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Vendetta Page 13

by Jennifer Moulton

  Haddock sat back in his Captains chair and crossed his arms.

  “I’m fairly confident that he won’t be a problem. He has no money or means for transportation, let alone access to a plane ticket, they’ll be watching him like a hawk. He had to check in immediately after his release anyway, with his parole officer. He’s checked into the halfway house and everything. So it’s got to be Dom that Lucy spoke of,” Haddock speculated.

  “Please tell me, that you’re not denying Leo’s connection, Captain. They’ll all be meeting up soon, who knows, they more than likely have a plan to get him over here,” Williams added.

  “I’m not denying anything Detective, nor am I fabricating conclusions. I’m simply explaining the process in which this investigation will be handled,” Haddock seemed disgruntled by William’s attitude.

  “You will, still be tailing Dom and Lucy, right?” Mark asked.

  “Yes! Except… we may have already lost Dom,” Haddock looked disappointed.

  “What?” Williams leaned forward and put his hands on his knees.

  Mark’s heart skipped a beat as he focused on Haddock, waiting for an answer, maintaining his composure.

  “I was going to tell you after our conversation with Mark, but since his temper has diminished, I can probably tell you both. Dom’s car was followed to the foothills and was lost by our officers that were tailing him,” Haddock’s brow furrowed. “It’s only a momentary set back and we’ll find him soon enough.”

  “Okay, was Lucy with him? Do they know who all was in the vehicle?” Williams was beside himself.

  “As far as they know, it was just Dom and his driver. Lucy is still in their home. He wasn’t there but a few minutes before he was seen leaving again. The reality of this situation with Dom is we have nothing on him. We couldn’t even bring him in for questioning. He‘d be out quicker than Lucy,” Haddock looked at Mark, who was looking at him patiently.

  “I’m sorry, Mark. Right now we need to focus on Lucy and Nick, and not so much on Leo and Dom. Nick is being held in the hospital in a psychiatric ward for a seventy two hour hold. He’s under a twenty four hour surveillance camera. It‘s a mandatory hold for suicidal patients. Then he‘ll be transferred to county and be placed in solitary confinement. Until then, we just have to wait and see what transpires,” Haddock was trying to be optimistic.

  “At least we got her killer. The rest will follow suit, eventually. Don’t worry, we’ll keep a close watch on Julie’s hotel room and notify you of any developments,” Haddock seemed very pleased with himself.

  “Believe you me… I understand the politics of an investigation and know how hairy things can get, don’t worry about it. Thank you for all your hard work,” Mark said sincerely.

  Knowing that Julie was safe and that they didn’t have a clue which hotel she was actually in, let alone which room, made him feel more confident. Mark had also moved her car that morning to another location… he just wanted to be extra cautious.

  Haddock looked down at his desk.

  “I also understand that your daughter’s autopsy is being performed sometime this week, possibly today. I’m sorry. I’m sure that this isn’t an easy day for you in the least. Just one more thing for you to think about, but, at least you‘ll have a scientific and medical cause of death. I hope that in the long run, it gives you some peace, and perhaps a little closure.”

  Mark held his body still and kept his movements fluid, as he fought to stay calm. It mentally derailed and disturbed him, thinking of her body as being dissected for an official, medically accepted cause of death. He thought of something else to dissuade his morbid thoughts.

  “Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your kind words. You know, I just thought of something… you might try to find Dom at the hospital. He told me that he’s going to talk to the doctor today about Allies autopsy and take care of everything as far as the arrangements go. He’ll be there signing all the necessary papers, I‘m sure of it,” Mark said calmly.

  Haddock sprang into action. He immediately called in the two officers he had posted outside his door and told them to head to the hospital. Williams watched Mark skeptically.

  “Let’s go get some lunch; you look like you haven’t eaten in days,” Williams stood and gestured toward the door.

  Mark grinned and said, “Sounds like a plan to me. Let’s let these officers get back to work, shall we?”



