Forbidden Faith

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Forbidden Faith Page 8

by T. J. West

I slowly walk toward her and stand right behind her. She’s knows I’m here—her body goes stiff when I say her name. “Faith.” She’s about ready to face me when I order her not to. “Don’t turn around.”

  “Why?” Her voice—so soft, breathy.

  My voice feels strained, pained. “Just don’t.” Seeing her in the flesh sends me overboard. I move closer to her, feeling the warmth of her skin.

  “That song.”

  “Ssh,” I whisper in her ear.

  I place my hands around her waist and press my chest into her back. My cock is feeling the bottom of her spine and it twitches again, escalating my breathing.

  Her head turns slightly. “What are you doing?”

  “I need to touch you.” My lips touch the back of her neck, making goosebumps appear onto her skin; I take hold of her ponytail band, slide it down and throw the damn thing on the ground. I am going to pay for this; I shouldn’t be here, taking advantage of her like this—it’s so wrong on so many levels. Yet the smell of her perfume puts a curse on me; light, fruity, exotic, erotic. It’s everything I remember about her.

  My hold on her tightens.

  “Stop,” she delivers with a high pitched voice.

  “I can’t,” I gently reply, even though my hands are behaving the exact opposite. They must have a mind of their own; they can’t get enough of her thighs, grazing down until they lift her dress above her ass.

  Her breathing hitches and I can begin to hear her heart beating harder, faster. “I hate you,” she hisses at me.

  Knowing I am making her feel this way excites me even more. “You should,” I reply back. She should hate me. I was a coward, taking that damn check from her dad, letting him take control of my life, pulling me into his trap.

  She chokes out, “You’re an asshole and a liar.”

  “I know. I can live with that.” Holy shit, her ass is bare, showing no signs of any panties. I will combust in my pants if I don’t take her this instant. “What I can’t live without is not being inside of you . . . right now.” I breathe into her ear, penetrating her pussy with the tip of my finger.

  “You can’t,” she squeaks out. She’s trying everything she can to fight me on this, yet her body is just as weak as mine. She needs me too; she’s pushing into me, grinding her ass against me.

  Hell, she is so warm and wet for me. “I have to.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “I know.”

  “Hurry!” She squeaks.

  I quickly grab a condom, tear it open with my teeth, unzip my jeans and let them fall to the ground. I’ve also gone commando, knowing I was going to get laid tonight. However my intentions were not fucking this alluring woman before me. No, I wasn’t supposed to be doing this. I was supposed to be thinking about my band, my music, my career, women in groupies—fucking them. Instead my heart was only beating for her, taking control of my every move.

  I place the condom onto my protruding dick while she tilts out her sweet ass, grabbing onto the railing.

  Once I have my dick covered, Faith allows me to wrap her hair around my wrist, just like I imagined—spreading her cheeks, I slowly plunge inside. I throw my head back and groan from deep within my chest.

  Faith yelps out, “Oh, God!”

  One hand is on the side of her ass while the other tightens around her hair, allowing me to plunge harder, faster. “Fuck, you feel so good. So right,” I say, grinding my teeth together.

  I can’t believe we’re both doing this—it’s out of this world, so incredibly crazy, therefore I can’t even begin to stop. My balls slap against her thighs, tightening, ready to burst. I’m like a 16 year old boy coming so fast it literally hurts, but I can’t help it. I look up into the sky and moan out my orgasm, just as Faith screams from her frenzy.

  Our bodies slow down from our high; I hear nothing except our breathing. A drop of sweat, from my forehead drips onto her bare ass. I wipe it away while my dick is still hidden inside.

  I slowly exit her body, making her wince and whine. I pull down her dress as she straightens herself from the railing. I take care of the condom and throw it in the trash can next to me, and pull my pants up. I don’t want her to see me. I don’t want to see her; it will only make this moment more real. Again, this is the coward in me, so I tell her, “Stay like this. Don’t turn around.”

  “I still fucking hate you.” She’s sobbing. I hate myself for making her cry.

