Mine (Fighter Romance) (Imperfect Chaos #1)

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Mine (Fighter Romance) (Imperfect Chaos #1) Page 4

by Marie York

  I reached down and grabbed her tit, rubbing and kneading the small mounds only wishing there was more to grab.

  Brooklyn popped into my mind. The way that tank top cut low across her big juicy tits. How I wanted to stick my head between them and lick and suck my way out. Her grey fuck me eyes heavy with pleasure.

  I tightened my grip on Hayley’s hair, and pumped in and out of her. Pressure built, and I leaned my back against the dumpster. “Oh God, Brooklyn.”

  Her lips halted in the middle of sucking my cock, and she slid it out of her mouth. “Who the fuck is Brooklyn?” Hayley demanded as spit drooled down her chin. She swiped at it angrily, and fire raged in her eyes.

  Shit. There was no way I was letting her walk away without finishing. The last thing I wanted to deal with was a fucking case of blue balls.

  “Is she that girl who was inside?”

  I rested my hand under her chin, and looked into her eyes. “Does it matter? I’m out here with you.” I stroked my thumb across her cheek because girls loved that shit. “I chose you, didn’t I?”

  She nodded.

  “And I know you love my cock in your mouth.” I wrapped my hand around my shaft and stroked up and down. “You know you want it.”

  Her tongue dabbed at her bottom lip, and she gave me what I assumed were her sexy eyes, but looked more like a slightly demented pug.

  “Tell me you want it,” I demanded, not taking my eyes off hers. “Tell me you want my cock in your mouth.”

  She reached out, wrapping her hand around me just above my hand. “I want your cock in my mouth,” she said, just as she took all of me in. She moaned, and the vibrations had me rock hard again.

  Her tongue swirled around my tip, and then trailed down my shaft as she continued to stroke me. Her lips tightened as she followed her hand up and down. She cupped my balls and gently massaged them. The pressure built up again, and I gripped her hair, urging her to move faster.

  She went faster, taking me deeper. “Fuck,” I groaned as I came with a fucking vengeance.

  Hayley swallowed and licked her lips. “My turn,” she said, as she stood up.

  “Who said anything about your turn?” I asked, and stepped out of the dumpster, adjusting my dick.

  “You’re such an asshole,” Hayley said, coming up behind me, but her words turned to fuzz as my eyes landed on Brooklyn.

  She froze in place. I took my hand out of my pants, and even though I didn’t finger Hayley, I sniffed my finger to be the fucking asshole everyone thought I was.

  Disgust splattered across Brooklyn’s face as she huffed and jumped in her car.

  Hayley was still telling me how much of an asshole I was, but I ignored her, and went back to work.

  Chapter 8

  All I could think about was the look of disgust on Brooklyn’s face. In that moment, it was exactly what I wanted, but, ever since, it had been tearing my guts to shreds. Since when did I give a shit about what a girl thought of me?

  I pushed my glove into my eyes to get my focus. Brooklyn was the last thing I needed to be thinking about. I needed my head in the cage.

  The ref came out to the middle of the ring, and I took my spot in the center with The Rat as the ref ran down the usual spiel. I knocked gloves with Lorenzo, and headed back to my side.

  I grabbed onto the cage and took a deep breath, channeling my energy. I focused on the anger that I’d been harboring. I thought about my sister, the spoiled brat, and how she stole everything from me. I thought about Beckham and his betrayal. About my parents and their constant disappointment. Then, I recalled Brooklyn and the hot raw anger I felt when she actually thought I was capable of attacking her.

  I let go of the cage, letting that anger control me. I turned my head from side to side, cracking my neck.

  The ref signaled the start of the fight, and I bounced in, ready to find my release. I went in quick, not giving Lorenzo a second to plan. I jabbed getting him right in the jaw. He went to jab back, and I swatted his hand away. I moved forward, kneeing him in the stomach, as he grabbed my hands, and held them down.

