Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)

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Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) Page 4

by Alexia, Ava

  “These are fantastic. You are fantastic,” he praised her.

  “I don’t know about that, but thank you,” she smiled.

  He turned another page and Tess held her breath. These pictures were the ones that she really wanted him to see; her fashion photography. Matt looked at each photo carefully. The models were beautiful but it was the dresses that they wore that caught your attention. She had showcased the attire yet retained the model’s relevancy.

  “Your work is exquisite,” he complimented.

  “Thank you. I was hoping that you would like it,” she breathed.

  “How could I not like it? It’s superb. You should be photographing couture fashion,” he exclaimed.

  She chuckled.

  “Easier said than done, my friend. That fraternity is extremely difficult for a woman to enter. It will take years for me to gain access,” she sighed.

  “Maybe not,” he murmured.

  “Oh, it will. I know this field, Matt,” she said. “It’s very hard for a woman to break through. But I’m willing to pay my dues. And it will happen for me; I’m sure of it.” She took the portfolio from him and zipped it up. “I’ll be right back.”

  She left the room with the portfolio. Tess had dismissed the possibility of her success coming sooner. He decided not to mention his connections just yet. He would wait until their friendship had grown stronger. Tess returned and she told him about her job on his estate. He was happy for her and said that she could stay at his home while she was there shooting. Surprisingly she accepted with alacrity.

  “Will you be there?” she asked. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to be there or not.

  “Possibly. I have business to attend to but I may get there before you leave. I will make sure Ana knows of your arrival. She’ll be thrilled to have someone there to spoil,” he smiled.

  She smiled.

  “I know I’ll be in good hands. Thank you for allowing your property to be photographed. I know it’s not something you would normally do. You’re helping me and I appreciate it,” she said sincerely.

  “It’s my pleasure to help you, Tess,” he murmured. He looked at his diamond crested watch. “It’s getting late and you must be tired. I’ll take off.”

  He stood up and Tess rose as well.

  “I’m glad you stopped by. It was good to see you,” she said softly.

  He reached out to caress her cheek.

  “May I come see you again?’ he asked gently.

  Tess looked into his beautiful grey eyes and knew she wanted to see him again.

  “Yes. I would like that,” she whispered.

  “Then I will,” he responded.

  He then moved to the closet to remove his coat. He put it on then reached out to grasp her shoulders. He pulled her to him and lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was sweet and gentle. He traced his tongue along the edges of her lips. Tess gasped at the gentleness of the gesture. He took advantage of her opened mouth and pushed his tongue into her sweet cavity. The slow movement of his tongue in her mouth was intensely erotic. Tess could feel her legs weakening. The he pulled back to tenderly kiss her forehead.

  “Goodnight, Tess,” he said softly.

  “Goodnight, Matt,” Tess murmured.

  He left the apartment, quietly closing the door behind him. Tess laid a hand against the door to steady her shaky equilibrium. The evening had turned out to be just as she had hoped and she had enjoyed it immensely. But as she stood there trying to steady her breathing, she was forced to admit that she would not have been opposed to the evening ending in her bedroom.

  Matt sat in his black Maserati and clutched his crotch. It had taken everything in him not to drag her into her bedroom. The kiss he had given her had sent red hot signals flames to his cock. He had a hard-on that was not going anywhere until his penis had received some attention. Damn! His hand was not what it wanted; nor was it what he wanted. He was tempted to go back to her apartment and have his way with her. He’d heard her gasp. He knew she felt the same desire as him; wanted him just as much. But he had promised himself that he wouldn’t push. He would take it slow and get to know her. But it was frickin’ hard when she was so desirable. All he’d wanted to do was to pull the band from her dark curls and run his fingers through it. And from there remove every stitch she wore until her naked body was sprawled under his. The imagery of his thoughts caused his penis to jump against his pants. He needed to get home in a hurry to satisfy himself. He gunned his motor and took off. He arrived at his penthouse apartment in record time. He stripped and got into the shower to take a cold bath. But the cool water seemed only to make him hotter. Water from the rain shower head poured upon him as he envisioned Tess standing behind him, pressing her full breasts into his back. He cried out at the sensuous thought and gripped his cock. He vigorously ran his hand up and down his penis; all the while seeing himself thrusting into Tess. He shouted as his climax racked his body and he collapsed against the wall. Water continued to rain upon him as he struggled to catch his breath. He looked down at his cock and saw that it had relaxed; yet somehow he was still unfulfilled. He needed Tess. He needed to feel her arms and legs wrapped around him as they engaged in carnal play. He shut his eyes tightly at the sensual notion. Groaning inwardly he stumbled out of the shower and vowed he would not suffer such dissatisfaction again. He would make sure of it.

