Agent of Vengeance

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Agent of Vengeance Page 8

by Scott M Neuman

  Following the surgery, two of Mueller’s Gestapo agents returned Hitler’s body to the couch, placing it next to Eva’s corpse. One of the agents picked up the Walther PPK 7.65 pistol that was lying on the sofa and fired it directly toward at the area of the primary surgical incision at a distance of about three inches. The sutured area was now completely obliterated by the bullet wound and gunpowder burns. The agents then returned to Blondi’s room. They locked the door to the room, as well as the concealed door to the unfinished ventilation tower, preventing anyone from entering the area. Schreiber spent the next several hours connecting the electrodes to the brain tissue which was now immersed in a suspension of immortal cancerous cells within Das Maschine. By 1:00 a.m., Dr. Schreiber had finished the procedure, exhausted but satisfied with his work.

  To test whether Das Maschine was properly connected. Schreiber typed into the attached teletype device, “The operation was a success.”

  Within seconds, the teletype printer began clicking and a response appeared. “Thank you, Doctor Schreiber. Sincerely, Adolf Hitler”.

  At around 3:30 pm, several of those present in the Fuhrerbunker thought they heard gunshots. Hitler’s personal aide Otto Gunsche rushed into the study and discovered the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun. A few seconds later, Goebbels entered with a blanket and covered the heads of the couple. He told the shocked onlookers, “We must ensure our Fuhrer will be remembered as he truly looked, and not in such an unseemly state.” The two bodies were taken above ground for cremation. Goebbels explained that Hitler had chosen to be cremated because he did not want to be put on display for his enemies’ gratification, which would be a disgrace for the entire German people. The real intention, of course, was to avoid any examination of Hitler’s wounds.

  That night there was total confusion in the Fuhrerbunker. Martin Bormann tried to ready a plan for the escape of the bunker’s occupants to Ploem, where Admiral Karl Donitz was now the official head of Germany.

  At 2:30 a.m., a truck arrived at the exit of the secret passage in the unfinished ventilation tower. Gestapo agents loaded Das Maschine and the boxes of surgical equipment into the back of the truck. Then Dr. Schreiber, Mueller, and the remaining Gestapo agents boarded the trunk and left Berlin. With their departure, all of those associated with the plan, save Goebbels and his wife, were on their way to Project Valhalla.

  At 4:00 a.m., the truck arrived at the Havel River near Pichelsdorf, where two French Bréguet 521 Bizerte seaplanes were waiting. Each plane each had room for a crew of eight and ample space for cargo. After transferring to the planes, a brick was placed on the gas pedal of the truck which subsequently sank into the river. The seaplanes took off and successfully avoided Russian patrols of the area. They first few northwest to avoid areas of battle, then turned south, maintaining a cruising speed of 124 miles per hour.

  The next morning, Goebbels’ wife Magda anesthetized their six children, and, while they were unconscious, placed cyanide capsules into their mouths. Then Goebbels and his wife emerged from the Fuhrerbunker into the bombed-out ruins of the Chancellery garden. There they had Goebbels’ assistant shoot then both and burn their bodies.

  This phase of the operation was a complete success. With the death of Goebbels there was not a single individual, outside of those in the seaplanes, that knew of Hitler’s escape. Everyone who remained alive in the Fuhrerbunker would testify that Hitler had committed suicide. Backing up their testimony were the bodies of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, and their six children, whose identities were later confirmed through dental records obtained by Russian Army investigators.

  The seaplanes crossed over Southern Europe and made their way to the Mediterranean Sea. The planes finally touched down on the coordinates of Project Valhalla in Libya. The pilot transporting Das Machine adjusted the plane’s radio to the predetermined frequency and announced their arrival with the code words, “Fourth Reich.” Immediately a giant steel double door opened from beneath the sand to admit the final inhabitants.

  As Mueller and Dr. Schreiber, along with Gestapo agents carrying Das Maschine and its modules boarded the elevator, SS forces dismantled the French planes and placed the parts into crates to be stored in the East Clover. With that final act, the earth swallowed up the last traces of the operation.