  I pulled away, and swung again. Lorenzo tucked under, trying to take me down. Above everything, he was a wrestler, and I knew he was trying to get me on the mat. But if he wanted me on the ground, he was going to have to try a hell of a lot harder than that. He hugged me to him, and I took it as my opportunity to knee him again.

  Lorenzo pressed toward me, looking for the take down. I gave him a short elbow to the side, but it didn’t deter him. He pushed me up against the cage, and I kneed him again. I caught his strong arm with mine, locking it in place.

  He landed an uppercut to my side, but it felt more like a tickle than a punch. He continued going for my middle, wrapping his arms around me, and trying to get me on the mat.

  I lifted my knee into him, knowing that eventually the blows would wear on him. I was hoping this would be a quick match. He’d come at me, and I’d take him down with a few punches. But, as much as I hated to admit it, I wasn’t completely on my game. I was trying to feed on the anger inside me, but Brooklyn’s damn face kept popping into my head. Instead of anger, I was feeling guilt.

  Never in my life had I ever felt guilty, or regretful, for any of my actions. I revealed Beckham’s biggest secret to my sister, and I found pleasure in it. I thrived off of destroying people. Of making them feel like shit. I could make a girl suck my dick, leave her behind a fucking dumpster, and not feel an ounce of remorse. But, I see that look of disgust on Brooklyn’s face, and I can’t let it go.

  Get out of my fucking head!

  Lorenzo went in, grabbing me around the midsection, and took me down. Fuck! He pushed my head into the cage, but I wouldn’t just lie on my back, and take it. His forearm pushed into my throat, reminding me of Brooklyn’s freak out. The anger surged through me, and I fought back with all that I had. Grabbing his arms every time he went at me, and holding him off until I got my chance to get out of it.

  I managed to jump out, and get a few jabs and kicks in before the end of round one.

  I went to my corner and sat down. Mark, my coach came up to me, and handed me a bottle of water. “What’s going on? You should’ve had more hits this round,” he said, as if I needed him to tell me. I was fucking there, and I was more than aware of what should’ve happened and what didn’t.

  Kevin placed bags of ice on me to cool me down. Sal came up to the cage, and started screaming nonsense into my ear. I toned them all out. I didn’t give a fuck what they had to say. I was the goddamned fighter, and I knew how to win a fight.

  “Dress up those kicks,” Mark said, as I finally let the noise back in. “Get a few hard ones in there and this match is yours.”

  I nodded, and took another swig of water before heading back to the center. The second round was better than the first. Lorenzo didn’t get me on the ground, but he did get a nice blow to my face. I could feel the swelling starting, and the bruise forming, but the pain was my driving force. I kicked his ass, and the round would have been the end of it all if I had thirty more seconds. Unfortunately, I didn’t, and had to wait till round three.

  I slumped into my chair, my body buzzing to get back out there, and finish this damn thing.

  Mark grabbed my shoulders. “Keep doing what you’re doing. He’s wearing down. Just take him down when he least expects it. They don’t call you Viper for nothing.” He patted my cheek. “Got it?”

  I nodded to Mark, and Kevin pressed a bag of ice to my chest. “You’re doing good,” Kevin said. “Whatever was on your mind earlier seems to finally be gone.”

  It was… until he fucking said something. Dammit to hell. I smacked myself in the head as if that would get Brooklyn and her stupid fucking look of disgust to disappear. Who the fuck did she think she was anyway? She actually had the nerve to judge me? She was the one who was fucked up. Losing her shit on me like she did. I did nothing but try to help her. I wasn’t the ass wipe who fucked her up in the first place. Though, I would like
to get my hands on whoever that was. Just thinking about someone causing Brooklyn harm set me off. I felt an overwhelming need to protect her and beat whoever caused her fear and sadness to a bloody pulp.

  A burning rage exploded inside of me. It was different than the usual rage I had grown accustomed too. This was uglier and a thousand times more ferocious than anything I had ever experienced. Unable to focus on anything else, my surroundings faded to the fury in my mind. All I saw was red, dark bloody red, and I wasn’t going to be happy until it was pouring from Lorenzo’s face.

  “Hey, you in there?” Mark asked, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. “You need to focus!”

