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Second Chances

Page 52

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  She finished chewing, swallowed, and responded, “That depends on what it is.”

  “Well, you know my father is very important to me...” His voice trailed off, unsure of how to continue expressing what weighed so heavily on his mind.

  “Yes,” she said, nervously urging him on.

  “Would you mind if we invite him over for dinner next weekend so that he can get to know you and the children?” He rushed the last part, almost afraid of her response.

  She thought for a moment. “I suppose I could try to keep them next weekend, although, I don’t know why I’m working so hard to keep our custody arrangement when Jack won’t agree to sign the divorce papers.” She held up a juicy piece of watermelon to Gabriel’s lips.

  He had prepared to take a bite of the offered fruit, but hesitated, and spoke instead. “What do you mean? The divorce should be final and he’s stalling?”

  She nodded irritably. “That is precisely what I mean.”

  “Let me talk to him.” His eyes searched her face to discern her feelings.

  Thinking for a moment, Isabella finally shook her head. “No, I’ll give him a few weeks to cool down. It may just be the shock, the denial. I don’t think he truly believes that I’ll go through with it.” She tilted her head to the side, studying his reaction. “It’s okay. It’s not like I’m on a deadline, right?” Still he said nothing, but she could feel him thinking. Unsure of what was going on in his head, but determined to salvage the conversation she changed the subject. “So, let’s plan on having dinner with your father, okay?” Gabriel smiled.

  The next weekend found Isabella in the kitchen, slicing and dicing to create the perfect evening for Mr. Charmant. “I could have bought take out,” Gabriel complained. “Then you wouldn’t be working so hard.”

  “You once said I should only have to cook when I want to, remember?” She flashed him an irresistible smile.

  “Yes,” he said, eyeing her suspiciously.

  “Well, I want to cook. I want him to see the real me, the common woman who enjoys spending time in the kitchen, loves caring for her children, and knows how to take care of herself and the man she loves. I’m sure one of his objections is that he believes I’m out looking for a rich husband, right? One who will supply me with all the support staff I desire without a concern regarding cost.” She paused in her task to watch his reaction.

  “How did you guess?” He asked, genuinely surprised.

  “I didn’t have to guess.” She turned and smiled at him. “I keep in touch with Ava.” Because of her long discussions with Ava, Isabella also knew that the meal she currently was laboring over should be one of Mr. Charmant’s favorites.

  The menu tonight consisted of a green salad with balsamic vinegar dressing, which she prepared herself using aged balsamic vinegar for a special touch. The main entree happened to be roasted lemon dill chicken stuffed with garlic, garden couscous made the laborious way Ava instructed had been mixed with feta cheese, diced Roma tomatoes, and steamed broccoli florets. Crusty French bread fresh from her bread machine complimented the meal. And while they enjoyed coffee, she would serve her award winning cream puffs. True, the award was from a cooking contest in Home Economics in 7th grade, but an award was an award.

  Everything seemed destined to go well, in part because she had done her homework, but mostly because Isabella was incredible. And amazingly enough, it did. The food received generous compliments. He openly admitted it impressed him greatly that Isabella cooked and didn’t need a chef or waste money on ordering in. She shot a glance at Gabriel that said see. He nodded a touché in her direction. The children were charming and well-behaved, which didn’t go unnoticed. Apparently Isabella knew how to raise well-mannered children that ate adult meals with a fervor in addition to her other talents. And she had a flourishing career. Self-sufficient. Nice. Working on her first gallery show here in Montreal in the fall? Impressive. Was there anything she couldn’t do? Isabella simply smiled politely, unsure of how to respond.

  Gabriel was ecstatic that night, and still exuberant as they prepared for bed. “I think you may have just done it, Bella. I think he now sees the woman I fell in love with. Oh, and Rebecca and Kyle! They were...perfect. He definitely likes them.” He picked her up and whirled her around in the air. “Oh Bella, this is more than I ever could have hoped for.”

  In mid-May, Gabriel made one of his usual nightly calls to tuck her in and didn’t like what he heard. “Bella, darling, what troubles you? You sound strange.” Anxiously he awaited her response.

  She sighed. “I just spoke with Jack. He still refuses to sign the divorce papers.” Her words were greeted with silence. “Did you hear me?” She asked irritably.

  “Yes, I heard you,” Gabriel said slowly, deep in thought. “On what grounds does he refuse?”

  “No grounds really. He just keeps saying that if I want a divorce so badly it’s going to cost me.” She sighed.

  “What does he mean by that?” Gabriel asked, although he suspected he already knew the answer to his query.

  Another sigh. “Well, I asked that same question. He said that you were a business man and that you’d understand.” Isabella waited silently for a moment, then she said slowly, “Do you...understand?”

  “Oh, I understand,” Gabriel growled. “He means to blackmail me for a divorce.”

  “That’s illegal!” Isabella exclaimed suddenly.

  “Yes, I know that, but only if he gets caught.” Not wanting her to dwell on it, he simply said, “I’m talking to him.” He could hear Isabella beginning to object, but stopped her before she could utter another sound. “I know you don’t want me involved, but it is too late. Jack has already done that. Please let me handle this.”

