Radioactive Vampire

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Radioactive Vampire Page 9

by Lisa Randall

  As for me and Selena, I could now read her thoughts if I wanted to, without her detection, and she learned how to recognize when someone was in her head, and how to kick them out. She is now able to create a mental block, so if anyone who tries to read her mind would not be able get through it. We also learned that it was actually both Helen and I who had created the barrier when we first started training. If I create a barrier, it created an added electrical charge to it, so anyone who touches it is shocked. Helen’s version of the barrier created white fire, almost invisible, but still burnt those who touch it. The one we had created was a combination of the two, which made it stronger than just a regular barrier. We both found it was pretty simple to make one, just think about it and it appears.

  We also learned that I have another power, which is similar to Helen’s. When Helen clears the sky, I can call forth lightning and direct it at a target. But when the sky is hidden, I can create electricity on my hands and use it as a weapon. Over these weeks, we all learned how to use our powers better, because we knew if we were to fight against our maker, we would need all the help we could get.

  Chapter 13

  Tonight was the full moon. Even after all of the years spent in that coffin, I can still sense it, even if I can’t see it. It seems that Selena can sense its presence too, since she has been jumpy and distracted all day during practice. Rai was practicing his skills, forming small sparks of electricity and trying to send them to a nearby rock. So far, he was able to create them at will, unlike the first time he summoned it, when he had accidentally given us all a bad case of static shock that took a while to dissipate. Every time he created a spark, Selena would jump, as if she wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing and was surprised every time it happened.

  I took a break from my practice, which had been learning to summon the white fire and control it without passing out. So far I had been able to create it, and make it dance slightly in the air, but that was pretty much it. At first it wouldn’t appear, but after imagining all the other times I had summoned it, it dawned on me. Every time it appeared I had wanted to protect someone. I imagined I was going to use it to protect someone, and it appeared right in front of me, dancing in the air, looking for a target. I tried to focus on making it bigger, but Selena’s constant jumping at every noise and movement was getting to me.

  I walked over to Selena, startling her for what seemed like the millionth time this morning. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded slightly. She sighed and said “…No.”

  “Is it the full moon?” I asked.

  “How could you tell it was today?” she asked. Rai stopped what he was doing and came over to where we both stood, putting his hand in mine.

  “I have always been able to sense when it is a full moon. Can’t you?” I asked. I had thought it was either something all witches just knew instinctively, or maybe my mind just kept track of it somewhere since I couldn’t see it in this new world with an endless cloudy sky.

  “No.” She said, eyes wide in surprise. “Although I have never actually seen the moon, the fox in me always knows when it draws near. It brings her closer to the surface.”

  “Maybe tonight I can try to clear the sky like I did before, and you could get a glimpse of it.” I said. It just didn’t seem right that the people of this world had never known the sun or moon, just an endless grey sky. If I could do something as simple as showing some people the moon, I would do it. I had a feeling it was important for the people of this time to see something as simple as the moon. I could tell she liked the idea of actually seeing the moon, her eyes got wide at the thought of it.

  It seemed like a while since we had been practicing today, and I looked to Rai to ask if he knew what time it was, and before I could ask he said “It’s about lunchtime. Why don’t we take a break for a while?” He looked from Selena to me and smiled. I still wasn’t used to him knowing what I was going to say before I did.

  “Okay. I will go and see if I can find some food from inside. I will be back in a while.” Selena said, already heading for the caves. Since neither of us actually had to eat anything, Rai took my hand and we walked over to the large rock he had been using as target practice and sat down. “What is Selena going to do for the full moon?” I asked Rai. He seemed to know more about the supernatural, so I found I relied on his information quite a bit.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never actually been around a shifter on the full moon. They usually make me leave around that time, I think the moon makes them more aggressive.” He said. We were both curious about it, but neither of us had a polite way to ask Selena. It wasn’t something you usually asked someone, and it didn't seem like a very polite to ask.

  We were waiting longer than usual for Selena to return, and I was getting a little nervous. What if she had an incident with one of the humans in the caves? Rai said the full moon made shifters more aggressive, and that was beginning to worry me a little. After what felt like over an hour, we saw Selena running. She looked as if she were being chased, she kept looking over her shoulder as she ran toward us. When she neared, she ran behind us and crouched behind the rock we had been sitting on. She kept looking back where she had come from, looking more scared then I had ever seen her. I was about to ask her what was wrong when she shook her head and put her index finger to her lips, signaling to be quiet. I looked to Rai and he shrugged. A noise came from where Selena had run from and we all looked to see a group of three humans, all with guns, looking around for something. Or someone. They all ran up to us, guns drawn. “Where is she?” One said. I now recognized them as the ones who had met us when we first arrived.

  “Who?” Rai asked. We knew they were looking for Selena, but we didn’t know why or what they wanted her for.