  I was focused all right. Focused on unleashing whatever this was brewing inside me. It was ripping me apart, and I needed to release it before it consumed me.

  I went in swinging with a fucking vengeance. I got Lorenzo good in the jaw and he stumbled back. I didn’t let him have a moment to recover. Instead, I landed punch after punch as his eyes lost focus, and he tried to swat my hands away. Blood spurted from his eyebrow, and dripped down my glove, but it didn’t stop me. It was like I didn’t control my hands. They took on a mind of their own, punching and destroying my opponent until he was nothing but a bloody barely conscious rag doll.

  The ref grabbed me, trying to pull me off, but my hands kept striking. Two more guys latched onto my arms, and dragged me off of him. Mark joined them, screaming at me, but his words were lost. I heard nothing. There were too many thoughts in my mind to allow a single word in.

  I got shoved into the seat in my corner, and Mark smacked me across the cheek, jolting me out of the dark place I fell into.

  “What the fuck was that?” he screamed. “You win, you get out. You don’t try to fucking kill the person!”

  My eyes came back into focus, and they landed on Lorenzo, being picked up from the mat. Blood streamed down his face from too many angles that I couldn’t quite tell where the blood started.

  “I don’t know what happened,” I managed.

  Mark shook his head, his hands planted firmly on his hips as he paced in front of me. He took a deep breath, and stopped in front of me. “You better take care of whatever’s going on in here.” He smacked the side of my head. “Because this shit isn’t working.” Frustration was evident in the way he ran his hands through his hair. He linked his hands behind his head, and let out a breath. “Channel the anger, but, for fuck sakes, control it. You got it?”



  Ten minutes later, after they cleaned Lorenzo up, I was declared the winner. We met in the middle, and I almost felt bad for the damage I did to his face, but then I reminded myself to stop acting like a pussy and be proud of my work. The ref raised my hand and I put on my show of victory, before I took off. Mark was right. I needed to take care of a few things.

  It was a quarter to nine, and if I hurried, I could catch Brooklyn leaving work.

  “Viper, I need to talk to you,” Sal said, but I waved him off.

  “Call me!” I yelled over my shoulder.

  I jogged out to the parking lot, and hopped into Tanya, throwing her in reverse, and peeling out onto the street.

  Brooklyn worked at a diner across town. She had mentioned it a couple times, and, to my surprise, I actually paid attention enough to remember.

  Ten minutes later, I pulled into the diner’s lot, and saw Brooklyn walking to her car. It was the first time I hadn’t seen her in sweat pants. She was in black pants that showcased every beautiful curve. Her white shirt was only buttoned up halfway, and even though she wore a shirt beneath it, it couldn’t hide those tits of hers. She definitely wasn’t fat.

  She spotted my car, kind of hard not to, and her steps became more hesitant and planned. I jumped out of the driver’s side, and stormed up to her.

  “What do you want, Nixon?” she asked, using my real name, which hit me low in the gut. She got close enough to me to see my face. Her eyes widened, and, though I didn’t look in a mirror, I knew it must’ve looked gruesome. If I took a second to calm down, I’m sure it would hurt like a bitch.

  “You’re in my fucking head,” I yelled, and then ran my hands through my hair because if I didn’t I might’ve punched something.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I almost lost a fight because you’re in there.” I jabbed my finger at my temple. “And I don’t know how to get you out. I have never felt guilt in my life, but you…” I stormed away, and then turned back, coming to a halt inches from her face. “You give me one fucking look of disgust, and I can’t stop thinking about how awful I feel about it.”

  “You’re a pig. Deal with it,” she spat, and I wanted to put my hand through the fence.

  “That’s the problem. I never had to deal with it because I didn’t give a shit. And then, you walk into my life, and now all of a sudden I have…I have…” I had no idea what I had, but it was something that was fucking with my mind.

  “You have feelings,” she said, in an almost a mocking tone.

  I didn’t say anything, just growled.

  “I don’t know what you want from me,” she said, tucking her curls behind her ear.

