Awakening (Book 2) (The Destined Series)

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Awakening (Book 2) (The Destined Series) Page 18

by Suzanne, Ashley

  “Fuck my life.” I get up to grab Mira some pain killers to knock out her headache.

  “Yeah, Mi, fuck your life.” I put the pills in her hand. She takes all three at the same time with a huge swig of her coffee. Mira winces when the liquid burns her throat.

  It doesn’t take long for the caffeine to kick in and she’s ready to go shopping. I promised her last night that I would take her to the mall, even though I know it’s going to be crazy busy and full oflast minute shoppers. When she told me she found the perfect gift for my mom at one of the boutiques, how could I tell her no?

  “Okay, I’m ready,” Mira says, walking out of the bedroom. She’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans tucked into a pair of those furry boots and a hooded sweat shirt. Hot mess doesn’t even begin to say how she looks. Throwing on a pair of sunglasses, she buzzes past me to the door.

  Once we’re in the car, Mira lays back in the seat for the entire ride to the mall. She grits her teeth when we pull in the parking lot and sees the slew of traffic already there and all the shoppers running like mad with their bags of new purchases.

  “I should have gotten it last week,” Mira whines, getting out of the car, ready to brave the masses.

  “You wanted me to come with you to make sure she would like it. Don’t start being a baby now. This was your bright idea.” I put my arm around her shoulders, almost dragging her through the main doors to the mall.

  We find the boutique that is hosting the sale and the exact gift she wants to get for my mom. Last Christmas, Mira found an old family picture of mine hidden away in a closet. She showed my mom, who told her it was her all time favorite of all of us. It was taken just before my dad died and was the last picture that we were all together for. My mom has it sitting in an old dingy frame on the fireplace.

  Mira found a picture frame that has some sort of biblical quote on it that makes her think of my dad and has to buy it. When she showed me a picture of it, I immediately fell in love, too. My mom is going to love it.

  Mira purchases the frame and we hit a few more stores on the way out. I think she’s trying to buy something for me because she’s being very secretive. I try not to peek but my curiosity is getting the best of me. When Mira goes to use the restroom, she leaves the bags with me, making me swear to not open them. Of course I promised her I wouldn’t; fingers crossed behind my back.

  I see the box from the jeweler and I want to open it but I just can’t. I know whatever’s in the box is for me but if I wasn’t surprised on Christmas, she would know and never forgive me. Mira comes out of the restroom, looking at me like I stole the cookies out of the cookie jar and I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “I swear I didn’t look.”

  “Yeah, right. I almost believe you.”

  The traffic leaving the mall is almost as bad as coming in. Almost fifteen minutes later, we’re on our way back to Mira’s. Again, she’s lying back in the seat, probably falling asleep.

  “I bet you’ll think again before you drink that much, won’t you?” I joke.

  “Probably not, it was a good time. I just hate paying for it the next day. Ugh, I need more coffee.”

  Taking Mira’s cue, I pull into the drive thru coffee shop and get her a latte. The smile on her face is priceless as she takes the first drink.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve had one of these. Thanks, Danny.”


  I park the car and grab all the bags to take them upstairs. I know Mira’s capable, but it’s Christmas and what good to her am I if I don’t carry the bags? That’s what men do; carry bags and hold purses.

  Once we’re inside, Mira strips the hoodie off and throws it on the couch. I still can’t believe how beautiful she is, even after all this time. She’s still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Mira pulls the elastic band and lets her hair fall free and I have the same reaction I did the first time I met her.

  Kicking off her boots, she takes the bags into the bedroom to hide the gifts, I suppose. I go sit on the couch, next to a passed out Kylee and try to move her, which is near impossible. She’s so small but is like dead weight when she’s sleeping.

  “Ky, wake up.” I nudge her shoulder, trying to wake her.

  “No,” Kylee barks.

  “Wake up, Kylee. Good morning,” I coo at her.

  “Dude, fuck you and you’re morning. What do you want?” Kylee sits up, pissed that I woke her. She moves to the recliner and falls back asleep.

