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Rules of Seduction

Page 2

by Joya Ryan

  He could take things in whatever direction the moment led. It was a dangerous notion, but he didn’t trust anyone else to have her. He’d make sure she got what she wanted without someone going too far or hurting her.

  And she was offering everything, with the only catch of not seeing the man she was with. That was her one hard limit, and he could give that to her. Because if there was one thing he understood, it was hard limits.

  He’d spent years wrapped up in women, moving from each one to the next in a quest to feel…anything. And every time, he found the threat of the future—unpredictable, unknowable—too powerful to ignore. How could he protect anyone longer than one scene at a time?

  So he’d resigned himself to doing just that. No relationships. No chance for love. But at least he could guarantee the safety of each woman at Serve by assuring she was paired with the perfect partner.

  But to have a woman put herself in his hands—literally. To trust her fate to him for more than a single scene. It sounded better than good, and it was the one thing he’d yearned for but seen no way to experience. Anyone who wanted him for more than a single scene wanted him for a relationship, and he couldn’t have that.

  He hadn’t found “the one,” and he never would. His friends were being taken down one after another with emotional monogamy, but it wasn’t in the cards for him.

  This woman, though? There was a tiny gleam of something broken behind her eyes. Something she was outrunning. He could relate. She called to him in a way he couldn’t ignore. She wanted a tightly controlled scene, and because the fantasy would never escape into the real world, he could fulfill her desires and know that as long as she was with him, he would keep her safe.

  “You’d let him have you. However he wanted. So long as his identity remained secret?” He had to clarify this just one more time to be sure she knew what she was asking for. Because he couldn’t turn her away, but he couldn’t turn her over to another, either.

  “Yes,” she said. “I’ll leave it to him, and to you, to read me.” Her green eyes met his. “I trust you to pair me with the man I need.”

  He nodded. Ava Webber had just sealed her own fate, and maybe even his own.

  “Tomorrow night,” he said. “You’ll have the man you want.”

  Chapter Two

  “You’ve done a wonderful job these past few months,” Gina said, her perfect blond bob swaying as she spoke. Gina was Ava’s boss and project manager for the entire marketing firm.

  “Thank you,” Ava said. “I appreciate that.” Especially since her life in New York had mostly been spent in the office. She hadn’t really made friends yet. Unless she could count Nolan.

  She almost laughed. No, he was definitely not her friend. He was her…hook up coordinator? Whatever. Either way, they weren’t on a friendly level, which was why she’d spent most of today trying to not think about what would happen tonight. Who would he pick for her? She also wasn’t thinking of the way his eyes got all stormy when he looked at her.

  She would have been thinking about the man Nolan was going to partner her with tonight, but she’d asked to keep this anonymous, and that meant she’d never even see him. Only touch him. But if half the men at the club were even a fraction as hot as Nolan, she wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “You’ve done such a good job,” Gina continued, “that I want to put you as lead consultant for XSpot Inc.”

  Ava’s brows shot almost to her hairline. XSpot Inc. was a large, lucrative business that was shopping for a new marketing firm. They were also the most risqué business the firm had ever made a play for. Apparently, XSpot’s line of sex toys was second to none. Or so Ava was told. Toys or not, between the lingerie and all things fantasy driven, they had a wide array of products and the equity behind them to go global.

  “That is quite a surprise. I…I’m not quite sure where to start.”

  “Oh honey, don’t worry,” Gina said with a wave of her hand. “This is no different than what you’ve been doing. Only now, when the time hits to rope them in, I want you front and center instead of behind the scenes. We’re all adults, and they have products to push.”

  “Okay. So what do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to draw up a strategy for the next twelve to eighteen months. Show them a plan for how we can take them mainstream and international. They’re taking meetings with several firms in the city over the next month, and I want to be ready. Let’s nail them—” she winked “—so to speak.”


  Yeah, Ava got it. Gina might be her boss, but she was only a couple of years older and already had an easy confidence and determination that put her in control of her world. Ava liked that about Gina. To be honest, she kind of envied it.

  And now she had a chance to claim the same kind of success. The same kind of identity.

  This was a big opportunity for her, and if Gina was behind her, Ava could really move up the ladder at this firm. She could finally have something of her own, that she’d worked for.

  Seemed she was in the market to land a lot more than she’d realized. Between the anticipation about tonight and this new client who could take her career to the next level, she was flooded with excitement and nerves.

  She could handle herself, professionally and privately. But she was still treading into uncharted territory in both areas. She was no virgin, but she was no wanton either. Something she’d soon change.

  With a smile and a nod, she glanced at her computer, then watched Gina click her heels and weave through the staff cubicles.

  Ava was good with number analysis and running figures, but pitching in a meeting? About sex toys?

  Looks like I have some research to do.


  Nolan stood near the entrance of the mouth that lead to the various upper floors of Serve. His usual spot, watching women and men dance, drink, interact. Soon he’d hand off his shift to another security guy and he’d attend to the one thing he’d been thinking of for the past twenty-four hours.

  Ava Webber.

  He glanced around again. There were a lot of people there for Friday night, and he kept trying to catch a glimpse of caramel hair or a flash of green eyes.