  “I don’t either! But thinking that someone could have hurt you...” That blinding rage pushed to the forefront and I forced my fist against my lips, trying to contain it. “Not being your trainer. Not teaching you how to fight. I know I don’t want that. I need to know you can take care of yourself. I need to know you’re okay. Dump Melissa. Come back to me. Please.”

  “You said a horrible thing, and then did the unthinkable with that stick figure. You might as well have fucked her in front of me. Wait… you already did that.”

  “That doesn’t count. I didn’t even know you, then.”

  “You didn’t, but that just shows me what type of person you are, and that’s not someone I need in my life right now. I’m sorry,” she said and stepped around me.

  She got in her car, and drove away, as I stood there, staring at her taillights as they disappeared into the distance.

  I had no idea what I expected when I came here, but it was definitely not that.

  Chapter 9

  Brooklyn wasn’t the only one who was making me feel guilt. Ever since I yelled at Sassy, I’d been treating her like a queen. Even bought her a bed so she knew this was her home, and I wasn’t going to take her back to the dumpster like I always swore I would.

  I guess a part of me always knew I never would, but was too fucking thick headed to admit it to her or myself. I picked her up, and scratched at her scruff before putting her back down.

  She curled up in her bed, and I headed out to work. I had already got my run in and was looking forward to getting another workout in between clients. Last night, after whatever that was with Brooklyn, I went home and went to bed. I thought about going to a bar, getting drunk, and fucking the first slut who approached me, in the bathroom, but Brooklyn’s words reverberated in my head.

  Just shows me what type of person you are, and that’s not someone I need in my life right now.

  I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not like it mattered. She made it perfectly clear she wanted nothing to do with me. It hurt in a way I wasn’t expecting, but I wasn’t going to dwell on some shit like that. There were plenty of other girls out there. Girls who wanted me just the way I was, and who were willing to do anything I wanted. Brooklyn was a complication I didn’t need.

  I walked into the gym, and smiled at Cindy. “My first appointment here yet?” I asked, not even sure who it was.

  “Oh, honey, look at your face. Damn shame for someone as cute as you to be all black and blue.”

  “It’ll heal.”

  “Yes, it will. Well, your first appointment is sitting over by the free weights.”

  “Thanks, Cind.” I winked at her, and headed to the weights. As I passed the elliptical, my eyes landed on a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tight tank top with tiny straps that could onl
y belong to one person.

  She must’ve been here for a session with Melissa. Except, Melissa didn’t come in until after noon today. And, she was sitting on the bench in the middle of the free weights.

  Her back was to me, and I approached her with caution. Was she here for round two? Did she sleep on it, and realize all the things she really wanted to say to me?

  “What are you doing here?” I finally said, and she jumped up from the bench, causing her tits to jiggle. “Here to tell me what a terrible person I am? Tell me I’m a piece of shit? Because believe me sweetheart, it’s nothing I don’t already know.”

  She shook her head and a curl sprung loose from her ponytail. “No. What I said last night…I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know you well enough to make that judgment.”

  “But you do,” I said, and leaned in, pushing the curl back into her ponytail. She shivered at my touch, and I let my hand linger longer than I should have. I’m the guy your parents warned you about. The guy who kisses and tells then never calls you again. Who wouldn’t think twice about fucking you behind a dumpster or bending you over the hood of a car and taking you right where anyone can stumble upon us. I’m exactly who you think I am.”

  Her gorgeous grey eyes locked with mine. “Those things don’t make you a bad person.”


  “No. I’ve been with the guy my parents warned me about, and you are not that guy.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because guilt brought you to me last night.”

  “If you think that, then you’re going to be disappointed.”

  “I’ll only be disappointed if you tell me you don’t want to be my trainer anymore.”

  I thought about it for a second. The smart thing to do was to tell her no and get her the fuck away from me, but, when it came to her, I was fucking stupid. “Go grab the five pound weights. We’re doing lunges,” I said, and a smile spread wide, lighting up her entire face. It was the prettiest damn thing I’d ever seen. And, even though I knew I was making a huge fucking mistake, I didn’t care.


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