  “I don’t need to be rescued,” she reminded him gravely.

  “How true,” Gabriel admitted sadly, then decided to change the subject to one that he expected would be happier. “So, Beautiful One, any plans for summer vacation?”

  Isabella paused for a moment, confused. What happened to them making all of their plans together? “No,” she said quietly. “Have you?”

  “Oh, I’ve made some,” he countered.

  “Do they include me?” She snapped momentarily, the stress of everything going on evidently taking its toll, then paused. “I’m sorry. I’m just tense. I have piles of photographs to organize over the next few weeks. I know you are basically finished for the semester, but we’re not. Rebecca has a solid month. Plus her birthday is coming up in two weeks.” She sighed. “And now there’s this added difficulty with Jack.”

  “Oh, my Bella. You are stressed. Let me come over and stay a while. Permit me to take away some of your burdens. I will help you around the house so you can finish your work. And I’ll deal with Jack. Okay?” He sounded so sincere, so determined, that she couldn’t imagine declining his offer.

  Thus one week before Rebecca’s birthday Gabriel arrived laden down with two large suitcases, and Maggie.

  “Surprise!” They yelled in unison.

  Isabella couldn’t help but laugh. The laughter turned to shock, however, when she opened the envelope Gabriel handed her.

  Inside were passports for the kids, visas for all of them, and five airline tickets to Paris. They were all going to Europe for the summer, even Maggie. “See,” Gabriel said, upon observing the look on Isabella’s face. “When I was asking you those questions about your summer plans I wasn’t trying to get away from you, I was trying to get away with you.” He hugged her close.

  Not wanting to seem ungrateful, Isabella took a few breaths before voicing her concerns. “I really want to go away with you,” she began slowly.

  “But?” He interrupted, one eyebrow raised.

  “I have a show to get ready for in the fall,” she explained quietly. Before she could share any of her other objections, he discounted the first.

  “The fall is a long way off. And,” he countered, “what better place to collect more photos for the gallery opening that E
urope?” He crossed his arms, daring her to refute his argument.

  She scowled. “And…I have a job. I can’t just desert Christopher for the summer.” She looked at him sadly.

  “I spoke to Christopher,” Gabriel said. “He thought the trip would be good for your soul and great for your show. He had nothing but encouraging words for you.”

  “It’s the wedding season!” She exclaimed. “He must need me.”

  “Bella, it’s under control,” he assured her. “Anything else?”

  Swallowing sadly, she said, “Only one that I can think of.” She glanced at the kids, playing in the living room with Maggie. “Jack.”

  “Even that has been settled. Jack will get some extra weekends both before and after our trip to balance out the visitation agreement. Now,” he whispered, “we must plan our next big event.”

  Knowing it was fruitless to continue to argue with him, she decided to allow the change in topics. “Which event would that be?” Isabella asked suspiciously.

  Gabriel feigned innocence. “Why, Rebecca’s birthday of course.”

  Isabella rolled her eyes. “Promise me you won’t go crazy like you did for Kyle?”

  “I’m hurt that you don’t trust me,” he said, grabbing his chest.

  “I mean it. You are here to alleviate stress, not cause it.” She looked at him as sternly as she could muster. “How about a barbecue at home? After all, the birthday does fall on Memorial Day weekend.”

  “I think I can work with that,” Gabriel mused. “But, what if we ask Rebecca what she wants? She will be seven. She knows what she likes.”

  “I want to wear a crown,” Rebecca announced at dinner that evening. “Sometimes, when you have your birthday at Burger King, they give you a crown. But mostly I want cake, and ice cream, and a real dinner party like you and mommy have had.”

  Gabriel smiled. “I know just what to do.”

  The week passed in a flash, and the morning of Rebecca’s birthday arrived. Again, Isabella found herself being sent on an errand. “You promised,” she hissed at Gabriel as she begrudgingly walked to her car. “You said you wouldn’t go crazy again.”

  “No,” Gabriel laughed. “You said I wouldn’t go crazy. I asked Rebecca what she wants and I intend to deliver it.”

  Her mind filled with questions, Isabella set out to pick up the ice cream cake. The situation troubled her on so many levels. What would she find upon her return? Gabriel prided himself in being always full of surprises, which might be part of his charm, but could also be equally frustrating. In addition, Jack would attend today’s celebration, possibly even arriving before her return, which could be catastrophic, as Gabriel seemed unusually disturbed by Jack’s unwillingness to sign the divorce papers. So, the possibility existed that she might return to an old fashioned backyard brawl.

  The ice cream shop misspelled Rebecca’s name, an all too familiar traffic jam prevented her speedy return, and when she finally reached her barn she understood why. An entirely enchanting structure that seemed utterly out of place in this pastoral setting peeked around the edge of her barn. A not so miniature castle stood there with flags streaming from the four towers, and a huge banner over the draw bridge that read “Happy Birthday, Rebecca.”

  As she parked, Isabella’s mouth fell open in astonishment. Rebecca raced out to greet her, in full princess attire right down to the tiny tiara on her head.

