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Axen Page 4

by Arcadia Shield


  Axen turned and his heart pounded. It was Urel. The Deorg was taking a risk by being here.

  Urel stopped by the door and held out his hand, his long, blue fingers stretched tautly. “Wanted to wish you a speedy game.”

  Axen took Urel’s hand, his skin tingling. “That’s appreciated. This game won’t take long.”

  Urel nodded, his large black eyes unblinking. “I believe this will be a good game. A game changer, as some say.”

  “Move it,” said the Fraken.

  Axen growled at him, and the Fraken backed away. His muscles tightened as he focused on Urel. “Stay strong, my friend.”

  Urel gave a small nod before dropping Axen’s hand. “I always do. I am always ready.”

  Axen turned away. He couldn’t think about anything else but this game. He knew why Urel had come; it was time to act, time for a change. Was this the game he would finally make his move? Take the biggest risk of his life?

  His gaze went to the artificially created sky. He was being watched by the rabid fans of the Fraken games. His kill statistics, vital statistics, and preferred killing methods would be flashing across the comms channel, exciting fans to place a bet on him winning this game. He refused to show them any emotion. He was on a stage, and many races would be watching. Some would be from Vorten.

  That’s where he should be, with his own people. Not stuck being used as a puppet for the Fraken, but back in his role as a guardian of the only active vortex in this galaxy. But since the negotiations with the Fraken, Vortens were used in increasing numbers for these sordid games.

  To Axen, this use of their abilities cheapened the reputation of his race. Axen often wondered what Vorten Intergalactic Council members were thinking when they decided their warriors would be allowed into these games. Bribery and promises of wealth must play a part.

  He inhaled deeply and caught the scent of a musky beast that had passed by not long ago. The Fraken loved their engineered beasts. And he was aware they had a breeding programme to create lethal predators. But the Fraken never created a whole environment and were lazy when it came to their terraformed games. Axen had already noticed there was no birdlife, and the Fraken manipulated these environments externally, so the tropical conditions could change in an instant. It meant an unfair playing field for anyone involved in a Fraken game.

  Axen’s large nostrils flared. He could already smell the human female, and the taste of her fear on his tongue made his senses hum with the idea of a chase. This would be over quickly. It was best for her sake if he didn’t prolong the game. He would be fast and efficient. The woman would know nothing about his attack. Nothing about her own death.

  Chapter 4

  Eloise eased the boots off her feet and wiggled her wrinkled pink toes. She’d been sweating for hours as she’d walked through the jungle in search of shelter and water. She’d discovered a small cave, only about twice as large as her, and was now curled on her side inside it. It wasn’t perfect, but would be a safe enough place to get some rest. It was also close to a large pool of clean looking water. She’d stay here for as long as she could and refill her water bottles before moving on.

  She pulled at her sweat soaked vest, longing to remove all her clothing and lay in the dark, letting the poor excuse for a breeze cool her hot skin. But Eloise didn’t know what was out there, potentially watching her, just waiting to attack when she was at her most vulnerable. She needed to be ready just in case anything, Vorten or otherwise, attacked.

  The cave was damp, and there was a bed of sweating moss beneath her. It made for an uncomfortable sleeping place. Add to that the strange noises that filtered through the air as the light dimmed, and Eloise knew she wasn’t going to get a good night’s sleep.

  She sighed as the attack from the Fraken ship shoved into her memory. The thought made Eloise furious. If only she’d been on a different transport ship, she’d be safe. Right now, she could be sitting in another overly long Intergalactic Council meeting, making notes on her comms device, and wondering what evening entertainment Council members would amuse themselves with.

  But Eloise had had no option but to be aboard the Capella, and it had been considered a reliable ship; no one suspected the Fraken would attack.

  At least now, she knew what the Fraken wanted them for. They were a commodity, a tiny pawn in the Frakens’ insatiable need for entertainment and resources.

  Eloise had met Fraken a number of times during negotiations at the Intergalactic Council. She hadn’t trusted them then. On one occasion, she was certain she’d seen a Fraken place something in another Council member’s drink. Later that day, the Council member had become ill and almost died. And she’d always known about their illegal games and gaming addictions. She just didn’t think she’d ever find herself in the middle of one.

  The close heat of the evening made her legs swell, and blood pounded beneath her skin. Eloise rubbed at her legs, trying to calm the itching sensation, but it only intensified. She pulled up the leg of her trousers and gasped. She was covered in bright orange ant-like creatures, and they were biting into her flesh. She slapped at her leg, knocking several off, but the bites continued, and she saw more ants rushing out of a hole in the ground and heading in her direction.

  “Idiot!” She cursed herself as she batted at the insects. She must have disturbed their nest when she went into the cave. Eloise yanked off her trousers as the ants continued to crawl up her leg. She had to get them off. Their bites could be poisonous. She could be dead in seconds if she had an allergic reaction to whatever they were pumping into her system with their mean little mandibles.

  With a shriek of frustration, Eloise dashed from the cave, shedding her vest as she did so. She ran towards the water and threw herself in.


