Two Notorious Dukes

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Two Notorious Dukes Page 2

by Norton, Lyndsey

  ‘Come along, Lady Elizabeth, I must introduce you to Johnny and his friends!’ and with that Lady Verity made a beeline for Argyll and his companions. The gentlemen all murmured ‘Good evening Lady Verity.’ As Argyll pecked her on the cheek and muttered ‘Good evening Mother.’ and as Lady Elizabeth approached Robert was shocked to realise that she was only as tall as his sternum, because he was tall, like Argyll. All four men towered over the petit woman.

  Lady Verity was still trying to decide which of these three men would be suitable for her young widow. She made the introductions and all three men bowed as they should and Lady Elizabeth still kept her eyes demurely on the floor as she curtsied so gracefully that Verity practically preened.But which one would be the right one?She asked herself again.All three of them were rakes, with a string of conquests as long as your arm and Argyll was her step son!Still, the only one worth looking at was Robert Bosworth as he was the richest.

  ‘Well! Shall we go in?’ Argyll said and held his arm out to the shy Lady Elizabeth, but he was wasting his time, as she was suddenly looking at four arms, all waiting for her to choose. She took a sharp step backwards and then rested her hand on Monmouth’s arm, as had been decided before they even reached the venue. Argyll shrugged and turned to Lady Verity, only to find that Robert Bosworth had beaten him to it.

  They followed the crowd upstairs and took their places in their box. The opera was stunning and flawlessly performed, not that either Cranwell or Bosworth took any notice. They were far too busy watching Lady Elizabeth, and Robert had the best seat in the house, because he could see the rise and fall of her bosom. He was sitting behind and to the right of her.

  Lady Wentworth pales into insignificance besides such beauty, Robert decided during the second act, as Lady Elizabeth flicked open her fan and wafted it lazily in front of her face. Robert found it really endearing as he noticed the gentle flush on her cheeks. It was hot in the auditorium, but Cranwell was best placed to receive the breeze from her fan.

  Afterwards, they filtered out with everyone else and again Monmouth escorted Lady Elizabeth. Lady Verity had watched Bosworth as often as she could and was happy to see his interest. But she didn’t want him to just roger the young widow, she wanted him to marry her.Maybe I should just let nature take its course?She ruminated,after all, she has a say in who will be her next husband.

  Robert followed them right to the coach and waved goodbye as it jerked away. He looked at his companions and smiled. ‘Who’s for White’s then?’ he asked as he waited for his coach. Both Argyll and Cranwell nodded distractedly. ‘Well, it would seem that your Mater has given us something to think about?’ Robert said softly and thought about the only time that Lady Elizabeth raised her eyes to look at him. She had dropped her lace handkerchief and he picked it up and held it out for her. She turned in her chair and took the delicate square of lace from his fingers saying ‘Thank you.’ Her voice was husky without being hoarse and her eyes riveted him to the spot, as they held his gaze for a split second before she looked down at the offending linen. As she gently pulled it from his fingers, she flicked her eyes up to his gaze again and he was surprised to see her cheeks flame under his scrutiny. She turned abruptly away, but left him gasping at the directness of her gaze. It was almost challenging and her eyes were such an arresting green, almost emerald.

  Robert scrambled in his coach as it pulled up, followed by Cranwell. He knew that Argyll would take his own transport. ‘I suppose we’ll all be looking to be serviced by the new whore that White’s have employed?’ Cranwell mused.

  ‘I don’t need a whore!’ Robert said firmly. ‘Just a willing woman.’ He smirked. ‘Any woman!’

  ‘Haven’t you ever been with a whore?’ Cranwell asked in surprise.

  ‘Of course I have, but not for a few years.’ He smiled beatifically. ‘I haven’t had to pay for sex recently!’ he boasted proudly. ‘I don’t need to pay for it with so many willing women about.’ He looked at Cranwell. ‘And you shouldn’t have to either. Paying for a whore won’t enhance your reputation and you need to impress the ladies, rather than a whore.’