  “So are you going to tell me what your plan is, or do I have to figure it out?” Williams said frankly.

  Mark sat comfortably in the passenger seat of William’s car looking out the window at the passing trees.

  “What do you mean? I don’t have a PLAN… I’m just sitting back now and letting the police handle it from here on out,” Mark said believably.

  Unfortunately, Detective Williams didn’t believe that for a second. He was getting pretty annoyed at Marks casual attitude

  “Bullshit, Mark, you totally just sent them on a wild goose chase to the damn hospital… I could see that clear as day!” Williams was losing his patience.

  “What … is Dom performing the damn autopsy himself? NO, handling paperwork? NOT likely! He has people that do errands and things like that for him. He’s not going to be there doing paperwork or making any phone calls. You and I both know he’s not there doing anything. Just because he might be paying for it all doesn‘t mean jack! He’s probably busy getting Vanzetti here, as-we-speak!”

  Williams took a deep breath and focused on the noon traffic.

  “Whoa! I’m impressed, Williams! I didn’t realize you could be so passionate!” Mark laughed.

  “Mark!” Williams snapped his fingers. “Earth to Mark… I’m serious. When are you going to start trusting me? You and I both know that Lucy can’t do all this on her own… and Dom is the only one that’s capable of putting something like this in motion. He has the means to get Vanzetti here if he wanted too. We need to collaborate and figure out where and when they’re meeting up. They’re not stupid.”

  Williams couldn’t have been more serious.

  Mark spoke very nonchalantly.

  “I don’t know. I doubt that anything’s going to go down today. I mean, after Nick’s mental breakdown, he was spewing confessions… and Lucy being brought in for questioning… you know that they’re laying low. Like you said, they’re not stupid. There’s too much heat on them right now. The cops and all those detectives on this case got this one… it’s just a matter of time, that’s all. Some things you just can‘t rush,” Mark was chewing on his lip, looking out the window.

  Williams looked at Mark like he had just said the alphabet backwards and in another language.

  “WHAT? No... You know what? I took a leap of faith, trusted you and believed in you when I had every reason NOT to!” Williams glared in Marks direction.

  “There was something about your story that told me that I needed to help you find out what really happened to your daughter. It sounded so insane, that it had to be true. And I thought all you really needed was someone to listen to your version. You had no one to trust… and there I was. And here I AM, still! So please, let me help you finish this. If I’m anything to you at all, I’m your friend, Mark!”

  William’s looked straight forward with his hands on the wheel and abruptly parked the car in a diner parking lot.

  “Then you also remember the part about “walking away” when it turned dangerous. It’s about that time, Detective,” Mark said seriously.

  “Think of your own daughter… and the career you’ve built for yourself. Is it worth it to you, to lose it all over my personal problems?” Mark unbuckled his seat belt and rested his hand on the door handle. “I have nothing. No family, no career, zero, to live for. I‘m not going to let anyone else die for me,” Mark spoke calmly.

  Detective Williams listened to Mark, alarmed by what he was saying.

  “What I need to do now doesn’t have anything to do with you. So I don’
t require your services any longer as a hired investigator, but as a friend, I would humbly ask for your silence. Please, go back to the precinct and tell Haddock you talked me into going home to rest after lunch, and you’ll notify me of any changes that take place regarding the case,” Mark took out an envelope from the inside pocket of his leather jacket, handing it over to Williams.

  “This should more than cover your fee, for helping me,” Mark was trying to be professional. He needed this to be a business transaction, and nothing more.

  “I don’t want your money, Mark, you’re not thinking straight. You’re going to get yourself killed and then what good would that do, huh? What about Julie... I know you care about each other. It’s obvious. Don’t do anything you might regret,” Williams pleaded.

  “Julie is safe… I’ve made sure of that,” Mark replied calmly.

  Williams leaned back into the driver’s seat, realizing the gravity of the situation.

