Evening in the Palace of Reason

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Evening in the Palace of Reason Page 33

by James Gaines

  “Frere Jacques,” 118, 313

  Freud, Sigmund, 261

  Friedrich, elector of Saxony, see Augustus III (Friedrich), king of Poland

  Froberger, Johann Jakob, 52

  fugues, 7, 167, 224–27

  canons vs., 116, 118, 224

  defined, 312

  as ricercars, 233–34

  in six pans, 9–10, 229, 230–31, 239, 270

  galant, 7, 220

  defined, 312

  development of, 131–32

  devotees of, 167, 184, 217

  in Musical Offering, 226–27, 230, 233, 235

  Gay, Peter, 154, 184, 195

  gematria, 137, 312

  George I, king of England, 27, 68, 100

  George II, king of England, 68, 103, 159, 207, 208

  Georg Wilhelm, Duke, 59

  Gerber, Ernst Ludwig, 129

  German language, 184

  Germany: electors of, 15

  literature of, 7, 184

  national unification of, 267

  Third Reich of, 267–68

  Geyersbach, Johann Heinrich, 87–88

  gigue, 85

  Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Bach), 209

  God Is My King (Bach), 95–96, 237

  Goebbels, Joseph, 268

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 244, 259, 263

  Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb, 215

  Goldberg Variations (“Aria with Different Variations”) (Bach), 214, 215–16, 248–49

  Gooch, G. P., 244

  Goring, Hermann, 267–68

  Gorner, Gottlieb, 170–71, 172, 184

  Gottsched, Johann Christoph, 184–85, 186

  Graun, Carl Heinrich, 146, 184, 214, 222, 224

  Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 146, 222, 224

  Graupner, Christoph, 170

  Gregorian chant, 46, 249, 311, 312, 313

  Gregory I, Pope, 312

  Grumbkow, Field Marshal von, 71, 72, 140, 144, 145, 146, 150, 158

  Gundling (royal favorite), 65, 99, 224

  Hamburg, as music center, 54, 55, 163

  Handel, Georg Friedrich, 55, 85, 89, 126, 128, 218, 227, 250

  Hapsburg dynasty, 29, 63, 72, 197

  Harmonices Mundi (Kepler), 49–50

  harmony, 116–17

  Harnoncourt, Nikolaus, 271

  harpsichord, 132, 222

  Hasse, Johann Adolph, 167, 184, 209, 228

  Haydn, Joseph, 245, 256

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 264

  Heinichen, Johann David, 123, 220

  Henry, Prince, 248

  Hercules at the Crossroads (Bach), 178, 179

  Herder, Johann Gottfried, 260

  Herstal, barony of, 194, 196

  Hille, Christoph Werner, 141–42

  Hindemith, Paul, 269–70

  Hitler, Adolf, 267, 268

  Hoffmann, E. T. A., 261–62

  Hofstadter, Douglas, 235

  Hohenzollern dynasty, 6–7, 17, 28, 29–30, 32–38, 268

  holy relics, 16–17, 18

  Holy Roman Empire, 15

  homophony, 124, 312, 313

  Hompesch, Baron von, 64

  Houdemann canon, 117–21

  human perfectibility, 8

  humors, 84

  Hutter, Leonhard, 53

  Hytier, Adrienne, 157

  individualism, 130, 131, 133, 241

  indulgences, 17, 30–32

  infant baptism, 23

  “Invention by Which Six Measures of Double Counterpoint Can Be Written Without a Knowledge of the Rules” (C. P. E. Bach), 218

  inversion, 119, 120, 121, 312–13

  Italian composers, 57, 125–26, 131

  Italian Concerto (Bach), 176

  Jesus, crucifixion of, 183

  Johann Sigismund, elector of Brandenburg, 33–34

  John Cicero, elector of Brandenburg, 29–30

  Jordan, Charles Étienne, 199, 200, 201, 210–11, 239

  Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, 90

  Kalkstein (Frederick Ill’s tutor), 101, 200

  Kant, Immanuel, 153, 260

  Karlsbad spa, 135

  Katte, Hans Heinrich von, 108–9

  Katte, Hans Hermann von, 102–3, 105, 108–11, 139, 140, 142, 160, 197

  Keats, John, 158

  Kepler, Johannes, 49–50, 53

  Kerll, Johann Kaspar von, 52

  keyboard instruments, development of, 222–23

  Keyserling, Dietrich von, “Caesarion,” 153, 161, 210, 214

  Keyserling, Hermann von, 214–15, 216

  Kircher, Athanasius, 83–84, 116

  Knights’ Academy, 59, 61

  Kohl, Helmut, 268

  Koser, Reinhold, 243

  Krause (St. Thomas School student), 181, 182

  Kritische Dichtkunst (Gottsched), 184

  Lafayette, Marquis de, 246–47

  La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de, 203–4 253, 272

  Lammerhirt, Tobias, 92

  Lammerhirt, Valentin, 23

  Lebèegue, Nicolas-Antoine, 56, 91

  Legrenzi, Giovanni, 126

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 37, 53, 65, 99, 116–17, 153, 154–55, 258

