Thug Lovin'

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Thug Lovin' Page 21

by Wahida Clark

  “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Oh, yes I am. Watch me. I’m leaving you here so you can roam free. No interruptions from me while you’re fucking these nasty bitches out here. We are out of here.”

  “Tasha, I suggest that you calm the fuck down.”

  “Nigga, you can’t be serious. Calm down?” She was now in his face. “You fuckin’ all kinds of hoes. Chinese bitches, nasty-pussy bitches, and without protection. You’re doing shit that I thought you would never do. You’re cheating and you’re bringing home diseases. So fuck you! I am not calming down. I can’t if I wanted to. I just need to get me and my kids the hell away from here and especially away from you.”

  “Tasha, you ain’t going nowhere so put the shit back.” He began taking the clothes out of the suitcase and putting them back in the dresser drawers.

  “Trae, stop it. Please.”

  “Don’t start that shit again, Tasha.”

  “Trae, I mean it. I’m leaving and I want a divorce.”


  “Yes, a divorce. I’m not going to continue to be with you and not be happy. It’s over. I’m filing for a divorce,” she said in finality.

  “Tasha. I’m not cheating on you. Why can’t you just trust me while I straighten a few things out?”

  “You’ve had plenty of time to straighten lots of things out. But all you’re doing is digging a deeper hole for yourself. We are leaving, Trae.”

  “Aiight then fuck it. If you can’t trust me then leave. But I guarantee you two things. One, you won’t get a divorce, and two, you won’t be taking my children.”

  “What!” she shrieked in disbelief.

  “You heard me. You can go, but leave my children here. They are boys and they need to be with their father. You are not taking my sons.”

  “Watch me.”

  “No bitch, you watch me,” Trae spat, turned around and slammed the door.

  She ran and snatched it open. “Trae, here is your cell phone.” She threw it down the steps at him, damn near taking off his head. They had somehow ended up with each other’s phones. “Give me mines. Rick has been blowing it up. He said that it’s official. They are raiding the club today.” It was her turn to slam the bedroom door.

  It had been hours since Trae left the house. Now here he was standing in front of the mural in the club. Sabeerah had almost finished an updated version of Marvin Gayes I Want You album cover. The people looked so real it sucked you in.

  Stephon walked up on him. “Why are you looking so down, man?”

  “Tasha said she wants a divorce and she’s making arrangements to leave. Rick said they are coming today. Hopefully they change their mind. Among a list of other shit going on,” Trae said solemnly.

  “They’re not coming to raid shit. They would have been did that.” Stephon was in denial about the raid on his dream club. “But word? Do you think Tasha’s serious or is she just mad?” Stephon wanted to know.

  “It sure looks like it. I want this thing painted over.”


  “I don’t want any signs of that bitch ever setting foot in this club,” Trae said. “You know what, fuck it. They’re about to close the shit down anyhow. So it don’t even matter.”

  Right after those words left his mouth, the feds busted in the club. Rick was right. The raid was now official.

  Kyra was loading up her trunk. She and Aisha were going to Atlanta with Jaz. Marvin had been supposed to go check in at rehab on Monday. Here it was Wednesday and she hadn’t seen him or heard from him since the night of Aisha’s birthday party. She had meant it when she said she was leaving. California had turned out to be a total bust for both her and Tasha.

  “Get in the car, Aisha, and put your seat belt on. Let me make sure everything is locked up and turned off.”

  Kyra went back into the house and did a final sweep. She hadn’t decided whether to sell the house or just leave it for Marvin to worry about.

  “Okay,” she sighed, “it was nice while it lasted.” She looked around at her bedroom before heading downstairs. She heard Aisha giggling.

  “Aisha, you are supposed to be in the car, hardheaded.” Kyra was flying down the steps but came to an abrupt halt when she ran smack into Marvin.

  “Mommy, Daddy said we don’t have to go anywhere.”

  “Aisha, go get in the car like I told you.”

  “But, Ma,” Aisha whined.

  “But nothing. We are leaving in a few minutes.”

  “So, my baby girl was just going to up and leave me.” Marvin came over and hugged Kyra tight. “Aisha, come here.” Aisha came running and hugged them both.

  “I gave you until Monday, Marvin.”

  “How the fuck you gonna give me a date? I ain’t give you a date to quit fucking Detective Rick, now did I?” Kyra had a stunned look on her face. “Cat got your tongue? Maybe you’ll have some words to say at that nigga’s funeral. Yeah, I’ma take care of that nigga once and for all. I just haven’t been able to catch up with him. So I suggest that you stick around.” He took the suitcase from her and snatched the car keys out of her hands.


  Two days later Tasha was in New York. “Angel, I’m at baggage claim now, where are you?”