  “Yeah, I know. I had a feeling you were going to switch hotels when you insisted on taking her. You must have paid the desk clerk at the old hotel really well… because she told the reporting officers this morning that Julie not only arrived, but is still in her room!” Williams smiled, impressed by Marks cleverness.

  “Which reminds me,” Williams said.

  He turned his body to face off with Mark. “I texted you this morning, at 7:30 a.m., and told you we had Lucy. I thought you’d be at the station with bells on. Instead, you shut your phone off and disappeared until about 11:00. That’s when I was finally able to get a hold of you. Where were you?” Williams looked at Mark with skepticism.

  Mark smiled. “A real gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell,” he insinuated.

  “Oh. Say no more,” Williams chuckled.

  “Alright, man. I’ve got to go,” Mark held out his hand to Williams and he shook it firmly.

  “Thank you for everything. I know you‘ll keep at this investigation until everyone involved in my family’s murders are brought to justice. You’re a good man and a loyal friend. If there’s anything about this crazy scenario worth believing, I believe in that,” Mark patted his shoulder.

  Williams knew that this might be the last time he saw him. He had no idea what Mark’s plan was. It could be anything or nothing at all. Maybe he would just disappear completely off the face of the earth this time. He hoped he would get Julie and move away from all of these bad memories. Start anew. Heck… he didn’t have the slightest idea.

  “Good luck, my friend, God speed,” Williams said.

  Mark quickly got out of the car. He pulled the hood from his sweatshirt he wore under his jacket, up and over his head. It had started to rain. Williams watched as he walked behind an old brick building, and disappeared.


  Detective Williams walked into the precinct like he had any other day. He sauntered up to Haddocks office and knocked on the door. Haddock looked up from his turkey sandwich and potato chips he had spread out on the desk. He waved Williams in.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your lunch, Sir. I just wanted to ease your mind about something,” Williams leaned into the room.

  “Oh, I could always use some good news, Williams. What’s on your mind?” Haddock asked.

  “Well, after a long talk with Mark over lunch, he’s decided to go back to his houseand get some sleep, poor guy. I told him that if anything came up, anything at all, I would text him or call him immediately,” Williams said.

  “Oh, that is good news! I mean, I have all the compassion in the world for that guy but, it’s best that he take a break from all this. Let us handle things as we see fit,” Haddock said, as he took a big bite of his sandwich.

  “Yeah, well… I’m sure eating a meal for the first time in days helped out a little too,” Williams smirked.

  “I bet. It’s got to be hard to go back to an empty home, where there’s nothing but reminders of your daughter. Hell, I’d stay in a hotel room. No reminders there,” Haddock mumbled.

  Williams thought about what Haddock had just said. Detective Williams realized at that moment, that Mark had no intention of moving on with his life. There was no way that Mark would go back to that empty house and be able to continue.

  “I’m fairly confident that Mr. Butler will be released from his evaluation and once he’s of sound mind and in our custody, we’ll be able to get some answers from him that we need to pick up Lucy. As for Mr. Vanzetti, he would have to be one smart son of a bitch to pull one over on the parole officers in fancy New York, City to even try to come here. Everyone seems to think something’s going down today… but not with Leo Vanzetti. That man just got out of prison. He wouldn’t make it here today even if he wanted to,” Haddock reasoned with himself.

  “So, basically… you’re focusing on pitting Nick and Lucy against each other or getting them to roll on Dom … and then once you have sufficient evidence, then you’ll pick up Vanzetti?” Williams was trying to get an idea of where the case was going.

  “Yeah, sure. That’s what I’m saying. I mean, if he is even involved and there really is a connection. I‘m not real convinced of that just yet,” Haddock said.

  “Surely you see the connection between Vanzetti and his sister… given what Nick confessed to about Lucy… this definitely looks like a revenge killing that was obviously premeditated. We’re talking conspiracy to commit MURDER here Captain,” Williams tried not to show his frustration.

