Drake's Rock

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Drake's Rock Page 3

by Alex Riordan

  Sighing, she set the notes aside (she hadn’t gotten very far with them, anyway), and turned out the light. Lying there in the dark, she hoped she wouldn’t have any trouble falling asleep tonight. She was going to need the rest to keep up with Jessie and Theresa tomorrow.

  Hours later, she woke up from a nightmare, the sheets wet, her t-shirt soaked through. Damn! She hadn’t had a nightmare in months. Now, all of a sudden, right before she’d left to come out here to Ohio, here they were again. And, much to her dread, the dream hadn’t changed much. There was still the same, misty figure stalking her from the shadows as she walked down some nameless street. She never saw his face, just felt his presence and the feeling that she was in danger.

  She nearly jumped out of bed, when her cell phone suddenly rang. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she reached over and grabbed the phone. “Hello?” she answered, her voice sounding thick and weak from sleep.

  “Steph? Hey, is that you?” Her sister’s voice came over the line.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Rach,” Stephanie answered, struggling to pull herself together as she realized who was calling.

  “You sound weird, what’s goin’ on? I didn’t interrupt something…did I?” the younger woman asked, the teasing coming through on the line.

  Stephanie laughed a little, shaking her head. “No. You didn’t interrupt anything. Only a nightmare, so I guess I owe you one.”

  “A nightmare? I thought you stopped having those a while ago?” Rachel asked, her tone becoming serious.

  “I thought I did, too. Apparently, I was wrong,” Stephanie said.

  “So…is it the same?”

  “Pretty much, yeah.” For some reason, Stephanie felt like she was missing something, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She used to think the dream meant something; that she might really be in danger. But, she’d had these dreams for years, and nothing had ever happened.

  “Can you maybe take something to help you sleep?”

  “I’ve tried before, Rachel. It doesn’t help. So,” Stephanie was tired and really needed to get some rest. Turning the conversation around, she asked, “Did you call for something in particular? Or were you just saving me from my subconscious?”

  “Oh! Nothing in particular. I just haven’t talked to you in a few weeks and wanted to say hi,” Rachel said. She’d just gotten home from work, and was still wired.

  “Oh. Well…Hi!” Stephanie said, playing along.

  “So…I guess you’d probably like it if I let you get back to sleep, huh?” Rachel asked, knowing without a doubt that Stephanie would prefer just that.

  “If you don’t mind? I do need to get up early, in the morning.” Stephanie really would like to talk, but she just wouldn’t be able to function if she didn’t get some rest.

  “Well,” Rachel said, understanding that Stephanie did indeed, need her rest. “If you’d like to talk about your nightmare or…anything else…just give me a call, Steph. I’ll talk to you later!”

  “Bye Rachel. And thanks, for saving me from that stupid dream,” Stephanie said, as she hung up the phone. Setting the phone back on the table, she pulled the covers up and settled in. Within minutes, she’d managed to fall back to sleep.

  * * * *

  Pulling into her driveway, Jessie noticed Alex parked on the street. Shit! She thought to herself. What the Hell was Alex doing here, tonight? All she really wanted to do was fall into bed and get some sleep. Sighing, she got out of the car and grabbed her briefcase and gym bag.

  Alex got out of her car and walked up the sidewalk, meeting Jessie at her front door. “Hey Jessie.”

  “Hi Alex, you forget something this morning?” she asked, unlocking the front door and turning off the alarm.

  Alex followed her inside. “No. Just wondered if you felt like some company this evening?”

  Dropping her bags in the front hall, Jessie shook her head. “I’m really tired tonight, Alex. Maybe some other time?”

  Disappointed, Alex said, “Aw, come on Jessie. We don’t have to do anything. I just don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “And you couldn’t think of anyone else to spend time with?” she asked, smirking.

  “I suppose I could have,” Alex answered, sliding up to Jessie and wrapping an arm around her waist, “but I’d rather spend it with you.”

  Jessie couldn’t help herself. Rolling her eyes, she sighed and said, “All right. You can stay. But I’ve got to warn you…I probably won’t be very good company. I fought a hangover all day. And I didn’t get much sleep last night, either.”

  Alex flashed a lascivious grin and kissed her. “And why didn’t you get much sleep last night?”

  Jessie kissed her back. “Oh, a certain hot brunette with nothing but sex on her mind kept me up till all hours,” she answered. Re-setting the alarm and making sure the door was locked, she took Alex by the hand. “Come on, I need to lie down.”

  As Jessie led the way to the bedroom, she wondered just what the Hell she was doing. Sleeping with Alex twice in one week? She’d never done that before. But then again, she’d never had to spend all day and evening too, with the most beautiful woman she’d ever met in her life before, either. Spending so much time with Stephanie Winters had definitely ramped up her nerves.

  Jesus, before this little assignment was over, she was either going to be extremely frustrated or, Alex was going to be very happy. Stripping out of her work clothes and underwear and tossing them into the corner, Jessie pulled down the blankets and crawled into bed, lying on her stomach. A minute later, Alex joined her.