  Tess and Jaclyn sat in the ultra-comfortable seats on Matt’s private plane and looked about them in awe. Both were overwhelmed by the enormity of their good fortune. As Tess’s trip to Aruba grew closer she had the idea to invite Jaclyn to come with her. Since she was staying in Matt’s home she didn’t have to worry about lodging expenses and they would be able to explore the island after she completed her job. Tess called Matt to see if it were okay for Jaclyn to stay in his home. He assured her that it was fine and insisted that they take his private jet to the island. Tess had invited Jaclyn and she jumped at the idea. Jaclyn was the owner of a busy clothing boutique and said she was due for a break. Now they sat in the luxurious interior of the jet sipping champagne and eating strawberries.

  “The phrase ‘it pays to know people in high places’ definitely apply here. I have to give it to you, girl; you fell for the right guy,” Jaclyn laughed.

  Tess looked at her dubiously.

  “Who says I’ve fallen for him?” Tess objected.

  “Well, I would say he has certainly fallen for you,” Jaclyn said.

  Tess shook her head negatively.

  “Don’t go getting romantic notions, Jax. Matt is just being kind. He’s a good guy,” Tess said.

  “I’m entitled to my opinion. A man doesn’t offer the use of his private jet to just anybody. You are special to him,” Jaclyn insisted.

  “Jax! Stop!” Tess exclaimed. “You’re reading way too much into this.”

  “I’m just saying……But I’ll let it go for now,” Jax shrugged. “How did your unexpected evening with him go?”

  “Really well. We had a good time together; without all of the sexual tension. It felt good to just be with him as a friend,” Tess said.

  “So, there’s more to your friendship besides sex. That’s great!” Jaclyn exclaimed. “Your relationship should be built on the solid foundation of friendship first. Then you can move on to other enticing interests.”

  “I must say those other interesting aspects are rearing their delectable heads. He kissed me goodnight and I wanted to pull him to the floor,” Tess sighed.

  “So the attraction is still there?” Jaclyn mused.

  “Oh yes,” Tess answered.

  “And I’m sure he felt the same way but he wanted to take it slowly. Kudos to him,” Jaclyn said admirably. She sipped her champagne.

  “I do admire him for that. I feel like I know him a little better now,” Tess said.

  “And you’re on the right track to know him even better,” Jaclyn said.

  “I think you’re right,” Tess yawned. “Excuse me. I think this champagne has mad
e me sleepy.”

  “I’m feeling the effects of the bubbly as well. Why don’t we take a nap?” Jaclyn suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Tess agreed.

  Their seats reclined so that their legs were fully elevated. It’s was almost like sleeping in a bed. In mere seconds they were sound asleep.

