Gorgeous Chaos

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Gorgeous Chaos Page 32

by T. K. Leigh

  “Hi, Daddy,” she said after Alexander finished singing to their daughter.

  He shot his head up, smiling when his eyes met Olivia’s gaze. Slowly raising himself off the rocking chair, he walked over to the bed. “Hi, Mama. Want to meet our daughter?”

  She nodded and he helped her sit up before placing the newborn in her arms. “She’s perfect,” she commented, looking at her adorable little nose.

  “What do we want to name her?” Alexander asked, kissing Olivia’s forehead.

  “Melanie,” she replied, not even having to think about it.

  Alexander smiled. “Melanie. It’s perfect.”

  Olivia held her baby, gently kissing her head, thankful for everything she had. It was truly fitting that little Melanie made her appearance on August twenty-fourth. The day that had represented loss and pain for so long now represented something entirely different. It represented second chances. It represented life. It represented love. And, above all, it represented family.


  “WHAT TIME ARE YOU off tonight?” Kiera asked as she wiped down the bar.

  “I’m cut at midnight. You?”


  “It’s kind of dead, except for that group of guys over there. They’re throwing ‘em back something fierce, too! It’s a Tuesday night, for crying out loud! Who gets that hammered on a Tuesday night?” Olivia remarked.

  “You have to remember that you’re in Boston now, sweetheart. There’s a college every three feet. It’s a little different than Charleston, isn’t it?”

  Olivia sighed. “Yeah. But that’s a good thing.”

  “Finally!” Kiera laughed. “Took you long enough to realize this city is far better than Charleston.”

  “I’ve only been here a year, Care Bear. It took me a little bit to get used to the faster pace of everything.”

  “I know. I’m just teasing,” she said, playfully pushing her friend. “That guy over there is kind of hot, don’t ya’ think? He looks like he’s your age,” Kiera commented, gesturing with her head to where a group of eight college-aged guys sat guzzling back beers, apparently celebrating something.

  “I guess,” Olivia replied, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Come on, Libs. I know you. He’s so your type. Go talk to him. I’m going to take my break before you leave, anyway. What do you have to lose?”

  She sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t date. I…”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Kiera interrupted. “You fuck and that’s it. I got it. But, one of these days, you’re going to find someone that sweeps you off your feet, and you’ll want something more meaningful. Too bad it’s not with the hottie over there,” Kiera replied cheerily before climbing over the bar and down a long corridor into the staff room, leaving Olivia alone behind the bar with just her thoughts to consume her time.


  “TO ALEX!” A RATHER drunk kid shouted, his voice ringing through the relatively empty bar. “I can’t believe you’re crazy enough to go through SEAL training. You are one bad ass motherfucker!”

  “Damn straight!” Alex slurred, slinging back his beer. He had lost track of how many he had drank that night. He was trying to get his fill while he could. In two days, he would be heading back to Norfolk before having to report for training, and he needed to get through. Failing was not an option. He needed this. He needed something that could finally take his mind off her. She still haunted his dreams. He saw her everywhere. Hell, she was even his bartender that night.

  “That hottie bartender is looking over here,” one of Alexander’s old Harvard friends said, interrupting his thoughts. “Dude, go talk to her. Get one last piece of ass before your ass is back in the Navy. Come on, Alex. Looks like she’s about to go home for the night. It’s now or never.”

  Alexander grinned and chugged the rest of his beer. He had been enjoying the last month that he was home on leave. He had been screwing girls left and right because that’s what he did. He needed to. It was the only way to get her out of his head. The guilt of what happened that day still lay heavy on his heart.

  “You’re right!” Alexander shouted, slamming his empty beer bottle on the table. “It’s one of my last nights here! Why waste it hanging out with you fuckers?!” He stumbled off his barstool and made his way toward the front door, catching up with the bartender he had his eye on. “Excuse me,” he said, trying to get her attention.

  This is why I hate bartending, Olivia thought to herself as she spun around, crossing her arms protectively in front of her chest and glaring at the drunk guy who called out to her. Her gaze softened when she saw his brilliant green eyes. He looked so familiar, but she would have remembered meeting someone that devastatingly handsome before.

  He stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face, remaining silent while Olivia stared.

  “Well, are you going to talk or are you fucking mute?” she spat out, rebuilding her wall.

  Alexander ran his fingers through his hair, trying to compose his thoughts. There was something about her that made him nervous. That was a new thing for him. He was never jittery around women. And those eyes… “I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me and my friends tonight,” he said, finally finding his voice. He reached into his wallet and took out several large bills. “You made most of our drinks and I didn’t want you to get shortchanged on your tips.” He handed Olivia the cash.

  She looked down. “This is two hundred dollars. I think that’s a little much. Anyway, we pool tips.”

  Alexander shrugged. “I know. But I thought you should have it.”

  Olivia stared at him. “I don’t need it.”

  “Neither do I. I’m in the Navy. I’m heading for SEAL training in two days. This is my last night in Boston,” he explained.

  “Maybe you should donate this money to charity then.”

  “Well, if you won’t take my money, let me take you out to breakfast tomorrow.”