  He sat and looked at his companion. He knew that Cranwell was only twenty five and had inherited his title when he was a child. His father had been the biggest rake in London and Robert was aware that Cranwell wanted to be exactly the same, but the available ladies wouldn’t look at him, because he had no fortune. He really would end up married to some rich woman that looked like his prize mare!

  Robert Bosworth tried not to excite the gossips, but he rarely managed it as they seemed to watch his every move. He would attend the fashionable functions and watch amused as the matrons trotted out their unmarried daughters for his inspection. But at thirtyfour, he wasn’t quite ready for marriage as he was too busy rodgering Abigail Beresford. At the moment he was waiting for Lord Beresford to return from India and offer him out for a duel. But with any luck, Abigail would be being rogered by somebody else at that time.

  Once at White’s Gentlemen’s Club, they alighted and strode through the ornate doors to be greeted by the steward, who stood and held the door open.

  ‘Good evening Thomas,’ Robert said cordially as he removed his cloak.

  ‘Good evening, Your Grace. The Prime Minister is in attendance tonight and is whipping the Lord Chancellor at Hazard.’ Thomas informed them as Cranwell joined him in the foyer. ‘My Lord.’ Thomas accepted Cranwell’s cloak.

  Robert turned to Cranwell. ‘Well, if you’re going to roger the whore, I’ll go and get myself a drink.’ He said firmly and headed straight for the lounge. His favourite seat was vacant so he ensconced himself in a corner and crossed his legs to camouflage his need to squeeze his manhood, as it was still throbbing from eye contact with Lady Elizabeth Audley, Countess of Craanford.

  Argyll joined him as a steward brought a decanter of brandy and two glasses. ‘So what did you think of Mater’s new pet?’

  ‘I’m surprised you haven’t married the vixen!’ Robert said disgustedly. ‘I can assure you I wouldn’t be waiting.’

  ‘I have no intention of waiting. I intend to propose to the vixen tomorrow morning!’ Argyll said as he poured his first drink. ‘Of course, the silly girl will say no. But that’ll just open it up for you.’ He sat back and slurped on the fiery spirit, as he watched Robert’s head shake slowly from side to side. He knew Robert had been disappointed in love when he was young, but he didn’t know the details. He sighed as it burned the back of his throat on its way down his gullet. ‘Anyway, I think you’ll find Mater has her eye on you!’

  ‘Me?!’ Robert ejaculated and coughed as the fumes from his brandy caught in the back of his throat. ‘Why would your mater assume I’d be interested in marriage?’

  ‘I think that’s what she’s planning. To get you to marry the wench!’ Argyll said morosely. ‘She spent all night watching your face.’

  ‘Well, I must admit, she was a vision to behold, but marriage is not for me.’ Robert spoke calmly, although he didn’t feel calm. Talk of matrimony always made him nervous. He preferred to tupp them and leave them begging for more, while he kept his estate intact.

  ‘Eventually you’ll need an heir, just like I do.’ Argyll said firmly and poured another drink. ‘It’s alright for Cranwell and his four brothers, he hasn’t got any money and needs to marry it, but you and I need a son to inherit the estate, otherwise it goes to the crown, and in my case a very kind step mother will end up on the street!’

  ‘I can’t see Monmouth letting that happen. They’ve been friends for thirty years.’ Robert said innocently.

  ‘Friends be damned, the jackanapes has been shagging her since a week after she married my father!’ Argyll spluttered. ‘He introduced them for that one purpose!’ He shook his head in disgust. ‘The silly old sod couldn’t do it for himself, so he got Monmouth to oblige.’

  ‘Why hasn’t she married him?’ Robert asked softly.

  ‘I don’t know.’ Argyll said thoughtfully. ‘Perhaps she’s c
oncerned about our estate.’

  ‘More likely Monmouth doesn’t want to marry her. He’ll up one day and marry a slim little thing like Elizabeth Audley and leave poor Verity Argyll with a hole where her heart used to be!’ Robert said scathingly.

  ‘You speak like a man who has already been burned.’ Argyll said softly.

