High Maintenance (A Novella)

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High Maintenance (A Novella) Page 6

by Lia Fairchild

  Cupcake yelped in the other room as Lexy dried her body, then wrapped the towel around herself. “I know,” she said back.

  With tentative steps and a hand along the wall she made her way to the bedroom, blackness surrounding her every move. She managed to sidestep Cupcake’s box and found her nightstand with her phone on it. One finger tap of the home button gave her a miniscule amount of light, but it was enough to provide some security. If Julian is behind this, he is going to fucking pay.

  Her battery life showed forty-two percent. “Dammit.” Still, she needed the light so she pressed it every few seconds until she made it to the living room. In the middle she paused, racking her brain to remember what sort of supplies she had. Candles? A flashlight? She had to have something given the mechanical expertise she’d gained.

  A noise from the street caused her head to turn toward the window, which only displayed a faint glimmer of glass. It sounded like muffled voices, people in the streets. Then, the sound of a drawer opening in the opposite direction. The kitchen. She froze, pulse racing, hoping whoever was there wouldn’t see her since the light from her phone had timed out. She padded slowly to the side, toward the front door when she saw a beam of light coming across the counter. What if whoever Julian had hired decided to come back anyway? A quick image flashed in her brain of being attacked and Julian paying with guilt for what he’d created. Yeah, that would teach him. Or maybe it was the guy who tried to break into the Chang’s apartment. She worked to slow her breathing.

  Her hand reached out for the doorknob, causing her towel to loosen under her arms. Her breathing labored while she held her towel with the hand holding the phone and grabbed the knob with the other hand. It was unlocked. Slowly she turned the knob, only to find the damn thing stuck. Her usual solution involved a lot of clanking and swearing, so what now?

  Lexy pushed the home button on her phone, and then the dialer, ready to press those three numbers you hope never to have to use.


  Her phone slipped from her hand at the sound of her name. She struggled with the towel.

  “Don’t be afraid. It’s Tate.”

  “Dammit, Tate! You scared me!” How did her apartment become Grand freaking Central Station?

  He shined the light in her direction. “I’m sorry. You didn’t answer the door. I was worried about you, so I let myself in.”

  She followed the path of the light toward Tate, unaware he was doing the same until she ran right smack into him. The flashlight fell to the ground and flipped off, leaving them in near total darkness. Her towel slipped down past her breasts, left sandwiched between her and Tate, with one of his hands gripping an elbow. His other arm fastened securely around her waist. Her hands grasped his biceps and they stood that way for a few moments, catching their breath. The feel of her bare breasts pressed against him kindled a heat between her legs.

  Tate’s hand slid up her bare back into her wet hair and her chest tightened. “Oh crap. You were in the shower,” he said quietly.


  With his hand still touching her hair, he leaned in and put his nose to the hair that streamed down her shoulder. The combination of her heart beating steadily faster and the closeness of their bodies made breathing a challenge. His warm breath on her shoulder made her gasp and pull back, the towel slipping the rest of the way to the floor.

  “What’s going on?” she said as she snatched the towel back up and held it in front of her.

  The flashlight flicked on back in Tate’s hand. To her relief, it was pointed at their feet. “It’s a blackout.”

  “I was in the shower so don’t look at me.”

  “No, it’s not just our building, it’s the whole neighborhood. Probably the power grid. Actually we haven’t even found out how far it goes. Dad and I were going door to door to make sure everyone was okay. First round you didn’t answer.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I just got nervous. I shouldn’t have let myself in. It’s just…the main entrance lock was busted again.”

  “Seriously? I thought it was fixed.”

  “It was. So, just be careful. Keep your door locked, and don’t go anywhere. I’ll check on you later.”

  Tate’s faded form moved toward the door. She heard him jiggle the handle.

  “Tate. Wait.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t go…I mean…would you mind staying with me for a while? You think your dad will be okay?”

  “Oh, he’ll be fine. Mrs. Granger is with him reading one of her novels to him by candlelight. I’d hate to miss out on that, but I guess I could stay some.”

