Drake's Rock

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Drake's Rock Page 6

by Alex Riordan

  Chapter 7

  Two hours later, Jessie met them at the table. The bar was closed now, and the last patrons had been ushered out about twenty minutes before. “So, you two ready to go?” Jessie asked, gliding up to the table. Seeing them nod in unison, she said, “Cool. Theresa, do you want to follow me, or do you want me to drive?”

  “I think I’ll follow you, Jess,” Theresa said, dropping down off her stool and grabbing her purse. “I need to get home some time before noon tomorrow,” she said, teasing her friend. Stories about Jessie partying were legendary, and she knew for a fact that many of them were true.

  Rolling her eyes and smiling at Theresa, she said, “Fine. Stephanie, would you like to ride over with me? Or would you rather ride with Theresa, the Old Lady?”

  Stephanie laughed at the way the two were joking with each other. She hadn’t seen Jessie this relaxed since she’d met her. Seeing an opportunity, she made a quick decision. “If you don’t mind, I’ll ride with you,” she said, grabbing her purse as well.

  “Well then, right this way, ladies,” Jessie said with a sweep of her arm, ushering them toward the door.

  As they got into the car, Jessie said, “I hope you don’t mind if I have a window down? The cigarette smoke from the bar just about kills me. This way, some of it clears off the clothes and hair.”

  Stephanie shook her head. “I don’t mind, Jessie. I don’t really care for the smoke smell, either.”

  “Well then,” Jessie said, smiling, “We have something in common.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do,” Stephanie agreed.

  They spent the rest of the ride to Mike’s making small talk. Stephanie talked about what it was like, filming a movie and spending time on different sets. She even told Jessie about meeting some of the big name actors she’d worked with over the years.

  Jessie, for her part, listened politely and shared some of her experiences singing with different bands. By the time they arrived at Mike’s, they were getting along like old friends, and Stephanie finally felt like she was making some headway where Jessie was concerned. She was hoping that hanging out with her in a different setting might make working together on a daily basis a little easier on both of them. Since she’d arrived in Ohio, she’d felt like Jessie was just tolerating her presence; doing things with her because it was her job. But tonight, the singer seemed genuinely happy that she was there. Maybe she’d read the situation wrong?

  Arriving at Mike’s house, they got out of the car and waited for Theresa to join them. It only took a minute for her to park the car and walk up the driveway. Mike was a mechanical engineer by day, and played bass in the band at night. His house was in one of the nicer, more upscale neighborhoods in the area, and sat back off the road. This, of course, made having loud parties late at night possible. None of the neighbors could hear what was going on at the house, which was a good thing. He didn’t host parties often, but when he did they tended to get loud and crazy.

  As the three walked into the house, they were greeted at the door by Doug, the keyboard player. “Hey Jess, bring some friends with you?” he asked, handing each of them a bottle of Guinness.

  “Yeah. Doug, you already know Theresa?” At his nod, she said, “And this is Stephanie. She’s my intern at work.” Doug knew who she was, of course. He’d seen Stephanie’s movies, like everyone else in the band. And, Jessie had already told them about her. But, wanting Stephanie to be comfortable, she’d decided to treat her like any other intern and introduced her accordingly.

  “Good to meet you, Stephanie,” Doug said, leaning close so she could hear him over the loud industrial dance music blaring through the house. “If you need anything, look me up. But I’m sure Jessie will take care of you,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.

  Jessie slapped him playfully. “Cut it out, Doug. I told you, she’s my intern, not my date.”

  “Speaking of dates, where’s Alex?” he asked, looking around for the brunette. She’d been hanging around more recently, and he thought maybe Jessie was actually dating the brunette now.

  Jessie shrugged. “No idea. Don’t care. All I know is...she’s not here.”

  His eyebrows rose in surprise, but he didn’t say anything else about it. Jessie was reserved in a way he found kind of strange sometimes. One minute she’d be the friendliest person you’d ever met, and the next, she acted like she’d never seen you before. He shrugged. Oh well, that’s just who she is, he thought to himself. Besides, she’s one Hell of a singer.

  Making their way through the crowd, they finally managed to make it to the game room. The pool table was surrounded by people watching the current game, so Jessie led them out to the pool. Everywhere they went, there were people. From the looks of things, Mike had invited half the bar.

  Finding some chairs, they sat and talked to a few people, until Jessie finally said, “Come on, let’s go dance.”

  “Dance?” Theresa said, surprised. “Jess, I don’t think I’ve seen you dance in years. What’s the special occasion?”

  Jessie shrugged. “I’m just in the mood to dance. Geez, T!”

  “Well, I’d like to dance,” Stephanie said, jumping up and grabbing Jessie’s hand. For some reason, probably all the alcohol she’d had tonight, she felt really good. Dragging Jessie into the middle of the makeshift dance floor, they began dancing to the strains of the Evanescence song, 'Bring Me to Life.'