  Matt rode Rosebud hard, feeling the powerful extension of her strong legs as she pounded the turf. Matt was never happier than when he was riding a horse. The exhilaration he felt when the rush of the cool breeze hit him in the face as he became one with the horse could not be explained. There were no words to describe the elation that filled his heart when he rode a horse. Horses were his passion and he could not imagine his life without them in it. There were his horses and then there was Tess. She was quickly becoming his passion as well. He didn’t think his life would ever be the same now that he had met her. The curve of her cheek; the warm color of her cherry brown eyes all relentlessly drew him to her. He couldn’t cut the magnetic cord; nor did he want to. She was becoming a part of him just like he was a part of his horses. They were one and meant to be. She just didn’t realize it yet. Matt slowed brought Rosebud to a stop as he arrived at the top of a ridge overlooking the small town of Ridgewood. He looked down at the picturesque town and thought of the Kincaid painting that adorned the wall in his study. The painting and the town gave him a feeling of cozy and quaint. It was a good feeling. He was about to turn Rosebud toward home when his cell phone rang. He extracted the phone from his breast pocket and answered.

  “Hey Michael,” Matt said.

  Michael Tomlin was the pilot of his private jet.

  “Hello Matt. We have arrived in Aruba, safe and sound,” Michael said cheerfully.

  Matt had asked Michael to notify him of their arrival.

  “Thank you, Michael. I am glad all is well,” Matt replied.

  “Sure thing. I’ll see you soon,” Michael said.

  “Yes. I will call you when I conclude my business in New York. It should only be a few more days,” Matt responded. “Thanks for taking care of the girls.”

  “You bet. I’ll wait for your call. Goodbye,” Michael said.

  “Bye,” Matt said.

  He disconnected the call and put the phone back in his pocket. He lightly tapped Rosebud’s side with his booted foot and guided the horse back to the stables. He couldn’t wait to finish up his business in the city and get back to Aruba. He wanted to see Tess and her lovely smile. He had been honest when he’d arrived on her doorstep and told her that he’d missed her. He missed her now and imagined he always would whenever he was parted from her. He would just have to ensure that those times of separation would be few and far between.


  “My God! This place is phenomenal,” Jaclyn exclaimed.

  They stood on the circular drive and stared Matt’s house. Tess was just as amazed as Jaclyn when she saw Matt’s home for the first time. It was the most lavish and magnificent estate she had photographed to date. It would boost her career significantly; maybe even enough for the fashion icons to give her a shot at a fashion shoot.

  “It is splendid,” Tess said admiringly.

  “Welcome back,” Ana beamed from the portico.

  “Hello Ana. This is my best friend Jaclyn Harrington. Matt said it was alright for her to accompany me,” Tess said.

  “Absolutely. I will enjoy having your company. Please come in,” Ana smiled broadly.

  The girls went inside and before long they settled in their rooms and were sipping a tropical punch on the terrace. Ana soon brought out a delicious lunch of Fish Creole with Giambo which is an okra bouillabaisse soup and papaya, watermelon and Spanish plums.

  “This is so good,” Jaclyn said as she munched on a plum. “I’ll gain ten pounds overnight if I continue eating like this.”

  “So will I. I need to just stick to fruits and veggie,” Tess sighed.

  “Right. Like you’re not going to eat the Keshi Yena. You can’t resist that Dutch cheese and chicken dish,” Jaclyn.

  Tess laughed.

  “You’re right. I’ll just be as fat as you, Jax!” Tess grinned. She pushed back from the table. “Come on. Let’s explore the grounds. I can take a few shots while the light is still good.”

  Tess grabbed her camera bag from one of terrace sofa and they left the house. They wandered about the state encountering all kinds of exotic foliage, water fountains, gazebos and garden retreats. Neither of them could believe the splendor that surrounded them. It seemed they had walked for miles as the property extended over four acres. Tess continued to snap photos as they followed a trail that led them into a tropical jungle.

  “If I didn’t know better I would think I was in the Amazon,” Jaclyn said. “Are we still on Matt’s property?”

  They paused.

  “I’m not sure. I got so caught up in taking pictures that I’ve lost track of where we are,” Tess said.

  Jaclyn cocked her head for a moment.

  “Listen,” Jaclyn whispered.

  Tess did so and smiled.

  “Water. I hear rushing water,” Tess said excitedly.

