Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517) Page 26

by Savage, Michael

The Obama administration continues to advance its narrative that ISIS is on the run after its defeat at Tikrit. But the terrorist organization invested little in defending that city, and in May it won a victory in the more important Ramadi in Anbar province. Critics say that ISIS is far from being defeated, even if their method of transport has changed.

  Whose narrative is truer? There is no way to know. The administration won’t allow journalists to embed in the most fiercely contested areas of Iraq and Syria, so we’re just expected to take its word that victory over ISIS is near. It looks like Obama has succeeded in changing the way the media reports about this already. There is a saying many conservatives used to repeat. I think you’ve heard it. “Free speech is not free.” We’re about to learn it the hard way if we don’t stand up for it now. The graves of our warriors across Europe and America are filled with people who fought for the right to criticize others without getting killed for it.

  The battle has come home.

  Zero Civilian Security

  Standing up for free speech isn’t the only thing that will bring the progressive media jackals down on your head. The propagandists have also been busy smearing anyone who questions the suspicious militarization of federal agencies.

  While the administration wages an all-out war on local cops, it continues to arm to the teeth federal agencies, some of which have no business carrying weapons at all. We still haven’t received any explanation for why the government purchased billions of rounds of ammunition for the Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security.

  After initially refusing to answer at all, then secretary of homeland security Janet Napolitano eventually said about half the rounds purchased were allocated to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. That’s fine, but what about the other half? What possible use could the Social Security Administration have for hollow-point bullets, which aren’t even allowed on the battlefield according to the Geneva Conventions? This government believes these are questions they don’t need to answer. We should just trust them implicitly, regardless of how many times they lie to us about keeping our health insurance if we like it or exactly what the NSA may be doing in terms of spying on us rather than our enemies.

  It is this arrogance and dishonesty that led to a major controversy over the government’s infamous Jade Helm 15 training exercise this past summer. This was a gargantuan, multistate military training exercise that involved war game operations on private land, in cities and towns, and in the countryside. Not only did American citizens see an unprecedented military presence in their midst, but covert agents were instructed to infiltrate civilian populations, identified only by armbands. According to the U.S. Army’s own presentation, “Some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving civilian vehicles.”23

  The government claimed this massive exercise was designed to get military personnel used to dealing with unfamiliar terrain and infiltrating civilian populations in other countries. Many speculated they were training for martial law during an emergency here.

  Let me be clear from the start. I never believed some of the wilder conspiracy theories about this exercise. I did not believe the federal government was planning to invade Texas or establish martial law. But I do have a problem with this and the media reaction to anyone who questioned it.

  First, I don’t understand why such a massive military operation within our borders is necessary to train what is already the mightiest military force in human history. This is a military that hasn’t lost a battle since early in World War II. If the administration is as committed as it says it is not to put boots on the ground in any new conflict, then why do we need boots on the ground in seven U.S. states?

  Second, what precedent does this set? Not everyone who objects to this exercise believes it’s a military coup d’état. But there are legitimate concerns that conducting operations like this desensitizes civilian populations to a military presence in their midst. One of the bedrock principles of our free society is a suspicion of “standing armies.” It is especially disturbing that some of the trainees will be operating covertly. Regardless of what the pedantic academics running the current government might intend, it’s fair to ask whether it would be easier for a future administration with more sinister intentions to oppress a population already accustomed to seeing military personnel and ordnance on American streets.

  What I find most disturbing about this is the media reaction. Just as they did with Pamela Geller and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the majority of the media reflexively pounced on those standing up for freedom. Anyone who questioned the exercise for any reason was immediately lumped in with the most paranoid fringe elements and smeared as a kook. Most egregiously, the media often misrepresented what critics of the program said. CBS News, the Washington Post, and others all seemed to link by association the questions Alex Jones’s Infowars website raised about the program with a bizarre theory that closed Walmart stores were part of the conspiracy and would be used as prisons or death camps.24 There was only one problem: Infowars had already publicly debunked that theory before the media implied Alex Jones endorsed it.25

  It wasn’t just the national media that smeared all dissenters to this overkill. The local alternative newspaper Phoenix New Times ran a story with the headline “‘Jade Helm 15’ Operation in Arizona by U.S. Army Worries Wackos.” Can you believe that headline? I call attention to it only because it had the decency to publish updates from concerned citizens who disagreed with the writer. Here are some of the very sober, legitimate concerns of one local resident:

  Really wish you didn’t disparage legitimate concerns with the term “wacko”. Set the knee-jerk conspiracy theorists aside for a moment. These operations are going to be held throughout towns and small businesses in the States specified. Go to the presentation made by the Jade Helm vendor to the Big Spring County Supervisors meeting in TX and hear for yourself (YouTube). The citizens are supposed to “notice” the arm bands worn by all of the participants (which will also include role-player volunteers) when they see armed kidnapper’s, tanks, swat, etc. Think of the elderly, the children and the uninformed… All I’m asking is that you take a mature even handed look at what is being foisted on the citizenry and the raw panic that has and will ensue as folks watch it unfold and keel over from a heart attack aka War of the Worlds, remember? That was fake, too, Ray.26

  Does this person sound to you like a wacko? I encourage you to read the whole letter. The woman who wrote it was originally a New Yorker who was educated and had “decades of top level Fortune 100 experience.” Not everyone who questions the government is sitting in his mother’s basement wearing a tinfoil hat. Real, everyday Americans are concerned about this exercise, and they have every right to be.

