Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 49

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  Gabriel watched her work, beaming. He had never really seen this side of her before. Isabella positively glowed. She moved around the room smoothly, gracefully, completely focused on the task at hand. And it pleased him greatly to think that he might have something to do with it. She was so absorbed in snapping pictures, she didn’t even notice as Gabriel locked the door to the kids’ room behind them.

  The doorbell signaled the arrival of their guests. It became readily apparent that they didn’t expect the apartment to be completed, as their jaws dropped upon entering the foyer. Gabriel appreciated their reaction. It compared to the one he wore every time he entered his apartment. His look expressed not only how much he appreciated the beauty of his surroundings but also, I can’t believe this place is mine. He had lived in amazing quarters all his life, yet this would be the first one he truly had ownership over. And together, he and Isabella had made it a home. He felt proud of that fact, yet his friends reacted as Isabella had anticipated.

  “Wow,” Eric remarked as they traipsed into the living room. “This place is beautiful. Not what I expected, but very...elegant?”

  “Thank you,” Gabriel murmured, as he smiled at Isabella while she placed the finishing touches on dinner in the kitchen. “Bella has a knack for this. Doesn’t she have excellent taste?”

  Sebastian sat silently, surveying the room, absorbing every detail. Matty spoke before Sebastian even had a chance to open his mouth. “Well, it’s just not what I would have expected.”

  “How so?” Gabriel asked confused.

  Matty searched for the words to explain his comment. This time Sebastian interrupted. “He means that this is no bachelor pad, no chick magnet. This place looks like an old married couple lives in it.” His eyes stopped on the kid’s door. He rose from the sofa and walked over to open it. The handle wouldn’t turn. “What are you hiding in here?” He asked suspiciously.

  Gabriel glanced out into the kitchen, but Isabella had her back turned and the water running as she rinsed the pasta in the sink. “Nothing,” he responded too quickly, “just some storage.” He glanced over at Ben who looked down at his lap. No doubt Ben knew precisely what Gabriel hid.

  The evening ended with all of them going out dancing in Montreal. Gabriel commented on the experience the next day at breakfast. “I had fun last night. And you?”

  Swallowing the pancakes she had in her mouth and wiping with a napkin, Isabella answered, “Yes. I love your friends. I think we all get on well together.”

  He nodded in agreement. “You know we can’t always do that. We spend a lot of time in the apartment just waiting to go to bed when the kids are here.”

  A lump formed in Isabella’s throat. Was he tiring of the children already? Were they keeping him from the single life his friends seemed to relish? She laid her fork down, folded her hands in her lap and waited expectantly for what he would say next.

  “How do you feel about a nanny?” He blurted out the question, barely pausing in between bites.

  Isabella stopped breathing momentarily, then swallowed. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I love having you here all the time, but some times I would like to take you out in the evenings. There is always a ballet, or opera, or play, or concert, or something going on. Once in a while I would like us to get all dressed up and go. To do that, we would need someone to take care of the kids. I would like to hire a part time nanny.” He leaned back and folded his arms across his chest, anticipating her first argument.

  In truth, the thought had never occurred to her. She was not used to having money, being able to hire someone to stay with the kids so they could go out and have fun on a regular basis, but still one concern did arise in her mind. “Could we wait to go out until I tuck the kids in? Seven thirty is still early, right?”

  Knowing how she cherished the time spent with her children, Gabriel smiled at her question, and chuckled at her naive innocence. “Yes, my Bella,” he began kindly. “We can wait at least until then. How about if I have you interview the candidates? No one knows Rebecca and Kyle’s needs like you, right?”

  Sometimes Isabella truly loved having her space during the week. It made it easier to surprise Gabriel. She smiled to herself marveling at how different this relationship was from all those in her past. Finally, she experienced the true joy of the unexpected and basked in the unplanned. And now in her own small way, Isabella would try to reciprocate for everything Gabriel had done for her.

  On Monday, while the kids were at school, she developed the pictures of Gabriel’s apartment and shared them with Christopher. “What do you think?” She asked breathlessly. She was pleased with how well they had turned out, but wanted the unbiased and honest appraisal of her boss.

  “This is some of your best work yet,” he said admiringly. “You truly care about this place. It is visually stunning.” He studied the proofs in silence for a moment. “So, do you have any plans for them?”

  This was what she really wanted Christopher’s opinion of. “Well,” she began, biting her lower lip, “I thought I might try to have them published in Architectural Digest as a surprise for Gabriel.”

  He nodded in agreement. “And,” he said sternly, “You must keep a copy for your portfolio.” She smiled. “I’ve seen such growth in you the last six months, Isabella. You are incredibly talented and versatile. You can do anything you want. Now you just have to show that to potential clients.”

  During the remainder of the week, Isabella developed her favorites and sent them out to the magazine she hoped would be interested in them, and then several others Christopher suggested. Now the waiting game began, but with Gabriel in her life there were always pleasant distractions to keep her occupied.

