Reflections of a Stranger

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Reflections of a Stranger Page 7

by Linda Hanna

  Ed sniffed the Half and Half before he added it to his second cup of coffee. He popped a bite of coffee-soaked Danish into his mouth, licked the goo from his fingers, and grabbed the newspaper. He tossed her a playful wink over the top of his half-moon reading glasses, and was soon lost in the sports section.

  Cora’s heart melted. Was he really capable of plotting against her? Surely not.

  The clock hands seemed to move with unhurried calculation. She tapped her manicured nails on the table as Ed reached for another Danish. Why did the man have to pick today of all days to dilly-dally over breakfast, when she had special plans for the day? He’d have to leave soon, but if she hurried him along, he’d suspect something. Cora blew on the rim of her cup, then sipped the vanilla coffee. Patience was a virtue, right?

  The commitments for later that day made her stomach plunge. Like it or not, the decision was made, and it was time to get it done.

  The grandfather clock chimed and pulled Ed from the wonderful world of sports. He took the last swig of coffee and pushed his chair from the table. “I gotta get moving. Why didn’t you tell me it was so late? I have a lesson in fifteen minutes.”

  She smiled and cleared her partially eaten breakfast. “I didn’t want to rush you, dear.”

  As he left the house, Cora spied the latest stack of mail left on the counter. With the exception of their church newsletter, all of it was Ed’s…again.

  Time to get a life. When she took the bundle to his office, her eyes were drawn to a blue folder on the desk. The temptation was too great. A peek inside revealed a new life insurance policy. Made out in her name?

  “Well, well, well. The plot thickens.”

  Why hadn’t Ed mentioned it? That wasn’t like him. They always made those decisions together. That booger just replaced George at the top of her suspect list.

  Cora headed for the master suite to lay out her favorite turquoise pantsuit. Melodious strains of Vivaldi’s Spring gently swelled in the background while the deep garden tub filled with water. She sank into a mound of luxurious bubbles. If this didn’t relax her, nothing would.

  The bath water swirled down the drain as she patted dry. Why couldn’t her problems vanish that easily?

  A muffled thump from the bedroom sent a shiver of panic through Cora. “Ed? Is that you?” She hesitated a moment and listened. No answer. “Lupe?” The housekeeper wasn’t due until later. Why would she come early? Her heart rate soared. She threw on her satin robe and peeked out the bathroom door.

  At that moment, the phone rang. This could be a lifeline if someone was in the house. Her bare feet slapped on the tile floor as she hurried to answer it.

  “Good morning, Cor-rah,” the gruff voice greeted her. “Were you surprised to see your husband still alive this morning?”

  Shock held Cora speechless as a wave of apprehension swept through her.

  The caller continued. “I’ll admit you threw me off with the Lone Ranger standing guard with his gun. But he won’t be in my way much longer. How much do you treasure your friends?”

  She stood frozen to the spot and struggled to regain a sense of balance, the phone still clutched in her shaky hand.

  “So, did you find my small memento in your top dresser drawer?”

  How was he able to see inside the house? Her gaze traveled to the bedroom windows. The blinds were closed, draperies drawn. Maybe there were hidden cameras after all. She slammed the receiver down, and clasped the robe tighter to her chin. Should she dress in the closet? No, that would be too Superman-ish.

  Cora ran to the dresser. The drawer was open a crack, and a strap of her slip hung out. Wait. She didn’t leave it like that. It could only mean one thing. The noise hadn’t been her imagination. Someone had been there while she was in the tub. The thought brought an involuntary shudder.

  Her hand reached into the top drawer. A photograph lay partially hidden beneath her rumpled lingerie. She stared in disbelief at the image of herself in the arms of another man. On the back of the snapshot, the block letters read: “Does your old man know?”

  Cora felt violated. In her frenzy, she emptied out the whole drawer and chucked the silky contents into the laundry hamper. “He touched my things. They’re all soiled,” she said through gritted teeth. “And, where did he get that old picture?”

  She struggled to shove the empty drawer back in place, and remembered there were two callers. The man’s accomplice was a Hispanic woman. Lupe? Her knees weakened, and she leaned against the dresser for support. Lupe was the only other person who could be in her dresser without causing suspicion.