  Leipzig: JSB’s position in, 164–65, 253

  Prussian occupation of, 209

  Leipzig: (continued) royal visit to, 178–79

  Leonhardt, Gustav, 271

  Leopold, Prince of AnhaltCöthen, 127, 129, 133–34, 135, 138

  Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 89–90

  Lisbon, 1755 earthquake in, 257–58, 260

  Liszt, Franz, 133

  literature, rationalist approach to, 184, 185

  Louis XIV, king of France, 56, 57–58, 67–68, 101, 131

  Louis XV, king of France, 206

  Luke, Gospel According to, 234

  Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 56, 57–58, 90, 131, 178

  Liineburg, 54, 59

  Luther, Martin, 19, 23, 79, 133, 154, 238, 240, 242, 249

  on celestial order, 49, 51

  educational ideal of, 182

  Eisenach connections of, 14

  on family relationships, 167

  on human weakness, 136, 137

  as model of defiance, 45

  on music, 41, 43, 49, 51, 80–81, 136, 251

  New Testament translation of, 16

  papal indulgences decried by, 17, 30, 31–32

  political allies of, 17–18, 33

  on self-reliance, 221

  Worms edict and, 15

  writings of, 169

  Lutheranism: Bible of, 169

  education of, 53

  family life of, 167

  music of, 41, 43, 80–81, 94, 172

  in Protestant sectarian conflicts, 23, 44, 96–97

  McClary, Susan, 132

  Machiavelli, Niccolo, 157

  Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 257

  Man a Machine (La Mettrie), 203

  Marais, Marin, 56

  Marble Faun of Coyfevaux, The, 202

  Marchand, Louis, 56, 127–28, 164, 176, 227

  Maria Theresa, queen of Hungary and Bohemia, 198, 199, 200–201, 205, 207

  Marissen, Michael, 86–87, 129, 233, 239

  Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 120

  Mary, Queen of Scots, 3

  Mass in B Minor (Bach), 95, 177, 209, 249, 255

  materialism, 203–4

  mathematics, music vs., 116, 117

  Mattheson, Johann, 89, 130

  on affects, 85

  counterpoint disparaged by, 123–24

  JSB’s cantata lampooned by, 163–64

  on musical artistry vs. audience reactions, 220

  puzzle canon solution of, 119

  Walther praised by, 113

  Matthew, Gospel According to, 183, 234

  Maupertuis, Piere-Louis Moreau de, 194

  Mazarin, Jules Cardinal, 57

  mechanistic worldview, 203–4, 272

  Meinicke, Friedrich, 157–58

  Mendelssohn, Fanny, 264

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 262, 263–64 265

  Mendelssohn, Fromet, 262

  mercenary soldiers, 20

  Michelangelo, 30

  mirror canons, 248, 313

  Mitford, Nancy, 65, 153

  “Mit Fried und Freud” (Bach), 94

  Moliére (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 58

  monads, 116, 117

  monophony, 312, 313

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat de, 203

  Monteverdi, Claudio, 55

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 238, 245, 256–57, 261

  Muhlhausen, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 189

  Miiller, Friedrich von, 139–40

  Miinzer, Thomas, 96


  as artisanship vs. art, 81

  cosmological harmony reflected in, 47–48, 49–52, 116–17, 122, 250

  in early church, 43, 46, 48–49

  French, 56–59, 131–32

  galant style of, 7, 132, 167, 217, 220, 226, 230, 233, 235, 312

  of German composers, 55, 56, 9–91

  of intellect vs. feeling, 130–31, 191, 217

  Italian, 57, 125–26, 131

  of Lutheran churches, 41, 43, 80–81, 94, 172

  mathematics vs., 116, 117

  natural vs. artificial, 187, 191

  numerical allegories in, 50–51, 81, 84, 125, 137, 312

  as oratorical craft, 81–83, 84–87, 115

  pleasure as sole aim of, 220

  Romantic concept of, 261, 264

  social structures vs., 129, 131–33

  spiritual aspects of, 7–8, 81–85, 116, 123, 182, 183, 263

  twelve-tone (serial), 271

  Musical Lexicon (Walther), 81–82, 116, 234

  Musical Offering (Bach), 228–39, 248, 262, 270

  dedication of, 232, 233, 236

  galant gestures in, 226–27, 230, 233, 235

  improvisation included in, 226

  playing order of, 231–32

  six-part fugue of, 229, 230–31, 239, 270

  spiritual messages of, 7–8, 12, 237–38, 239

  ten canons of, 124, 230, 232, 234–35, 236–37

  title of, 10, 232–33

  trio sonata of, 229, 230, 235

  wordplay incorporated in, 10, 232–34, 235

  work process of, 11–12, 229, 232

  musical-rhetorical figures, 81–82, 85–87, 95–96, 115–16, 311, 313

  musicians: guild membership of, 14, 21

  in Thirty Years War, 20–21

  Musurgia universalis (Kircher), 83

  Mylius, General, 106

  Nagel, Sebastian, 13, 14

  Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 245–46, 263

  nature, perfect order of, 257, 258–59

  Nazism, 267–68

  Newton, Isaac, 8, 14, 47, 51, 53, 85, 257

  Nichomachus of Gerasa, 47

  Niedt, Friedrich Erhard, 122–23

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 267

  Northern War, 35, 36

  Oeuvres (Frederick II), 152, 157

  Ohrdruf, 44

  On God, the World, the Human Soul and All Things in General (Wolff), 155


  early name of, 312

  French, 58

  in Germany, 55

  rationalist critique of, 184

  recitatives in, 97, 125

  see also Berlin Opera

  oratorio, 313

  Order of Teutonic Knights, 32–33

  Order of the Black Eagle, 37, 38, 267

  organs, 55, 78, 228

  Orgelbiichlein (Bach), 115, 121, 240, 251

  Pachelbel, Johann, 44, 52, 113

  Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 249

  papal indulgences, 17, 30–32

  Passion According to St. John (Bach), 169

  Passion According to St. Mark (Bach), 175

  Passion According to St. Matthew (Bach), 93, 95, 163, 169, 172–73, 174, 176, 255, 262, 263–65