  Keep Your Mouth Shut and Obey

  Any one of these stories and the way they were reported are cause enough for concern. We should be vigilant in guarding our liberties against even the slightest infringement. That’s a core American value. Remember, the Boston Tea Party was about what would today be considered a minuscule tax. It was the principle that was important to our founders.

  Taken together, these stories and dozens of others like them constitute a pattern. It is Government Zero trampling liberties we once took for granted and replacing them with the new normal in American culture: Keep your mouth shut and obey.

  We’ve had a president who recognizes no constitutional limit on his power, and it’s now trickled down to the cities and towns of America. If you criticize Islam or the president’s refusal to recognize the new holocaust, you’re a bigot. If you criticize the welfare state, you’re a racist. If you object to large-scale military training exercises on the streets of your town, you’re a wacko.

  Meanwhile, the president is openly and admittedly seeking to control the media, just like Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao. To a large extent, it looks like he’s succeeded. Media outlets are being told how to report the war against ISIS, and none of them is allowed to send reporters to verify the admin
istration’s claims. They, too, are to just shut up and obey.

  Worst of all, the administration and like-minded gangs posing as “community groups” are waging an all-out war against local police that looks frighteningly similar to the war on local cops waged by Hitler. If you think you’ve seen police brutality, you haven’t seen anything like what you might see when the entire nation is policed by an occupying army of federal police, ultimately answerable to one man or one woman.

  Government Zero means zero liberty.


  Zero Police

  Obama’s Endgame: A Federal Police Force

  After yet another city lay in flames thanks to his divisive rhetoric and relentless war on local police, the Grand Illusionist in the White House had this to say:

  But we know that some communities have the odds stacked against them, and have had the odds stacked against them for a very long time—in some cases, for decades… And in some communities, that sense of unfairness and powerlessness has contributed to dysfunction in those communities. Communities are like bodies, and if the immunity system is down, they can get sick.1

  As usual, the president glosses over the violent crimes committed by rioters and looters, calling them “dysfunction” while making excuses for the inexcusable mayhem perpetrated by the thugs. But that’s just more of what we’ve heard from the Marxist in chief since he took office. What he proposes to do about the crisis he helped create is even worse.

  Obama is working around the clock in the remaining months of his reign of terror to make certain he destroys the soldiers of our immune system, the police.

  I’m something of an expert on immunity. I wrote a book on it back in the 1980s, during the height of the AIDS crisis. It was called Maximum Immunity and was published in six languages. It was a study of the immune system that compared white blood cells and other immune bodies that protect us against invaders to our soldiers, marines, navy, coast guard, and police.

  Obama knows very well that if you take down the immune system, a body can be destroyed. The invaders can take over and destroy the body politic. The president seems determined to destroy local police forces and replace them with federal police. I believe I was the first one to warn my listeners of this, but it doesn’t matter who said it first. We can all see it now. He is unleashing community organizers on crime-ridden cities.

  This is a new mission. He’s found $163 million to be distributed to gangs. He calls them “community organizations,” but in reality, they’re gangs. What else can one call the Cincinnati Black United Front? How about the American Civil Liberties Union? The ACLU is a gang with law degrees. They’re the cowardly side of the revolution.

  Obama’s new attorney general is giving these groups money to tell local police how to behave. They’re not going to be telling the police, “We back you. Keep the gangs under control.” No, they’re going to be telling police, “Be careful how you treat the thugs or you’ll find yourself out of a job.”

  I’ve told you many times that history repeats itself. It’s repeating itself here in a very chilling way. Taking control of and nationalizing the local police was a hugely significant step for Hitler in consolidating his power. Let me be clear: I am not saying Obama is Hitler. I’ve never said that. But he has all the dangerous instincts of a dictator. Nevertheless, what the Obama administration is doing to local police before our very eyes is horrifyingly similar to what Hitler did to create the Gestapo. Now, we know why he appointed Loretta Lynch to replace the worst attorney general in U.S. history. Lynch is worse than the worst.

  I told my listeners Loretta Lynch would be worse than Eric Holder the minute I saw Al Sharpton demand she be made America’s top cop! I was right. Her very first announcement after confirmation by the Senate confirmed this. Did she announce she was going to disarm the gangs in our cities? Did she say she’d target the communist front groups responsible for all of the violence and terrorism in our streets?