  As the alcohol in her system combined with the beat of the music, Jessie found herself drawn closer and closer to the redhead. She’d tried for the last two weeks to keep a professional distance from her. But now, Stephanie was dancing around her with abandon, moving sensuously with the beat of the music. Simply looking at the redhead would have turned her on regardless, but the outfit she was wearing had ramped up the effect. She loved the green blouse, the leather skirt, and those pumps…! Man, was Stephanie hot, or what?

  As the music slowed down, she realized they were dancing closer together. Not quite touching, they were, nevertheless, slow dancing. “You can touch me, Jessie. I won’t bite,” Stephanie said, leaning in to whisper in her ear as they moved around each other on the dance floor.

  Shivering from the feel of Stephanie’s breath ghosting across her ear, and unsure if she should, Jessie finally decided to throw caution to the wind. After all, they were just dancing, right? Smiling at Stephanie, she reached out with her right hand and placed it on the redhead’s left hip. At the hesitant touch, Stephanie moved in a little closer, throwing her right hand around to rest on the back of Jessie’s neck.

  As they danced, Jessie realized she was staring into Stephanie’s eyes. Unable to pull herself back from those green pools, she felt herself falling into them. Pulling Stephanie a little closer, she thought she might moan from the feel of the gorgeous woman’s body moving against her own. Biting her lower lip, she finally admitted to herself what she’d been trying to keep hidden for the last two weeks. There was no denying it now; she was falling for the redhead.

  By the time the music had changed again, Stephanie let go of Jessie’s shoulders and had begun dancing behind her. The feel of Stephanie rubbing against her from behind was beginning to drive Jessie crazy. The internal argument she was having was making it more difficult to concentrate. Especially when Stephanie suddenly snaked a hand around to her stomach from behind and was pulling her into the dance. Suddenly forgetting where her mind was going with the argument, she gave in to her instincts and turned to dance with the woman. She no longer cared what happened or who was watching. All she wanted right now was Stephanie.

  Across the room, Theresa watched as Jessie began dancing with Stephanie. No longer unclear on how Jessie felt about the redhead, she bit her cheek. For that matter, Stephanie was making her feelings pretty clear, too. Should she talk to Jessie about this, or let it go? She didn’t want Jess to get hurt again but…she was a big girl. Besides, Jessie routinely slept with Alex and there appeared to be no strings attached. Maybe that’s all this was? The
y’d sleep together and get it out of their system and everything would be all right. Theresa rolled her eyes at that. There was no way that Jessie would be all right with that arrangement. Not from what she could see watching them.

  The music slowed down again and Jessie came sauntering over to sit down next to her. “Hey Theresa, how’s it going? You sure you don’t wanna dance?”

  Theresa shook her head. “I’m fine, Jess.”

  “You looked like you were deep in thought over here,” Jessie said, smiling at her and taking a drink from her beer.

  “Where’s Stephanie?” Theresa suddenly blurted out, the question coming out more demanding than she’d intended.

  Jessie blinked, not sure where the sudden attitude was coming from but answered, “She went to the bathroom. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Theresa nodded. “I’m fine. Sorry, that didn’t come out quite the way I meant.”

  “Oh, okaaay…” Jessie said, still not positive that Theresa wasn’t drunk or something.

  Taking a deep breath and rolling her eyes at what she was about to do, Theresa finally said, “Jessie, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure T, you can ask me anything. You know that,” Jessie answered, not sure where this was going.

  “What are you doing out there?”

  “Doing out where?” Jessie asked, growing more confused by the minute.

  “Dancing with Stephanie like that. Jessie, should you be…I don’t know…coming on to her like that?” Theresa finally managed to stammer out.

  “Coming on to her?” Jessie repeated in disbelief. “I’m…I’m not…”

  “Yes, you are, Jess. The two of you are dancing like you’re going home to bed from here. You're practically making out with each other,” Theresa said pointedly.

  Jessie rolled her eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol, she wasn’t sure. But that’s what she blamed their behavior on. “Theresa, we’re just dancing. We’ve both had a lot to drink but it doesn’t mean anything more than that.”

  Theresa sighed. She’d said her peace, and she wouldn’t interfere again. Jessie probably wouldn’t listen to her anyway. “As long as you know what you’re doing, Jess. I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”

  “And you’re a great friend for watching out for me,” Jessie said as she stood up to welcome Stephanie back. “I promise, I’ll be careful.” She winked at Theresa and followed Stephanie back out to the dance floor.

  Sitting back in her chair, Theresa sighed and rolled her eyes. I hope you’re right, Jess, she thought to herself as she watched them dancing together. To her, and to everyone else, it was obvious that the two women were into each other. Apparently, the only two who were unaware of the attraction was the two of them.

  Around four, Theresa got up and pulled Jessie and Stephanie off the dance floor. “Sorry guys, but I need to head home.”

  Jessie smiled. “Brian text you and wonder where you are?” she asked knowingly.

  Shaking her head, Theresa said, “No, actually he didn’t. I’ve just been up for almost 24 hours and need to get some rest. Stephanie,” she said, turning her attention to the redhead, “I’ll give you a ride home, if you’re ready?”