  I am a complete bastard, a manwhore; wiping my face, wiping the guilt that is spread all over it, I sigh and completely agree with her—she should hate me. “I know, and I don’t blame you.” I turn back around, leaving Faith, weeping.

  Before I head back downstairs I go into the restroom, splash some water on my face and look at myself. I am the biggest asshole in the world. What the hell did I just do to her? She didn’t ask for this, for my dick to be planted inside, to take control of her vulnerability. Yet she bent over for me because she wanted me just as much. I don’t even know where to go from here—I really fucked up tonight and there is no telling what’s going to happen next.

  Once I get back on stage I take all my emotions and put them in my singing. I feel every verse, every beat to the song and it feels amazing. The energy in the room lifts me up and leaves me wanting more. Unfortunately after a dozen songs we called it a night. The guys were ready to have a few drinks and relax.

  As I come down from the stage, the ladies are on me like white on rice; many of them give me hugs, squeeze my ass and ask me to sign their chest. I just shrug it off and sign their chests. The bouncers are on my back and making sure I don’t get attacked. I love every minute of it, yet Faith is still intact, inside my head—she will never leave my head, no matter how many chests I sign or how much my ass gets squeezed.

  After many encounters I go take a seat on the leather sofa near the back of the room. I watch my band dance, grinding with many women, having a great time, while I sit and take it all in. I close my eyes and rest my head against the cushion and get interrupted by a woman. She is definitely hot, but I definitely am not into her. How could I be when I had just fucked the woman I loved?

  “You were so amazing up there, so hot!” She squeals, plopping herself down next to me. She presses her big tits into my side and bites her bottom lip.

  I am a gracious bastard and will take any type of compliment. “Thanks,” I smile.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “You’re sweet and beautiful, but no, I’m good.”

  “Well,” she puts her hand on my upper thigh and squeezes. My dick betrays me and twitches with excitement. “How about we get out of here, go back to my place?” That lip of hers gets touched by her tongue. Damn, if only I wanted to take that lip and suck on it—I have no desire to do so.

  “Not tonight darlin,’ but thanks.” I take hold of her manicured fingers, kiss her hand and stand up. “I’m gonna head back to the band. Glad you enjoyed our music.”

  Wayne overheard our conversation and decides to take action. “I’ll go home with you sweet stuff.” Unfortunately for Wayne the lady scoffs and walks away. “Hey! What the hell!” He shouts. I feel for the guy, I really do, but he sucks at getting women.

  “You blew this place apart, guys!” June exclaims, giving us each a hug. During the last hour of the party we had a couple beers, and played one last song for the heck of it. “I can’t wait till I get you out on a tour, which will happen before you know it! I’m working through the details as we speak.”

  The guys explode with excitement over this possibility; we couldn’t wait to get on tour. “Sounds amazing, June. Can’t wait,” I respond.

  Some preppy dude, who was trying to fit in with his brand new vintage rock shirt and jeans, comes up behind June. “Have you seen Faith?”

  June shakes her head at the prep, “No. I haven’t.” Then decides to introduce us. “Oh, hey, Phillip, this here is Lucky Jones, Lucky this is Phillip Caffery.”

  I don’t get great vibes from Phillip; he seem
s rather insecure. I have no idea why he bothers me, but he does. He couldn’t care less about our introduction, yet offers his hand anyways. “Good to meet you Lucky.”

  “Same here,” shaking his hand back. “Hope you enjoyed the show tonight.”

  “To be honest,” he shrugs, “it’s not my kind of music. I came here with my girlfriend, Faith.”

  His girlfriend? June never mentioned Faith had a boyfriend—a boyfriend who looks at me just like her dad did. I knew there was something not right with him. He can’t stand to be in the same room with my band, I can see it in his eyes. I don’t like the guy and I can tell he doesn’t like me. Besides, knowing he’s Faith’s boyfriend makes this situation all the more interesting; while I was fucking her up on that terrace he was down here drinking his scotch. I don’t know if I should feel elated about this or feel as if I got kicked in the gut. Obviously she’s not in love with the prep, not when she was in fact still in love with me.