  Passions of the Soul, The (Descartes), 83

  passus duriusculus, 82, 230, 233, 313

  pathopoeia, 82, 87, 313

  “Peasant Cantata” (Bach), 136

  perpetual canons, 52, 117, 121, 122 236, 249, 313

  Peter I (the Great), czar of Russia, 27

  physics, early study of, 53

  piano, development of, 222

  piano concerto, 133

  Pietism, 44, 96–97, 169, 260

  plainsong, 46, 48, 313

  planetary harmony, 7, 48, 49–50, 51–52

  Plato, 8, 47, 48, 49, 130

  Platz, Abraham, 164

  Poéme sur le desastre de Lisbonne (Voltaire), 258

  Poland, division of, 244

  Polish Succession, War of the, 148

  polonaise, 85

  polyphony, 124, 311, 312, 313

  see also counterpoint

  Pope, Alexander, 199, 258

  Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste (Moliere), 58

  porphyria, 3

  Portugal, 1755 earthquake in, 257–58, 260

  Potsdam Grenadiers, 63–64, 143

  Pragmatic Sanction, 197

  predestination, 66, 142, 242

  primogeniture, 29

  Prince, The (Machiavelli), 157

  Protestantism: Anabaptists and, 23, 44, 96, 241

  Calvinism and, 23, 34, 44, 66, 134

  in Reformation, 19, 32, 44

  sectarian conflicts of, 23, 44, 96–97

  see also Lutheranism

  Prussia: consolidation of, 35–36

  as hereditary duchy, 33, 34

  as major power, 4, 197

  military strength of, 35, 36, 37, 148–49, 247

  as monarchy, 37–38

  Napoleonic control of, 245–46

  territory of, 70, 149, 197, 198–201, 244

  in unified Germany, 267

  Psalm 90, 92, 93

  punctus contra punctum, 46

  puzzle canon, 117–21, 234, 236, 313

  Pythagoras, 7, 8, 47–48, 49, 50, 84, 130

  Pythagorean Tetraktys, 50

  Quantz, Johann Joachim, 75, 76, 146, 202, 214, 222, 224, 239

  Quintilian, 231

  quodlibet, 40, 215–16, 313

  Racine, Jean, 206

  rationalism, 83, 155, 182–83

  disillusion with, 257–58, 272

  reason, belief vs., 8, 12, 154–55, 182–83, 259, 272

  recitatives, 97, 125, 172, 184, 313

  Reddaway, William, 248

  Reflections on the Present State of European Politics (Frederick II), 148

  Reformation, 19, 32, 44

  Reimarus, Hermann-Samuel, 183, 184

  Reinken, Johann Adam, 55, 163

  retrograde, 120, 121, 312, 313

  Revelations, Book of, 42

  ricercars, 230, 233–34

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 57

  Rochow, Wilhelm Friedrich von, 103, 104

  Romanticism, 130, 186, 241, 260–62, 264, 265–66, 267, 271, 272

  Roots of Romanticism, The (Berlin), 240

  Rothenburg, Konrad Alexander von, 70, 72, 76, 101, 102, 107

  Royal Academy of Sciences, 201–2

  Royal Theme, 9, 10, 11, 222–27, 228, 229, 230, 233, 234, 236, 238

  St. George’s Church, 13, 14, 26

  St. George’s School, 42–43

  St. John Passion (Bach), 169

  St. Mark Passion (Bach), 175

  St. Matthew Passion (Bach), 93, 95, 163, 169, 172–73, 174, 176, 255, 262, 263–65

  St. Michael’s Lyceum, 54, 55, 59

  St. Thomas’s Church, 162

  administrative politics of, 170–72, 173–75, 177, 253