  The residents of the Valhalla Project were curious. Since the opening ceremony, it was the first time that the mechanical clatter of the elevator had echoed throughout the caverns. Gruppenfuhrer Kempler and his staff waited at the bottom of the shaft for the project’s new residents.

  As the elevator gate opened, Heinrich Mueller was the first to step out. Kempler looked past him and stared at the strange grey steel cube with a teletype device affixed to its side. Above the teletype machine there were hundreds of small switches and knobs with numerous flashing lights.

  Mueller addressed Kempler with his usual contempt.

  “You are now to open envelope twenty,” Mueller ordered Kempler.

  With no small measure of anxiety Kempler reached into his briefcase and removed envelope twenty. The color in his face drained when he read the contents to himself, written in Hitler’s own handwriting.

  “Das Maschine contains my entire being. I, your Fuhrer, am indeed still very much alive. I remain in complete control of the destiny of the Aryan Race. You will execute all orders which I will communicate by means of the teletype device.”

  “I know that you may harbor some skepticism. In order to remove any doubt, I will offer you an opportunity to prove that the soul of Adolf Hitler is contained within the box that you see before you. I grant you permission to ask a question that only I could know the answer.”

  Kempler hesitated. Having made a personal oath to Hitler pledging total obedience, he had always been completely loyal and unquestioning. He had complied with all orders regarding the Strain program and Project Valhalla, despite his many personal doubts. He had even complied with orders to mercilessly execute Jewish children, on Hitler’s insistence that they represented a moral danger to Nazi Germany, even though he felt it was utter nonsense. However, now he was being asked to believe the impossible. But with Mueller breathing down his throat, he had no choice but to continue to play along.

  Kempler did not have to think long to come up with a question. Kempler told the Gestapo agents guarding Das Maschine to step aside. They didn’t move. Mueller smiled, enjoying the display of loyalty, and then ordered them to comply. Kempler then crouched into a position where he could comfortably type.

  ” During our final meeting this year on the sixth of January you scolded me. What for?”

  Within seconds the staccato of the teletype printer revealed the answer: “I pointed out that you were missing a button on your topcoat. And judging by the deep color of red that your face turned, you were quite embarrassed.”

  Kempler swallowed. Only the Fuhrer with his phenomenal memory and his pedantic demand for perfection would remember something so trivial. That was enough proof for the Gruppenfuhrer.

  From that day, Project Valhalla changed from a military installation to a complex city-state. Hitler, fully functioning in Dr. Schreiber’s apparatus, was free of all the physical ailments that had plagued him since the failed assassination plot. Within Das Maschine he was in a constant state of what could only be described as euphoria. Hitler’s diabolical mind was now blissfully free to churn out endless decrees, keeping the cavern complex constantly buzzing with activity.

  Hitler’s first major project was the construction of a giant coliseum in the center of the four-clover complex. It was adorned with Roman and Renaissance sculptures and priceless works of art, spoils of Europe which had been transported to the caverns. Its most striking feature was the backdrop to the stadium’s main stage. Looted from the Catherine Palace near St. Petersburg, from what was known as the Amber Room, it was composed of a wall of ornate panels made of gold leaf and amber and adorned with statues of golden cherubs. Hitler made one addition to the decor:
a giant Nazi eagle made of solid gold holding a swastika in its claws.

  Upon the stadium’s completion, Hitler proclaimed it the “Reich Temple.” He declared that from this temple a new, fully Aryan religion would emerge, based on the paganism of ancient Germany but with one twist: the deity of the religion was Hitler himself. From then on, he would be referred to not as Hitler but as the “Reich Gott.” Mueller was ordained as the religion’s High Priest, and Kempler was declared Angel of War. The religion, named “Fuhrerism” by Mueller, would be practiced by all of Project Valhalla’s inhabitants, save the Jews.