  ‘I have!’ Robert admitted harshly. ‘And I will never feel that kind of heartache again.’

  ‘That’s why you love them and leave them, isn’t it?’

  ‘That’s why!’ Robert spat harshly. ‘Now let’s change the subject. Or I’ll go to Almack’s to find Lady Beresford and give her a good tupping before her old man gets back from India.’

  The hours passed in cards and laughter, as usually happens at a gentleman’s club and then they were moving on to Almack’s to inspect the Philly’s on display. Cranwell went with Argyll.

  Robert swirled his cloak about his shoulders, settled his bicorn hat and sauntered down the steps to the livery waiting at the bottom as he pulled on his white gloves. ‘Where to, Sir?’ the footman asked softly.

  ‘Almack’s first, I think.’ Robert said as he climbed in the door and relaxed against the seat. He thought about Lady Audley as the coach jerked into motion.If Lady Verity is thinking of setting me up as a husband, she can think again!He told himself.Once bitten, twice shy!

  Christina rose unbidden before his eyes, so beautiful and innocent, or so he thought. He remembered the first time he saw her and how demure she appeared, just like Lady Audley, she had downcast eyes and barely spoke. The knife pierced straight through his heart as he saw again how he went to the stables to check on his horse, it had strained a fetlock the previous day, and as he opened the door to the stables he could see virginal Christina in the throes of ecstasy as she rode one of the grooms like a stallion! He closed his eyes in horror as he recalled how she screamed as she saw him, and tried to reach for her chemise and how she begged later for his forgiveness for her moment of weakness. To this day he cannot fathom how he didn’t strangle her. He opened his eyes as he remembered the rage that had made him beat the groom almost to death, at his father’s behest, and the hollow emptiness that followed and drove him to join the army, where he was initiated into the pleasures of the body. Since then, he’d kept his heart locked in a strong box. He’d yet to meet the woman that would be able to break the lock!

  The carriage jerked to a halt outside Almack’s and Robert alighted to join his friends on the street.

  As luck would have it Abigail Beresford was just leaving the club as Robert pulled up.

  ‘Lady Beresford.’ He bowed deeply. ‘May I offer you conveyance to your abode?’ he asked formally. Abigail Beresford was a woman that was aware. She was aware the effect her appearance had on men and she exploited it for as many lovers as she could handle. She had an insatiable appetite for sex. Her fiery red hair, always looking as if it was falling out of the pins, gave the impression she’d just been ravished by every man in Almack’s.

  She smiled coquettishly and accepted his offer. As the footman was helping her in the carriage, Robert looked at him and smiled. ‘Around Regent’s Park, until I say otherwise!’ The footman nodded but didn’t smile. Robert got in the coach and it pulled away with alacrity, leaving Argyll and Cranwell looking at each other.

  ‘Robbie will need a bath when he gets home. She’ll give him the pox if he’s not careful!’ Argyll muttered as he turned for the door.

  The main hall was bustling with people. ‘Busy tonight.’ Cranwell murmured to the steward.

  ‘That we are, my Lord, The Prince Regent is here tonight and you know how big his party usually is.’

  ‘That we do, Angus.’ Argyll said cheerfully. ‘I think I’ll have a little téte a téte with our esteemed monarch in waiting!’ and he strode purposefully into the main salon, where Prinny, as his friends called him, was holding court. ‘Your Royal Highness.’ He greeted the Prince.

  ‘Argyll, old boy. What are you doing here?’

  ‘Waiting on Your Highness’s pleasure?’ Argyll said wistfully.

  ‘Don’t grovel!’ the Prince said harshly. ‘I get enough of that in the day time, with Wellington and Liverpool giving me grief about the Peninsular.’ He pouted like a spoilt child, patted the arm of the chair next to him and said ‘Come and sit down, Argyll. Tell me a joke!’

  Argyll gracefully sat beside the portly prince and regaled him with some funny anecdotes and then a hush fell on the room as Lady Wentworth arrived.

