Franklin, Charlotte, 240, 242
Franklin, Colin, 232, 240–43, 287, 316, 335–36, 354
Franklin, Victoria, 297–98
Franklin collection, 137
Frederickson, Emily Augustine, 496–97
Freeman, Arthur, 232, 256, 522, 532
Freud, Sigmund, 30, 53, 437, 460
The Frogs, Aristophanes, 59–60
Frost, A. B., 379
Fuller, Buckminster, 309
Furman, Gabriel, 163
Furs e Ordinations de Valencia, 33
Fust, Johann, 180, 272
Galen, 63–64
Galileo Galilei, 325
Galton, Francis, 53
Gangs of New York, The (Asbury), 406
Garden Ltd., 229, 234–36, 244, 246, 249
Garden Ltd. collection, 49, 226, 229, 238–41, 251, 260–61, 463, 508
Gardner, Erle Stanley, Room, 346–47
Garvey, Marcus, 395
Gates, Thomas, 93
Gates, William H., III, 227–28, 261
Gay, Peter, 30
Gehenna Press, 286–87
Gehl, Paul, 428
Geisel, Theodore, 378
Generall Historie of the Turkes, The (Knolles), 92
George III (King of England), 89, 274
Gerarde (Herbal), 450
Germanicus, 76
Ghost’s Bargain, The (Dickens), 527
Gibbon, Edward, 68
Gingerich, Owen, 249–50, 262, 461
Giroud, Vincent, 382
Glance at Private Libraries, A (Farnham), 155–56
annotated by Roger E. Stoddard, 157
Gleeson Library, 452
Goddard, Robert Hale Ives, 12–13
Godine, David R., 239
Go Down, Moses (Faulkner), 294
Goff, Frederick R., 44, 453
Goncourt, Edmond de, 10
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, 379
Goodspeed, Charles, 165, 213
Gordian II (Emperor of Rome), 68
Gore, Christopher, 152
Gore Hall, 187, 189
Gospel of Matthew, 268, 273
Gothic type, 80
Gotlieb, Howard B., 347
Gould, John, 20
Gower, John, 186
Grace Before Meat (Lamb), 30
Grady, James, 366
Graham, Tom. See Lewis, Sinclair
Grant, Ulysses S., 273, 362
Gratz, Simon, 206
Gray, Austin K., 129
Great Voyages (de Bry), 166
Green, Stephen, 129
Greenblatt, Aliza, 390
Greene, Belle da Costa, 180–84, 210
Greene, Graham, 314
Greene, Nathanael, 489
Gregory of Tours, 70
Grolier Club, 81, 173, 176, 178, 180, 191, 273, 461, 492, 524
Grolier de Servières, Jean, 81, 367
Gruelle, Johnny, 379
Guide for German Travellers from Switzerland to the Carolinas, A (Ochs), 510
Guignol’s Band (Céline), 351
Guppy, Henry, 125–26
Gutenberg, Johannes, 78, 180
Gutenberg Bible, 162, 177–78, 180, 185, 229, 230–31, 335, 367, 543n
Liverpool Copy, 274; Scheide copy, 263–64, 266–67, 271–72
Gutheil, Thomas Gordon, 245
Guthrie, Marjorie, 390
Gwynne volume (First Folio), 198
H. P. Kraus, Inc., 240
Hadley, Arthur Twining, 190
Hall, James, 516
Halley, Edmund, 132
Halliday, Terry, 306–7
Halsey, Frederick R., 195
Halsey collection, 195
Hamblin, Robert W., 298
Hamill, Frances, 422–23
Hamilton, Charles, 316, 337–38, 343
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 197
Hammer, Armand, 227
Hammett, Dashiell, 527
Hampshire College, 384–85, 390
Hampton, Mark, 277, 284
Hancock, John, 143
Hanley, Thomas Edward, 317–19
Hannah, Barry, 433
Hardy, Thomas, 426
Harkness, Mary Stilman, 141, 356
Harleian bindings, 108–9
Harleian Library, 267
Harley, Edward, 108
Harley, Robert, 107–8, 121
Harmsen, Tyrus G., 493
Harper, Lathrop C., 270
Harris, Joel Chandler, 379
Harrison, Pauline L. du Pont, 526
Harry Elkins Widener collection, 187
Harshav, Benjamin, 389
Hartley, Marsden, 347
Harvard, John, 127
Harvard University, 123, 127, 156, 185, 187–88, 191, 193, 229, 249, 411, 461, 466, 513. See also Houghton Library
Slavic Collection, 193
Harvey, William, 325, 459
Harzoff, Max, 141
Hassam, Childe, 379, 526, 528
Haunted Man, The (Dickens), 527
Hawes, Stephen, 104