  Some of the SS officers and Broder’s scientists were believing Christians and complained about the new decree. They were quickly arrested and sacrificed by beheading at the Reich Temple’s inaugural services. High Priest Mueller proclaimed to the shocked attendees that this was necessary to atone for the sins of the people and appease the Reich Gott. Afterward Mueller ordered each and every citizen of Valhalla to kneel and recite an oath of obedience to the Reich Gott and Fuhrerism.

  “I believe with all my heart that the Reich Gott is the Master of the Universe, and Fuhrerism is the only true religion. I solemnly pledge to fulfill the will of the Reich Gott and will joyously sacrifice my life if called upon to confirm my belief.”

  All the project’s residents, looking at the headless bodies of the original protesters, affirmed the oath. There was little dissent against the new religion afterward, and anyone who even hinted at disbelief was quickly arrested by Gestapo agents and executed during the weekly Sunday service. High Priest Mueller would say before the beheadings, “Only by sacrifice may a soul be purified from the grave sin of apostasy.”

  Over time, even those residents that began as skeptics transformed to be among the most fervent followers of the Fuhrerism.

  The next major proclamation of the Reich Gott was that only designated breeders in Dr. Schreiber’s Super Aryan Project would be allowed to produce children, so as not to pollute the future population with the mixed blood of average Germans. The only exception would be for Jews living in Hell, who were allowed to reproduce under strict quotas to maintain a population necessary for labor and experiments. When an SS corporal was caught with a female breeder two weeks later, they were burned together alive at the stake at Sunday services. The smell of their burning flesh was enough to deter the residents of Valhalla from considering such a sin in the future.

  Aryan babies were placed immediately after birth in government dormitories and raised according to Nazi ideals as expounded by the Reich Gott. They were never to know who their birth parents were. They were given a spartan education that included reading, writing, science, and mathematics.

  Upon graduation at age sixteen, all girls joined the breeding program. Male students that showed particular promise were sent to the recently inaugurated institution of higher learning, Heydrich University. There, Dr. Schreiber and his staff taught them biology, engineering, higher mathematics, physics, and other subjects needed to maintain Valhalla. The remaining boys were drafted into one of the three military branches. There they would remain until retirement at age 60.

  The SS was the largest branch. Most of their time was spend in combat training and drills, with their main mission being defense of the compound.

  The second branch, the Gestapo, was in charge of internal security. Their duties included guarding the Jews of the West Clover, investigating crimes such as heresy and blood pollution, and spying on the leaders of the other divisions. In practice their role was primarily to terrorize the population into perfect compliance with the decrees of the Reich Gott.

  The third branch, the Messengers, was an elite paramilitary intelligence unit whose function was to operate in the outside world to implement the revenge of the Reich Gott. Recruits were hand-picked and trained by Mueller himself along with his top agents. They were taught foreign languages, intelligence gathering techniques, the use of conventional and unconventional weapons, and hand-to-hand combat.

  The Messengers were of the few in the complex that had the privilege of listening to short-wave radios tuned to the broadcasts of various countries in the outside world. Mueller, as the Minister of Propaganda, limited listening to classical music, news, and sporting events. It was prohibited for the rest of Valhalla’s residents to listen to broadcasts from the outside.

  By 1970, most of the personnel in the three branches of service were Super Aryans. Hitler, upon Mueller’s urging, ordered a purge of everyone in the compound above the age of forty-five. By eliminating these inferior Aryans, Mueller argued, the danger of ethnic pollution would be greatly reduced. Also, vital resources and supplies could be saved. Hitler agreed but made exemptions for Kempler, senior Gestapo agents, Messengers, and Dr. Schreiber and his staff. The purge was announced by High Priest Mueller during the mandatory Sunday religious service. This prevented the possibility that Kempler might order a military revolt to protect his veteran soldiers. The older residents were lined up on the stage of the stadium and each was handed a cyanide pill. After raising their arm in a Nazi salute and together proclaiming, “Heil the Reich Gott!” they swallowed their pills.