  JSB buried at, 269

  St. Thomas’s School, 11, 164–65

  curriculum of, 182–84

  saltus duriusculus, 82, 233, 313

  Sanssouci, 223, 229, 232, 247, 248, 268

  Saxony: Austrian coalition with, 207, 208, 228

  in First Silesian War, 214

  politics of, 164–65

  Scheibe, Johann Adolph, 162, 163, 186–87, 191–92, 193, 216 , 220, 2
50, 261

  Schoenberg, Arnold, 9, 10–11, 230, 233, 270–71

  Schrade, Leo, 55

  Schiitz, Heinrich, 55

  Schweitzer, Albert, 115, 240, 252

  Seckendorff, Count von, 71, 72, 158

  Second Silesian War, 207–10

  Second Viennese School, 27n

  serial (twelve-tone) method of musical composition, 271

  Seven Years War, 242–43, 246, 247, 268

  Shakespeare, William, 244

  Silbermann, Gottfried, 223

  Silesia, Prussian control of, 198–201, 207, 208

  Smend, Friedrich, 169

  Socrates, 195

  sonatas da chiesa, 235–36

  Sophia Dorothea, Queen, 68–70, 71, 99–100, 105, 107

  Sophie, Electress, Tin Sophie Charlotte, Queen, 37n

  Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 259

  soul, existence of, 203

  spiral canon (canon per tonos), 311

  Spitta, Philipp, 21–22, 89, 96, 165

  stile antico, 249

  Stumpff, Johann Andreas, 260

  Sturm und Drang, 259

  subject, 313

  subjectum catabatum, 82, 230

  Suhm, Ulrich Friedrich von, 153, 155

  suicide, 259

  superstition, 16

  Swieten, Baron von, 238, 239

  Tauler, Johannes, 44

  Taylor, John, 250

  Telemachus (Fenelon), 67

  Telemann, Georg Philipp, 55, 126, 164, 170, 253–54, 256, 262

  Ten Commandments, 115, 232, 237

  Tetzel, Johannes, 17, 30, 31

  Teutonic Knights, 32–33

  Textbook of Harmony (Nichomachus), 47

  Thirty Years War, 19–21, 22, 34, 35, 55, 78, 80

  Thomas a Kempis, 44

  thoroughbass accompaniment, 124

  Thuringia, superstitions of, 16

  Tobacco College, 65, 159

  truth, cultural relativity of, 260

  twelve-tone (serial) method of musical composition, 271

  Variations on Vom Himmel hoch (Bach), 248

  Vaucanson, Jacques de, 201–3, 252

  Venice, doges of, 131

  Virgil, 81, 195

  Vivaldi, Antonio Lucio, 113, 125, 126, 131, 176

  Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet), 155–58, 194–96, 198, 199, 224, 229, 242

  espionage activities of, 196, 200, 205–6

  on Frederick II, 5, 11, 195, 196, 204, 205–6, 243

  on galant, 230

  on Lisbon earthquake, 258

  political persecution of, 156

  on power, 195

  skepticism of, 258, 259

  Vor deinen Thron (Bach), 251–53

  Wagner, Richard, 266, 267

  Walter, Johann, 80–81

  Walther, Johann Gottfried, 119, 124

  as composer, 113, 114, 121–22, 125–26

  JSB’s rivalry with, 113–14

  on music theory, 81–82, 98, 113, 116, 234

  War of the Austrian Succession, 201

  War of the Polish Succession, 148

  Wartburg castle, 14

  Washington, George, 246

  Waterfall (Escher), 235

  Webern, Anton, 270


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