  “Because.” He shrugged. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I want a good memory of this city before I leave.”

  “I don’t think so.” Olivia handed the cash back before she pushed past him and out the front door.

  “Wait!” Alexander shouted, following her onto Boylston Street.

  Olivia huffed, but turned around. There was something about him that made her want to obey him. “What?”

  Alexander shuffled his feet a little, looking into her big brown eyes, wondering why he felt as if he knew her from somewhere. “At least tell me your name.”

  Olivia sighed. “Sarah. My name is Sarah.” She looked across the street and noticed her uncle sitting in his car, keeping an eye on her. He would not be happy if he saw her talking to anyone he didn’t know. “I have to go,” she said quickly before turning and practically running away.

  Alexander turned his head to where she was looking before she got spooked. What the…?

  He stormed across the street to the car where the reason why he wanted to leave Boston so quickly sat. He threw open the driver’s side door. Sarah must have noticed someone looking at us, Alexander thought.

  “Son,” Thomas said. “What…?” His eyes went wide, wondering if he realized who he was just speaking with.

  “Come to spy on me, Dad?”

  “Alex, calm down,” he said cautiously, debating whether to tell him about everything. He had been keeping such an enormous secret from him for years, and he was about to go for SEAL training. If he made it through and was sent overseas to work special-ops, he may never see his son again. No. It was time to tell him. He needed to know. “That girl…”

  “No. You know what?” Alexander interrupted. “I’m done listening to you! What I do on my own time is my fucking business! If I wanted to go out with the guys for some beers or take home a hot girl, I’m damn well going to do it! If you really cared about me, maybe you should have been around more when I was growing up instead of putting your f
ucking job ahead of me! I’m done with you. Tell Ma if she wants to see me before I leave, I’ll be at Charley’s tomorrow around eleven for breakfast.”

  He spun around and hailed a cab.

  “Alex, wait!” Thomas yelled.

  Alexander flipped off his father as the yellow cab sped away, driving him to Adele’s apartment by Wellesly.

  “That’s your Olivia. I’m so sorry, Alex,” he said to no one at all.

  The End.


  Contact High - Allen Stone

  Beneath Your Beautiful - Labrinth

  I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz

  Out Of My Hands - Dave Matthews Band

  Some Devil - Dave Matthews

  I Was Gonna Marry You - Tristan Prettyman

  Before it Breaks - Brandi Carlile

  Elephant - Damien Rice

  L’il Darlin - ZZ Ward

  Last Love Song - ZZ Ward

  Landed - Ben Folds Five

  Been A Long Day - Rosi Golan

  Nine Crimes - Damien Rice

  Time Bomb - Dave Matthews Band

  Cold Hearted - Zac Brown Band

  Mess I Made - Parachute

  Be Still - The Fray

  Come Clean - Tristan Prettyman

  Seven Devils - Florence & The Machine

  Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae

  A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

  A Beautiful Mess - Jason Mraz

  My Baby Blue - Dave Matthews Band

  Till Kingdom Come - Coldplay

  February Seven - Avett Brothers

  I Will - The Beatles

  Isn’t She Lovely - Livingston Taylor (Original by Stevie Wonder)


  I have no idea where to even begin with acknowledgements. With each book, these are getting more and more difficult to write, and I couldn’t be happier.

  March 29, 2013 is a day that I will always remember. It was the day that I wrote the very first lines of my Beautiful Mess series. Those lines actually appear in this book. The first scene I ever wrote was when Olivia found out that Alexander had been keeping her identity from her. Of course, at that time, her name was Taylor and Alexander was Gregory. It sounded a bit too presidential to me, so I switched up the names, mainly because I heard Alexander yelling at her and screaming the name, Olivia, instead of Taylor. It’s amazing how much inspiration you can find when you shut off for a minute and go for a run.

  Now, over a year later, I feel overwhelmed with the positive response to these books. These are my babies, and I’m not ready to say good-bye to these characters. I’ve lived and breathed the story of Alexander, Olivia, Kiera, Mo, and Cam over the past fourteen months. They’ve woken me up in the middle of the night, telling me that I had to change something. I’ve laughed with them. I’ve cried with them. I’ve felt every emotion that they faced, and because of that I hate to say good-bye.

  This has been an incredible journey… A journey that I hope is just starting as there are so many more stories that need to be told, battling for attention in my head. None of this wouldn’t have been possible without the love and support of my parents and my two sisters - Donald and Linda Martin, Melissa Morgera, and Amy Perras. Thank you for encouraging this crazy dream of mine since I told you about the books back in July. To my best friend, Kerri Deschaine, thanks for being crazy enough for me to base a character on you. Everyone needs a little Kiera in their lives and I’m sure glad I have you in mine… (Sorry for what happened to Kiera. I still love you, Care Bear!)

  To my wonderful editor, Kim Young. Thank you for being able to read my mind when it couldn’t function because too many thoughts were swimming in my head. I am so grateful that I found you and can’t wait for you to work on Cam’s story for me… (I know… You’re so #TeamCam!)

