Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517) Page 1

by Savage, Michael

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  Government Zero

  What Is Government Zero?

  There is a dance of death in the West and actual death in the Middle East, courtesy of the Islamofascists. Meanwhile, the Caesar in the White House entertains himself with a thousand sycophants, partying on behind closed doors as if the Islamofascist hand will not touch him. He thinks he’s protected from this new plague, the Black Death of radical Islam.

  We’re facing something the West hasn’t had to deal with since the wars of religion in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. When those religious wars ended in one place, they began in another. They lasted for over one hundred years.

  The same thing is happening right now. The radical Muslims are on the warpath and they are against everyone else. They are against Muslims who are not as fanatical. They are against the members of all other religions. They think they are going to take us back to some pristine religious period in human history that never actually occurred.

  It’s all complete rubbish. These “faith warriors” live lower than the pigs they despise. They kidnap and rape eight-year-old girls and say the Quran authorizes it. They’re not purists. They’re killers. They’re Nazis in head scarfs. They aren’t leading a religious revival. They’re trying to take us back to a state of barbarism that has been extinct for 1,200 years.

  This is a barbaric revolution, and we have a man in the White House who denies its existence. But whether he chooses to acknowledge it or not, it’s going to continue until someone puts a stop to it.

  Jonathan Sacks called the fight against radical Islam the “defining conflict of the next generation.”1 He likened radical Islam to a starfish. When you cut off a spider’s head, it dies. But when you cut off the leg of a starfish, the starfish can regenerate it. Radical political Islam is a starfish. If you defeat ISIS or al-Qaeda, they will merely come back under another name.2

  Why would any government bring in unvetted Muslim immigrants at a time like this? It would seem that only an insane prince would do this to his country. But Obama is not insane. He’s stoned. He’s stoned on the orthodoxy of the progressive left. Obama and his supporters are drunk on their ideology. They think they’re going to create a progressive utopia by continuing their attack on all Western values.

  This is precisely how great civilizations of the past declined and eventually fell. They rejected the values that made them great and degenerated into narcissism and selfishness. They kept on partying until they were too weak to defend themselves. Then, the unthinkable happened. They fell.

  We’ve all seen documentary evidence of the Islamofascist thugs in ISIS swinging sledgehammers at priceless artifacts they deem offensive to Islam. For one thousand years, these treasures of antiquity survived wars, earthquakes, and other man-made disasters, but not the current disaster of fundamentalist Islam. As the columns of ancient ruins fall and the faces of ancient kings and queens are slammed with sledgehammers, we watch in horror, our advanced military technology apparently powerless to stop these Islamic vandals.

  But it is not our technology or our military that has failed to thwart this destruction of priceless treasures. No. Just as we stand idly by as young girls are kidnapped, raped, and sold into slavery, we are paralyzed not by a lack of technology, but by a lack of will. We have either zero leadership or a leadership secretly enabling these crimes against humanity.

  Closer to home, we are similarly paralyzed as this most evil of administrations swings its sledgehammers at our most revered institutions. A climate of fear grips the people as the sneaks in high places spy on us, sell us out to Red China in a secret trade deal, decimate our medical system, eviscerate our military leadership, evaporate our borders, erase our culture, and attack religion’s basic tenets. Meanwhile, millions of illegal aliens pour over our southern border, bringing with them an unwillingness to assimilate into American culture, refusing even to speak English.

  This is what I call Government Zero. We are supposed to be a nation where the government is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Yet every poll shows this rogue government of sneaks and traitors seems to relish doing the opposite of the will of the people. It is a government of itself, by itself, and for itself, run by lobbyists.

  In short, Government Zero is absolute, unchecked government power and zero representation of the people. It doesn’t exist to promote conservative or liberal principles. It is not pro-immigration or anti-immigration. It is not capitalist or socialist. It is not religious or atheist. Those are all just means to its end.

  Its end is its own preservation and growth. This is by no means a new concept. Most governments throughout history have exploited those they ruled for the benefit of those who controlled them. Before the birth of the American republic, Government Zero was the rule, not the exception.

  That was what made the United States a great experiment. When the founders wrote the words “We the People,” they flipped the distribution of power that had existed for thousands of years upside down. They put most of the power in the hands of the people and reserved very little for the government. The government was heavily regulated, and the people were largely free. The government was servant and the people its master.

  It was no coincidence that the American people flourished under this scenario. The free society allowed them to pursue their happiness in a largely free market and realize exponential economic and cultural growth. The government served the interests of the people, not because it was good in and of itself, but because it was restrained and ruled by the people.