  “We caught that mutt you came with stealing our food. We wanted to teach her a lesson. You got a problem with that?” The man asked, pointing his weapon at my face. Everything this man said made me grind my teeth in trying not to kill him. I had never killed a human on purpose before, but this man seemed determined to be the first. Luckily, Rai sensed my anger and grabbed my hand and squeezed, helping me to calm down and think of a way out of this.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Said a voice behind the three men. We all turned to see who it was, Selena still hiding behind the rock, safely hidden.

  “Alice… We were just –” The man didn’t get to finish, as Alice had given him a look which could have curdled dairy, if there was any nearby.

  “I don’t care what you were ‘just’. You need to learn some manners Sam, all of you do. I have invited these three to stay here as guests and this is how you repay my kindness? By showing these people, who have done nothing against us, but hostility and intolerance? I know your mother taught you better than that, Nathan, Abner.” Alice said, looking to each man in the eye as she scolded them. “And as my guests, they are welcome to our food. And I know food is limited, which is why the girl has been eating half of my share of food since they arrived.” Each man looked at the other, confused. Clearly, they didn’t know about that arrangement, which seemed to be okay with them, they lowered their guns. That still didn’t mean they could call her names and chase her with guns, especially on a full moon. They were risking their own lives doing such things. The three men turned to leave; seemingly disappointed they didn’t get to enact some sort of violence on someone. That in itself seemed wrong, and I wondered if they were always like this or if it was because of our presence near their home.

  “Not so fast.” Alice said, just as they had turned to leave. Each man looked as if they had been scolded by their mother, and from what I understood about witches, they were supposed to be treated as elders to be respected, which would explain the expressions on each of their faces. “You must apologize to the young lady. She is our guest, as well as a fellow witch, and you will treat her as such, or else.” Alice said.

  “Or else what?” Sam said, challenging her. Alice just gave him another look,
which showed that he really didn’t want to know the answer to that question. He seemed to get the hint and lowered his head apologetically. The three turned to us and said “Sorry.” Before running back to the caves.

  “I apologize for their behavior. You may come out now Selena.” Alice said, looking around us and to the rock. Slowly, Selena stood up and came around from the rock to stand beside me. I took her hand in reassurance and she held on tight. I could tell she was still scared from the whole ordeal.

  “We arent really used to visitors and some people don’t know how to act around new people. They end up getting scared at the smallest of things and being scared makes them feel weak, and in turn angry. Will you forgive those three idiots, Selena? If not, I don’t mind punishing them if it would make you feel better.” Alice said. I could tell she meant what she was saying. Since we had met her, she hasn’t necessarily lied to us about anything, so there was no reason not to trust her.

  “No.” Selena said, shaking her head. “Don’t punish them for a misunderstanding. If it happens again I will let you know, then you can punish them.” Alice nodded in agreement. It seems those three were not her favorite type of people, which made me feel a little better for some reason.

  “Now,” Alice began, “I came to see how your training is coming. I am curious as to how much you have improved, all of you.” She said, looking at all of us. As Selena told Alice what we were able to accomplish, we each showed her an example of our improvements. I could summon a small flame, Rai could produce a spark, and Selena could sense when Rai was trying to read her mind and to block him out completely. Alice seemed happy at our progress and congratulated us in our improvement.

  “About tonight.” Alice said. Selena shifted her feet, she still seemed nervous. “As it is the full moon, we are having our annual moon ritual, which you are welcome to attend.”

  “What do you do at this ritual?” I asked. I was curious as to what humans did to celebrate the full moon, especially when they couldn’t actually see it.

  “We dance around a bonfire and sing. Nothing special.” She said. It sounded similar to what the shifters of Selena’s pack had done the night I became Alpha.

  “Sure, sounds like fun.” I said. I was interested in hearing how music had evolved over the ages, and to be around happy people. Even if I can live off of the energy in the air, the energy produced from a party was no comparison. With so many different energies in the air, it was like comparing a fine wine to a good meal. Both were good, but different. Putting both together? I was interested in how it would all play out.

  “Great. I will come to get you as soon as it begins to get dark. See you then.” Alice said, waving and walking away, back to whatever she had been doing.

  “Well. I guess we keep practicing, or do you want to just rest until the party?” Rai asked us. I really didn’t mind either way, but Selena looked like she could use a break. Not to single her out, I said “Why don’t we just rest?” Selena looked relieved and immediately sat down. After a few moments, she got up and began to pace. “Selena,” I began, “I don’t know how to ask in a way that won’t offend you…” I was unsure where to go from there.

  “Just ask. It’s okay, I won’t get mad.” She said.

  “I was just wondering what exactly you did on a full moon. Neither of us has actually been around another witch or shifter on a full moon, and as far as I know, neither of us has done anything special on a full moon either.” I said.

  “Oh. Well, it’s simple really. When the moon begins to rise, I will shift into my fox, and I will want to run around a lot and play.” She said.

  “Does it usually make you nervous?” I asked.