  Axen stopped walking. He’d been following the human scent trail for several hours, not in any hurry to discover her and end her life, but also not wanting to prolong the game any longer than necessary.

  But that noise, the sound of something hitting the water, could be her. Her scent was strong and recent. He’d circled the area twice and knew she was somewhere nearby. Axen had been planning to search some of the caves he’d noticed when he’d scouted the terrain. They were obvious refuges, and game prey often concealed themselves in caves, thinking they’d be safe. In reality, all they were doing was trapping themselves in a hole and making it easier to dispatch them.

  He slipped quietly through the bushes, his skin shifting from brown to grey as he moved, before stopping near a large pool of water and concealing himself behind a broad tree.

  Axen peered into the water. His eyes widened as he saw a naked human woman splashing around and cursing to herself. What was she doing? She must know making so much noise would attract predators.

  “Stupid biting monsters!” The woman dashed her hands up and down her legs. “If I’m about to die from your bites, it will be too humiliating for words.” She ducked under the water.

  Axen was fascinated by what he saw, despite her stupidity. What could this human be doing? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was to jump into the water in a Fraken game? It was the perfect opportunity for Fraken to set an underwater attack on her. There could be anything lurking in the deep. And that was one place Axen didn’t enjoy going; deep water and big muscles never went well together.

  The woman emerged from the water, and he couldn’t help but admire her figure. She had a trim waist and rounded hips. Her pale skin gleamed in the fading light of the jungle, a contrast to her dark hair. Her arms were toned, as was her stomach. He felt himself stir as he continued to admire her form, and he shook his head. There was no point getting excited by seeing this female. His plan was to kill her quickly, not ravage her.

  And even if this woman did survive the game, or he claimed her as his own, she’d be nothing more than a Fraken slave. And they were not kind to their slaves. Axen had had the misfortune of seeing Fraken cruelty up close. They used slaves arou
nd the game arenas, forced them to do the worst jobs, and punished them if they refused. Fraken considered slaves to be lower than the sickest transportation beasts. Slaves were mistreated, broken and abused, and ultimately killed when they grew too weak to be of service.

  Axen continued to look at the female. He’d never been with a human before. And for a second, he allowed his imagination to play with the possibility she’d be interested in him. Her skin looked soft, something he wasn’t used to when mating with a Vorten woman. They were tough and muscular, just like the males. Humans were warm blooded, and he imagined he’d enjoy sampling the softness and heat the female presented him.

  Shaking his head again, Axen dismissed these thoughts. He had to focus on the task at hand, despite despising the Fraken for making him take part in their games. He longed for a day when the Vorten weren’t indebted to the Fraken.

  Axen drew his blade and edged towards the water. It was time to end this game.

  Chapter 5

  The flesh on Eloise’s legs ached from the insect bites, but she couldn’t feel any numbness or paralysis setting in. With a bit of luck, they were similar to the fire ants she’d encountered on Earth. Their bites hurt, and they left a nasty red welt on the skin, but after a few days, they disappeared. And they were not poisonous.

  She stepped further out of the water, feeling refreshed from her unexpected dunk. The insects were gone, and she now realized what a foolish position she’d put herself in, splashing around in the water and yelling like a terrified child. And what about what was in the water itself? She just had to hope there was nothing lurking beneath the surface, about to take a bite out of her leg. Eloise would take biting insects over anything hiding in the menacing water’s depths.

  She walked slowly towards the edge of the water, trying to make as little noise as possible and keep the ripples to a minimum. The dark had closed in almost entirely, and the sounds in the bushes and trees overhead did not sound friendly. Anything could be lurking above her, just waiting to jump down and attack. Maybe even a Vorten, using his camouflage abilities to hide in plain sight.

  She arrived at the edge of the bank and stepped onto firmer ground, giving a relieved sigh as she did so. Eloise spent a few seconds rubbing water from her bare flesh before inspecting her legs. She saw several angry looking red marks, but the pain was already less intense.

  Eloise took a few seconds to squeeze each bite hole, trying to extract any poison that might be left inside. She grabbed a handful of water and wiped it down her legs before standing and letting her skin dry in the air. It wasn’t a complete success. The night was still clammy, but she felt better than she had for a long time, bitten legs aside.

  Checking around for any signs of unwanted attention, she walked back to the cave and collected her clothes, boots, and bag. She headed back to the water and shook the few remaining insects from her trousers. After inspecting the inside to make sure she had no unwanted residents, she slipped her vest back on.

  The flash of something metallic out of the corner of Eloise’s eye made her spin around. It was a Vorten. He had a lethal looking blade in one hand, and his green gaze was fixed on her.


  Axen cursed under his breath for giving himself away so easily. He knew better than that, but his gaze had been on the human female’s slim legs as she’d dried herself and inspected what looked like bite marks. He couldn’t help but feel stirred as she’d bent over, revealing herself to him. Her feminine form was arousing. Different from the smooth dark features of a Vorten female, but desirable all the same.