  After over one hundred years of progressive assault, that relationship has reversed. Government has become the master and the people its servant. The people are restrained and the government is free to do anything it wants. The government is all-powerful and the people are powerless. The government is secret and the people have no privacy.

  It’s a watershed moment in American history, but again, it’s nothing new. It’s America reverting back to the bondage that has defined most of human history.

  If that sounds somewhat abstract, I’ll bring it home for you. The government can act in its own interests only by acting against yours. It can grow richer only by making you poorer. It can expand its activity only by limiting your freedom. It can ensure its own safety only by threatening yours.

  That’s why the government is attacking everything that makes the world livable for the rest of us. It is attacking free enterprise, because it needs higher taxes and more regulation to expand its wealth and power. It is promoting open borders, because immigrants from socialist or Islamic countries don’t share our traditions of individual liberty and limited government. It wages a war on police, because civil unrest allows it to exercise more centralized power or even martial law, eventually with a federal police force answering only to the kings and queens of government. It attacks freedom of speech, because dissent is like kryptonite to an all-powerful government.

  It attacks religion, perverting its very meaning, in order to replace wha
t Karl Marx called “the opium of the masses” with an all-powerful central government becoming the new heroin of the masses. We are well on the road to replacing the former Soviet system with an emerging USSA, the United Soviet States of America.

  Thomas Paine wrote,

  Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.3

  That couldn’t be truer today, when we fund not only the government itself through our taxes, but also the government employee unions which continue to make the government itself bigger and more oppressive. AFSCME, the largest trade union for public employees in the United States, gave over $65 million “to politicians, lobbyists and activist groups, according to 2014 federal reports obtained by”4

  If your intuition tells you most of this money went to Democratic politicians or left-wing advocacy groups and lobbyists, your intuition is correct. It’s just one more way Government Zero feeds itself by draining our economic lifeblood.

  Out of the Frying Pan

  The good news is this disastrous presidency will finally come to an end in a little over a year. The bad news is we could jump out of the frying pan and into the fire, with the Arsonist in charge of the whole country. President Hillary Clinton would be even worse than Barack Obama. She has all of the anti-American, socialist credentials Obama has, along with a strength and toughness he lacks. That means she’d be even more effective for the wrong side.

  Meanwhile, Clinton’s Democratic rivals are gaining traction with the loser segment of the electorate, preaching a message identical to that delivered by the 1930s street-corner communists on New York’s Lower East Side. Unfortunately, they can’t be dismissed, because the loser segment is growing rapidly in a rigged economic system, with massive welfare and an unlimited immigration of have-nots.

  New York’s Leninist mayor Bill de Blasio has released a thirteen-point national “Progressive Agenda” that some call the liberal answer to the 1990s Republican Contract with America. The agenda is virtually indistinguishable from the policy platforms of the Socialist Party USA and Communist Party USA, both of which have nearly identical versions of the points on their websites.

  Even if Clinton survives her primary challenges, she will have been dragged even further left than she was to start with. She’s already changed her position on gay marriage and joined Obama’s war on police, along with rejecting the tough immigration policies implemented during her own husband’s presidency.5 She’s counting on the same voter coalition that put Obama in the White House twice to sweep her to victory, meaning no position she takes can be too far left.

  The vast majority of Americans completely oppose this emerging Sovietization. If the 2014 midterm elections were any indication, more and more Americans are waking up to the very real threat posed by this demonic progressive movement. If you are reading this book, you are probably one of those American patriots desperate to save this nation from ruin.

  Unfortunately, elections may not be enough. With an imperial presidency on one side and no real opposition party on the other, there is little use in throwing out the Democrats and replacing them with progressives from another party. We gave Republicans control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives for six years in the last decade. What did we get?

  I’ll tell you what we didn’t get. We didn’t get an iota of protection of our borders, language, or culture. We didn’t get smaller government or freer markets. We didn’t get less federal spending. We didn’t get a sensible foreign policy that places the interests of the American people first. We didn’t get any improvement in immigration policy or even a good-faith effort to stem the tide of illegal immigration. At best, we got less rapidly progressive progressivism.

  Can 2016 be different? It’s hard to make that case. The very real prospect of a liberal Republican president, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Speaker of the House John Boehner will maintain one-party rule.

  Jeb Bush couldn’t be clearer on his noncommitment to our borders, language, and culture. He’s pro–Common Core. He’s not only come out publicly for amnesty for illegals, he’s rebuked fellow Republicans, including Donald Trump, for respecting the wishes of their supporters and opposing it.6 In his opinion, Republican presidential candidates should instead try to educate us poor rubes on how mistaken we are to ask the federal government to fulfill its primary objective: to defend America’s borders.