  Mira comes back out of the bedroom as I’m turning on a Christmas movie. She’s changed out of her jeans into a pair of cotton plaid pants and a tee shirt; still sexy as sin.

  “Oh, I love A Wonderful Life. Leave it on,” Mira begs, grabbing another cup of coffee and sitting on the couch next to me.

  “You know I wouldn’t change it. It’s our favorite.” I pull Mira’s feet into my lap and start to massage them.

  About half way through the movie, the bedroom door opens and an exhausted looking Skylar comes stumbling out, heading right toward the coffee maker. It’s still weird to see Mira and Sky together. I don’t like it but I have to learn to deal with it. I’m not ready to cut either one of them out of my life. A few months ago, after the altercation at their housewarming party, I came to my senses. I wasn’t in love with Mira like Skylar is and Mira didn’t love me the same way, either. It was a hard thing to realize, but it was the stepping stone to rebuilding all of our relationships.

  When I called Mira three weeks ago, asking what she wanted for Christmas, her request was a simple one. She wanted an entire twenty four hours with her best friends, celebrating the holidays like we used to. Get trashed, watch movies, order in food and exchange presents. It’s always been our thing.

  I invited Skylar to get drinks a few nights ago, explaining what Mira asked of me. I wasn’t surprised when he told me that she asked him for the same thing. So here we are; all of us together the day before Christmas Eve, sporting hangovers and watching Christmas movies.

  “Babe, will you get me another cup, please,” Mira calls to Skylar. He comes to get her mug, kissing her on the lips gently and respectfully, before returning to the kitchen.

  “Is Melissa coming here or straight to your mom’s house?” Skylar asks me, bringing Mira her cup of fresh coffee.

  Mira sits up, letting Skylar sit on the other end of the couch. She leans back, resting her torso against his side and looking up at him. I have to say, I’ve never seen anyone more in love than Mira and Skylar. As awkward as it is at times, I’m happy for them. All I ever wanted was for Mira to be happy and the look in her eyes tells me she’s more than happy; she’s delirious.

  “I’m going to pick her up on the way. She’s nervous about meeting my mom. I tried to tell her that my mom is easy going, but she thinks I’m blowing smoke.”

  “Okay, well I told my mom to expect one more for dinner, so we’re all set.” Skylar’s home has always been my second home and I’m happy his family is trying to be accepting of Melissa.

  We’ve only started dating but I know she’s special. I want her to meet all the people that matter to me and who have made me the man I am today. The last interaction Melissa and Mira had wasn’t a good one, but I don’t think we’ll have a repeat of the showdown. I guess all we can do is wait and see.

  Skylar finishes his coffee and the movie goes on a commercial break. Skylar stands up, telling us he’s taking a shower. He gives Mira a look like he wants her to join him; she declines. He doesn’t look happy, but doesn’t press the point. Once it’s just Mira and me alone again, except for a snoring Kylee, I only have one more question to ask her.

  “Mira, can I ask you something?”

  “If you want to know so badly what your present is, I’ll tell you. I got you and me matching watches. I even had the backs engraved like the one you got me a few years ago. They say, ‘D&M Best Friends Forever’. Are you happy now?” Mira crosses her arms over her chest and I can’t help but laugh. She’s adorable when she’s p

  “That wasn’t my question, but I did want to know,” I laugh.

  “What the fuck, Danny? Why didn’t you stop me?”

  “I wasn’t going to stop you, I wanted to know.”

  “Well then, what’s your question, sir?”

  I hesitate, not wanting to ruin the moment. Since Mira and I started talking again, things are just as easy as they always were. I’m kind of worried that my question will throw a wrench in the way things are progressing, but I have to know. It’s been eating at me. It doesn’t even really matter; just something I’ve been curious about.

  “If you don’t want to answer, that’s okay. I understand. I just wanna know why you chose Skylar.”

  Mira looks at me for a second and then at the bedroom door where Skylar’s in the shower, in the home they share. When she looks back at me, I can see she wants to tell me, but is afraid to hurt me. I nod, letting her know it’s okay and it won’t hurt us. At least I don’t think it will.

