Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517) Page 14

by Savage, Michael

  Young girls have similarly poor role models. If they learn anything from pop music stars, it’s that dressing and dancing like a stripper is “empowering.” Madonna’s antics a few decades ago seem tame now compared to the virtual pornography of the average music video.

  Even parents seem unconcerned when watching preteenage girls performing highly suggestive dance routines. The Internet is flooded with videos of eight- and ten-year-old children mimicking sexual intercourse. I’m not blaming the kids for this. They don’t know any better. It’s a depraved culture that bombards them with sexual images and references in all media.

  A Culture of Envy

  Picking up right where our current leader will leave off, Hillary Clinton is on the campaign trail inciting class warfare over income inequality. In a desperate attempt to ward off any possible challenges from even more radical socialists, Clinton actually vowed to “topple the 1 percent” at a press conference earlier this year.

  It’s hard to believe Clinton has the nerve to say this, being a government-subsidized member of the 1 percent herself. Her husband is not only the wealthiest former U.S. president alive, but with a net worth of $55 million, he’s among the ten wealthiest of all time.13

  Now that we know her and Bill’s charity fund contributes very little to charity compared to what it takes in, it’s even more hypocritical for her to criticize legitimate businesses who provide valuable products to people who know what they’re purchasing when they hand over their money. According to the New York Post, the so-called charity “took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.”14

  Hillary doesn’t see anything wrong with living lavishly off the public. She believes she’s provided invaluable service that we should all be eternally grateful for. Never mind that most of her service was completely disastrous, like the Arab Spring she engineered as secretary of state and the “reset” of relations with Russia she was supposed to lead.

  While Hollywood peddles the “corporations kill people” story line, progressive politicians and media push another whopper: Rich people don’t pay taxes.

  Where does the government get the money to provide the services it provides, however incompetently? Liberals don’t ever seem to know the answer to this question. Contrary to what you might read in the New York Times, most of the money comes from those evil, greedy, rich people.

  The truth is, rich people pay most of the taxes in this country. Fifty-five percent of all income taxes are paid by individuals who earn over $200,000 per year. Seventy-eight percent of all income taxes are paid by individuals who earn over $100,000 per year.15

  Yet, all we hear is “the rich don’t pay their fair share.” Seventy-eight percent seems more than fair, doesn’t it? You would think, when listening to the Marxist in chief or his accidental speechwriter, Elizabeth Warren, that upper-income Americans are somehow finagling out of paying any taxes at all. That’s all part of the progressive narrative, along with phony American history and moronic economic theories.

  It’s part of their all-out attack on American culture, specifically in this case the Protestant work ethic and the deeply held beliefs in private property, free enterprise, and self-reliance. These have all been bedrock American principles since the Pilgrims rejected socialistic principles in the 1620s.

  These values grew out of America’s Western European, Judeo-Christian heritage. That’s one reason white people and religion are demonized. American culture must be ripped out by the roots. They want to transform American culture into belief in socialism, central planning, and dependency. Inciting racial tension through demonization of successful white people helps accomplish that.

  Self-loathing liberals want to transform America into a self-loathing, guilt-ridden, atheist culture they can wallow in, with a tax-subsidized life of luxury to help ease their “pain.” It is crony capitalism and luxury for them, socialism and misery for everyone else. Hillary Clinton is their perfect spokeswoman, a fabulously wealthy, Gulfstream liberal who condemns other wealthy people who actually earned their money.

  She and the Progressive-Islamist alliance are waging war on our culture in every medium they can, including public school, movies, music, business, politics, and religion. In every conceivable space, capitalism, individual liberty, patriotism, nationalism, and religion are under attack.

  Zero Reality on Race

  I used to stop in at a coffee shop around the corner from my house and buy a cup of coffee for fifty cents. That was quite a few years ago. For two quarters I got a hot cup of coffee, some friendly service, and maybe a newspaper left on the counter by the last customer. If I talked to the guy behind the counter, it was about the weather or some other small talk.

  Today, I walk into a Starbucks and pay four dollars for a cup of coffee. Instead of a secondhand newspaper, I’m handed a questionnaire seeking to determine just how much white privilege I’m guilty of. This is all done under the pretense of “stimulating empathy and compassion for one another,” but we all know that’s nonsense. It’s about reminding white people how evil they are.

  Consider the questions: “I have _____ friends of a different race.” “My parents had ________ friends of a different race.” “In the past year, someone of a different race has been in my home __________ times.”16

  Can you believe this? This is what it has come to. One of the most successful corporations in America peddling the most pedestrian liberal white-guilt trash to its paying customers. Instead of working to develop new products or cut their exorbitant costs, they want to make white people feel guilty if they haven’t had a person of a different race over to their house in the past year.

