Forbidden Faith

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Forbidden Faith Page 19

by T. J. West

  After playing one of our songs the DJ ended our interview with one last question for the each of us. “What about you? Are you single Lucky Jones?”

  I smile and happily let the world in on my one true confession. “No. I’m very much taken.” If that makes the women moan in sadness, so be it. I’m not in this industry to fuck with hot women anymore. It’s about my music, entertaining those that love it.

  The DJ hops over to Danny. “Danny, what about you? Is there a special someone waiting for you back home?

  Danny scratches the side of his head and hesitates.“Uh. . . . nope. I’m single.”

  What was with the hesitation and chuckle? Something is going on with Danny, yet I know he won’t tell me anything. We’ve become a bit disconnected since I busted his face in on the night of Faith’s hotel grand opening party. I don’t blame him for not wanting to talk with me. I clearly told him to stay out of my personal business, so he expects the same from me.

  “The ladies will be happy to hear that,” the DJ replies.

  We finish up the radio interview, immediately hop back onto the bus and hit the road toward Vegas. It took us a few days to get there and when we finally arrive the first thing we did was hit some tables. We couldn’t gamble for very long; we were called in to do some pre-show interviews and a meet and greet line-up with the fans.

  The lights, cameras, TV reporters and fans was extremely overwhelming. The flashes from the cameras are blinding me I couldn’t see anyone in front of me. I know this goes along the lines of my career, but when you can’t even answer a few questions or signing the fans pictures without squinting, it can get annoying pretty fast.

  We were almost to the end of the meet line; more women were lifting their shirts yelling, “Lucky, Lucky! Will you kiss my tits for me! Lucky! Over here Lucky!”

  As I finally approach the end, signing my last picture, I hear a very familiar voice, “Excuse me, will you do me the honor of signing my chest?”

  I pop my head up, unaware who’s in front of me because of the flashes. Once my vision clears, and I can see who it is, I gasp, “Faith.” I drop everything and cross over the roped off section taking Faith into my arms. Fuck me, the touch of her body and the warmth of her arms, embracing around my neck is the most incredible feeling; I spin her around as she squeals with laughter. The cameras from the paparazzi are having a field day, capturing this intimate reunion, but I don’t care. They can capture anything they want as long as Faith is with me. I put her down, cupping her face, looking at her like she’s all a dream, like she’s not really here. She’s the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

  Faith has tears in her eyes, smiling. “I couldn’t stay away.”

  I devour her plump, bow tie lips, inhaling her fruity scent. “Hell, baby, you have no idea what this means to me.”

  “I’m staying until the tour is over.” My eyes widen. “My mom moved to San Diego and is helping me run the hotel.”

  If that wasn’t the most beautiful music to my ears.

  I have the sudden urge to take her back to the bus; my dick and heart are taking over. I grab hold of Faith’s hand and quickly guide her away from the chaos. Cameras are snapping like crazy while the reporters are asking me who the stunning woman with the purple hair is. Wait. . . . purple hair? Damn, I didn’t even pay attention to her sudden change in appearance. . . . but now that I can see her, I fucking love it!

  We are almost to the exit when Danny runs up to us, looking pissed off. “Hey, we have more groupies coming in Luck!”

  “Sorry, but I need some time with my girl.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he raises his voice. “We need the publicity, Lucky. Faith can wait.”

  I feel the tightening of Faith’s fingers around my own; I won’t have Danny insulting her. I lean myself toward his face where we can actually see I’ve lost my patience. I grit my teeth together, lowering my voice, “And I’m telling you to suck my dick, Danny, and to let me have some breathing room. I’ll be back.” I’ve had enough of his shit. If he can’t find it inside his small minded heart to accept Faith as his sister, he can just go to hell.

  We’re almost to the bus when Faith apologizes. “I’m sorry.”

  I bring us to a hault. “No. Don’t ever say that. He’ll get over it.”

  “I don’t mean to cause any trouble.”