  The sound of his smile came through the darkness. Though he couldn’t see it, Lexy smiled too.

  Chapter 10

  Lexy and Tate sat on the floor next to the window that viewed the street. With the air conditioner off, it was the optimal place to wait for that intermittent breeze to flow across their heated skin. Lexy had changed into a short skirt and a strapless top. A bowl of ice, two bottles of water, and two jarred candles—one almost done—sat among them. They’d spent the last hour arguing about what they should do to pass the time, Tate coming up with some ridiculously unrealistic ideas when they didn’t agree. Lexy made it clear to Tate that taking turns giving massages was not an option even if he had agreed to let her paint his toenails. Finally, they decided that if the power didn’t come back on soon, they’d open the bottle of Jose Cuervo Mimi had left from Cinco de Mayo.

  “You seem a little loopy already,” Lexy said. “Maybe we should rethink this whole getting drunk thing.”

  “Sorry, I’m just a little antsy sitting here. I feel like I need to do something.”

  “Then, go do some jumping jacks or pushups.”

  “Would you like that?”


  “I have a better idea,” Tate said. Then, he reached down between her legs, leaned in to whisper in her ear, “God, your pussy feels so nice.”

  Lexy ignored the chills spilling down her spine, and instead batted his hand away. “Will you shut up…and leave Cupcake alone. She’s mine now,” Lexy said, stroking the kitten, which sat between her legs. “You gave her away, remember?”

  “Well I was hoping we could maybe have some sort of joint custody. You pet her sometimes.” He flashed a wry sexy grin, illuminated by the candle glow. “And, I get to pet her sometimes.”

  “I can take care of all the petting just fine.”

  “Mmm. Can I watch?”

  “Stop!” She giggled. “And, you want to start drinking?”

  “What, you don’t trust me? Or, is it yourself that you don’t trust?”

  “I can handle my liquor, no problem.” Lexy lifted Cupcake and set her in the box next to Tate. “Watch my baby.” She took one of the candles into the kitchen, set it on the counter, and pulled a couple of glasses and the Cuervo bottle from the cupboard. She startled when she felt Tate behind her.

  “Need some help?” he said softly in her ear.

  Lexy’s lower abdomen quivered, and it was all she could do not to lean back into his solid build. “Yeah, take these glasses.”

  Tate set them on the counter and then took hold of her shoulders, turned her to face him. “Look, I’ve tried to mind my own business, but I need to ask you…are you okay?”

  Even in the dim candlelight she could see the concern in his eyes. With his gaze locked on hers, she also saw something more and couldn’t look away. “Yes…mostly.”

  “All joking aside, you know I’m here for you, right?”

  Lexy nodded.

  “I’m here…however you want me.”

  She looked down at her hands to escape his penetrating eyes. “I appreciate that. It means a lot.” Then, she caught sight of something that made her tuck her hands quickly under her arms.

  Tate’s sturdy hands clasped onto each of her wrists and gently pulled them out. Her breath grew shallow as he discovered what she’d hidden when he unfolde
d the fingers on her right hand. “Tate?” he said, reading the word on her palm. His thumb caressed tiny circles around his name that had Lexy’s temperature shooting to a new high.

  She swallowed past her dry throat. “Don’t read into this,” she said, pulling her hand away. “It was only…to remind me to thank you for the plants…and for Cupcake.” She looked up and found a set of gleaming white teeth on display. “So wipe that stupid smile off your face, Tate.” She grabbed the candle and the bottle and headed back over.

  “Oh, God, say my name again. That’s even better than writing it.” Tate followed with the glasses.

  “You’re impossible.” She allowed herself to laugh, though she was still embarrassed.

  “C’mon, just let me enjoy the ego stroke,” he chuckled.

  “I’m sure you have no problem stroking your own ego.”

  “Kitten, not in front of the baby.”

  When they were both seated, Tate took the bottle and poured them each a short glass. “A toast,” he said, holding up his glass. “To the writing on the…hand.” He laughed and shot his back.