  Axen drew back his shoulders and took another step forward. For a few seconds, the woman simply watched him, and he felt a tug of surprise in his gut. He could smell she was scared, but she was taking him in, maybe looking for areas of weakness as she did so. Her gaze ran over his weapons, then his body, and finally his face.

  The human female took several steps back, and the scent of her fear became overwhelming. It tugged at Axen’s primitive urge to hunt and chase. She was about to do something reckless.

  Axen raised his blade. He could throw it, pierce her throat, and kill her. This could all end now.

  The woman held a hand out towards Axen. “I’m not ready to die.”

  Her voice was lower than he’d expected, but the tone was firm, and her blue-eyed gaze refused to look away. It was more than some of his previous prey had achieved, and he respected that.

  “If you fight me, you’re giving the Fraken what they want.” Axen took another step forward, his skin color sliding back to its usual light tan shade.

  The woman froze to the spot. “You work for them.”

  “I do not work for the Fraken.”

  “You’re their warrior pet.” Venom shot through her words.

  Axen growled. “I am no one’s pet.”

  “But you’re here doing their work.”

  “As I expect you are aware, there is an understanding between the Vorten and the Fraken.”

  “I know about that. I’m involved with the Intergalactic Council.”

  Axen paused and appraised the woman again. “You work in the Council?”

  “I’m not part of it. I negotiate for them. I support the human contingent of the Intergalactic Council.”

  “And you have found yourself inside a Fraken game?”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t intentional. The Fraken shot our ship out of the sky and took the women. I wasn’t picked for a particular reason.”

  “Your Council members will come to your rescue?”

  “Of course not. They don’t even know I’m here.”

  Axen nodded. “What’s your name?”

  “Do you ask every animal you’re about to kill what they’re called?”

  It was something he didn’t usually do. Never get to know the individual you’re about to kill. Axen lowered his blade a fraction. “Your name?”

  “Eloise Harper.” She raised her chin. “And you are?”


  Eloise nodded. “Just Axen?”

  “We have a single name. More is not needed.”

  Eloise’s gaze ran over the weapons strapped to Axen’s chest again. “How are you intending to kill me?”

  “Quickly.” He saw Eloise’s body shudder.

  “And if I don’t want to die?”

  “It will be quick,” said Axen. “I’m an experienced warrior. It is better for you this way.”

  “And less guilt for you.”

  “Trained warriors do not feel guilt.”

  Eloise tilted her head to one side. “That makes you no better than a Fraken beast.” Surprising him with her swiftness, she dove into the water.

  Axen growled and stalked after her. She’d been distracting him by asking questions; that was clever. As the water slipped over his calves, he realized he was at a disadvantage. He stopped and looked at Eloise. He saw her eyes light up as she swam backwards confidently into the center of the lake. There were few occasions when Axen’s size and strength went against him, but this was one of those occasions, and Eloise knew that.

  Eloise grinned at Axen as she trod water. “Guess this means I’m safe.”

  “For now.” Axen returned to the bank. He kicked off his boots and shrugged out of his damp trousers. He didn’t miss the gasp Eloise gave as he did so, and it gave him a tingle of pleasure. Axen had dedicated his life to being a ruthless warrior and trained daily to ensure he was in the peak of physical fitness. That meant muscles and plenty of them. He knew the effect he had on women of all races. He was pleased to hear that human women reacted the same way as other females.

  He unclipped his weapons harness and belt and took his time removing his shirt, although it was barely damp. Eloise may as well see everything he had to offer, not that he was going to force himself on her. That was not the Vorten way when it came to their mates. No, he was here to do a job, but every male appreciated giving pleasure to females.

  Axen kept his back to Eloise as he took the food ration
s out of the pack he carried. Fraken only supplied basic survival kits to their prey, but warriors could bring almost anything into the game with them. Extra food, medical supplies, weapons, fire starters. He lit a small fire and squatted down as he lay his clothes out to dry and prepared some food.

  “How many times have you been in the games?” asked Eloise from the safety of the water.

  “I’ve been utilized by the Fraken for four of your Earth years.”

  “And how many times have you killed?”

  Axen ripped open a package of food and held it over the fire. “Enough times to know how easy it will be to end your life.” After a moment of silence, he turned and regarded Eloise. “It’s what I do.”

  “Do you enjoy it?”

  “There are some races who deserve to be put into the games,” said Axen. “Much like the Fraken, they enjoy nothing more than hurting others, taking what doesn’t belong to them, and causing destruction wherever they go.”

  “Do you think that about humans?”

  “I don’t know much about you,” said Axen. “But I do know you ruined your own planet in the pursuit of some unknown goal. What was your last war over?”

  “You really don’t know?”

  “I’ve had basic instruction as to human vulnerabilities, but have yet to obtain knowledge of your wars. It is something I’m intending to study when I have some time. There are a lot of wars to investigate.”

  “I didn’t know the Vorten studied other aliens’ history,” said Eloise.

  “We study everything if it gives us an advantage over an enemy.”

  “You consider humans to be an enemy?”

  “You enjoy fighting with each other,” said Axen. “Therefore, I have to assume, you would do it with other races as well.”


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