  “I said, do not apologize.” I bring my hands to her face. “The last person who I’m worried about is Danny and his fucking ego. I’m more interested in our reunion and how to get you undressed without making me come in my pants before I even get inside you.” Her ocean blue eyes light up like a ray of sunshine; she immediately smiles and bites her lip, slowly batting her long eyelashes at me. My dick can’t hold out anymore—I need her.

  Once inside the bus I lead her straight to the back bedroom with the big bed and a door that has locks. I am going to have my way with her and treasure every goddamned second we have until my time is up; I’m going to dread going back inside the arena, I want to be in this bed with her forever, but at least she’s staying and I’ll be able to see her full time.

  I am loving everything about Faith’s new look; I discovered a tattoo on her left bicep, leaving me speechless. I wanted to push my cock back inside her wet pussy I was so turned on.

  “Damn, I love it. I love everything you’ve done with yourself,” I say to her as I lightly move the tip of my finger over the deep red rose; extending from the rose are swirls of stems wrapping around her inner bicep, leading back on top. Hell, it was badass.

  “Really? I wasn’t so sure about the hair, but June convinced me.”

  I plant myself back on top of her. “You’re gorgeous,” I whisper. “You could wear a paper sack and you’d still be hot.”

  The spot between her brows crinkle. “You don’t think the tat is too much?”

  “Babe, it’s unbelievable. Cross did a great job.” I kiss her, pushing my tongue back inside her mouth. Being with her is home for me. It won’t matter where we are, what we’re doing, she’ll always be my home. “I have to get back.”

  She nods her head with lazy eyes. “I know.”

  “But you’re coming with me and not leaving my side,” I sternly state.

  “I’ll always be by your side.”

  The End

  This book was the most fun I have ever had writing. For me, writing a book in two months is amazing. Without everyone getting pumped and excited, I don’t think finishing this story would have been possible.

  My Beta readers—Helene Jacela Dioso-Cuji—(The name I had chosen for Faith’s mom) You lady have stuck by me since November Rain and helped me grow. I truly adore you! Erica Dawson, (Childhood friends) I am so glad you’re a part of my journey! Stacy Pritt, thank you for taking a chance on me! I appreciate everyone's hard work!

  To all the bloggers, my new fans, new readers and those that have been with me from day one, thank you!!! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, reading my books and promoting my work. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories!

  My Raining Men Street Team—Wow you guys friggin’ rock! Thank you for pimping your asses to help me. What would I do without you? I love you all!

  To my kids Joey and Raquel—Thank you for being in my corner, you two are the best two kids a mom could ever have.

  Ricardo—Thank you for understanding, support, and allowing me to go for my dreams even if I am spending more money than I am earning. I hope one day I can pay us back!

  My entire family—I am so thankful for your support.

  Heather Dahlgren—Girl you have no idea what you mean to me. You have become one of my best friends. Thank you for having my back and being excited with me. You are my inspiration! I love you dearly! #BT2090 #BT2020 WILL HAPPEN

  Dawn Sullivan—I am truly grateful for our new founded friendship. Thank you for being there for me!

  Natalie Barnes—I am so glad we became friends! Thank you for letting me input Dollar Settlement and Undead Soci
ety inside my story! How cool for our bands to meet up!

  Kendra Johnson—My friend, my editor. . . . . . What would I do without your expertise? Your guidance, questions have truly helped me. There are times when my eyes can’t take anymore editing because I get frustrated, but you push me because you want my stories to make sense. I love that about you. Thank you for pushing me to the limit and beyond. I love that we can work together even though we live thousands of miles apart. I love you!

  My sister, Shannon—My number one groupie. . . . The one who listens and supports me and cheers me on. Hopefully one of these days you’ll pick up my book and actually read it. If not, the dust on the cover is better than not having it on the shelf looking pretty. I love you!

  Shauna Kruse—We’ve been through a lot haven’t we? I am deeply grateful for your support and your guidance. I feel honored that we pretty much started out together—growing together. I love your work and I love that I am a part of the experience. Thank you for everything! You’re a rock star!