  After a knock-down, drag-out fight Tasha had left her home and kids behind in Cali. Trae hadn’t lied when he said that she was not taking them with her. But she already had a plan in place to go back to Cali and get them after she got situated. For now she just needed to get away from him.

  “Hey, boo. So much has come up since your flight, you wouldn’t believe it if I told you. But Kaylin and Kyron are already there waiting on you. I’ll call Kaylin on the other line, hold on.”

  “Wait a minute, Kyron? I thought he was locked up?”

  “Was is correct. My brother-in-law is a free man. Money talks and bullshit walks. My hero, Johnnie Cochran, when asked what color was justice, his answer was green. Green and Kaylin fuckin’ with them Italians got my brother-in-law out.”

  “Wow. That’s deep,” Tasha said.

  “Yeah, but how are you holding up?”

  “Girl, barely.”

  “Well, look at it as a break or a vacation. Get your head together, let him get his head together, and then go on back.”

  “Go back? Go back to what? We gotta move for our safety and even though they didn’t find shit, the club is closed down until further investigation, or until Trae and Stephon can get that order lifted. I knew I should have burnt that muthafucker down to the ground when I had the chance. And Angel, you didn’t hear me or you weren’t listening, I’m filing for a divorce.”

  “Tasha, come on, now.”

  “Angel, I am dead serious. Here come my bags. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Hold on, let me tell Kaylin to come inside. Wait there so y’all won’t miss each other.”

  “I only have two bags. What car is he in?”

  “His favorite. The G-Wagon.”

  “Tell him I’m coming out now.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell him and I’ll see you later on this evening.”

  Angel hung up and called Kaylin. “We’re going to have a full house, baby.”

  “I can see that. Where is she?”

  “She’s coming out now.”

  “Aiight then. I’ll talk to you later.” Kaylin hung up. He passed a leather portfolio over to Kyron. “Here, this will hold you for now.”

  Kyron opened it up and thumbed through it. There were a couple of stacks and a black American Express card. He tucked the cash and the American Express card in his back pocket and passed the portfolio back to Kaylin.

  Kyron nodded his head in approval. “So, Trae been fucking up?” Kyron finally spoke.

  “Shit. What nigga don’t? He got hemmed up a couple of times but Tasha done spazzed out on him. Do me a favor and get in the back,” Kaylin told him.

  “Damn,” Kyron said.

  “Yeah. Same thing I said.”

>   Kyron jumped out of the front and got in the back. He was so glad to be out of the bing that he didn’t know what to do with himself.

  “Yo, Kay, open up the sunroof.” Kay hit the switch and watched as Kyron closed his eyes and lifted his face to the sky.

  “Man, y’all free niggas take the smallest shit for granted,” Kyron told him as he inhaled the dirty New York air. He figured he might as well dirty it up some more and lit a blunt. “Yo, is that her?”


  “Trae’s wife.”

  “Yeah.” Kaylin opened the door.

  “Damn. Shorty is bad.”

  “I don’t want no trouble out of you, nigga.”

  “All I said was shorty is fine.”

  “Yeah, well, you heard what I said.”

  “Man, I’m the oldest. Now get the fuck out and help shorty with her bags. I give the orders around here, lil’ punk,” Kyron told Kaylin.

  “Yeah, I got your punk.” Kaylin got out to place Tasha’s bags in the trunk. “What’s up, my nigga?” He picked her up and gave her a hug.

  “Thanks for allowing me to camp out.”

  “Girl, don’t insult me like that. You know you can stay as long as you need to.”

  “It’s only temporary until I get my own place.”

  Kaylin laughed. “C’mon, Tasha, I know my boy ain’t fuck up that bad.”

  “Yes, he did. But I don’t want to talk about that right now.”

  “Okay, okay. Just let me know when you’re ready.” He closed the trunk and opened the front door for her. “Don’t be alarmed, that’s just my ugly brother Kyron back there.”

  “Yes, I’m the member of the family no one wants to talk about,” Kyron joked.

  “What’s up, Kyron? Good to finally meet you and that’s not true. I’ve seen a few pictures and heard a little bit of conversation.”

  “I hope you don’t believe everything you hear.”

  Tasha decided not to comment on that as she buckled her seat belt.

  Kaylin jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled off.

  Everyone was silent. Kaylin was still in shock that his brother was home. Kyron was in shock that he was free. Tasha couldn’t believe that she was back in New York and under these circumstances.

  “Yo, shorty, it looks like we’re going to be neighbors.”

  “Who is it?” Kyra rushed to the front door and snatched it open, ready to get into Marvin’s ass for leaving the rehab center. It was Rick. He stood there in the doorway. They were staring at one another.

  “You going to let me in, come out here, or what?”

  “Rick, what’s up with you?” a startled Kyra asked. “You promised me that you wouldn’t come by the house.” Kyra was whispering.