Hawkins, Rush C., 13–14
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 39, 379, 527
Hayden, Roger, 563n
Hayes, Rutherford B., 427
Hayward, John, 325
Hazard, Ebenezer, 143
Hearn, Lafcadio, 406
Heber, Reginald, 111–12
Heber, Richard, 25, 110–14
Heckscher, Morris, 528
Heminges, John, 50
Hemingway, Ernest, 279, 527
A Farewell to Arms, 292–93; In Our Time, 55–56
Hendricks, Patricia D., 348
Henry, O., 328
Henry E. Huntington Library, 146
Henry VII (King of England), 87–89
Herbal (Gerarde), 450
Heritage Book Shop, 411–14, 527
Hermitage, 261
Herophilius, 63
Hickes, George, 108
Hike and the Aeroplane (Lewis), 285
Hill, Joan, 532–33
Hill, Thomas, 455
Hill, Walter M., 182
Hime, Mark, 527, 532
Hinckley, Thomas, 138
Hippocrates, 63
Historie of the World (Raleigh), 92
History of Henry VII, The (Bacon), 92
History of New Hampshire (Belknap), 142
History of Plimmoth Plantation (Bradford), 139
History of Printing in America (Thomas), 146
History of the Indian Tribes of North America (McKenney/Hall), 490
History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, A (Irving), 158
History of Virginia (Smith), 4, 165, 511
History (Tacitus), 75–76
Hitler, Adolf, 363–64
Hjerter, Kathleen G., 327–29, 346
Hoblitzelle, Karl and Esther, 346
Hobson, Anthony, 318
Hodgson, Sidney, 180
Hoe, Robert III, 31, 173–74, 178, 260
Hoe collection, 173–76, 178–80, 186, 194–96, 331
Hofer, Philip, 20, 193
Hoffman, Michael E., 257–59
Hofmann, Hans, 347
Hofmann, Mark, 304–5
Hogan, Frank J., 214–21
Hogan collection, 221
Hole Book, The (Newell), 532
Holford, Robert Stayner, 267
Hollis, Thomas V, 99
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 427
Holtzman, Irwin T., 307–11
Holtzman Family Collection of Israeli Writers, 309
Homer, 82
Chapman translation, 182, 187; editio princeps, 185, 271, 324
Homer, Winslow, 379
Honnold Library, 493
Hook, Diana H., 463
Hooke, Robert, 459
Hooper, Frances, 31
Horblit, Harrison, 230, 461–62, 569n
Horblit collection, 461–62
Hornbooks, 378
Horowitz, Glenn, 283, 285, 299, 532
Horton Hatches the Egg (Dr. Seuss), 378
ughton, Arthur, Jr., 30, 192, 218, 221, 229, 233, 250
Houghton collection, 229
Houghton Library, 4–5, 16, 142, 192–93
House of Books, Ltd., 283, 294
House of El Dieff, Inc., 329, 337
Housman, A. E., 61
Howard, Justin, 379
Howard, Peter, 279, 282, 299–300, 307–8, 310–11, 412
Howards End (Forster), 52
Howell, Charles Augustus, 15–16
Howell, Warren, 231, 232, 411, 445–47, 460
Hsia, R. Po–Chia, 46
Hubbard, L. Ron, 417
Hubbard, William, 147
Huckleberry Finn (Clemens), 527
Hudspeth, Frances, 327–28
Hughes, Langston, 396–97
Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, 312–23, 563n–64n
Humfrey (Duke of Gloucester), 87
Hunt, Leigh, 41
Huntington, Archer M., 347–48
Huntington, Henry E., 14, 142, 164, 175, 179, 181–82, 184, 186, 194–96, 199–210, 411
Huntington Library, 4, 194–95, 207–8, 302, 438, 487–88, 493
Huntington surplusage, 142
Hurley, Michael D., 416–17
Huth, Alfred, 185
Huth, Henry, 185
Huth collection, 185, 196, 209, 270
Hyde, Donald, 31–32, 221
Hyman, Trina Schart, 379
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Colonna), 44
Ibis (Ovid), 74
Ibn-al-Kifti, 70
If Morning Ever Comes (Tyler), 433
Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde), 356
Imprint(s), 155, 302–4
Incunabula, definition of, 475
Indiana University, Lilly Library, 380
Inferno (Dante), 407
Inland Voyage, An (Stevenson), 455