  “I would bet that it’s a waterfall. Come on, let’s find it,” Jaclyn urged.

  They moved forward, letting the sound of the water lead them. Soon they came out of the brush into a clearing and abruptly stopped. Before them was one of the most amazing waterfalls that they had ever seen.

  “It’s breathtaking. Beautiful beyond words,” Jaclyn said in awe.

  “It’s simply majestic. I’ve got to get some photos of it,” Tess said.

  Tess began snapping pictures.

  “I need to get closer. I going to climb up those rocks for a closer shot,” Tess said. “Here, hold my camera bag.”

  Jaclyn took her bag.

  “Be careful,” Jaclyn advised.

  Tess nodded and walked over to the rocks and began climbing. The waterfall was huge with water gushing over many large and small precipices. It was like she was climbing one of the Lord’s glorious wonders. She felt privileged to be able to record its magnificence. She reached the perfect vantage point and began taking pictures. She climbed a little higher and got some downward shots of the water descending into the lake. She had an idea of super-imposing the waterfall behind the exterior of the large gazebo on the property. It would make an amazing picture and she couldn’t wait to get into her darkroom and make it all come to life. She took several shots of the surrounding area then climbed down to the ground. She met up with Jaclyn who had taken her shoes off and was wading in the warm water.

  “You just couldn’t resist, could you?” Tess chuckled.

  “Nope. I wish I had my bathing suit. I’m dying to go for a swim under the falls,” Jaclyn said.

  “We’ll come back and have a picnic here,” Tess said.

  “Fabulous,” Jaclyn said.

  “We had better head back while we still have some light to find our way,” Tess suggested.

  “Okay,” Jaclyn agreed.

  They began their trek back.

  Chapter 4

  For the next three days Tess focused on her work while Jaclyn enjoyed sunbathing, sleeping, reading or shopping in the village. Tess accompanied her into the village for dinner one evening and they met some of the locals who invited them to go dancing. It had been a fun night full of good conversation and laughter. They were giggling about something ridiculous that had transpired that night when they entered the salon. They stopped laughing abruptly when they saw who stood in the middle of the room with a drink in their hand.

  “Matt!” Tess exclaimed.

  “That’s the name my mother gave me,” he smiled.

  “When did you get here?” Tess asked happily.

  “A little while ago. Ana told me you had gone out for dinner,” he explained.

  Tess smiled radiantly.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she responded. She gestured to Jaclyn. “This is my best of friends Jaclyn Harrington.”

Matt moved forward to extend his hand to her.

  “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Jaclyn,” Matt greeted.

  “The sentiment is reciprocated. My friends call me Jax. I hope we can be friends as well,” Jaclyn smiled as she shook his hand.

  Matt looked at Jaclyn in surprised. Then he leveled a shrewd look of comprehension at Tess. Tess became fidgety and wouldn’t meet his eye. Jaclyn noticed the undercurrents and wondered what was going on between them. She decided to make a quick exit. She would question Tess about it the following day.

  “Well, I am bushed. I think I’ll turn in,” Jaclyn said brightly. She looked at Matt. “It was great meeting you. You have a fabulous home.”

  “Thank you, Jax,” he returned.

  It seemed to Tess that he placed extra emphasis on her name Jax.

  “Goodnight,” Jaclyn said.

  “Goodnight,” Matt and Tess said simultaneously.

  Jaclyn left the room and Tess made an attempt to do the same thing.

  “I think I’ll go to bed as well,” she said.

  She turned to leave but immediately felt an iron grip on her arm.

  “Not so fast, Tess. You have some explaining to do,” Matt said.

  “Explaining?’ Tess questioned.

  She knew playing dumb would get her nowhere but it was worth a try.

  “You deliberately led me to believe that Jax was a man,” he said softly.

  His grip on her arm had loosened.

  “No. I just didn’t say who Jax was,” she defended.

  “It’s the same thing. You knew I thought she was a man and you didn’t clarify,” he said remonstrated.


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