by Alex Riordan
Jessie turned to head outside, and Stephanie followed. As they left the kitchen, Theresa stepped out of the adjoining room. “So, do you think she suspects anything?”
Lacy shook her head. “I don’t think so. John will keep her busy while we get things together.”
Three hours later, the deck was finished. Every board had been nailed down and all the railings were in place. The only thing left was to stain the entire thing, which the guys from the band were going to do the following weekend.
In the meantime, they’d set their chairs up on the newly completed deck and dinner had been served. As they finished eating, Lacy jumped up and headed inside to the kitchen. “Hey Theresa, would you mind helping me with the desserts?”
“Sure thing, Lacy,” Theresa said, getting up and joining her.
A few minutes later, they returned. Walking through the sliding screen door, huge chocolate sheet cake in hand, everyone yelled ‘Surprise!’ at the same time.
Jessie, who’d been expecting something, laughed delightedly. Rolling her eyes, she good naturedly sat through an absolutely ear shredding version of ‘Happy Birthday.’ How musicians could sing such a simple song so horribly, she would never know. Once the candles had been blown out, the cake and ice cream served and everyone had filled themselves beyond full, John and Mike carried out all the gifts.
“Aunt Jessie!" The twins called excitedly, jumping around her. “Open ours first!”
“Well…if I have to,” Jessie said, teasing them. Accepting the package they handed her,
Jessie put her ear to the box and began shaking it. “Hmmm, what could it be?”
“Open it, Aunt Jessie!” they both yelled in unison.
“Oh, all right,” she said, ripping the paper off and tossing it to the side. Smiling brightly at the twins when she realized what they’d picked out for her, she said, “Now I’m going to have to play with you guys, aren’t I?” Inside the box was an M16 replica air soft gun, complete with safety goggles and BB’s.
“You bet you are!” They both hugged her and said, “Happy Birthday, Aunt Jessie!”
“Thanks guys,” she said, hugging them back.
Laughing at the antics of the twins, Theresa handed her another package. “Here Jess, this one’s from me and Brian.”
As Jessie took it and opened it up, she was stunned to find a beautiful new pair of knee high black leather boots. Covered with buckles and leather straps, they would look great on stage. “Theresa, Brian, these are great! Thank you, so much,” Jessie said, hugging each of them.
Then, she opened the rest of her gifts. By the time she was done, she’d gotten a new pair of black leather pants from John and Lacy. With a zipper fly instead of the leather lace up front, ‘for easy access,’ Lacy explained, laughing as Jessie blushed. Mike gave her a gift card for the Flying Dragon Tattoo Shop, good for one tattoo of her choice. From Doug, the keyboard player, and his wife Jill, she received a gift card to The Lair, an alternative clothing shop where she bought her stage outfits. And, from Nick, the lead guitarist, and his wife Tracy, she got a new leather briefcase for work.
Once she was finished opening all the other gifts, Stephanie shyly handed her a small package. “Stephanie,” Jessie said quietly in wonder, “you didn’t need to get me anything.” How did the redhead even have the time to shop? For that matter, how did she even know it was her birthday? Then, noticing the look that passed between Stephanie and Theresa, Jessie knew right away. Of course, Theresa would have told her.
“Of course I did, Jessie,” she said, smiling anxiously at the brunette.
Curious, Jessie unwrapped the small jewelry box. Opening it, she was stunned to see an absolutely beautiful silver necklace. Attached to the chain, was a small diamond encrusted letter ‘J.’ “Oh God, Stephanie…it’s…it’s beautiful, thank you,” she said, breathlessly.
Smiling brightly at Jessie’s reaction, she said, “You’re welcome, Jess. I hope you like it?”
At that moment, Jessie didn’t care who was watching. She leaned over and kissed Stephanie tenderly on the mouth. When she released the redhead, she smiled, and said, “I love it. But, how did you know?”
Stephanie shrugged. “You told me how much you liked mine,” she said, blushing. She was referring to the diamond encrusted letter ‘S’ that she wore around her own neck.
“When did you manage to find time to go shopping?” Jessie asked, truly curious.
“Wednesday night, when you went to dinner with your mother. Theresa came by and picked me up,” she said by way of explanation.
Jessie nodded. She should have known Theresa had something to do with it. Pulling the redhead to her she was just about to kiss her again, when the twins groaned loudly and said, “C’mon Aunt Jessie! Quit kissing her and let’s play!”
Jessie and Stephanie broke apart, laughing and blushing at the same time. “Boys!” Lacy yelled, embarrassed. “That was not nice.”
“Aw, Mom,” Aaron whined. “Aunt Jessie promised she’d play.”
Jessie rolled her eyes. “I did promise,” she said, looking at Lacy and barely containing a laugh. Glancing over at the twins, she said, “I’ll tell you what. Give me twenty minutes to get ready, and I’ll meet you two on the field of battle, okay?”
“All right!” both boys said in answer, taking off and running out into the back yard to get ready.
“Sorry about that, you two,” Lacy apologized to Jessie and Stephanie again.