  “Not usually. But being out here, after what happened, it makes me think that the humans will get scared and shoot at me. I mean, I wouldn’t blame them for being scared after the last time a shifter was near their home, but they will think they are just defending themselves if they shoot me. When I run around I like to howl too, even if I can’t see the moon, which would probably scare some people and I don’t want to ruin their party.” She said. I wondered at how anyone could ever be afraid of her.

  After a while, I asked her “What is it like? Shifting from one form to the other?” If she didn’t like my questions, she knew she didn’t have to answer them.

  “It isn’t that different really. Not to me anyways. As a witch, I retain most of my usual self, while others can go from docile to a wild animal in a second without knowing they are doing so, and usually have no recollection of being in their animal form, unless they are an alpha. Alphas can retain all of their usual self when they shift, and can usually shift even during the day when there is no moon. I don’t know the exact reason for it, maybe because they are just stronger willed.” She explained.

  “You said you were a fox, correct? How did a fox live among wolves?” Rai asked. I had been wondering that as well.

  “It’s my witch blood that makes me different. My cousin, who took over as pack witch when we left is also like me. We were the only foxes in the pack after our mother died. For a few generations now, only the shifter who is part witch has been a fox. Say if my father, who was a wolf, had child with some other woman. That child would be a wolf. But because he had a child with my mother, who was part witch and also a fox, I am also a fox. There hasn’t been a shifter witch who wasn’t a fox for a very long time.” She explained.

  “I wonder why that is.” Rai said.

  “I used to think it was because in the old myths, before the Human Wars, foxes were thought to have been the best healers in the supernatural world. But now I think it is because one of my ancestors was a strong healer as well as a fox and the traits have just been passed to each generation.” She said.

  We had been sitting around for a while so I got up as well and we began to walk around, waiting for the darkness.


  As soon as it began to get dark, Alice came to find us. We followed her throughout the caves into a new open space that looked like the perfect place for a bonfire. The fire was ready to go, and people were just waiting for the right time to begin. I wondered if Selena would go back outside to be alone to shift, and I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. I still didn’t trust the humans much after today’s incident. Alice led us to the center, near the fire and introduced us to the humans who had arrived. When she told them who and what we were everyone took a step back and the children ran to hide. The guns came out of nowhere and people were all ready to defend themselves against us if we attacked. After a few minutes of Alice telling them we could be trusted not to hurt anyone, the guns lowered but didn’t disappear. I didn’t really blame them after we had learned about the massacre when our maker was here. Alice told them about why we were looking for him, and some even smiled at the thought of revenge. I did a quick read of the minds around us and didn’t sense anyone being openly hostile to us. Alice didn’t tell them what our abilities were, as that would just add to their panic and distrust of us.

  Soon the bonfire was lit, and someone brought out some instruments that looked like the long lost cousins of the instruments from the modern world I had known. There were flutes, violins, drums, and even some guitars. All of these were not the usual shape or size or even from the same material as the ones I had known before the Human Wars. These were all hand made from what little items they could find. Trust the humans to find a way to be creative, even after the world has seemingly ended. The music picked up and I forgot about Selena and her nervousness, focusing my attentions on Helen. We danced with the music until it seemed we had out danced most of the humans. The ones playing the instruments looked tired and there was only one other couple still dancing. It was Alice and Selena. Although they had just met, they danced like best friends that had known each other their entire lives. I was glad she was getting along with other witches and having a nice time. It almost seemed like she had forgotten about the full moon and the effects it had on her.

  She doesn’t need
to worry about it anymore. Helen said to me mentally. Oh? I asked.

  I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel that she has accepted some part of herself that she was afraid of, and now she doesn’t need to worry about the moon. She said. What she explained seemed to make sense. Selena had said alphas could control when they shift, and I wondered, Maybe she is an alpha now? Helen looked at me, confused. How can someone suddenly become an alpha? I thought you had to be born that way? She asked. I wasn’t entirely sure, but it seemed like the most plausible reason for her sudden change. Just then, Alice looked at me and winked, then went back to dancing with Selena. I think maybe Alice knows why. I said to Helen.

  Suddenly, there were screams. We looked around and saw someone standing in the shadows, just out of the light of the bonfire. It was another vampire, I could sense his cold aura all the way over here, and I wasn’t even that great with auras yet. The man began to slowly walk into the light; people were scrambling to get out of his way, maybe they could sense something was off about him. I looked to Alice and she was glaring at the man. It seemed she recognized him, but didn’t fear him. The man walked right up to Alice, who now had Selena behind her. The man smiled a wicked grin as he looked around at the humans cowering in fear. When he saw me and Helen, his smile twitched a little. Like he was a little upset we weren’t afraid of him. This couldn't be good.

  “What do you want, Pandora?” Alice said, looking right at him without a trace of fear. He smiled and looked around.

  “What do I want? Whatever do you mean? I just heard the music and came to dance.” He said, still smiling.

  “Don’t play coy with me Pan. Leave. You are not welcome here.” She said. His smile vanished as he looked at her.


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