  June looks at me; she can see I am stoned faced. “Uh, Phillip, lets go upstairs. Maybe she’s outside on the terrace getting some air?” She leads him away while I am left with my gut kicked in.

  As the guys pack up the band equipment I head straight for the open bar. “Two shots of tequila,” I ask, sitting down onto a stool.

  A very tall, beautiful redhead says, “You got it.”

  I bow my head into my hands, wishing I hadn’t ever found out about Faith being in the same city as me—my life was going perfectly fine up until now. What made it worse, she was dating a douche.

  The redhead bombshell places my two shots in front of me. “I’ve seen you guys play at Reds.”

  “Yeah?” I take a shot, feeling the heat traveling down.

  She leans against the counter, crossing her arms. “I bartend there. I have to say your band brings in a huge crowd.”

  I thought she looked familiar. “Thanks, thats good to know.”

  “I’m Peta. A friend of June’s.”


  We don’t talk about anything else; she can tell I’m not in the mood. After cleaning up the bar, wiping down the counter Peta comes back. “Well, I’m on my way out. Enjoy your night, Lucky.“

  I hold up my last shot and say, “Thanks for giving me the last round.”


  I gulp down the last shot as I watch Peta grab her things and leave the studio; I think she’s one of the few women who hasn’t tried touching me or invited me back to her place. She seems like her head is screwed on right; classy.

  A slap on the shoulder gets my attention. “I’ve been trying to get that woman’s attention all night bro. She wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at me,” Wayne complains. I just shake my head and let him complain.

  “Maybe you need to tone down that cock of yours?” Danny points out.

  Wayne laughs. “When it comes to hot women, no way!”

  “Did you take a look at her finger? She had a ring on it,” Jason interjects.

  “Shit,” he groans. “The good ones are always taken.” He holds up a finger and adds, “But I swear one of these days, man, they’ll be crawling all over me. Just wait, once we’re famous my dick won’t know which woman to take.”

  The guys just laugh. Wayne is the biggest player and acts like a teenager.

  Jason moves closer to Wayne and advises him. “Respect is what a classy woman wants, Wayne, not a greedy pussy eater.”

  “Greedy pussy eater?” He hollers, then points at me. “If I could get at least one pussy a week, like boss man here, I wouldn’t need to be greedy.” Slim comes up behind Wayne, slapping him on the back of the head. The guys and I always get a kick out of seeing him get slapped; his big mouth doesn’t know how to shut it. “If you fucking do that one more time, asshole, you’re not gonna want to shut your eyes tonight!” He holds up his fist, angry.

  Slim holds up his hands. “Will you calm the fuck down! I got us some girls outside, you ungrateful bastard. Come on!”

  Immediately, Wayne shouts, “You are my hero!” and hugs his best friend. They both rush out while the rest of the guys laugh.

  Except I’m the only one not in the mood to laugh. I’m as depressed as they come and just want to get the hell out, wanting to forget my sexual encounter with Faith. Damn, if only I had the desire to get another woman into bed—I don’t.

  “No ladies tonight, for once?”

  “Nope,” I exhale. “You’re home free. Let’s go.”

  We gave ourselves the weekend off from rehearsing and crashed doing nothing. I really needed the time off to regroup; it didn’t work out so well. My thoughts and dick traveled back to Friday night. I couldn’t get her out of my mind and it drove me crazy. I was grouchy, irritable and was a total ass to Danny. By Monday he had enough of my shit.

  During our recording session I messed up multiple times; we had to do several retakes because my mind wasn’t in the game. The guys were getting pissed and impatient with me—Danny was more than pissed, he was fuming.

  “We need a break! Let’s do 10!” Danny pulls me to the side and gets up in my face. I didn’t have the energy to make him back off. “What the hell is your problem, man? We’ve had to redo five times already. You gonna tell me what’s up or are we just going to go round in circles with this shit?”

  I turn my back on him and take a seat near the back of the room. I take off my hat and swipe my hand through my short hair, holding the hat in my hands.

  Danny follows me and states the obvious. “You’ve been acting weird all weekend.”