  Straddling Jessie, Alex began massaging her shoulders. “Jesus, Jessie! What have you been doing? You’re so tense,” she said, working her fingers into the taut muscles.

  “I have a stressful job,” Jessie answered, enjoying the feel of strong hands on her shoulders and a naked Alex straddling her waist.

  Alex leaned down and kissed her on the neck. “Let me help you get rid of the stress, Jessie.”

  Relaxing into the massage, Jessie felt better already. Yeah, Alex was just what the doctor ordered. Sighing, she said, “That feels so good, Alex.”

  Above her, Alex smiled. “My pleasure, Jessie. My pleasure.”

  * * * *

  Around five thirty, Jessie woke up. On her left, Alex was spooned up against her, one arm flung over her stomach. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed and tried to get back to sleep. It was early yet, she didn’t need to get up for at least another hour. After lying there for another ten minutes, she realized she wasn’t going back to sleep.

  Sliding carefully out of Alex’s embrace, she got up and pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Then she headed for the kitchen, and a can of Diet Coke. Opening the can and taking a long drink, she made her way downstairs, to the recording studio.

  It wasn’t much of a studio really; just a small room she’d soundproofed and outfitted with a computer, digital recorder and mixing board. There was another, glass enclosed room for recording the vocals as well; facing the room she was in. Flopping into the office chair, she flipped the power button on and started scrolling through files until she found what she was looking for.

  As the music started, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the haunting music wash over her. Again, she found herself wondering why she’d let Alex stay last night. She didn’t love Alex. She knew that much for sure. She did like her, though. Theresa had said it yesterday: Alex was hot as Hell. She was nice, great in bed, and…she was totally into Jessie. She had to admit, at least to herself, it was a huge turn-on to know that someone wanted you so much. So, why the indecision? Jessie sighed. She just didn’t love the woman. It was that simple really. Sitting there, eyes closed, she wasn’t startled when she heard Alex quietly say her name. In fact, she would have been surprised if the brunette hadn’t shown up.

  “Jessie?” the brunette said, leaning against the doorframe of the studio, arms crossed.

  “Hey, Alex,” Jessie replied, opening her ey
es and turning the music down. “I didn’t wake you up, did I? I tried to keep it down some.”

  Alex shook her head. “No. I woke up and noticed you weren’t there. I just know where to look for you when you can’t sleep.”

  Jessie looked at her, standing there. Alex looked beautiful, even first thing in the morning, hair mussed and sleepy eyed. Sighing, she said, “I do always come here, don’t I.”

  The brunette nodded. “Yeah, you do. This isn’t your usual music, though. Thinking about something?”

  “You might say that,” Jessie answered.

  Alex wasn’t stupid. Far from it, in fact. She'd known Jessie Drake for years, and had been sleeping with her off and on for the last two, at least. “You know, Jessie…” Alex said, stepping into the room. “It’s okay that you don’t love me.”

  Jessie looked at her, not sure what to make of that. She didn’t want to hurt Alex, but she was pretty sure she’d never led her to believe there was anything special about what they had, either. “Why would you say that?”

  Alex shrugged. “Because it is. You’re not fooling me, Jessie. I know you don’t and I never thought that you did.”

  “Then why do you sleep with me?” Jessie asked. She really didn’t understand why Alex would stay here if she knew that Jessie didn’t love her.

  “I don’t like to be alone,” Alex whispered, sliding onto Jessie’s lap and wrapping an arm around her neck. “Besides, you’re good in bed and you’re hot,” she finished, grinning at her.

  Jessie shook her head. “That can’t be enough, Alex.”

  “Why not? I never told you I wanted more, did I?”

  “No. But I don’t understand why you let me use you like this,” Jessie said, dropping her eyes to stare at the floor.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I’m using you, too?” Alex asked, reaching down and placing her hand under Jessie’s chin, forcing her to look into her eyes.

  Shrugging, Jessie could only answer, “I guess I never thought about it.”

  “Mmm, and I wonder why that is?” Alex asked, kissing her softly. Then, sighing, she said, “It’s because you don’t love me, Jessie. I told you…it’s okay. We just come together for the sole purpose of not being lonely. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Jessie smiled sadly. “But what if one of us decides we want more out of life?”

  “Do you?”

  Jessie snorted and dropped her head onto Alex's shoulder. “I don’t know, Alex. I don’t know what I want, anymore.”

  “You don’t need to know what you want for your entire life right now, Jessie,” Alex said. Sliding her left hand up until she was massaging Jessie’s breast, she whispered, “Right now…Just for tonight…Let me make you feel better, Jessie.”

  Jessie gasped and arched her back, pressing herself into Alex’s hand. “Jesus, Alex…how do you make me feel this way even when I shouldn’t?”

  Alex smirked and leaned in to kiss her. “It’s a gift, Babe.”