  For those suffering from acute liberalism, allow me to apply a therapy called “reality.” The reality is that 72 percent of Americans are Caucasian. Twelve percent are African Americans, about 5 percent are Asians, and every other race comprises the final 10 percent.

  So, in your everyday interactions with people in this country, the odds are overwhelming that most of them are going to be Caucasian. Outside of large, cosmopolitan cities, the odds that you will have the opportunity to strike up a friendship with someone of another race are quite low.

  This isn’t something to feel guilty about. It isn’t something to feel anything about. Most Nigerians don’t have white people over to their houses on a regular basis. Most Inuit people will never have a Hispanic family over to their house. That’s not because Nigerians or Inuit are racist. It’s because there just aren’t many white or Hispanic people around where they live.

  This may seem like common sense, but it’s not as common as you think. Peddling white guilt is part of the liberal agenda, but a lot of liberals actually buy into it. They truly feel guilty themselves, just for being who they are.

  Movies and television help create this irrational guilt by portraying American society in a completely fictional manner. Every television show whose cast includes a group of children portrays the group as not only multiracial and multicultural, but equally represented by every race and culture on the planet.

  No matter where the show takes place, you can expect every group of childhood friends to include a Caucasian child, a black child, a Hispanic child, an Asian child, and an Indian child. Despite the hard numbers that seven in every ten children are Caucasian, one would have to conclude from watching children’s television shows that no group of childhood friends in this country includes three or more Caucasian children.

  I’m not saying there is anything wrong with showing children of different races playing together. What I do object to is portraying a false picture of American society, which contributes to the irrational guilt I was just talking about. If you are accepting of other people regardless of their skin color, you have nothing to feel guilty about, even if you don’t have occasion to develop relationships with people of other races.

  These contrived plots in which there are virtually no all-white groups of children plant the seed in children that
there is something wrong if they don’t have friends of other races. Instead, children should learn that race doesn’t matter—character does.

  What Are Western Values Post-Obama?

  Western Civilization reached its apex in the United States of America, the freest, most prosperous, and most powerful nation in the history of the world. That civilization was built upon principles derived from English common law and tradition, Judeo-Christian morality, and the uniquely American principles of individualism and self-reliance.

  What are Western values today? Shooting junk at night and taking a coffee enema in the morning? Sleeping with fifteen people at night and doing an herbal bath cleansing routine the next day? Are those our values now? Is this why everyone is into detoxing, because they know their souls are polluted?

  Here we are, fifty years after the 1960s, when we were told to eliminate all repression, to let it all hang out. If it feels good, do it. Why don’t we do it in the road? Can anyone really say that has worked out well? We hear a lot about how repressed American society was before the 1960s, but not much about how much more well ordered and civilized it might have been.

  John Adams famously said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” He was right. There has always been a protection against any federal-government-mandated religion in this country, as there should be. But religion or some equivalent moral set of principles is a responsibility that goes along with freedom. We can see the consequences of abandoning that responsibility all around us.

  Americans barely notice as a rogue president runs roughshod over the Constitution, takes over the health-care system, floods the country with illegal aliens, and alienates our allies overseas. As long as the beer is flowing, football is available three nights a week, and porn is available 24/7, they’ll stay fat, dumb, and happy.

  One would be hard-pressed to answer whether the United States is still a land of opportunity or a land of dependency. One in eight Americans are receiving food stamp assistance.17 Over one-third of Americans have government-subsidized health insurance.18

  We have two opposing forces fighting in the world right now. We have the extremely religious Muslim fanatics who interpret their religion from a ninth-century point of view and are willing to kill for it. They’ll kill boys for watching soccer, believing that watching a soccer game is the first step on a slippery slope to becoming transgendered. That is how insane these fanatics are.

  The West is exactly the opposite. It has no values left. The left destroyed the church. They’ve destroyed all semblance of religion and morality. They’ve destroyed the American principles of private property, free enterprise, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. They’ve replaced them with atheism, hedonism, dependency, and political correctness. Man in the West today has no soul.

  The Islamofascists are using this to their advantage. While they’re conquering Afghanistan and Iraq militarily, they’re conquering America with propaganda. They are spreading disinformation through academia and the media, including Hollywood. They’re smearing as racist anyone who stands up to radical Islam.

  They’re using the same tactics against those who recognize the danger of Islamofascism as liberals used against McCarthy and others who recognized the dangers of communism sixty years ago. Even self-described feminist Dr. Phyllis Chesler, emerita professor of psychology and Women’s Studies at the City University of New York, agrees with me on this.19

  They’ll even attack their own. When Bill Maher had a moment of clarity and hosted Sam Harris to talk about the real problems within Islam itself,20 the progressive jackals descended on both of them, calling them racists and Islamophobes. Ben Affleck, a guest on the same episode, nearly burst a blood vessel, calling Harris’s arguments “gross” and “racist.” One blogger at the Huffington Post went so far as to level the ultimate slander at Maher, at least to the progressive mind. He called him “conservative.”21

  What do we stand for and what will we fight with? Our strength was built upon our values. When we were a moral and religious people, dedicated to individual liberty, personal responsibility, private property, and limited government, we were invincible. Those principles were the reason we had the mightiest economy and the most powerful military on earth.