  “It’s Faith.”

  “Who’s Faith?” He raises his right hand and scowls “- wait, wait, wait, wait. Faith Montgomery, Faith?”

  I look up at him and nod. “She’s here. Living in San Diego. She’s best friends with June.”

  “Holy shit!” He paces from one end of the room and then back over to me. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me, Lucky!” He shouts.

  I see the guys looking our way, overhearing everything. It’s not hard to miss when Danny is such a hothead.

  “I saw her at the party Friday night.”

  “You what?” He throws his hands in the air. “Unbelieveable! You do realize we came out here for a reason, because of her! Faith brought you nothing but pain—“

  I get onto my feet and shout back, “It was her dad, Danny, you know that!”

  “I don’t give a shit who it was.” Danny gets up in my face and warns me with such fury I see the guys walking over just in case someone gets punched. I hate how he’s pissed off at me; it’s not Faith’s fault that her dad was a complete asshole to me. “You cannot go down that road with her again. You have to keep making her think you cashed that check for yourself, otherwise her old man will cause our band a shitload of trouble. You want that for us? Do you? We have a career we’re building, Lucky. Remember what comes first. Please.” He’s right about one thing: our band, our career is our number one priority. “We need to finish this song. You all in, man?”

  My guys need me. I cannot let them down and ruin everything we’ve worked so hard to get. This thing we have going with BT2090 is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I need to get my head on straight and to keep Faith in the back of my mind—for now.

  “All in—100%,” I respond.

  Danny puts his hand on my shoulder and says, “That’s more like it bro.”

  We get back to work and succeed without anymore interruptions.

  FOR THE PAST WEEK I have been working at my fathers office, doing paperwork, errands, secretary duties—getting the feel of his business. It was impossible for me to concentrate on anything. My mind wandered back to Lucas; his dark chocolate eyes, his tilted grin, his colorful body. I needed to see him and I wasn’t going to be satisfied until I did. I just hope he’s feeling the same way. I don’t want to come off as a spoiled brat to him, a child. We may be a few years apart, but in no way am I spoiled or a child. I never cared for the value of things, where a person came from, or what you looked like; I am fortunate
enough that I have everything I ever needed, yet it doesn’t make me who I am.

  Working at the office I snuck into my father’s employee file. He wasn’t around anyways, yet I felt like I was betraying him, going behind his back and being an awful daughter. I have always followed his rules, his expectations because I loved him and wanted him to be proud of me. However, this is the first time I have been infatuated with someone and if sneaking inside my father’s private files was what I had to do? Well. . . . I couldn’t be stopped.

  My parents had gone to another charity event so this was my chance to go see Lucas before he got off his shift. His schedule is not very steady; the hours are not regular so he could be working at 3am one morning and then the next he could be working at 7pm. Thank goodness the night my parents go out Lucas gets off at 10pm—it worked out perfectly.

  It was freezing out. I bundled up in my big black trench coat, lined inside with fur and headed over to the construction site. I waited in my car until I saw him walking toward the parking lot. A smile appeared on my face when he got closer. He is simply the most intriguing guy I have ever met. However once I got out of my car and said hello to him he didn’t seem all that thrilled to see me. He asked me why I was here, why I was out in the cold and why I wasn’t out with friends my own age. That pissed me off a bit, yet I didn’t let his comments and concerns get to me. I was here for one thing—making sure he saw me as woman, and someone he would want to go out with.

  “Faith, come on,” he chuckles. “We can’t go out together.”

  I am standing in front of his car door, crossing my arms and chin held high. “You’re wrong. We can.”

  “You’re dad is my boss.” He just had to point that out, but I didn’t care.


  “So, he would kill me if he ever found out we were seeing each other. I’m not. . . . .” He pauses, exhales and looks up at the dark sky; I can see the breath coming out from his mouth.

  “You’re not what?” I urge him. “Tell me Lucas.”

  “I’m not. . . . .I’m not someone who comes from a wealthy family, Faith. I have a feeling that’s what your dad wants for you.”


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