  As usual, he had thought of everything. So, when Isabella arrived for the weekend she found she had a series of interviews scheduled for Saturday morning. Eleven women were sent over by several agencies in response to Gabriel’s request. These women came from varying backgrounds, cultures, and countries. In the end, she chose a middle-aged Jamaican lady named Maggie, who seemed to be loving, but strict; not one to be fooled by Rebecca, or give in to Kyle’s charms. She knew how to make kids tow the line in a wonderfully non-threatening manner. A rather nice balance, Isabella believed.

  They booked her immediately for the next weekend: their first Valentine’s Day. Isabella was unsure of what the plans for the night entailed, but she knew that Gabriel never celebrated anything in a small way. For all she knew they could be hopping a plane to dine in Paris. With Gabriel, anything was possible.

  Towards the end of the week, Isabella received a phone call at the studio. Once she realized who she spoke to, she frantically waved Christopher over. “Could you hold for just one moment, please?” She asked the caller in as calm a voice she could muster. As soon as she received a response, she crushed the phone against her stomach and began jumping up and down. “It’s the magazine,” she squealed. “They want to publish the photos I took of the apartment.” Christopher gave her a quick hug then reminded her to finish her conversation.

  Within minutes of hanging up, papers were faxed to the studio for her to sign. She and Christopher read them over, especially the fine print. The pictures were to be published in the April issue. They would be part of an article they had planned on cosmopolitan dwellings.

  After faxing her signed contract back, she turned to Christopher. “There” she said calmly, even though her heart beat rapidly from excitement.

  “So, when will you tell Gabriel?” He asked.

  “Well,” she said giddily, “I thought this might make a nice Valentine’s Day surprise.” She closed her eyes, imagining his response, and savoring the moment. In just a few more days she could reveal her surprise.

  Friday evening, Maggie arrived with bag in hand, ready to settle into the guest room for the night. The kids were eating dinner in the dining room. They were eager to meet her, check her out, but Isabella managed to keep them at the table. Kyle barely touched his food

  “No dessert if you don’t finish your dinner, Kyle. You know the rules and so does Maggie.” Isabella warned the little boy. She expected that threat would inspire his appetite, but it failed.

  “I’m not hungry,” he whined, then wandered over and flopped down on the couch. Isabella attempted to ignore him, believing the behavior to be an attempt to keep her at home for the evening, and ensure he wouldn’t miss out on time with his beloved “Gabiyell.”

  She wandered into the bedroom to begin getting dressed. She paused in the dressing area on the way to the bathroom. Her long red dress hung there. As she gazed at it, eager to model it for the man she loved, Isabella couldn’t help but think how different this dress was from anything she might have selected in the past. And she knew she owed her new found confidence to Gabriel. She was still in her robe when she heard a weak, “Mommy” whimpered. She walked out to the living room, just in time to see Kyle’s panic stricken face. She rushed toward him, but before she could do anything he threw up all over the couch, the floor, himself, and Isabella then promptly burst into tears.

  Gabriel, sensing the commotion, exited the bedroom wearing a tuxedo. He paused in the doorway where he found Isabella cradling Kyle, trying to calm him down so that he wouldn’t upset his stomach further. She watched Gabriel carefully for a reaction. She knew what Jack would do. Jack would be running from the room, claiming he had a sensitive stomach, and apologizing for leaving her the mess.

  Instead, Gabriel strode over to her side. “Oh, Kyle,” he murmured soothingly. “Is your tummy sick, little man?”

  Maggie watched from the dining room, armed with a bucket and cleansers. Spotting her, Isabella said adamantly, “No, Maggie. You are not starting your first day with us cleaning up after a sick kid. That can’t be part of your job description.”

  “I gotta do what I gotta do,” she announced, heading straight toward the mess. “Now you help that man of yours with the little boy.” She motioned toward Gabriel who held Kyle in his arms and now headed straight for their bathroom, oblivious to the vomit all down the front of his tux.

  By the time everyone and everything had been cleaned up, Kyle was running a fever. “Let me go get him some medicine,” Gabriel beseeched. “I’ll be back as quickly as I can.” He grabbed his cell phone and began making calls even before he exited the front door.

  Maggie leaned on a wall, awaiting instruction. Isabella, used to doing everything, shifted on the clean couch to face her with Kyle curled up on her lap. “You can leave if you want, Maggie,” Isabella stated with evident exhaustion in her voice. “I certainly won’t be going anywhere,” she added with a hollow laugh.

  “No, ma’am,” Maggie said seriously. “Mr. Gabriel pays me for the weekend, I stay for the weekend. I’m going to make some chicken soup, homemade. It’ll be ready for the little one tomorrow when he’s feeling up to eating.” And with that, she walked to the kitchen to begin work, but paused before she even made it two paces. “Have you eaten yet, Miss Isabella?”

  Isabella shook her head but added, “Don’t worry. I’m not hungry.” She looked down at Kyle, lying quietly in her arms. “I just thought of one thing you can do, if you don’t mind?”