  Jody Pardo—I’m so grateful you came into my life when you did. You are such a gem and I thank you for being on my team and helping me get the word out about my books.

  Kari Ayasha (Cover to Cover Designs)—Without your amazing, talented hard work my cover wouldn’t have looked half as amazing as it does. Your are truly awesome. Lance looks beautiful on the cover. Thank you!

  Last but never LEAST—Lance Jones—A few months back you asked me to put you on my cover. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that when I never had a story in my head. Out of nowhere Forbidden Faith came and Lucas/Lucky Jones was born. I want to thank you for being a good friend, someone I can text and say hi to or someone I can just hang out with whenever I’m in your town. Being my muse for this book brought my character to life, inside my head, and I thank you for that! . . . I loved writing the character and I can’t wait to bring Lucky—JINKS back—book after book.

  Take a look at an excerpt from the upcoming novella, in the Downtown Series—Book 1 ½, Judging June.

  Chapter 1

  Phillip Caffrey

  I WAS NEVER GOING TO let Faith know I saw Lucky Jones fucking her from behind on that terrace, the night of the bands party. I have always known she was infatuated, in lust and in love with someone with the last name of Jones. Gordon Montgomery told me about him. He told me to get inside his daughters heart, make her see who would be better for her even though he knew she would always hold a flame for Jones. I tried everything to make her see differently, to feel differently, to make her sweat that punk away by fucking me. It didn’t work. No matter how many times I sucked her clit, ate her cream, she still thought about him. To get her back, I fucked her best friend, June. I got drunk, got June drunk and made that sexy little thing scream for mercy.

  The next morning when I woke up, I found her in my bed, naked—naked with a bunch of tattoos that I can’t stand. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking? She’s a very sexy woman, but no way would I ever be attracted by those pictures engraved on her skin. What kind of person would want to do that to their bodies? It’s there permanently! Yet, I fucked June anyways. She felt good, tasted good, pumped my dick nice and hard, but that’s it. Even though I feel guilty about taking advantage of her, she was still a good, hard lay.

  I get out of bed and pull on a pair of boxers. June stirs awake when I slam my dresser drawer shut; my way of telling her to wake up and get out. I know I’m not being myself. I’m pissed that I let last night get as far as it did even though fucking her was my intention.

  I lean up against my dresser, cross my arms and watch her fumble for the sheet; she’s butt naked and exposed. She moans while she wakes up and finally figures out where she’s at. She wraps the sheet around her body; her short blonde/black disheveled hair covers her face, blocking her view of me. She wipes it out of her eyes and gasps when she finally sees me. “God, what did we do?” She groans.

  I buck myself away from the dresser and walk toward her. “We fucked,” I bluntly reply.

  She looks up at me, scrunching her nose. “Well, thanks for putting it so mildly.”

  I shrug, “What did you want me to say?”

  “Nothing, I guess,” she mumbles, then shouts out, “Shit! I can’t believe I would do this to my best friend!”

  I look around the room and find her clothing, scattered. While she is pouting on the bed I pick up a few of her items and place them next to her. “You should leave.” She slowly looks up at me with disgust on her face. “What?” I ask.

  “Don’t you feel anything? Guilt, hunger?”

  I fold my arms together, completely confused. “Hunger?”

  “Yeah, cuz I’m starving.” She puts her gold tube top over her head.

  This girl is a trip. I leave the room while June puts her clothes back on. I search through my cupboards and fridge for something to eat, but find nothing appetizing—well, I do have bread. June comes out of my bedroom fixing her hair and checking her face with her compact mirror case. She sits on a bar stool and places her purse on the counter, still checking her face, wiping away the makeup from underneath her eyes. She mumbles to herself saying how horrid her eyes look. I think she looks rather beautiful without all that black eyeliner around her bright blue eyes. Yet you won’t hear me saying that.

  I clear my throat. “I have nothing to eat.”