  “That’s okay, T. I’ll give her a ride back,” Jessie cut in smoothly.

  “Are you sure, Jess? It’s kind of out of your way, and I’m going right by there,” Theresa said.

  “It’s fine, really,” Jessie said, reassuring her. “That is…if you’re okay with that, Stephanie?” she asked, looking at the redhead.

  “Tha’s fine by…me,” Stephanie said in answer, slurring her words a bit.

  “Well, if you’re sure?” Theresa said hesitantly.

  “I’m po…pos’tive,” Stephanie said, smiling at her. “Jessie can take me…home.”

  “Okay then, I’ll see you both tomorrow night,” Theresa said as she left.

  An hour later, Jessie decided it was definitely time for them to head out. The party was winding down, although there were still some who were going strong. Stephanie had stopped drinking about ten minutes after Theresa left, but she still seemed pretty drunk. She was slurring her words and Jessie had to help her out to the car, since she was weaving quite a bit.

  Helping the redhead into the car, she made sure the seatbelt was fastened. Coming around to the driver’s side, she climbed in and headed back to Stephanie’s hotel. Fifteen minutes down the road, Stephanie was leaning on her shoulder and snoring softly. Glancing down at her, Jessie couldn’t help but smile. She’d had a great time tonight, and Stephanie seemed to really enjoy herself.

  Chapter 8

  Arriving back at Stephanie’s hotel room, Jessie managed to unlock and open the door, all while keeping Stephanie upright. She wasn’t sure how much the redhead had had to drink, but she was feeling pretty good.

  Maneuvering them both through the door, she made sure it was shut and locked behind them. Then, she guided the actress into the bedroom of the suite. Depositing Stephanie on the side of the bed, the redhead promptly fell backward.

  Jessie sighed and stood there looking at the other woman, perplexed. Blowing out a breath, she said, “Stephanie…Steph…” then, a little louder, “Stephanie! Come on and sit up. You need to get ready for bed.”

  “Mmm, don’ wanna,” the redhead murmured, one arm flung over her eyes.

  Rolling her eyes, Jessie said, “Come on, give me your foot and I’ll help you. You can’t sleep with your shoes on.”

  Stephanie waited a minute. Then, when the words seemed to have sunk in, she lifted her right leg. “You gonna’ undress me, Jess?” she asked, a hint of seductiveness in her voice.

  “I’ll help you where I can,” Jessie said in answer, catching the offered leg gently under the calf. Running her hand down the well-muscled leg, she slowly drew the black pump off Stephanie’s foot. Then, letting it drop gently back to the floor, she did the same with the other.

  Setting the shoes to the side, under the edge of the bedside table, she stood looking at the redhead. Unsure of exactly how to proceed, she bit the inside of her cheek. Undressing someone you were about to fuck was one thing. But this…This was different. Stephanie was different. Not that she didn’t want to…well, not fuck, Stephanie…She wanted it to be more than just a one night stand. Jesus, when did she suddenly decide that she wanted that? Oh yeah, somewhere between the first movie she ever saw her in and the day the redhead walked into her office. Shaking her head at her own libidinous thoughts, she attempted to get her hormones under control. Once she felt ready, she sucked in a deep breath, and decided to forge ahead.

  “Steph, where’s your night clothes?” She waited a second, before the redhead answered.

  “S’over there, in the drawer,” Stephanie slurred, pointing in the general direction of the dresser.

  She walked over and opened the drawer, finding a pair of shorts and a ratty old t-shirt. Tilting her head in surprise, she reached in and pulled them out. It surprised her that the other woman slept in something so…so, normal, was the only word she could use to describe it. She’d really expected something more expensive, like a silk nightshirt or…something.

  Stepping back over to the bed, she eyed the redhead dubiously. Well, this was going to be a trick. Getting her undressed wasn’t going to be the problem. It was the dressing her part that was going to be difficult. Finally deciding on a plan of attack, she blew out a breath, causing her hair to fly up from her eyes momentarily. Then, she bent to the task.

  Slowly, explaining quietly to Stephanie exactly what she was doing, she said, “Steph, I’m going to unzip your skirt, okay?”

  “You can unzip an’thin’ you wan’,” the redhead said, invitingly.

  Rolling her eyes at the drunken invitation, she took another deep breath. Why can’t this be easy? Reaching down slowly, she unfastened the button at her waist and slid the zipper down. Then, slapping Stephanie playfully on the hip, she said, “Help me get this off you, Steph.”

  Stephanie giggled, but raise
d her hips so she could pull the skirt down and off. Then, placing the skirt over the back of the chair, Jessie turned around and repeated the process with her hose. Had she mentioned that she hated hose? Well, hate was kind of a strong term, actually. She really just hated putting them on and taking them off. When another woman was wearing them, they were sexy as Hell. Finished now with the hose (it hadn’t been as hard as she’d expected), she took another deep breath. For some reason she didn’t want to think about, it was getting harder and harder to breathe.


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