  “I loved you in a very different way than I love Skylar. I can’t explain it, it’s just a feeling.” I know what she means. The feelings I had for Mira when we first met don’t even begin to compare for the things I’m starting to feel for Melissa. I feel such a strong connection to her, it’s almost scary.

  “But to answer your question. I didn’t choose him, Danny. My heart did.”

  And I really do know what she means. When you love someone unconditionally, it’s not an equation your brain is a part of; it’s fully in your heart.

  “I thought it was going to be something like that. I really am happy for you, Mira. I told Sky at your housewarming party that if he hurts you, I’ll kill him. I still mean it, but seeing how he looks at you, like really seeing it, I don’t think he’ll ever hurt you.”

  “I don’t either. Danny, I really am sorry you got hurt in all of this. I never wanted to cause you any pain and when you broke up with me, I felt kind of relieved. I couldn’t have done it. We would still be planning our wedding and I would be in love with someone else. Thank you for being the strong man I needed you to be and letting me go.”

  “Mira, I didn’t let you go. I just opened the door for someone else to love you the way you deserve to be loved. You’re always in here.” I point at my heart and reach out to hug her. She fully accepts the embrace, even returns it.

  “I’m so happy we’re still friends. I always want you in my life.”

  “I’m never going anywhere, I promise.” Mira’s eyes light up and she starts to giggle.

  “You know how I love your promises.”

  “Yeah, Pea, I know.” I hug her one last time as Skylar’s walking out of the bedroom. I haven’t called her Pea in months and the smile on her face melts my heart. We’re almost back to where we should be.

  “Hey there, hands off my woman,” he jokes. Skylar knows he has absolutely nothing to worry about. I think he likes to screw with me, though.

  “She’s all yours man.”

  “Yeah, she is.” Skylar looks at Mira the same way she’s looking at him. He picks her up off the couch and kisses her less respectfully so I turn away, still not able to watch them like that.

  “Yeah, I am,” I hear Mira whisper.

  ******THE END*****



  Three months earlier

  Taron fucking Walker is all mine tonight. Jacoby pops into my mind and I try to push him aside, but I can’t help feeling a little guilty. I know if the situation was reversed, I wouldn’t be cool with it. On the other hand, if he had a problem with me coming, knowing I was going to meet the band, he should have spoken up. But he didn’t. He didn’t say shit.

  Rolling my eyes, I remove my arm from Mira’s death grip and they walk toward the exit. Mira looks back at me, pleading with me to save her. Nope, not tonight. I said it wouldn’t be too long before I did something. Maybe those two will get their shit together. Me, I’m about to get some one on one time with a sexy singer.

  The bouncer, Dave takes me back to a room where the band is supposed to be. As soon as he opens the door, I see Taron. He takes my breath away. Up close, he’s more than sexy. He’s magnificent. The devilish look in his eyes tells me that he’s about to give me a night that I won’t ever forget. Taron’s talking with other band members so I take matters into my own hands.

  Walking right up to him, interrupting his conversation, I grab his hand and lead him out of the room into the hall. I have no idea where I’m going, but I’m getting him to myself. It’s high time I show him exactly who Kylee Anderson is and what she’s capable of.

  When I lead down us a wrong hall, Taron has no problem redirecting us to where he wants me. Walking into a secluded room, almost as if he knew exactly where he wanted to go, we crash together.

  His lips are soft and moist and he smells like pure man. His hair is still damp from being on stage. When I grab his head, pulling him deeper into the kiss, I try to take control. I battle his tongue but he keeps coming out the victor. Pulling out an old trick that has always worked in the past, I tug his bottom lip through my teeth and gently suck. Taron immediately pulls backs and starts pacing the room.

  “Fuck! I can’t get her out of my head!”

  Wow, that wasn’t what I was expecting. If I wasn’t so sure of myself, I would have thought that it was me he didn’t want to be with. How is this guy, of all guys, mind fucked over some girl?

  “Who has you all twisted? Damn.”