  Just to ensure there is no mistaking where he stands, Bush released a video on May 5 in which he commemorated Cinco de Mayo and extolled the great contributions of Mexican-Americans to the United States. He delivered the message personally on camera, in Spanish.7

  Meanwhile, big-government conservatives McConnell and Boehner both defeated conservative movements to oust them from leadership in their respective houses in Congress. Upon retaining his Speakership, Boehner gave Nancy Pelosi an awkward bear hug and a kiss.8 He then purged the newly elected, authentic conservatives by removing them from key committees and cutting off their funding! This was a tactic right out of the Soviet government master plan.

  Supreme Zero

  As we found out this past summer, we can’t count on the Supreme Court to represent us, either. The Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution as the will of the people in the long-term, even when the people’s representatives make mistakes in the short-term.

  Instead, the Court trampled on the Constitution, the will of the people, and basic logic in its two landmark decisions in June. It decided it could rewrite legislation in upholding Obamacare,9 just ignoring the very intentional stipulation that subsidies for health insurance premiums be paid only to recipients who purchased their insurance from an exchange “established by the state.” Thirty-six states had refused to establish such exchanges. The Court ruled the subsidies should be paid in those states anyway.

  Don’t let the media convince you this was all over a simple legislative oversight. That’s a lie. The designers of Obamacare intentionally put that stipulation in to coerce the states into setting up the exchanges.10 They believed the states could be bought off with the subsidies. They were wrong.

  Refusing to establish exchanges was a clear rejection of Obamacare by the overwhelming majority of state governments. That was their only recourse in rejecting a terrible law that had passed Congress without a single Republican vote.

  So Justice Roberts was not defending democracy when he threw the rule of law and basic logic out the window in upholding the Obamacare subsidies in states that had intentionally rejected them. It was just more of the same Government Zero we get from the president and Congress.

  Just a day later, the Court ruled state laws prohibiting gay marriage were unconstitutional, again overriding the wishes of the people and trampling upon the principle of constitutional government. Justice Kennedy issued what Justice Scalia called in dissent “an opinion lacking even a thin veneer of law.”11 Somehow, Kennedy imagined the ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution extended equal protection of the law to homosexuals seeking to get married, even though homosexuality was illegal in every state at the time.

  This is where we are. We have three branches of government that are not only supposed to check each other with their separate powers, but limit themselves to the powers delegated to them in the Constitution. They do neither. Instead, they join together in looting our wealth, trampling our liberty, and destroying our culture at the behests of special interests and their lobbyists.

  The Progressive-Islamist Takeover

  Progressives have long waged a war on religion as part of their Marxist agenda for an atheist, socialist state. To get there, they believe they have to tear down and destroy everything that defines Western Civilization as it is. They share that vision
with the unlikeliest of conceivable allies: the radical Islamists.

  What is happening in America right now can only be described as a Progressive-Islamist takeover. It may be hard for most people to imagine how committed atheists could possibly be working with committed religious fanatics. Both groups would mercilessly exterminate the other under the right circumstances. We’ve seen how communist countries have treated religious people in the past, and we can see how the Islamofascists treat the subgroups who make up the progressive movement today. Those who don’t swear allegiance to their brand of extremist Islam are killed or exiled. Homosexuals are thrown off rooftops. Opponents are beheaded or burned alive.

  Yet, everywhere we look, we see American progressives defending Islam. They make excuses for radical Islam’s atrocities while branding anyone who criticizes them as bigots. They hold conferences on terrorism and exclude anyone who might talk about the threat of radical Islamist sleeper cells within our borders, while focusing on the “threat” from American Christians, conservatives, and patriots instead.

  They support Obama in bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims as refugees with no way of screening them as potential members of ISIS or al-Qaeda, even as those groups boast of infiltrating us in this very manner.

  I’m not talking about a conscious conspiracy between the two groups, per se. They are more like kindred spirits. They may not have the same vision for what society should look like when they’re finished with it, but they share the belief that American society as it is today must be destroyed. That’s the linkage. Remember, the driving principle of the 1960s radicals was, “Bring it all down, man!”

  Both groups also believe in absolute, autocratic rule over the people. They both want to run every aspect of your life. The progressives may be atheists and the Islamofascists religious fanatics, but they both want to take away your freedom of religion. They also want to take away your economic freedom. If you haven’t noticed, every Islamic nation has a socialist economy. That’s because socialism and autocracy are one and the same.


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