  Thoughts bounced around as Cora dressed and plotted an immediate escape to Phoenix. She rubbed her forehead. That left a lot of time to kill until 2 p.m.

  The bedroom door swung open with a bang, as Ed entered the room. Startled, Cora snatched the photo from the dresser top and threw it into the emptied drawer. She slammed it shut and turned to face him with a fake smile.

  “What are you doing, Cora?”

  Was he accusing her of something? As nonchalantly as possible, Cora walked to the bed and sat down. “I have a few errands to run, dear. I was going to call you.” She slipped on her knee-high stockings and looked at him. “Were you in here a few minutes ago?”

  “Of course not.” His eyes narrowed. “What kind of errands?”

  Of all the times for him to start prying. “Well, if you must know, Mr. Nosy Parker, there’s medicine and dry cleaning to pick up, and I have a hair appointment. If there’s time, I’ll stop at the library, too. There’s a book about American citizenship Lupe wants to read.”

  When Ed didn’t respond, she changed the subject. “What happened to your shirt?”

  “Pastor Luke brought his new puppy to the clubhouse. Little Skipper got overexcited when I picked him up.” Ed opened the closet door, pulled the stained golf shirt over his head, and reached for a clean one.

  Cora shook her finger. “Don’t you dare put that smelly wet thing in the hamper.”

  “Would I do that?” He laughed. “You know me pretty well, don’t you? I’ll toss it in the tub. Listen, why don’t you go into Phoenix with me? I need to pick up those trophies for the tourney on Saturday. We can run your errands and grab a bite to eat.”

  Cora rubbed lightly scented lotion into her dry hands and watched him in the mirror. “I’d rather go alone this time.” That wasn’t entirely true. She needed him now more than ever, but she couldn’t bring herself to confide in him, yet.

  He called from the bathroom. “Any particular reason you don’t want to come with me?”

  The suspicious tone grated on Cora. She had to think fast. “Didn’t you say Hank Arthur is lined up for a golf lesson this afternoon?” She retrieved her purse, and dropped a handful of breath mints into the zippered pocket. “I have a hair appointment and won’t be home until later. You’d be too late for Hank’s session.”

  “Oh, I guess you’re right.”

  “Look, Ed, I’m not running away from you.” Cora turned to face him. “Please understand, I’m stressed out and need to get away from the phone.”

  As Cora backed away, he caught her arm. His voice lost its harsh edge. “Level with me, Toots. Something isn’t right. I feel you’re holding back, not telling me everything. We’ve never kept secrets from each other even when things were tough.” Ed took her hand and kissed it.

  Never kept secrets? Well, there was a questionable insurance policy on his desk that said otherwise. Not telling him everything? Cora sniffed. Maybe not, but one thing was for sure, today would begin a new chapter in her life. She desperately hoped for a positive outcome.

  Cora hated to build a wall between them, but she had to leave before this last surge of fortitude waned. “I’ve got to go, Ed.” She grabbed her purse and hurried to the door.

  He pointed to her feet. “Aren’t you forgetting a little something?”

  Cora looked down. “Oh, hush, and tuck your shirt in.” She put her shoes on and stomped out the door.
So much for dramatic exits.


  Ed paced the floor. When Cora left in such a huff, concern got the better of him. Under normal circumstances, they respected each other’s privacy. However, her actions this morning led him to reconsider that agreement. His jaw tightened. It was obvious she was hiding something. Maybe the answer was in the drawer she slammed shut. Did he really want to know?

  His stomach knotted as he approached the dresser and pulled the drawer open. It was empty, except for a lone snapshot. He focused on the image of his wife wrapped in the arms of an unfamiliar man.

  Stunned, Ed lowered himself onto the bed. Who was this man? He knew all her family members. A friend of the McGibbons? No, the bell-bottom pants dated the picture before they’d known Dahlia and Wendell. Besides, the man didn’t hold her like a mere acquaintance. This was a more familiar embrace. Ed stiffened as he noticed a date stamped on the edge of the photo. He won first place in the European Pro Golf Tour during that summer.