  Now those values are gone. They’re all but extinct. The Islamofascists may be wrong, but they are dedicated to their creed and willing to die for it. We’ve abandoned our creed. What exactly are our soldiers supposed to die for today?

  I certainly wouldn’t want to put my life on the line for a lot of what I see around me. I don’t even know what to say to a soldier who comes home from Afghanistan after defending a society which curses his service and protests movies celebrating his heroism.

  Soldiers used to return from war to a society of high culture, innovation, and free enterprise, where institutions like private property, churches, and traditional marriage ensured a level of civility and prosperity that made their service worth the sacrifice and risk.

  Today, they return to an increasingly unrecognizable caricature of that bastion of freedom they thought they were defending.

  This is partly the result of Government Zero. When you have Zero Leadership, you can expect people to be led astray. But don’t forget cause and effect. The government is largely a reflection of the people. The people elected it. The people decide what they want to ask it to do. Ultimately, it is the people who must take responsibility. The government can force them to buy health insurance, but not to abandon their values.

  Any reform of the government must be preceded by a rebirth of American culture. Only a moral and religious people, who once again dedicate themselves to American values, can find the strength to defeat America’s enemies, both without and within.


  Zero Immigration

  What Country Is This?

  Obama has flooded America with Africans, Middle Easterners, and Chinese over the past three years. Europeans need not apply for citizenship. You can see now what he meant when he promised to “transform America.”

  While Mexicans remain the largest immigrant population in the United States, the Progressive-Islamist administration has managed to increase immigration from the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean the most. Overall, the number of immigrants living in the United States, legally and illegally, is at an all-time high of 41.3 million.1

  It wasn’t too long ago that America was still a First World nation that led the world in commerce and military might. Despite decades of progressive assault, private property, free enterprise, Judeo-Christian values, and respect for law and order still dominated American culture.

  English was the first and only language, and immigrants enthusiastically learned to read, write, and speak it in an attempt to become Americans. Upon these pillars was built the freest, richest, most powerful nation in human history.

  Today, the entire foundation of American society is under assault by a Progressive-Islamist alliance that hasn’t neglected reshaping our entire immigration policy. We’re no longer a land of opportunity for ambitious, talented immigrants looking to escape social democracies with large welfare states. We’re now a land of government handouts for waves of immigrants, both legal and illegal, who come here for the generous welfare benefits our progressive government keeps increasing.

  We’re also a target for Islamofascists who are actively infiltrating our free and open society for the express purpose of destroying American civilization. Turkey’s former prime minister and now president, Recep Tayyip Erdog˘an, once said, “We will ride the train of democracy to our ultimate goal,” meaning a new caliphate based upon sharia law. He was talking about Turkey.

  The Islamofascists want to ride our American democratic train to the same goal here. What they don’t blow up they could eventually rule by voting.

  Look at what the immigration policies of just a few decades have done. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanics made up 8.9 percent of the electorate as of November 2
012.2 We have to assume that number is even higher now. Immigrants in general, including these, largely vote Democrat.

  Unlike previous waves of immigrants, this current wave coming from south of our border doesn’t consider learning English or assimilating into American culture a responsibility that goes along with immigrating. They have demanded and received accommodations in their own language. Today, Americans have to “press 1 for English” if they want service in the language in which their Constitution is written.

  Some of them even consider their immigration here a Reconquista, meaning they are reclaiming the land which once belonged to their Spanish-speaking ancestors. Regardless of what you might think of their claims, they are open and honest about one thing: They aren’t looking to assimilate into American culture. They are looking to assimilate the territory they settle into Mexican or Spanish culture.

  Language is only the tip of the iceberg. Along with language, we’re importing people with different political ideas. They come from largely socialist countries and are unlike previous waves of immigrants in that they don’t necessarily come to get away from socialism. On the contrary, their voting patterns suggest they are attracted to the more generous welfare benefits than are available at home.

  Instead of escaping socialist countries and oppressive governments to take advantage of free enterprise and individual liberty here, they are coming here to transform America into the image of the countries they left and plunder the accumulated wealth of America’s freer past. How else could one explain their uniform support for the Democratic Party?

  The other half of the Progressive-Islamic takeover is occurring through the federal government’s Refugee Resettlement Program. Admitting largely Muslim refugees from war-torn and terrorism-plagued countries in the Middle East, the progressives are creating self-contained Muslim communities in virtually every state. These groups of refugees are riddled with terrorists that even the FBI says they cannot screen out. Those who aren’t violent nevertheless represent a completely foreign culture that in no way shares our values.


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