  “That’s what I’m being paid for,” Maggie answered with a warm smile.

  “Could you help Rebecca get ready for bed, then have her come give me kisses before you tuck her in. Oh, and she might like a story?” Isabella’s voice was meek and apologetic. She was unused to being in charge of hired help. Somehow a babysitter seemed much different, less threatening. And with a smile and a nod, Maggie walked to the kids’ room.

  Gabriel returned quickly. In the time it had taken Maggie to put Rebecca to bed, Gabriel managed to get Children’s Advil, dinner for two, and a movie. “What, no wine?” Isabella joked.

  “I didn’t think you would want to drink tonight in case Kyle needs you in the middle of the night,” he explained as he set to work laying out their feast.

  Isabella smiled and nodded. How well he knew her. How amazing that he even thought like that, since he had never been responsible for children before. They medicated Kyle and tucked him into their lounger so that he would be close if he needed his mother in the middle of the night. If he weren’t feeling so lousy, Kyle would have been excited to sleep in their room and the special chair. Instead, he just curled up and fell asleep instantly.

  When Isabella returned to the living room, she found that Gabriel had set up a romantic candlelit dinner on the coffee table. In addition, he had the movie set to play in the DVD player. “I had a special surprise all ready for us tonight,” Gabriel began. “It is our first Valentine’s together.”

  Isabella nodded as she took a seat on one of the cushions on the floor. This was the part she dreaded, the part where he regretted how their night had been ruined. This would be where she finally saw his true colors. So she sat. And she waited. But the words she feared were never spoken, never even hinted at.

  “Being here for Kyle tonight is more important,” he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “And I know you. You could never relax and enjoy yourself wondering about him. Well, I don’t think I could either. So, may I have a rain-check?”

  She smiled quietly now. “Sure, but what...?”

  “See,” he said with childlike exuberance. “It is still a surprise.”

  And just as easily, revealing her surprise was forgotten.

  Some time in the night Kyle needed her. She heard the all too familiar rustlings of one who threatened to retch, and hurried from the bed. She managed to yank him from the lounger, but only managed to make it part way to the bathroom before his stomach contents were unleashed on both of them and the rug. Kyle started crying because being sick still scared him.

  She hustled him into the tub, stripping his pajamas off there so that less mess landed on the bathroom floor, then removed her clothing as well. She started the water, settled him into the tub, then rushed back out to the bedroom to begin her clean up efforts there. To her surprise, Gabriel had woken up and went to work immediately on the odorous mess. She paused, stunned.

  “Go take care of Kyle,” he murmured. “I’ll get this then get you straight to bed.”

  He cleaned the mess, helped her find clean pajamas for Kyle, then grabbed clean clothes for her, and tucked both of them into bed. Despite everything transpiring around her, Isabella fell asleep with a smile on her face and several thoughts racing through her mind: Gabriel could love her despite the monotony of every day life. He would still love her when she couldn’t run off because she had other responsibilities. And then one exhilarating, and equally terrifying thought occurred to her: maybe he was her love for all times.

  Life became routine. Isabella or Isabella and the kids, traveled to Montreal each weekend. Maggie became a regular, caring for the kids in the evenings while Gabriel and Isabella toured Montreal. Maggie was wonderful with them. They adored her and she them, but often Isabella felt a twinge of guilt.

  “Maggie, you know we love you,” Isabella began one evening as she prepared to attend a play with Gabriel. She had been putting the finishing touches on her face when Maggie walked into the bedroom for instructions. “I just worry that we are keeping you from something better. You know…job security.”

  Gabriel stuck his head in the doorway. “Bella, darling, I was just writing the check for Maggie this weekend. What is today?”

  Isabella laughed. “For a businessman, you have no concept of time. It’s March 31st.”

  “Thank you, my love.” He strode over and gave her a kiss on the back of her neck, lingering there for a moment to inhale her scent, then left the two women alone once more.

  “Oh really, missy,” Maggie laughed. “You don’t think I have job security? You don’t see what I see. No ma’am, you don’t see it. I’ll spend plenty of time with these two.” She laughed again, this time throwing her head back as she walked out of the bedroom.

  Maggie sounded so sure of herself that Isabella wanted
to believe her. But Isabella should have learned long ago that that was when a person could be most easily blindsided. And so it was that this March signaled not only the end of winter, but very nearly the end of her first year without Jack. Life with Gabriel had been so filled with happiness that she hadn’t even had time to contemplate the anniversary. In fact, all she had been thinking about was when to share with Gabriel her complimentary issue of the magazine in which his apartment was featured. Tomorrow, she promised, when it’s quiet, after the kids are in bed. For now, Isabella had grown confident that there would always be a tomorrow.

  The next night arrived cool, cloudy, and damp. Isabella found herself in the bathroom bathing the children when the doorbell rang. She yelled for Maggie to answer it, since Gabriel was on the phone in their room conducting business. Moments later, Isabella emerged from the bathroom wiping her hands on a towel at the same time Gabriel exited the bedroom.


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