  His hands trembled as he turned the photograph over to examine the message. He read it aloud. “Does your old man know?”

  This wasn’t like his wife at all. He considered her self-imposed isolation, forgetfulness, and how skittish she was with the police. Now her clothes were gone, and in their place was this suspicious picture. Had she meant for him to find it? Frustrated, he combed his fingers through his hair, and added up the evidence against her. Had she renewed her relationship with this man? Did they have a rendezvous planned today? No, it couldn’t be.

  Ed struggled to remain calm as he headed back to the dresser. A yellow highlighter lay on a road map. She had a habit of marking her route. His hands shook as he picked up the Phoenix map to examine the charted course. What was at the end of her trail?

  Her yellow marker was drawn from Saguaro Valley to a street in close proximity to Apache Trophies and Awards, where he was to pick up the golf trophies that afternoon. What on earth would possess her to go to that part of Phoenix, and why did she insist on going alone?

  Agitated, Ed remembered a note in Cora’s handwriting that he’d found on the living room floor. He pulled it from his shirt pocket. Pegasi Café was all it said. The name sounded familiar. Might as well check that out, too. The phone directory was in the bedside table. He found the address, and was hardly surprised at the location. He kicked one of Cora’s duck slippers across the room. Quack!


  Cora slipped the Lincoln into reverse, armed with her carefully written directions. A Phoenix map was in the glove compartment as a backup. She inched her way out of the driveway, and honked hello at Dr. Sam, who was cleaning the windows of his dark blue Caddie.

  Lupe and Mateo Santalis’s cleaning cart was at the recently vacated condominium directly across from the Timms. Old man Gunther had recently moved. Lupe often complained about the bachelor’s slovenly habits, no doubt, they would have a busy day to prepare for the next owner.

  Saguaro Valley was home to a growing number of retirees from all over the country who happily found their way to this easy-living complex. The gated community was located next to the desert-style golf course designed and owned by Ed. The residents seemed to reflect the overall contentedness of living in the peaceful environment. It was beautiful, and also well planned to meet their ever-increasing physical needs.

  Several neighbors returned her friendly wave. Cora smiled as Letitia Bockman walked her Standard poodle. Tinkle-Belle pranced in pink boots and hooded parka. The pooch controlled the pace of the eighty-eight-year-old woman as they trotted through the neighborhood.

  Letitia was a slightly stooped woman, and always wore a polyester dress with vintage beads and matching earrings. The frail widow never wore slacks, probably never had. She lived alone and was starved for human companionship. If the dear soul ever cornered an unsuspecting victim, she could, and would go out of her way to wax lyrical.

  Cora slowed to stop at the security gate, and waved to Wendell McGibbons.

  He motioned for her to roll down the window.

  “Me an’ Jack, have been workin’ hard on the Saguaro Sidewinder.”

  “The what?”

  “Ya know, your case. The first lead didn’t pan out, but Jack found us another clue. We’ll have this crime solved in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”

  Cora wouldn’t be surprised since Wendell and Jack put in more effort than the police. Their mutual fondness for detective work and mysteries was key to their friendship. Should she mention this morning’s intruder, or the picture left in her drawer? Nope. She didn’t want Team Wendell to root through all her dresser drawers. Cora waved, closed the window, and pulled closer to the exit.

  After a short wait for a break in the traffic, she merged onto Shifting Sands Avenue. Fortunately, the first part of the trip was routine, so Cora could almost drive it in her sleep. The familiar route gave her racing mind a chance to slow down. She passed Chug-a-Mug, her favorite coffee shop. A vanilla cappuccino sure sounded good. Maybe she’d reward herself on the way home.

  Home. A shiver ran up her spine. Her mind returned to the threatening phone calls and the turmoil that waited for her there. Did she really want to go back home?

  A soft voice stirred within. I will go before you and make the crooked places straight, Cora. Call on Me.

  “You weren’t there when I needed You the most, Lord.”

  I promised never to leave you nor forsake you.

  Cora contemplated the divine words for a few minutes before she pulled into a parking space at the local mini-mall. Reluctant to surrender to God’s voice, she cried out, “It’s too hard. I can’t.” She fought back bitter tears, and struggled to compose herself until finally another wall was raised to silence the Inner Voice.