  Chapter 4

  Jessie didn’t make it into the office until almost ten. For once, she had done what she wanted, and, well…she didn’t sleep in…but she did have some really good sex that morning.

  Strolling into the office, she tossed her gym bag on the floor in the corner and sat down at her desk. “Sorry I’m late this morning, guys,” she said, addressing both, Theresa and Stephanie.

  Theresa turned to look at her. “It’s okay, Jessie. I hope you don’t mind, I got Stephanie started already?”

  Glancing over at the redhead, who was dressed immaculately in a dark gray business suit and black fitted blouse, Jessie smiled. “No, that’s fine. Thanks, Theresa.” Turning her attention back to the redhead, she said, “Morning, Stephanie. Did you have a good night last night?”

  Stephanie nodded in answer. “Yes, thanks for asking, Jessie.” Not sure what else to say to the brunette, she dropped her head back down to the papers she was going over.

  “You’re welcome, Jess,” the blond answered her, looking at her knowingly. “So, another late night?”

  Jessie nodded. “More like an early morning. I didn’t sleep very well last night.”

  “So…Alex again?” Theresa asked slyly, momentarily forgetting that Stephanie was in the room. The redhead was so quiet; sometimes she just forgot she was there.

  “Yeah,” Jessie answered, distracted by something on her monitor.

  “Well, don’t get so excited, Jessie.”

  Her mind coming back to their conversation, Jessie said, “Stop it, Theresa. This isn’t funny.”

  Taken aback by Jessie’s sudden change of attitude, she said, “I know it’s not funny, Jess. I just don’t understand why you’re having such a hard time with this.”

  “Theresa, could we please not do this now?” Jessie asked, motioning with her eyes toward Stephanie, who was actively trying to ignore their conversation.

  “Oh! Oh, uh…okay, Jessie. Sorry,” Theresa apologized. Turning back to her computer, she pretended to be busy reading a report. All the while, she wondered just why Jessie was so irritable. After all, if she’d just slept with someone as hot as Alex the last two nights, she’d be in heaven. So why was Jessie acting like it was the end of the world?

  * * * *

  After work, all three women went out for dinner at a small bar down the street from the office. From there, Jessie went on to the gym and Theresa gave Stephanie a ride back to her hotel.

  Now, two hours later, Jessie was in the middle of a shower, hot water pouring over her, when she heard the bathroom door open.

  “Jessie?” Theresa’s voice filtered through the sound of the running water.

  Hanging her head and sighing, Jessie answered. “Yeah, T?”

  “Hey, can we talk now?” the blond asked, stepping on into the bathroom and leaning against the sink.

  “Why is it you always want to talk to me when I’m in the shower?” Jessie asked, rolling her eyes.

  “Because when Brian and I lived here, it was the only time we could have any girl talk,” Theresa answered, sounding more sarcastic than she actually felt. “Besides, this way, you can’t wiggle out of the conversation.”

  Well, she had her there. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

  “I thought we were going to finish that conversation about Alex from this morning?”

  Gritting her teeth because she didn’t really want to think about Alex, Jessie could only say, “What’s there to talk about? She was waiting for me when I pulled up last night and I told her she could stay when she asked.”

  “Jessie, there’s got to be more to it than that,” Theresa said, instinctively knowing that Jessie was trying to downplay what had happened. “You’ve never slept with her two nights in a row before.”

  Sighing as she turned off the water, Jessie opened the shower door and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it around herself, she stepped out of the shower. “Theresa,” she said, slightly exasperated. “What, are you keeping track? I came home and she was here, waiting for me. I’d had a long day, and she didn’t want to be alone. She stayed, we had sex…no big deal.”

  Theresa was shaking her head. “Jessie, how can you say it’s no big deal? You came in late this morning. You never do that, either.” She raised one eyebrow accusingly at the brunette.

  Leaving the bathroom, Jessie headed for the bedroom. “Theresa, after yesterday, I was just…keyed up. I needed something and Alex showed up. That’s it.” She finished toweling herself dry and pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.

  Following Jessie out to the kitchen, Theresa tried one more time. “So…”

  Grabbing a bottle of Vodka and pouring herself a glass, Jessie said, “Theresa…I don’t love Alex and she doesn’t love me.”

  “So you’re not even going to try and make it work with her? Jessie…” Theresa trailed off, frustrated with the way Jessie constantly pushed away any chance at happiness.

  “She’s not the one, Theresa,” Jessie answered her, effectively ending the
conversation. “Now, I’m going to watch some TV and drink some more. You’re welcome to join me, but the question and answer portion of this evening is over.”

  Sighing, Theresa grabbed an empty glass and followed Jessie into the living room. Flopping into a chair, she grabbed the Vodka and poured herself a drink. “Fine…if you won’t talk about Alex, what do you think about Stephanie?” she asked, fascinated as she watched Jessie’s face turn an odd shade of pink.


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