of a simple opening. Beyond the doorway was a vast empty room. Taking one of the torches from the wall the man entered a massive forgotten library. What shelves remained standing were filled with tomes as old as the world itself, the first accounts of his existence and that of the mine filled world he called home. A table lay upside down in the middle of the floor. Outstretching a hand caused the table to right itself in a hurry, a nearby overturned chair slid up to the table invitingly.

  I will not fail again. This time I will be prepared for the false king. I will be unstoppable. I will be a relentless force that drives him out of my kingdom! This time, I will not only kill him, but I will make a spectacle of it, I will show everyone that I am the only true ruler. All will witness, the rise of Herobrine!

  Meet Intelligence

  Herobrine spent the next month in the library, researching the very beginnings of his world, its ancient lore’s and legends. For weeks he found nothing. The tireless man continued without sleep to find something, anything that would hint at another creature as powerful as him that could help him kill Steve. It all seemed hopeless and without end, until one fateful night.

  Out of anger and disgust at his own inability to uncover anything, Herobrine grabbed one of the bookshelves, throwing it to the floor with a growl of rage.

  A hiss answered him back; a hiss of rushing wind from behind him. There, in the wall behind that ancient bookshelf was a passage. The dark prevented him from seeing where it led but the edges of the stone around the hole seemed to glow a faint purple.

  Herobrine grabbed a torch from the wall and headed through the passage. Cobwebs coated every inch of wall in a thick blanket. The fire of his torch fought a losing battle against the bleak blackness of the short hallway. A set of stairs lead downward in a spiral, leading to the depths of the unknown. As many times as Herobrine had died and lived again he had never known this place existed.

  The stairs lead to one more hallway, but at the end of this was a small room about the size of a cabin home. Statues of the mysterious Endermen adorned each of the four corners, holding up the roof as their blank stares all gathered in the middle of the room.

  The only other things there were a chest and the skeleton of some long forgotten adventurer.

  The chest glowed purple, stronger than the door had, filling the room with its radiance. Herobrine approached it slowly.

  Surprisingly there seemed to be no lock upon the old chest, no means of keeping someone out. Surely though whatever was inside must be able to help me, thought Herobrine. Steeling his determination he kicked open to the chest and stepped back. A long moment passed as he waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

  Herobrine peered forward, hoping to see a weapon of some kind tucked away inside the chest.

  “What is this?” he said as he lifted a large purple tome out of the chest, inspecting it on either side.

  “That, is the Book of The End” a voice filled the room. Herobrine spun, swinging his torch at the unseen enemy but finding no one behind him. “Over here you dim witted fool.”

  Herobrine turned once more and saw that the skeleton had stood up off the floor, dusted himself off of cobwebs and was now, smiling at him?

  “Who…what, are you?” Herobrine asked.

  “You truly are dim witted aren’t you? Look at me, what do I look like boy?”

  “You look like a skeleton, but the monsters that roam the mines of Overworld cannot speak.”

  “True enough, but I was not always a skeleton. Not like your monsters.” The skeleton walked closer to Herobrine, the ancient chest stood open between them.

  “Then who are you?”

  The skeleton smiled “I was once the adventurer of this world, the first in fact, back when magic and sorcery were the means of survival. Now, I am merely the guardian of the book.”

  Herobrine could hardly believe what the old pile of bones was saying. “You, were the first adventure of Overworld?”

  The skeleton seemed to smile and the skull nodded. “Yes, you are not the only forgotten adventurer of this world. I know each and every realm that exists within and outside of Overworld.”

  “Realms?” Herobrine asked “What realms?”

  “Ah, what you hold in your hand my boy. That book will tell you all you need to know about The End; a dark horrid place filled with despair and hopelessness. There is the home of the Endermen and the Ender Dragon.”

  Herobrine was struck silent. He looked down at the tome in his hands, inspecting the black markings upon its purple leather cover.

  “Your eyes, you were cast away into the darkness, replaced by a new traveler were you not?”

  Herobrine felt his anger rising again. “Yes, I was, and I seek an ally to help me destroy him, to take back my world!”

  The skeleton laughed, a sound like dust falling down a long dried up well. “I will not be able to fight with you my boy, the spell I cast keeping these old bones together is weak, and I will not last much longer. But if you seek a truly powerful ally, then you must travel to The End and release the Ender Dragon from its prison!”

  Herobrine nodded. “What do I need to do”

  What Lies Ahead

  The skeleton had followed Herobrine out of the hidden chamber and back up into the library. The markings in the tome were so old that Herobrine could not read them, but his new friend was more than happy to help translate.

  “Hidden in Overworld, there is a stronghold buried far below the surface.” The skeleton began as he flipped heavy page after heavy page of the book. “Inside this stronghold is a portal, which leads to The End. But to activate it, one must have the Eyes of Ender”

  Herobrine was excited to finally be on the right track, but his impatience grew. “Where do I find these Eyes?” he asked.

  “They cannot be found, they must be forged from two items. Blaze Rods and Ender Pearls. The Ender Pearls you will gain from killing Endermen. The Blaze rods however, are another story. They will be very difficult and dangerous to find.”

  “I will do whatever it takes, just tell me what I need to do” Herobrine said.

  “Go and gather Obsidian blocks, you will need at least twelve. Do this and when you return I will have things prepared for your journey.”

  “My journey where, exactly?”

  “Into the Nether”

  Hunter of Gift

  It took Herobrine only a few hours to find the obsidian he needed. Placing it in a frame as the skeleton instructed he used a flint to send sparks flying into the frame. At first nothing happened. Then, it was as if the obsidian caught fire. A purple flame trailed up the inside of the frame. When the flame completed its circle a purple aura filled the inside of the obsidian.

  “This will take you to the Nether realm.” The skeleton said. “You must find the nether fortress, slay the Blaze Creatures there and bring me the Blaze Rods. Then, you will be one step closer to reclaiming our world”

  Herobrine looked to the skeleton. “My. World.” And with that he launched himself through the portal.

  The portal into the nether brought Herobrine out in the middle of nowhere. Nether rock and lava surrounded him in an endless vista of hellish beauty. Herobrine walked to the nearest pool of molten magma and felt its heat rising, washing over him like a thick blanket. Each time his particles reformed after deleting his world, Herobrine’s senses were heightened. He could see farther, hear more clearly, but these gifts also came with a price. Pain was elevated, every sensation was double or triple what it used to be. Closing his eyes Herobrine cherished the burning heat of th
e lava.

  After collecting a bucket of the lava for later Herobrine turned to face the Nether, searching with his unrelenting white eyes for the structures that held what he desired. Nothing, as far as even he could see there was only endless red rock, fires and more magma. But there was something else that changed within Herobrine. He grew stronger with each resurrection, gained more control over the world around him, became more of the god that the world deserved. Herobrine felt his body lift off the ground slowly, feet slipping away from the stone as he rose upwards.

  Herobrine shot forward; flying through the Nether at full speed, searching for the fortress he knew would house the creatures known as Blaze. These fire beasts held one half of the critical items he needed to create the Eyes of Ender. His flight got the attention of the demon spawn dwelling in this realm. Their moans and shrieks filled his ears as he shot past them, paying them no attention as they tried to shoot him down. Arrows blasted past him left and right, each missing its mark as he moved too fast for them.


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