  She lifted her chin and marched into Nancy’s Gift Shoppe to select a few greeting cards. Before breakfast, she’d called in their prescription refills at Montgomery’s Pharmacy next door. Cora glanced at her watch. The medication should be ready for pick-up, and she’d still have an hour to kill before her hair appointment. Plenty of time to grab lunch.

  She placed her parcels in the car, and glanced around for a place to eat. Tammy’s Tea Room. This would be a great time to catch up with the owner, Tammy Marsh, who’d been Vanessa’s best friend. She was in the passenger seat on the fateful evening of the accident, and had suffered critical injuries, too.

  Cora hesitated, and then entered the establishment. The last time she’d eaten here, Vanessa was with her, and now the Tea Room brought back so many memories. Some good. Some bad.

  Tammy looked up when Cora walked through the door. With an enthusiastic wave, she rushed over to give her friend a hug. “Long time, no see. So, how’ve you been?”

  “Oh Tammy, it’s so good to see you. I had some time before my hair appointment and thought I’d stop in for lunch.”

  Dense red scars ran from Tammy’s eyebrow to her jaw line and were vivid reminders of their shared tragedy. Her dark hair draped down to conceal much of the disfigurement.

  Tammy offered her a menu. “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide, then I’ll be back so we can chat.”

  It didn’t take long for Cora to choose a chicken salad sandwich with raspberry iced tea.

  Several minutes later Tammy returned with her friend’s order and a cup of tea for herself.

  Stories of Tammy and Vanessa’s years together were lovingly recounted with both laughter and tears. Cora missed sharing memories of her daughter. It touched her heart to find someone who didn’t shy away from it. She needed that. Until the topic turned to the accident.

  “For months I struggled with flashbacks of that night.” Tammy self-consciously pulled her hair over her scars. “Van didn’t respond so I don’t know if she heard me, but I prayed with her until she lost consciousness. It was an hour before the life squad could get to us because of the flooded roads. And Cora, I want you to know that I held her hand until they got there.”

  Cora could only nod as a lump formed in her throat. She s
truggled to fight back tears of remorse. Ed told her Vanessa had already passed away when the life squad arrived. Would she have lived if they’d gotten there earlier? The nails in Cora’s clenched fists dug into her flesh as she inwardly ranted. My baby needed me. She needed You, too, God. Why didn’t You help her?

  Tammy continued, “Ed talked to me a few months later, and assured me there was nothing else I could’ve done to help. Your husband was a Godsend, Cora. Because of his encouragement, those horrible nightmares finally stopped. Be sure to thank him again for me.”

  “Yes, I’ll do that.” Cora smiled. “He’ll be happy to know you’re doing better.”

  “The paper had a good article about him taking second place in the Senior Invitational. I’m so proud of him.” She leaned over for a quick hug. “Thanks for stopping by. You’ve always been like a second mom to me. I’ve relied on your prayers and you’re always in mine.”

  Cora’s conscience pricked as Tammy wiped a tear. She hadn’t thought to pray for her, or anyone else for that matter. Who cares? God wasn’t listening.

  “So, tell me about your grandkids, Cora. I’ll bet they’re almost grown by now.”

  “We haven’t seen them since last Christmas.” The words accentuated the anger she felt. “They moved all the way to Las Vegas.”

  Tammy set her teacup down and searched Cora’s eyes. “Las Vegas? Why would James move the kids so far away?”

  “Dear James remarried, and rather quickly, I might add.”

  Tammy gasped. “Oh Cora, please tell me you’re kidding. Who is she?”

  “That super model, Jocelyn Cassell. She wanted a big house in Las Vegas, and James knuckled under to please her. We don’t get to see the kids much at all.”

  “The Jocelyn Cassell? Isn’t she only in her twenties?” Tammy frowned. “And how old are the kids?”

  “Heather is fourteen, and is taken in by all the glamour. I just imagine Jocelyn slinking around the house turning the boys’ heads, too. It’s gonna be their ruination.” She shaded her eyes to hide the tears.


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