  “Take me to breakfast then. We need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

  I let out a breath and lean my elbows on the counter, facing her. “We’re not going to do anything. It happened—I feel like shit, you feel like shit, and we try to move past it.”

  Her eyes widen when she raises her voice, “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re her boyfriend! How can you just move past it?”

  Have I ever really been her boyfriend when her feelings have always been with someone else? I’ve done everything I can to make her forget him. After last night? I know it’s over—although I still have hopes of her choosing me. In the beginning I was just doing what her father wanted me to do—win her over. Yet I became fond of Faith; her looks, for one thing, were what drew me to her. Her deep blue eyes and amazing full lips, I’ll never forget sucking on them for the first time—they were intoxicating, luscious and sexy. I wish I could say her personality took over the looks, but it didn’t; she never really let me inside her heart, never gave me a chance at breaking down her wall. The sex was always a good thing though. That was something we both accomplished and succeeded, never a dull moment in bed.

  I may not be too sad about what I did with June last night, but I’m not proud of it either. If Faith ever finds out about it. . . . well I’ll have to deal with it when that time comes. After taking Faith home from the party, I called June over to my place. I pretended to be worried about Faith because she was extremely upset. June was my answer. I knew she would come over because she was just as worried. I handed her way too many drinks until we were both drunk out of our minds. I took it to the next level and kissed her; she didn’t even try pushing me away. She had just as much lust over me as I had with her. I enjoyed our night way too much even though she’s not my usual type of woman to sleep with.

  “Look, I’m not happy about what we did either, but it is what it is,” I say casually—maybe a little too casual.

  She stuffs her compact back in her purse and groans. “I really hate that term.”

  “I’ll make us some coffee. Toast. You like toast?” I hold up the bag of bread.

  “That’s fine,” she agrees, waving her hand in the air. “I just need something.”

  After I prepare the coffee and pop two pieces of bread in the toaster, I glance at her. I don’t even know where this question is coming from. I don’t need any ego reassurances; I know I’m good in bed and I know I’m not an ugly guy, yet I just wonder. . . . .“Tell me. . . . .even if you weren’t drunk last night, would you still have slept with me?”

  She stutters, “Wha. . . . what kind of question is that? Of course I wouldn’t hav

  “I don’t believe you,” I smirk at her.

  “You’re so full of shit.”

  “No, just telling it like it is.” As I lean further into her from the counter I smugly say, “You have a thing for me and I saw it last night. Actually I’ve seen it more than once.” I don’t know why I’m enjoying seeing her get so riled up; her cheeks turn pink and her lips turn in.

  “You know what? Thanks for the coffee, but I have to go.” She gets off the stool, grabbing her purse.

  For some reason I don’t want her to leave. I want to keep her here, argue with her, make her blush even more so than she is right now. Yet the words that come out of my mouth make me look like a total asshole. “Even though we fucked, I still love Faith.” I do love Faith—I did. I’m so fucked up I don’t even know how or why I loved her in the first place. We never really did anything except sleep together or go out to eat, so what was it about her that made me love her? “Besides even if I didn’t love her I would never . . . . . .” Shit. I really do need to think before I speak.

  June catches my mistake. “Go on. . . . tell me . . . you would never fuck someone like me, is that it?” She shakes her head and scoffs. “You’re so judgmental.”

  “I don’t dig the tattoos or piercings, but I’m not judging you.”

  “Huh, could have fooled me.” She swings her purse onto her shoulder and heads for the front door.

  “June, come on. Don’t walk off mad.”

  Before she opens the door, she swiftly turns around and looks at me with hurt in her eyes. “You know, I really thought you were a nice guy. You act all cool and sweet with Faith, even though she doesn’t love you, but the second she leaves the room you turn into a complete asshole. I was so wrong about you. I felt sorry for you. I felt sorry that Faith was playing you all the time. But now? Now, I feel pity because you’re a jerk.” She turns back around and turns the door handle. I couldn’t let her leave thinking I am a total asshole. I quickly go to her and tug on her arm. She yanks it away from my grip. “Get your hands off me!” She yells.


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