  Maybe she’d backed out?

  Jesus, what was his problem? He was standing there, bouncing on his toes and staring at the front entrance like a damn tween waiting for a prom date. He shook his head. This was going to be sex. Nothing more. He’d had his share of it—had even recently helped his friend Will satisfy a particularly unique predicament with his now one true love.

  So why was he so excited about being with Ava? Something about the witty, sexy woman he’d interviewed yesterday got him going in a way he thought wasn’t possible anymore.

  Sure, he liked sex, but at some point over the past few months it had tuned into just getting off. No connection beyond the physical.

  Which is what Ava is looking for, jackass.

  Except that wasn’t quite right.

  He needed to get this weird whisper in his mind to shut up. Connection? No. She didn’t even want that much. She wanted sex, pure and simple. But he’d bet his cock it wouldn’t be pure, and it for damn sure wouldn’t be simple. It would be hot and mind-blowing. And that’s where it’d end.

  Now he just needed the woman to show up.

  “Nolan!” a thunderous voice came from behind him. Jake Sims, a Dom that frequented the club regularly, shook Nolan’s hand.

  “Hey man, how are you?”

  “Good. About to be better,” Jake said, his stare drifting to a pretty redhead that was all but drooling at Jake. The practiced avoidance of direct eye contact and perfect posture gave her sub status away immediately. “I just wanted to see if you’ve thought more about my offer?”

  “Sorry man. You’re cute and all, but you’re not my type,” Nolan said.

  “Shut up. You know I’m talking about the job.”

  Yeah, he did know. Jake owned a high-end security company that ranged from personal b
odyguards to state of the art systems. And he was looking for someone more or less to run it.

  “I’ve thought about it.”

  “And? You’d be perfect. Jonah raves about you, you’re great at what you do, and you’d be the right man for the job. You’d oversee the entire security detail.”

  “First off, I’ve never seen Jonah ‘rave’ about a thing in his life,” Nolan countered. “Also, I’m happy here.”

  The minute the words came out, they tasted bad. Because somewhere deep down, he wasn’t as happy as he used to be. Something Jake must have caught on to, because his friend took Nolan’s words as an opportunity to press the point.

  “You sure about that?”

  No, he wasn’t. But he wasn’t going into it. Wasn’t going to start gabbing about the weird hole that had started growing in his chest a while ago. It felt like…emptiness. Which was stupid, because he worked at a premier sex club, got paid well, and could get laid whenever he wanted.

  So why was he whining?

  He was in the business of making other people’s fantasies come true in a short term, safe, enjoyable environment. That was his focus. He set the scenes at Serve, even participated from time to time, but his problem remained: finding a forever girl wasn’t likely. But at least here, he could indulge in a fantasy now and then. Connect to the self he wanted to be, even if at the end of the night, he had to let that man go.

  If he left Serve—if he went to work for Jake—he knew what would happen. He’d lose what little opportunities for connection he had.

  “I’m good,” Nolan said. “I appreciate your offer, but—”

  “Just think about it,” Jake said. “But don’t think too long. I’ve got to fill the position. Soon it will be too late.”

  “You can’t afford me anyway,” Nolan joked.

  “Name your price, man. That’s all I’m gonna say.” Jake smiled and shot Nolan a wink as he walked toward the redhead.

  Nolan nodded. Jake was a good guy. He would think about it. If he were honest, part of him was worried he wouldn’t know how to function without Serve. It was something that was a little off the beaten path, not so normal, and if Nolan didn’t have his job—his reputation—at Serve, then what was he?

  As if God tossed him a bone, saving him from his own thoughts, Ava walked into the club, and holy fucking shit—she was smokin’. All that honey hair hung in waves down her back, and her lips had a pink tint that made her green eyes sparkle more than he thought possible. The little black dress she wore clung to her curves and hit just above her knees, leaving plenty to the imagination but a lot on display. She outlined the fantasy instead of giving it all away.

  Anticipation was the best part, and damn it, he wanted to feel every inch of skin she was hiding.

  Leo walked up just then, ready to relieve Nolan. Thank God for awesome timing, because Nolan was ready to run toward Ava.

  “Hey man,” Leo said as he came up to him. “Busy night.”

  Nolan nodded. “Yep, stay sharp.”

  “Will do. You sticking around?” Leo nudged his arm.

  His friend was talking about a different kind of sticking around.

  “Probably not,” Nolan said.

  “Come on. You should blow off some steam. Go upstairs and have some fun. That blonde by the bar has been asking about you.”

  Jesus, what was it with people telling him what he needed to do tonight? Did he have a damn sign on his forehead that read “Give me your opinion on my life”?

  Shit of it was, he was going to participate in a scene, but not as himself. As whoever Ava pictured being behind the blindfold.

  “My night is booked,” Nolan said, his eyes on Ava across the room. That was all he said, and that was all he needed to say.

  Nolan trusted Leo. He had been part of club security for a couple of years and the perfect person to help him manage liaisons between members. Little did Leo know that by relieving Nolan for the night, he was going to free Nolan up to take on what—make that who—he really wanted. And he was walking in her direction.