  No. Instead, Loretta Lynch announced she was going to hand out $163 million to thuggish groups like the ACLU, who will work with the actual street thugs who do the damage. Lynch is going to dictate new guidelines to teach local police how to deal with gangs. This is very similar to how the Gestapo was born.

  Upon becoming chancellor, Adolf Hitler appointed Hermann Goering minister of the interior for Prussia. This gave Goering control of the police. His position was roughly parallel to our U.S. attorney general, although Loretta Lynch doesn’t have control of our local police. That’s because we have a federal Constitution and state governments, which are supposed to function separately to avoid a dictatorship. State and local governments are supposed to carry out the majority of the police work in the United States.

  Unfortunately, we have a madman surrounded by demagogues in the White House. They want to take over every aspect of our lives, and checks on their power like the state governments and local police forces stand in their way. Hitler was actually a fierce opponent of what we would call states’ rights, as are all dictators. As was reported at the time,

  Under the impact of the Nazi revolution, Hitler was able to go much farther than the most sanguine had dared to dream. Politically speaking, Prussia, Bavaria, and other once proud kingdoms have ceased to lead an independent existence.

  One will—that of Hitler—now extends from Berlin to the farthest corners of the Reich.2

  “One will” is what it’s really all about. That’s what a dictator is: one who seeks to run an entire nation according to his will alone, rather than through powers delegated by the people to exercise the will of the people. You might say Hitler ruled Germany with his pen and his phone, although there were much more brutal consequences for anyone who resisted than there are in the United States today. At least so far.

  Hitler also created the first national health insurance program in a noncommunist state. Just like Obamacare, this was more about consolidating power and attacking capitalism than providing better health care for the poor and lower middle class. Helping the poor was just the sales pitch. Let’s not forget Hitler was a socialist. “Nazi” is just a shortened version of his party’s name, the National Socialist Party.

  Just like Americans today, Germans at the time were blissfully ignorant that Hitler’s attacks on states’ rights and free enterprise in health care had anything to do with their personal liberty until it was too late. That was when Hitler launched his war on local police. It was directly prosecuted by Hermann Goering. It started when Goering prohibited the official local police from interfering with Nazi Brownshirts. The Brownshirts were officially known as the Sturmabteilung (or SA), which means “Storm Detachment.” They were Hitler’s paramilitary group, which he had employed to intimidate opposition for over a decade by the time he came to power. Their modus operandi was to inflict violence in the streets against the Nazis’ political opponents. This had the dual effect of eliminating official opposition directly and terrorizing the populace through the violence.

  The gangs that burned down Baltimore and riot in cities across America with their protests are today’s Brownshirts. They may not be acting under the government’s direction, but they have the same effect on the populace, and they get a pass from the government after the fact.

  They destroyed Ferguson, Missouri, and got away with it. They burned businesses and other property in Baltimore and got away with that, too. They had the president covering for them, just as Hitler and Goering backed the Brownshirts. They own the streets of Oakland, California.

  Goering’s support of the Brownshirts and neutering of the local police left German citizens defenseless, just as law-abiding citizens are defenseless in American cities today when the rioting starts. The Brownshirts also looted local businesses, just as the rioters in Ferguson, Oakland, and Baltimore looted.

  Goering was more ruthless in his attack on police than our Dear Leader wants to appear. He simply purged fifty thousand local police who didn’t tow the Nazi Party line and replaced them with deputized Brownsh
irts. Once these street thugs had the power to arrest people, jails overflowed and more space was needed to accommodate the huge increase in prisoners. Thus, the concentration camp system was born.

  Fraulein Lynch might not get away with anything as overtly dictatorial as Goering’s purge, but she very well could accomplish the same ends through different means. We’ve already seen a blueprint for purging local police with Obama’s purge of the military after Benghazi.

  Once community groups begin advising local police departments, watch for a parade of cops with productive records being dismissed or put on administrative leave for petty violations of the new, politically driven code of conduct. It will be the same game plan used by the grand deceiver to purge the military of top-ranked opponents.

  The purges would likely enjoy public support, given the all-out propaganda campaign being waged against local police. This isn’t just my opinion. Former NYPD commissioner Howard Safir sees it the same way:

  “After 20 years of incredible crime reduction accomplished by thousands of dedicated police officers, the public has become complacent now that they are safer,” said Safir, who led the nation’s largest police department from 1996 [to] 2000. “They have let the anti-police pundits and talking heads convince everyone from the president to the attorney general that police are racist and brutal.”3

  The American Council on Public Safety (ACPS) also recognizes what is going on. In a press release following a speech by the president in May, they said,

  The President has chosen to politicize and endanger the safety of our nation’s police officers. Instead of leading America towards reconciliation or strengthening community policing, the President has again opted to propose policies that place blame on police for unrest while weakening their ability to defend themselves and protect communities. As the blood of police officers runs in the streets, the President seems intent to embolden those who drive the false narrative that our nation’s cops—not the criminals—are the problem.4


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