  Subsequent decrees demoted the status of those exempted, save Mueller and Kempler, to that of second-class citizens. They were barred from contact with the other residents of the complex. Kempler, always the loyal Nazi, understood the “wisdom” of Hitler’s decision. He continued to train the SS into a formidable force against any intruders. Dr. Schreiber and Professor Broder were still held in high standing, but were too busy with their scientific pursuits to notice the transformation that was happening in Valhalla. Mueller, of course, exulted in his status as the High Priest and second-in-command to Hitler. His Gestapo agents ensured total obedience among the populace.

  As a result of the purge, almost all the residents of Valhalla had been born in the project and raised to believe in the omnipotence of the Reich Gott. Hitler had accomplished his goal of becoming a deity of ultimate authority with a legion of Super Aryan warriors at his command. From within Das Maschine, he had achieved a level of loyalty from his subjects constituting total subservience. To the residents of Project Valhalla, Hitler had become the Lord of the Universe.


  A few hours before the attack on the beach in Netanya, Ali Rajad descended from the Liberian freighter known as the Banju into a small rubber boat and paddled toward an isolated rocky beach about four miles south of Israel’s border with Lebanon. There, two Arab terrorists from Qalqilya in the West Bank were waiting for him. He ordered one of them to wade out into the water and assist him in disposing of the boat by deflating it and cutting it into pieces which they placed under large stones underwater.

  He then told the pair to wait near their cars, which as per his earlier instructions had been parked 100 meters apart in the sand. Approaching one of them, Rajad handed over a map of Tel Aviv highlighting the Yarkon River. Opening his leather satchel, he removed a glimmering steel cylinder. He then pointed to a marked area on the Yarkon where the cylinder should be tossed.

  Rajad then approached the second terrorist. This time, the map illustrated the path of HaMovil HaArtzi, the National Water Carrier of Israel, an 81-mile-long channel that distributes fresh water to cities and farms in central Israel. Again, he removed a cylinder and handed it to the terrorist, pointing out its intended destination.

  The two terrorists got in their cars and drove off. Rajad walked up a dusty path leading inland and saw a third car which had been left for him, a late model blue Fiat 127. It had yellow license plates, indicating that it was registered to a citizen of Israel. In reality it was a stolen vehicle, and the plates had been switched with those of a car that had entered long-term parking at Ben Gurion Airport the previous day.

  Rajad removed the keys from his satchel and entered the car. He had instructions to place the third cylinder in the Sea of Galilee, which provided water to all of the major population areas of Northern Israel. He restricted his route to back roads, avoiding

  After a few hours, he arrived at his destination. There he tossed the cylinder precisely at the spot marked on the map. With great satisfaction he took out his cigarette lighter and turned the friction wheel. He placed the map into the flame and scattered the ashes into the wind.

  Now that his mission was complete, he had time for a leisurely drive. As he passed the many Arab hamlets in the Northern Galilee region of Israel, a broad smile broke out on his face. He knew the Israelis were tough opponents; however, Rajad had proved that the State of Israel could be vulnerable. And today he had an additional reason to celebrate: it had been his biggest payday ever.

  Ali Rajad was born on June 4, 1954 in Jerash, a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration camp just north of the Jordanian capital of Amman. It was first set up as a temporary refuge for those Arabs that fled Israel during Israel’s Independence War in 1948. After the war, the leaders of the Arab world made a calculated decision to refuse to resettle the refugees. This left the residents of Jerash permanently stateless, condemned forever to be political pawns for the greater struggle against the Jewish State.

  Rajad was raised in an atmosphere of hatred and frustration, one of thousands of refugees living in squalor. As a child, he was indoctrinated into the belief that the blame for their current status rested exclusively on the State of Israel. Some of the older refugees were aware that rather than being driven out of their homes, they had been urged by the leaders of neighboring Arab countries to temporarily vacate in order to allow the unfettered slaughter of Jews. In fact, those Arabs who did not heed the call and remained in Israel had retained their property and many were prospering. The ones that had left, however, lived in a continuous state of despair. However, knowing what retribution one might face in the camp for expressing such unpopular views, these older refugees prudently kept such thoughts to themselves.


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