  He turns to face me, looking apologetic. “It’s just a girl that has fucked me over and I can’t take anymore of the memories that pop up. She’s everywhere, except in my fucking arms. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you back here.”

  Jacoby flashes in my head. I kind of know how Taron feels. Jacoby hasn’t fucked me over, but he is so passive about our relationship and it annoys me. I have always felt wanted or needed by all the other guys I’ve been with but Jacoby doesn’t make me feel anything worth feeling. I really like him and can see a future with him, but not if he’s not interested in anything more than this casual arrangement we have now.

  “Don’t be sorry. I wanted to meet you, and I don’t mind listening to you and your girl problems,” I tell him. I can see he’s miserable and it hurts my heart. A man this beautiful shouldn’t be twisted. She must be some kind of amazing. I should be jealous but I can’t help but feel for him and want to help.

  “Huh! Problems! That’s hilarious. She has me so messed up that I can’t even see straight. My life is just a daily boring routine since she left. It pisses me off that I can’t seem to get over her,” Taron says, finally sitting down. The pacing was driving me nuts.

  “You should go find her.”

  “I know where she is, but she doesn’t want to see me.”

  Have you seen this guy? There is no way that this girl doesn’t want to see him. This goes a lot deeper than that. He must have done something to her.

  “You sure about that? If this girl tied you up this tight, she must feel something for you, or she is just a huge bitch for leaving you. Did you cheat on her?”

  “I didn’t even consider another girl when she was with me. Hell, I can’t even get with a girl since she left me. Fuck my life.”

  That’s bad, fuck your life, I think to myself but give him some actual advice he can use. “Like I said, you need to go find her. Life is too short not to go after what you want in life. You have to fight for her if she means this much to you,” I say, finally willing to take my own advice. I’m going to call Jacoby as soon as I leave here. It’s high time we have a discussion about our arrangement. I’m tired of just being a play thing when he wants it.

  “Yeah, she is going to be in New York City tomorrow at the same time that we are there. Maybe I need to go see her. Kylee, I’m sorry that you had to deal with my moodiness. I really didn’t mean for this to play out like this.”

  “It’s all good! I got to make out with a rock star. You can message me anytime you need to talk. I’m jus
t happy I got to meet you. Your band is really amazing and you’re kind of cool, too,” I respond, trying to lighten his mood.

  “Well, thanks. I’ll make sure security gets you home safely,” he says leaning over and giving me a friendly hug. I’m glad it didn’t go any further.

  Leaving the venue in the cab that Taron’s security put me in, I pull out my phone and dial Jacoby.

  “Hey, it’s me,” I say, opening one of the most important conversations in my adult life.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, what are you doing? Are you busy?” I have never let any other guy take up so much of my time before. Yet with Jacoby, all I want to do is give him more.

  “Actually, I am. Can I call you back?”

  “Yeah, that’s cool. Bye.” I hang up the phone and debate on telling the cab driver where to go. After about ten minutes of waiting, on Taron’s dime no less, I decide to have the driver take me to Jacoby’s house.

  I hate leaving my car at the concert, but what else am I going to do? Mira’s off somewhere living the dream with Skylar and won’t be home for God knows how long. At least if I’m with Jacoby, I can catch a ride in the morning.

  Pulling up to Jacoby’s large colonial, I see his car in the driveway accompanied by another car I don’t recognize. I ask the cab driver to wait, just in case he’s in the middle of something and really can’t take me back to my car. Getting out of the car, I adjust my skirt and fluff my hair, making myself as alluring as possible. There’s one thing that I know how to do better than anyone else I’ve ever met; be sexy and I use it at every possible turn.

  I grab the iron door knocker and bang it against the plate. I wait a moment for a response before I ring the doorbell. You can guess my surprise when a tall beautiful blonde answers the door.

  “Hello, can I help you?” The woman asks, dressed in a white silk robe that flows all the way down to her ankles. Her brightly painted toe nails obvious in the color contrast.

  Making my way back up to look her in the eyes, confident in my own beauty, I answer, “Yes, I’m looking for Jacoby. Can you get him please?”


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