  To my fantastic Head of Social Media, Lea James, my own Fierce & Fabulous Book Diva, I love you hard. And next signing event, all drinks will be in a sippy cup.

  I also need to mention my incredible street team. Without them, I’m fairly certain that no one would have heard about my books. You all rock my world and words seem to be so inadequate to relay how much your time and effort means to me. Alexis Brodie, Anna Kesy, Brenda Mcleod, Cecilia Ugas, Cheryl Tuggle, Christine Davison, Chrissy Fletcher, Cindy Gibson, Claire Pengelly, Crystal Casquero, Crystal Solis, Crystal Swarmer, Danielle Estes, Donna Montville, Eann Goodwin-Giddings, Ebony McMillan, Erin Thompson, Estella Robinson, Jamie Kimok, Janie Beaton, Jennifer Goncalves, Jennifer Maikis, Jennifer Patton, Jessica Green, Johnnie-Marie Howard, Kathryn Adair, Kathy Arguelles, Kathy Coopmans, Kayla Hines, Karrie Puskas, Keesha Murray, Kim King, Kimberly Kazawic, Kimberly Twedt, Lea James, Lindsey Armstrong, Lori Garside, Lori Moore, Marianna Nichols, Meg Faulkner, Megan Galt, Melissa Miller-Mattern, Natasha Rochon, Nicola Horner, Nicole Chronister, Pamela McGuire, Rachel Hill, Shane Zajac, Shannon Baker-Ferguson, Shannon Palmer, Shayna Snyder, Stefani Tabakovska, Stefanie Lewis, Suzie Cairney, Tabitha Stokes, Tiffany Tyler, Tracey Williams, Victoria Stolte, Yamara Martinez… Much love and #BurnhamBitchesForLife.

  A special thanks to the lovely Liz Lovelock from Magic Within the Pages Blog, and Amy McGlone and Tonya Nagle from Turn The Pages. I could never repay you for all your amazing support and words of encouragement. Without bloggers like you, this indie world would be hard. You make it fun… So thank you.

  To my amazing husband, Stan Kellam, thank you for supporting this crazy notion of mine to actually be a writer full time. I’m truly blessed to have run into you in the parking lot of a Jimmy Buffett concert all those years ago.

  To my incredible group of Beta readers: Lynne Ayling, Karen Emery, Natalie Naranjo, Stacy Stoops… This is not the end… It’s only the beginning. I can’t wait to share with you what I have next!

  And last but not least, thank you to all my amazing fans. Thank you for taking the chance on a no-name indie author. Without all of you, I would never have experienced the success that I have. Much love and now it’s Cam’s turn!


  T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is a producer/attorney by trade. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre.

  Her debut novel, A Beautiful Mess, has garnered relative praise, having been an Amazon Best Seller, as well a Number One Best Seller in Romantic Suspense, Women’s Action and Adventure Fiction, Women’s Crime Fiction, and Women’s Psychological Fiction. Recently, the book was named by The Guardian as a top reader-recommended self-published book of 2013 as well as a 2013 Reader’s Favorite in Publisher’s Weekly in addition to being named an Amazon Romance Editor’s Fan Favorite for Top Debut Author and Best Page Turner.

  The sequel to A Beautiful Mess, entitled A Tragic Wreck, became an Amazon Top-50 Best Selling Book on the day of its release. It is also an Amazon Number One Best Seller in Women’s Sagas, Women’s Psychological Fiction, Women’s Action and Adventure Fiction, and Women’s Crime Fiction.

  When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.


  Anticipated Publication - November 2014

  (Unedited and Subject to Change)

  THUMP. THUMP. SHE COULD swear her heartbeat echoed through the vast hotel suite she had been living in longer than she cared to remember. Years of planning had led her to this moment. Nothing could go wrong. If it did, she didn’t want to think about what would happen. Her success depended on everyone playing
their part… The head of housekeeping. The bus boy. The room service attendant. The girls. Even poor Shelby.

  She carefully tip-toed across the living room, carrying just the bare necessities she would need to get as far away as possible. Glancing over her shoulder at the couch where he was passed out from the pills the room service attendant had slipped in his food, she knew she didn’t have much longer until he woke up. And she had no intention of being there when he did.

  Looking out the peephole into the hallway, she prayed that Shelby was able to entice the two goons normally stationed out there to leave their post. She would never be able to repay her for what she was doing for her at that very moment…all to help her. A chill ran through her body at the thought, but the girls were right. She didn’t have a choice. She had to get out.

  She carefully opened the heavy door, looking back at him. Her heart raced when she saw him move slightly on the couch before his motions stilled. She watched as his stomach rose and fell, the occasional snore sounding through her extravagant prison. Taking a deep breath, she glanced one last time at the man she used to look up to and admire. Now, every time she saw his gentle and attractive features…the chestnut eyes and strong jaw, the distinguished gray hair and broad shoulders…she saw him for what he really was… A monster that destroyed her very existence.

  She stepped out into the hallway, thankful to be one step closer to her freedom. But she still had to get out of the hotel before anyone discovered that she was missing.


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