Jessie shook her head. “You don’t need to apologize, Lacy. It’s no big deal, they’re just kids. I don’t mind.”
“Really, it’s okay,” Stephanie assured her.
Lacy sighed. “If you’re sure?”
“I’m positive,” Jessie said.
“Me too,” Stephanie agreed, taking Jessie’s hand in her own.
Still slightly embarrassed, but accepting what Jessie and Stephanie said, Lacy sighed and got up to start carrying things into the kitchen. At the same time, all the guys got up and started preparing to join the twins in a game of Airsoft.
An hour later, breathing hard from running around the huge backyard and playing ‘Capture the Flag,’ Jessie came back and sat down on the deck next to Stephanie, who’d worn out about twenty minutes earlier. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself,” the redhead answered, smiling. “You exhausted?”
Jessie shook her head. “Not yet. Actually, the guys and I are going to have a little rehearsal. Come on out to the barn. They’re getting everything set up. But first, help me put your necklace on?” She’d waited until now to put it on so that it wouldn’t get damaged by flying BB’s or nine year old twins jumping on her.
Stephanie pulled the necklace out of the box and fastened it around Jessie’s neck. Turning the brunette around until they were facing each other, she kissed her. “That sounds like fun,” Stephanie said, taking the hand Jessie offered and following her out to the barn. As they approached, she saw that, while the building was built in the style of a barn, once inside, it was anything but. The entire building was built to be used as a combination recording studio/ live performance area on one side and an area for different movie sets on the other.
The band was already set up and ready to go by the time they got there and Jessie jumped up on the stage and took her place. Stephanie took a seat on one of the benches out front along with the other spouses. Then the music started, working out first one new song and then another.
After an hour, the band had gone through a number of new songs they were adding to their set list. Jessie, ever the perfectionist, had insisted on going over each of them two or three times. By the time they were done however, they were all polished and tight sounding.
Relieved that Jessie was finally happy with their sound, Nick began playing some guitar riffs. The rest of the guys picked up the beat, and they were off. Running through a string of their favorite party songs, everyone got up from their seats and started dancing around.
Much to her surprise, Jessie pulled Ste
phanie up onto the stage. The brunette was holding her hand and singing the old song ‘What I Like About You’ by the Romantics to her. Before she knew it, Jessie handed her a microphone and had her singing along with them. Not that she was much of a singer in her opinion, but she was having a really good time.
Finally, the band wore down and John went outside to start a bonfire. He’d promised the twins they could roast marshmallows and have S’Mores and he didn’t like to go back on his promises.
Half an hour later, all the equipment put up and cords wrapped, the rest of the band joined him by the fire. Jessie had brought a blanket from the car and threw it down to sit on. “Having a good time?” she asked quietly, nuzzling her nose in Stephanie’s hair where the redhead was leaning up against her shoulder.
Stephanie nodded. “Yeah, this has been a really good time, Jessie. Thank you for inviting me.”
Wrapping her arms around the other woman, Jessie hugged her and said, “It wouldn’t have been a good day, without you here to make it special, Steph.”
Stephanie smiled and leaned in closer. This had been one of the best days she’d had in a long time. Jessie and her friends had definitely gone out of their way to make her feel like just another member of the group, and she loved them all for it. It had been years since she’d been to anything as normal as a backyard bonfire or a birthday party. Well, she’d been to birthday parties, but they’d all been full of other celebrities and the press. It was such a relief to go and just be herself and not worry about what she was wearing or who she was with. For the first time in a long time, she didn’t need to worry that something she said or did would end up in a supermarket rag mag. It was a huge relief.
Noticing how quiet Stephanie had become, Jessie whispered, “You okay, Steph?”
Feeling Jessie’s breath on her ear and shivering slightly, Stephanie nodded. “Yeah. I was just thinking about how nice this is. Thank you, Jessie.”
Not sure why Stephanie had suddenly become so introspective, Jessie asked, “Thanks for what?”
Stephanie turned to look at her. Reaching up with one hand, she brushed a strand of hair from Jessie’s eyes and tucked it behind her ear. “For making me feel normal,” she whispered quietly, leaning in and kissing her. When she pulled back, she said again, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Jessie answered, hugging her again. Sitting and watching the fire with Stephanie in her arms, Jessie couldn’t help herself. For the first time in a very long time, she felt complete. Like a whole person again. Two months ago, she never would have believed it possible, but now, here she was. And, to her total and complete surprise, she was happy. But most of all, she wasn’t afraid to feel that way.
Chapter 14
By midnight, the fire was dying down. Doug and Jill had already left, and everyone else was gathering up their things to head home. “Jessie,” Lacy said, as she walked with the brunette back toward the house, “You two are welcome to stay here, tonight if you’d like.”
Shaking her head, Jessie replied, “We shouldn’t Lacy, but thanks.”
“It’s an hour back to town, Jessie,” Lacy said. “Are you sure?”