  He came up to her by the bar. “Decided to show up, I see.”

  She looked up at him with a steady face, but he saw the hard work her throat went through to swallow down the nerves she must be feeling. This wasn’t his first rodeo. He dealt with nervous people and newbies all the time. The key was making them comfortable while reminding them of their own power.

  She went to say something, then stopped as if to gather her thoughts. Yeah, she was nervous but trying to tamp it down. If there was one thing Nolan knew, it was how to read people.

  “Was there a doubt I wouldn’t?”

  He shrugged and held up two fingers to the bartender. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to deliver bad news to a guy waiting on a beautiful woman.”

  Her eyes went wide and she looked around. “Is he here right now?”

  The bartender placed two shots of vodka in front of them. Nolan handed her one, and he took the other.

  “I thought you wanted this to be anonymous.”

  “I do. There’s a ton of people here. I wouldn’t know even if…” She glanced around again, then took a deep breath. Which made him notice the incredible breasts encased beneath the skin-tight fabric. “Never mind. You’re right. I don’t even want to know.” With a smile, she took her shot and placed the glass on the counter.

  “There’s no rush,” Nolan said, then took his shot. He relished the burn of liquor sliding down his throat. “We can hang out here for a bit. Have another drink. You can still back out—”

  “We?” she interjected. “Why would we hang out?”

  He frowned. “We would hang out because you’re my personal charge, Miss Anything.”

  She bit her bottom lip, and he stifled a groan. Soon. Soon he’d put that lip and that biting to good use. He scooted closer, put an elbow on the bar, and faced her fully. He didn’t miss the way her hips shifted just enough in his direction to cue him that she was getting ready, thinking the same way he was.

  Only not with him…or so she thought.

  “Think of me as your personal chauffer. I’ll drop you off, prep you, make sure you get in and out okay, and pick you up when you’re done.”

  “I thought it was right upstairs?”

  He grinned. “It is.” He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “But someone is going to have to help you get the blindfold on and off.”

  Her green eyes fixed on his, and a shuddering breath left her lips.

  “I think I’ll take that second drink,” she said.


  Ava downed her second shot in record time. She hadn’t realized that Nolan was going to be her personal protector throughout this situation. She couldn’t bring herself to be upset about it. Quite the opposite. She hadn’t thought about the details beyond the sex. Like before and after. Getting cleaned up, taking on and off her clothes, figuring out where she was…all that stuff. Because yes, a blindfold would be involved. But otherwise, she didn’t know what to expect, because, like Nolan had reminded her, she had said anything.

  “Can you explain to me how this is going to work?”

  With a deep breath, he clasped his hands in front of him and looked her in the eye. “You really do need my help. Okay, I’ll try to explain. When a man and woman like each other very much, and they want to express that feeling in a physical way, they take their clothes off and—”

  “I know how that works, smart ass,” she said with a roll of her eyes. But she couldn’t help but smile. He was fun. Easygoing. And just what she needed to calm her twitching nerves. “I mean the details of the execution of this exchange. There’s a blindfold, but what else?”

  “He won’t speak. You’ll simply wait for him to come and go.” He winked, and yeah, she didn’t miss that innuendo. “Then I’ll come get you and make sure you’re taken care of after. Anything you or he wish to address before or after goes through me. That way your hard limit of anonymity stays intact.”

When she nodded, he clarified, “You realize that hard limit means no crossing that stipulation? You said you don’t want to take the blindfold off, and you don’t want to see him or know who he is. He won’t cross that hard limit, and if you do—”

  “Game over,” she said. The term “hard limit” was a big deal around there, and she was onboard.

  “You’re setting it, but he will respect it. Just like you must.”

  She nodded, but she had a different question. “So if I liked something particular he did…”

  “And wanted to let him know? You’d tell me.”

  “And what am I supposed to call him?”

  “I suspect you’ll likely call him, ‘Oh God,’ or ‘More, God, more.’ Either way, likely the title of ‘God’ will be used.”

  She laughed. “This guy is that sure of himself, huh?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not a gossip king, but I’ve heard a few things. He’s one of the best Serve has to offer.”

  “Oh?” she asked. The second shot was kicking in just enough to warm her belly and take her to the brink of calm and happy. “Well, you aren’t going to hold out on me now are you?” She scooted closer.

  He took an exaggerated breath and glanced over his shoulder like what he was about to say was top secret information. Then he leaned in, so close she could almost feel his lips graze hers when he spoke.

  “You’re the one who’s going have to tell me what you think, sweetheart. Not the other way around.”

  And she likely would.

  “All right,” she said. “But don’t expect me to dish about every detail.”

  He frowned as if truly offended. “That’s exactly what I expect. Right after you braid my hair and we have a pillow fight.”

  She smiled. “Is that what you think women do? Talk about sex, do our hair, then throw pillows at each other?”

  “Hey, that’s my fantasy. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t ruin it.” He winked, and the perma-smile he’d put on her face refused to leave. He was so charming and funny and damn it, she felt good. Just talking with him made her feel at ease.


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