  Lexy did hers as well. “Whoa, that’s rough.” She took a drink of water and welcomed the little warm sensation already working its way through her.

  “Nice job, Kitten. Now let me take another look at that hand.” He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

  Lexy squirmed and laughed. “Stop,” she said, unconvincingly.

  Tate held her firm with one arm still around her waist, causing her heart to flutter and heat to rush to her face. His other hand smoothed down her hair and brushed it behind her shoulder where his chin landed. “Your hair smells so damn good.”

  Goosebumps danced across her skin. She turned her head to the side, their faces so close she imagined his stubble dragging on her cheek. His eyes darted down to her lips, hers doing the same to his, both breathed to the same heavy rhythm. It wasn’t the first time she’d thought about those lips touching hers. Once they started, they wouldn’t be able to stop. She was sure of that, so she turned her head. “Let’s have another,” she said, popping off his lap.

  “Okay, but if you start dancing on the countertop I may have to cut you off.”

  Tate poured out two more drinks and handed one to Lexy. “To…what’s the name of your shop?”

  “Still undecided.”

  “To the soon-to-be-named bakery of the beautiful Alexia.”

  Her insides buzzed at the sound of her given name being spoken from his lips.

  For the next half hour they drank, laughed, and talked, all the while having a separate conversation in their exchanging glances. Lexy told Tate about reapplying for the loan by herself and how she didn’t have much of a chance on it coming through. Tate shared his own stress about the flower shop’s slow business since his relocation.

  “Hey,” he said, when Lexy grew quiet. “We’re both in the flower business. Get it? Flower and flour?”

  Wow, he’s adorably corny sometimes. She held her glass to toast his pun. “Yeah. To the flour business.” She washed it down with another long swig of water and announced, “I have to pee.”

  “Well, congratulations. Here, take the candle.” He handed her the one jarred candle left, as the other had burned out minutes ago.

  The liquor and darkness conspired to lighten her head. She wobbled a bit as she stood. “No, you keep the candle. That way I can find you on the way back.” She took a few steps with her hand along the wall, realizing now that she probably should have stopped before the last shot. “Besides, this is good training in case I ever go blind.”

  “Good thinking,” Tate called before she turned the corner.

  Lexy snickered as she sat on the toilet with the door open, wondering if Tate could hear her. “Oh, my God, Tate. I just remembered something,” she yelled.

  “You’re out of toilet paper?” he yelled back.

  “No!” She finished and pulled her skirt back over her. “Meet me in the bedroom!”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice!”

  She cautiously made her way to her bedroom, climbed across the bed, and reached over to the nightstand. Tate entered, stopping in the doorway. “It’s okay, come get on the bed,” she said giddily. “This is really cool and it runs on batteries.”

  “Uh…are you sure you need me, then?”

  “Don’t be silly. Bring the candle over here so I can see.”

  He came over and sat on the edge of the bed, set the candle on the nightstand. “What is that?”

  Lexy set the black machine on the bed. She messed with a few buttons, causing the sound of crickets, then thunder, then waves, to emit from the box.

  “Oh, it’s a sound machine,” Tate said.

  “That’s not all. Lie down.” Another switch and a beam of light shot straight up to the ceiling, spraying stars above their head.

  “Now that’s freaking cool.”

  “It helps me sleep,” she said, lying down next to him.

  They stayed that way, staring up at the makeshift sky, listening to the sound of waves, lying side by side. After a few moments, Tate took hold of Lexy’s hand. She let him lace his fingers with hers, filling her with both comfort and want.

  “Does that happen a lot…the trouble sleeping?” he said.

  “Yeah, my brain gets to spinning, and I just can’t turn it off.”

  “You worry too much, that’s why.”


  “You want to stay in control of everything.”


  “I bet Julian lets you be in control in the bedroom, just so you’ll feel like you’re in control. When really he’s always the one in control.”

  Lexy fought against the gasp in her chest. “What makes you think that?” she said, trying to control the quiver in her voice.

  “I don’t think. I know.” He released her hand, turned on his side to face her.