  “Mommy, did you see?” She asked, squealing in excitement. “Look what Gabriel gave me! It’s my very own castle, mommy. There are even bedrooms and play rooms, and everything. I have my own fridge in my own kitchen. I could live in it, Mommy. And Gabriel said someday the bathroom will be functioning!”

  As soon as Isabella deposited the cake in the kitchen, Rebecca led her out the back door to the castle. She shot a shocked glance at Gabriel who simply beamed. He followed them out, proud of his accomplishment. They crossed over the draw bridge into the main hall, which was lit by a miniature chandelier. Gabriel must duck through the entire tour, but Isabella could walk through comfortably. Found to the right of the hall, the dining room had a long cherry table and eight matching chairs, for the eight places set with matching china and silver patterns. These items must belong in the hutch that stood on the far wall, empty, save for the silver tea set. Directly across the hall, the formal living room/study came equipped with walls lined with book cases, filled with all the greatest literary works.

  Rebecca was right. In the back of the home, across from the fully furnished family room with cathedral ceilings and stone fireplace stood the partially functioning kitchen.

  “We don’t have water or sewer hook-up right now,” Gabriel explained, “but we will soon. Probably before the end of summer.”

  “How can you possibly arrange that?” Isabella asked incredulously.

  “I have my ways,” he remarked, smiling.

  If the downstairs could be described as impressive, the upstairs would be considered nothing less than spectacular. The room intended for Rebecca held an enormous canopy bed decorated in rich fabrics and even richer royal colors. A miniature lounger near a lamp gave her a place to unwind and read. The wardrobe contained innumerable dress up clothes fit for castle dwelling.

  One spare room had been decorated for Kyle in knightly fashion with shields, swords, and rocking horse. His bed, another canopy, bore an unmistakable likeness to a medieval tent. A chest found in one corner held make believe gear and clothing. Kyle sat in the farthest corner, barely noticeable due to being so engrossed in playing with a model castle and action figures,

  “Hello, Kyle,” Isabella greeted him as she squatted down to his level.

  He glanced over at her, paused, then rushed into her arms. “Mommy, did you see? Gabiyell gave this to us. This stuff is for me!” He ran past Isabella now to hug Gabriel who reveled in the affection.

  An amazing full bathroom, play room, and spare room for guests, completed the upstairs tour. The open hallway overlooked the family room, and now in it stood a very disgruntled looking Jack.

  “Daddy!” Rebecca and Kyle squealed in unison. They rushed down the plush carpeted stairs to greet their father.

  “Hello, Jack,” Gabriel greeted him, with an edge in his voice. “Welcome to Rebecca’s castle.”

  The two glowered at each other for a few moments. Jack, upset because he could never compete with Gabriel’s money, and Gabriel, bothered due to his need to confront Jack over the divorce papers. The two stood glaring each other down in an irreversible stale mate.

  Isabella looked from one to the other, then back again. “Come on, boys,” she announced, “let’s get the grill fired up for the rest of the guests.”

  The day continued in a tense sort of peace accord. Both knew not to disrupt Rebecca’s day. There were many uncomfortable moments, moments where one or the other of them threatened to erupt. Jack couldn’t stand that Gabriel had become the one who manned the grill. He stood around trying to figure out how to occupy himself. Gabriel, just as upset, hovered over the grill flipping burgers. After seeing the children’s reaction to Jack in the castle, he realized what he’s always known, but chosen not to accept. He could never replace Jack in the children’s hearts. No matter how he longed for them to call him ‘daddy,’ that would never happen. He had no right to that title biologically.

  At last, when Gabriel recognized that Jack prepared to make his exit, he decided to do what he had been longing to for weeks now. He lured Jack behind the castle, out of view and ear shot of the rest of the remaining guests.

  “I want you to sign the divorce papers,” Gabriel stated simply. “Bella deserves to be happy.”

  Jack snickered. “So, I should just let her be happy?”

  Gabriel tensed. “Yes, you should, since you spent so many years making her miserable.”

  “Oh, but I suppose you know how to make her happy, huh?” He asked with eyes narrowed.

  Gabriel showed his teeth without truly smiling. “Of course. I already do. I’m not
going to lie to you, Jack. I love your children and I love Bella. I plan to marry her.”

  Jack straightened and tried to look as threatening as he could manage against a man who might be his equal in height, but definitely bore more bulk. “You will never marry her,” he spat. “I won’t allow it.” He closed the gap between them, standing nose to nose with Gabriel.

  “I haven’t hit another human being since I was fifteen,” Gabriel said sternly, holding his ground. “I would love to make an exception for you, but today we are celebrating Rebecca’s birthday and I refuse to ruin it.”

  “Aren’t you the gentleman,” Jack remarked snidely.

  Gabriel straightened. “I like to think so. Now, I’m warning you. Sign the divorce papers.”

  Smirking and stretching, Jack began slowly. “Well, Gabriel. You’re a businessman. Let’s see if we can’t come up with some sort of agreement.” He turned around tugging at his chin. “How much is she worth to you? I hope you brought your check book.” He gloated now, thinking he had struck some fabulous deal.


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