In Our Time (Hemingway), 55–56
Institute of Traditional Science, 231, 236, 244, 248, 250
Institutiones (Justinian), 270
Institutio oratoria (Quintilian), 69, 77
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud), 460
In the Lake in the Woods (O’Brien), 280
Iona and Peter Opie Collection of Children’s Literature, 381
Ireland, William Henry, 66
Irving, Washington, 158
Irwin, Theodore, 167, 183
Irwin library, 183
Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman Collection of William Faulkner, 309
Isabella I (Queen of Castile), 443
Israeli Antiquities Society, 487
Israel National and Hebrew University
Library, 308
Italian Vespucci, 185
Italic type, 80–81
Ivanhoe (Scott), 176–77
Ivins, Molly, 313–14
J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 411
Jackson, Andrew, 379
Jackson, Henry, 490
Jackson, William A., 26, 123, 141–42, 193
Jaggard, Isaac, 4, 50, 185
Jaggard, William, 50
Janson, Nicolas, 270
Jay, Ricky, 419–20
Jefferson, Thomas, 14, 136–37, 143–44, 148–50, 152–53, 166, 239
Jefferson library, 149–51. See also Library of Congress
Jenson, Nicholas, 79
Jevons, Duncan Charles Le Worsley, 72n
Jewett, Charles Coffin, 156
John, George, Viscount Althorp, Earl of Spencer, 25, 110, 115–16, 274
John Bull’s Other Island (Shaw), 325
John Carter Brown Library, 13, 140, 163–65, 191, 265
John Crerar Library, 169, 233
John D. and Catherine MacArthur Foundation, 383
John Hay Library, 14
John of Speier, 180
Johnson, Eldridge R., 211
Johnson, James Weldon, 397
Johnson, Lady Bird, 346
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 124, 342, 346
Johnson, Samuel, 30–32, 109–10, 177, 377
Johnson and Wales University, 358
Jones collection, 271
Jonson, Ben, 92
Jordan-Smith, Paul, 221–22
Joseph and His Brothers (Mann), 435
Joseph Regenstein Library, 337, 358
Joseph the Provider Books, Inc., 435
Josephus, 63, 65
Joyce, James, 40, 239, 314, 317, 413
Judgment of Experts, The (American Antiquarian Society), 304
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 197
Justinian, 270
Juvelis, Priscilla, 5, 233
Kamts Battle um Thurant (Allmers), 363
Kane, Grenville, 195
Kangaroo (Lawrence), 318
Karpeles, David, 437–44
Karpeles Manuscript Library, 443–44
Keats, John, 30, 39, 41, 417
Kelmscott Press, 324, 444–52, 532
Kelmscott Press, The (Peterson), 451
Kelvin, Norman, 451
Kemble, E. W., 379
Kemble, John Philip, 195
Kennedy, Roger G., 316
Kennerley, Mitchell, 211–12
Kent, Rockwell, 379
Kepler, Johannes, Astronomia nova, 461
Ker, John, 114
Kern, Jerome, 211–13, 260
Kern collection, 211–12
Kerr collection, 183
Keynes, Geoffrey, 250–52
Kilgour, Bayard L., Jr., 192–93
King, Cyrus, 150, 152
King John, First Part (Shakespeare), 197
King John, Second Part (Shakespeare), 197
King Richard the Second (Shakespeare), 199
Kirschenbaum, David, 331–34
Knight of the Swan, The, 44
Knights Templar, papal decree of sacred duties of, 439
Knolles, Richard, 92
Knopf, Alfred A., 54, 327, 346
Knopf, Blanche, 327
Koch, Robert, 53
Kodama, Mitsuo, 453
Kometografia, 305
Kraus, Hanni, 124–25
Kraus, Hans P., 124, 232, 268, 335, 413, 443, 461–62, 521
Kunhardt, Dorothy, 378
Kunin, Madeleine M., 442
Lake, Carlton, 318, 350–53
Lamb, Charles, 30, 43, 177, 275
Lamon, Ward Hill, 195
Lane, Ebenezer, 167–68
Lane Library, 168
Langford, William, 90
Lannon, John, 154
Lansky, Aaron, 383–94
Larroquette, John, 432–36
Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, The (Neely), 432