  Lexy did the same. “What do you know?”

  He ran his hand along the raised bumps on her arm, continued past her shoulder and stopped on the nape of her neck. “I know guys like Julian. And I know you, Lexy.” He leaned in until his lips were only a breath away. “You fight so hard to be independent, but right now what you want…what you need, is a man who’ll take charge just so you can let go.” He touched his lips to hers, brushing them with a feather light kiss. “Let go, Kitten,” he whispered against her warm mouth.

  Oh, damn. Lexy’s breath caught as a throbbing heat between her thighs made its presence known. She reached for his neck, pulling his mouth back to hers for another kiss, this one intense and needy. She parted her lips, inviting his tongue in to discover her mouth. The starry ceiling glowed above them like a canopy. The kiss grew more passionate by the second, becoming so overwhelming that Lexy pulled back to catch her breath. In a way, it frightened her that her reaction to Tate’s kiss was so powerful, nothing like she’d ever experienced before.

  Their eyes locked just long enough for Lexy to see a look in Tate’s eyes that set her on fire with lust and had her chest heaving. It was all Tate needed as confirmation. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his firm body, meeting their lips once again. As he kissed her, he ran a hand down her back, over her ass, stopping under her thigh. He pulled her leg over his hip, then smoothed his hand under the backside of her skirt, pressing her body deeper into him.

  The feeling of him hard and pressed between her legs worked Lexy into a hot mess. The room spun and not from the alcohol. One touch in the right spot and she might not last. But, she wasn’t ready to let go just yet. She needed her release to be with Tate deep inside of her, relieving that burning ache by filling her up.

  Tate’s mouth left hers and slid to her neck just below her ear. “You know I wanted you the first moment I saw you,” he whispered. Then, as if reading her mind, his lips went to every spot she needed them. First, he pulled down her strapless top, exposing her bare breasts. He froze for a moment, seemingly stru
ck by the sight of them. He rubbed his thumb slowly across one of her nipples, driving her insane with want before he lowered his mouth to it. He cupped one side as he deliberately licked and sucked it into his mouth. Lexy dug her fingers into his hair as he worked magic on her, bringing her so close to the edge. “Tate,” she murmured. He lowered his hand down, reaching inside her panties, feeling her warmth, sliding his fingers across the wetness he’d elicited in her. “Oh, God, Tate.”

  Hearing his name again, he lifted his head and gave her a hint of that smile she loved so much. “You keep saying my name like that, and I’ll fucking lose it.” He took the moment to lift his shirt over his head in one swift motion, revealing a smooth, rigid chest that Lexy admired and noted was so different from Julian’s wiry frame. She reached up and ran a hand down his chest, following a thin line of hair down his stomach and to the top of his jeans.

  She tugged on them playfully. “Hold on a sec.”

  She rolled to her side, grabbing the sound machine as she got up from the bed. She set it down on the side table and quickly opened the drawer, snatching out a condom and setting it on the bed.

  “Wait,” Tate said when Lexy started to move back onto the bed. She then realized she was still half covered. “I want to see every inch of you first.”

  One corner of Lexy’s mouth turned up as she slowly pulled down her skirt and let it fall to the floor. The strapless top that had been lowered down went along with it, leaving her standing in only a black lace thong. She watched as his eyes devoured every curve of her body.

  “The rest,” Tate said, not taking his eyes off of her.

  Lexy’s insides reignited at his commanding words and she complied.

  “Shit, Kitten. You’re amazing…so beautiful.” Tate got off the bed and moved in behind her. He slid his hands around her waist and up to her breasts, where he stroked them eagerly and ravaged her neck with slow sensual kisses. With her pulse racing, she hooked her arm around his neck, turned her head, and pulled his mouth to hers, hoping to satiate her hunger for him.

  Tate broke from the heated kiss, pulled off his jeans and boxers, and then swiftly pulled her against him with one arm around her waist. His steely length pressed against her backside, creating another high of ecstasy for Lexy and causing her to push her behind further into him. They edged toward the bed until her legs touched the mattress.


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