Jessie nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Setting the tray of snacks she’d carried in on the counter, she said, “I need to get up early and get started working on the notes for the trial. And, we still have the gig tomorrow night.”
“Oh, that’s right,” the blond said. “I’d forgotten about all that. Well, if you’re sure?” she said, hugging Jessie and then Stephanie. “You two be careful getting home.”
“We will, Lace,” Jessie answered, hugging Lacy and then everyone else. “Thanks again, you guys, for the party and gifts.”
Once they’d said their goodbyes and pulled out of the driveway, Stephanie watched as Jessie stifled a yawn. “Jessie, you’re so tired, why didn’t you take Lacy up on the offer to stay?”
Jessie shook her head and laughed. “Steph, I trust Lacy and John a lot. We’ve been friends for years. But, they do still work in the porn industry.”
Confused by the statement, Stephanie furrowed a brow and said, “I’m not quite sure I follow you.”
Jessie looked over at her. Trying to be delicate, she explained as best she could. “Well, I’ve never been sure if they would…you know…have cameras in the guest bedroom or not.” Seeing the look on Stephanie’s face, she went on. “I’m not saying that they’d do anything, but I didn’t want to take the chance that we’d end up in one of those weird sex videos that gets splashed all over the internet.”
“You think they’d do that?” Stephanie asked, somewhat shocked.
Jessie shrugged. “Not really, but you never know. I don’t want our sex life out there for everyone and their brother to see.”
Stephanie eyed her critically. Had Jessie just said what she thought she said? Was she hinting that she was ready to move their relationship forward? “Jessie, I appreciate you wanting to protect both our careers and our modesty,” Stephanie said. “But I honestly don’t think a video of us sleeping wrapped in each other’s arms would get a lot of airplay on YouTube.” It was nice of Jessie to think of the potential danger to Stephanie’s career if something like that happened. But, it could also ruin Jessie’s career. No one would be willing to trust a lawyer they could watch in the throes of passion on the internet.
Jessie smiled over at her. “Who said that’s all we’d be doing?”
“Jessie Drake, are you trying to tell me something?”
All innocence, Jessie said, “Who me? What could I possibly be trying to tell you?”
“Come on, Jessie! Stop kidding around,” Stephanie said, slightly exasperated. Sleeping with Jessie every night for the last week had been…really nice. But, if Stephanie were being honest with herself, she’d have to admit that she was becoming increasingly frustrated. It wasn’t easy sleeping with Jessie and nothing more. Especially when half the time they ended up half naked before they managed to stop whatever they were doing. More than once, she’d just barely managed to stop Jessie’s hand from diving under the waistband of her underwear.
Reaching over, Jessie found Stephanie’s hand and gently took it into her own. Laughing at the expression on the redhead’s face, she squeezed her hand and said, “Stephanie, I’m not trying to tease you. I swear I’m not.”
“For someone who’s trying not to tease me, you’ve been doing a fairly decent job of it,” Stephanie said petulantly.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you’ve needed to take so many cold showers,” Jessie answered, teasing her again. “I offered to help you out with that problem, but you turned me down. More than once, I might add.”
“Jessie, I told you why…” Stephanie started to explain, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her tone.
“You don’t need to explain it to me again, Steph. I understand, and I think what you said was beautiful.” Jessie didn’t say anything else for a while; just let Stephanie have her moment. Regardless of what she’d said, she knew she’d been teasing the other woman, and she felt horrible about it. By all rights, Stephanie had every reason to be frustrated. Not just with Jessie for turning her on and leaving her hanging, but because Jessie couldn’t seem to move past her fears. Well, if she had anything to say about it that was going to change.
As they turned onto Jessie’s street, she squeezed Stephanie’s hand again. “I get it, you know. And I’m sorry you’ve been so…keyed up, lately.” As she pulled into the driveway and parked, she said, “I know it’s late, but I think I’m going to hop in the shower and wash the smoke smell from the bonfire off before I go to bed.”
Doing a 360 at the sudden turn in the conversation, Stephanie didn’t know what to say, except, “Uh…that sounds like a good idea. I think I will too.”
“Good, you go first,” Jessie said, ushering Stephanie into the house. Then, turning and locking the door behind her and setting the alarm, she followed the redhead down the hall and into the bedroom.
As Stephanie went to the bath
room to get ready for her shower, Jessie busied herself around the bedroom. Lighting candles and setting them up around the room, she made sure that everything was in place. Then, going out to the kitchen, she returned a moment later with a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice and two glasses.
Smiling to herself as she surveyed the room, she took a deep breath and reminded herself to breathe. Then, she turned on her heel and headed into the bathroom. Opening the door quietly, she quickly stripped down and moved to the door of the shower. As she slid the door back, she asked softly, “Mind if I join you? Unless, of course, you’d rather I didn’t?”
Stephanie, jumping slightly at the sound of Jessie’s voice, turned when the door to the shower slid open. “Jessie! God, you scared me.” Then, putting the brunette’s words together with the fact that she was standing there naked; she blushed, and said just as softly, “No, I don’t mind at all.”