  “We also can’t base our questioning on the ranting’s of a known drug addict, Detective. We need more proof to bring up charges of conspiracy to arrest Vanzetti. So far, all we have is circumstantial evidence. We have Julie’s testimony that she “overheard” Lucy and Nick talking. She never actually saw Lucy; they could argue it wasn’t even her. Nicks wiretap confession was a good idea, but that might not be admissible in court. There is a method to all of this. Just trust in the system. We’re all giving this case the attention it deserves, but we do have other cases to work,” Haddock said.

  “Okay? That’s the truth of the matter, and that’s how we’re going to be proceeding. I have a family of my own, Williams. I know this is a sensitive case. It always seems personal when a child is involved,” Haddock said truthfully.

  “Yes, Sir, I understand. Maybe taking a break today doesn‘t sound so bad, you know.” Williams eased up and took a deep breath, blinking his eyes like it was going to clear out his mind. Williams leaned up against the newly made door frame.

  “Then, take a break Williams. Go call your daughter or something… I’ll let you know when Nick is transported from the hospital. I’m serious now,” Haddock did look serious.

  “I understand you’re worried about things, but you’re not going to miss anything. It’s all out of our hands today. Let the pieces fall where they may, and THEN we might be able to put this puzzle together,” Haddock’s hands slapped down on the desk, emphasizing his point.

  “Alright, then, I think I’ll do that, Captain. I’ll take the rest of the day off. Have a good day, Sir, thanks,” Williams said.

  “You too, Williams, it’s not a problem! We’ve got to look out for each other right?” Haddock said.

  “We sure do, Sir,” Williams smiled as he walked out of the Captains office.


  William’s quietly sat in his car and closed his eyes. He had so much on his mind, he just needed to take a step back and see it for what it was… without over processing it all. He had a tendency of over thinking things until it became warped into something it wasn’t.

  Mark was right about the precinct underestimating the situation. Captain Haddock was a good man and a good Captain, but his instincts were lacking and his actions were political. Williams issue with this was more than a professional disagreement, it was a moral dilemma. He knew in his gut that Leo was coming today and that Mark would be facing him alone. Dom and Lucy could have had this planned out for a long time… and nothing was going to stop it now. That was clear to him. If Captain Haddock couldn’t see that too…
then there was just no point in trying to change his mind. William’s hands were also tied, and he has no choice but to follow the orders of his Captain. So, that’s exactly what he’ll do today.

  Detective William’s decided to take his first unscheduled day off, in almost six years. He was going to try to find Mark and help protect his partner and friend, from whatever mess he was about to get himself into. The first place he thought to look was Mark’s house. Surely he wouldn’t go back there… but maybe there was something there that could help lead him in the right direction.

  Just as he began to pull out of the parking lot, William’s cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his jacket pocket and glanced at it. “Who the heck is this calling me?” he wondered. The number didn’t look familiar to him.

  “Detective Williams,” he answered.

  “I’m sorry, this is who?” Williams was dumbfounded. He had heard who it was, the first time. He just couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Absolutely, where would you like to talk? I was just there, but YES! That’s fine. I’ll be there in about two minutes.”

  So much for the afternoon off, William’s day just got a whole lot more complicated.

  He hung up the phone and felt more confused and uncertain than he ever had.

  “I’m seriously going to need a REAL vacation, after this is all over,” Williams said aloud. He proceeded to turn his car around and head back into the precinct.



  Using his work keys, Mark came in through the back door of the restaurant. Re-locking the door behind him, he punched the code into the security pad and reset the alarm. As he walked through the dining hall towards the vestibule, a piece of paper taped up on the inside of the glass, caught his eye. He hadn’t noticed it there earlier, and decided to give it a closer look.

  “We are temporarily closed, due to unforeseen personal circumstances. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, Angelo’s Management and Staff,” Mark read aloud.


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