  ‘God!’ exhorted the Prince. ‘I could hang my coat on those.’ He looked about his compatriots. ‘Who’s going to own up and admit they’ve had them in their mouth?’ All his usual companions looked at the floor in dismay and Argyll shuffled his feet. ‘Have you, Johnny?’ the Prince asked with wide eyes.

  ‘No, your highness. But I did see Robbie Bosworth tupping the lady last month and he definitely had them in his mouth!’

  ‘Where is Robbie tonight?’

  ‘Tupping Lady Beresford in his carriage, Your Highness.’ Argyll said patiently, he knew not to lie to the Prince Regent and he was definitely the biggest gossip in London.

  ‘In his carriage, by God!’ The Regent shook his head. ‘If only I were so free to do such things.’

  ‘Prinny?’ a light female voice sounded.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Argyll saw a flutter of pink silk and turned his head as the Prince put a hand on his arm. ‘Wonder whether you’d like to meet another ward of the court?’ he muttered. ‘Another noble who has lost his lands to the crown.’ He sighed. ‘Argyll, this is his only daughter let me introduce Lady Sarah Trevanon.’ He held out a hand. Of course, Argyll was already on his feet. ‘May I introduce the Duke of Goring, Johnny Argyll?’ Argyll bowed and was surprised that she was like Lady Audley and was only as tall as his chest. His mouth went dry and his stomach hollow as she looked up at him.

  ‘Enchanted.’ He murmured.

  ‘Charmed, I’m sure.’ She said coldly and turned her attention straight back to the Prince. ‘Prinny you can’t do this to me, I’m a lady!’

  ‘I can and I have.’ The Prince said firmly. ‘Every man here has to bid for a kiss and all the proceeds go to the new pavilion I’m having built at Brighton!’ He took her hand. ‘It’s one kiss, my dear. Not a night of debauchery!’ all the men around her laughed lasciviously, except Argyll, he was horrified the Prince would be so free with a Ward of the Court.

  ‘What is the highest bid, Your Highness?’ he asked softly and the Prince looked at him sharply.

  ‘Five guineas, at the moment. Do you want to make a bid?’ the Prince asked pointedly.

  ‘Five hundred guineas.’ Argyll said coldly.

  The Prince clapped his hands in glee. ‘Five Hundred! Did you skinflints hear that?’ he patted Argyll on the shoulder. ‘Well, I think all the bids are in, now.’ The Prince stood up. ‘I have a bid of five hundred guineas for a kiss from the Sweet Lady Sarah, is there any advance on five hundred guineas?’ he asked in his court voice. There was a hush over the entire salon, even the musicians stopped playing. ‘No?’ he asked and kept looking around ‘Very well! The kiss goes to Johnny Argyll for the sum of five hundred guineas!’ and he clapped his hands. After plonking his silk encased backside back in his chair, the Prince Regent looked at Argyll as he sank down into his chair. ‘I’ll expect your bank draft or the gold tomorrow morning by eleven.’

  ‘Of course, Your Highness, and when do I get the kiss?’

  ‘You can have it now, of course, but just don’t forget to pay me!’ The Prince grabbed Lady Sarah by the wrist and literally shoved her into Argyll’s lap.

  Johnny Argyll was used to ladies in his lap, but not one as pretty as this. At a glance she was blond haired and blue eyed, with rosy cheeks and dusky pink lips. She looked terrified, so he smiled encouragingly. ‘If I don’t kiss you now, I’ll be the laughing stock of London by tomorrow morning.’ He gently placed his lips on hers and applied a small amount of pressure. She opened
her lips as she gasped in surprise and Argyll couldn’t resist giving her a thorough kissing and was utterly amazed as her lips moulded exactly to his. Her rigid body suddenly became like butter in his arms and she even rested a hand on the top of his shoulder.

  All around them the room erupted into catcalls and whistles, but neither of them heard it and as Johnny gently touched her tongue with the tip of his, she jumped and moaned. He slowly laid her body over his knee and held her in his arms. A part of him was acting for the chaps around him, but there was another part that knew if he didn’t do it now, he’d never get another chance.


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