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 459
Lawrence, D. H., 328
Etruscan Places, 330; Kangaroo, 318; The Lost Girl, 318; The Rainbow, 318; The Virgin and the Gipsy, 318; Women in Love, 318
Lawrence, Frieda, 317
Lawrence, T. E., 193, 314, 317–18, 328
Laws of Massachusetts, 306
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; or David Copperfield (Benchley), 56
Lear, Edward, 328
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 533
Left bids, 240
Leland, John, 88
Le Morte d’Artbur (Malory), 31, 184
Lenox, James, 160–62, 164–66, 356
Lenox Library, 181
Le Pont de Londres (Céline), 351
Les Bouquets des Bergeres (Bouquet of the Shepherdesses), 286
Les Fleurs du mal (Baudelaire), 350
Les Liliacées (Redouté), 489–90
Les Raisons des forces mouvantes (Caus), 288–89
Letters to Atticus (Cicero), 73
Lewis, Sinclair, 285
Lewis, Wilmarth S., 23–24, 453
Liacouras, Peter J., 400
Library Company of Philadelphia, 5, 129, 134–36, 156, 302
Library of Congress, 4, 44, 140, 148, 152–53, 156, 302
Libri-Carucci, Guglielmo, 35–36
Life and Adventu
res of Joaquin Murieta, the Celebrated California Bandit, The (Ridge), 493, 495
Life and Death of Jason, The (Morris), 446
Life of Samuel Johnson (Boswell), 417
Lilly Library, 54, 380
Lincoln, Abraham, 426–32, 438, 453
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 362, 428–29
Lincoln Collector, The (Sandburg), 427, 429
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 431
Lindisfarne Gospels, 90, 95–96
Linnaeus, Carolus, 132
Lipson, Glen S., 497
Liska, Robert, 425–26
Literary Industries (Bancroft), 169–72
Little Dorrit (Dickens), illustrated by Phiz, 187
Little Drummer Boy, The (McKenzie), 379
Little Engine That Could, The (Bragg), 378
Little Red Riding Hood, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman, 379
Livermore, George, 140
Livy, 76
Lizst, Franz, 358
Locke, Alain, 397–98
Locke, John, 239, 459
Loewentheil, Stephan, 527, 532
Lofting, Hugh, 378
Logan, James, 129–35, 138
Logan, William S., 497–503, 505–7, 512
Loganian Library, 134–35
Log of the Mayflower, 139
London, Jack, 527, 532
Lord Jim (Conrad), 413
Lost Girl, The (Lawrence), 318
Louis Daniel Brodsky Faulkner Collection, 293, 299
Lowell, Abbot Lawrence, 188
Lowell, Amy, 30
Lowry, George S., 232
Lowry, Martin, 81
Lucian of Samosata, 60
Luckett, Richard, 101–7
Lussy, Florence de, 351–52
Luther, Martin, 239, 270, 273, 439
Lutheran Theological Seminary, 485
McCagg, Ezra C., 166
McCarthy, Bill, 364
McCord, Charles H., 395
McCorison, Marcus A., 148, 335
McCormack, Cyrus, 185
McCoy, John F., 167
McFee, William, 56
McGue, Matthew, 482
McGue, Matthew (alias of Stephen Blumberg), 472, 478, 481–82
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 325
McKenney and Hall, 490
McKenzie, Charles D., 379
McLeoud, Margarethe G. Z. (Mata Hari), 365
McMurtry, Larry, xvi, 410
McTigue, Bernard, 356–57, 369
Madama Butterfly (Puccini), 437
Madan, Falconer, 97, 99
Madeleine (Bemelmans), 378
Magee, David, 449–50
Maggs, Ernest, 178
Maggs, John, 339
Maggs Brothers, 123
Magliabechi, Antonio, 37–39
Magna Carta, 91
Mainz Psalter, 116, 142, 178, 272
Malamud, Bernard, 280
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 350
Malone, Dumas, 149, 152
Malone Dies (Beckett), 318
Malory, Thomas, 31, 184, 324
Maltese Falcon, The (Hammett), 527
Manchester University, 126, 546n
Mann, Thomas, 435
Manney, Gloria, 522–23, 525–26
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