  “I’m just checking on you. You aiight? I wanted to see you.”

  Kyra closed the door behind her and sat on the porch. “What’s up?”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “How’s he doing? He’s been in there for a week now or two?”

  “Rick, you know you don’t give a damn.”

  “Nah, I don’t. I only give a damn about you and the baby. Can’t you get a babysitter and come see me later?”

  “Now is not a good time, Rick. So what’s up? Why are you here?”

  “Kyra, I’m telling you. Leave now. Pack up again and go. You should have left the last time. You were almost in your car, Kyra.”

  “You’ve been stalking me?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not crazy. They are watching him, Stephon, Trae and Charli. Y’all’s entire circle. You should have walked away when you had the chance. You see what he’s been reduced to. He’s in a rehab, Kyra, and the people he runs with have been under investigation for years.”

  “So why are you telling me all of this? Whose side are you on?”

  “My side. Shit, I learned the hard way, my side is the only side. If it wasn’t for Trae I wouldn’t be telling you this. He reminds me so much of my little brother. It’s like Markie reincarnated. His mannerisms and gestures. His arrogance and cockiness. He loves your family, Kyra, but he can’t save Marvin. You can’t save Marvin. Marvin is already gone.”

  “This conversation is over, Detective Bryant.”

  “Oh, so now I’m Detective Bryant? Why the fuck do you keep switching up on me?” He grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t touch me,” she gritted.

  “Okay look. Kyra, just leave. Take that beautiful daughter of yours and leave.”

  “And go where?”

  “With me. I have a place for the both of you.”

  She snatched away from him and went into her house and locked the door.

  * * *

  Trae was just walking into the house when he heard Concita say, “Here comes Mr. Macklin now.” Concita handed Trae the phone. “It’s your mother, Missus Macklin.”

  “Tell her I’ll call her right back.” He tried to give her the phone back.

  “No, no, I can’t. She very upset. You must talk to her. I take the children. Come with me, kids.”

  Trae sighed before speaking. “Ma, I just walked into the house. Can I call you right back?”

  “No, you cannot. Tell me why your wife is up here and you are way over there.”

  “We had an argument, Ma, and you know how stubborn she is. She’s mad at me but give her time to cool off. She’ll be back in a couple of days.” Trae listened as his mother relayed what he had said to his father.

  “Trae.” His father had jumped on the phone.

  “Shit,” Trae mumbled.

  “Get up here and get your wife.”

  “Pop, what you want me to do? Tie her up and put her on the plane? I don’t think they are going to allow that.”

  “They? You got your own damn plane.”

  “Let me give her a couple of days to cool off. Pop, we’ve been beefin’ a lot. I’ll be up there to get her.” Trae listened again as his dad relayed what he had said to his mother, who jumped back on the phone.

  “Two days, Trae. We are giving you two days. Then get up here and get your wife. The boys need their mother.” And she hung up.

  Trae felt in his back pocket for a blunt, went to see what he had stiff to drink but instead ended up heading for Spinners.

  * * *

  Kyra tossed and turned all night long. Altogether she may have gotten in two hours of sleep tops. It was no surprise to her that she was wide awake at six-fifteen when her phone rang.


  “Kyra, it’s me. Come sign me outta here.” It was Marvin.

  She sat up and swung her legs around the edge of the bed. “Is everything okay? What happened?”

  “Naw, everything ain’t fuckin’ okay. Kyra, just come sign me the fuck outta here.” She didn’t have to guess that he was pissed.

  “Marvin, you haven’t been in there two weeks. I knew you were going to pull this bullshit.” Kyra quickly decided to try and reason with him. “Marvin, the worst part is over.”

  “Man, dead that clinical-speech shit. I’m not yo damn patient. I don’t know why the fuck I agreed to come up in here. All I did was snort a couple of lines. And you damn right it’s over, now come sign me the fuck out. Be here before I catch another case up in here.” He slammed down the phone.


  Okay, shorty. Looks like we can help each other out. You around here moping around and until I get my license I need somebody to drive me around.” Kyron was standing in front of Tasha with his muscled arms folded, looking like Kaylin’s twin. He had Kaylin’s son Malik’s bedroom, it was adjacent to Tasha’s. Malik was at his mother’s and Kaylin and Angel were at their office.

  “Drive you around? It’s only seven in the morning. Do I strike you as the help?” she snapped.

  “Of course not. I was just offering you something to do to get your mind off of whatever it is got you stressing.”

  “Like you don’t already know. And get out of my room.”

  “It’s none of my business
. I’m focused on doing me. It’s all about me right now. I know you can understand that. Look, shorty, I need to make a few moves today. C’mon, drive me around. I’ll pay you.”

  “Oh, so now I look like I need money? Nigga, I’m sure my nest egg is much larger than yours.” She walked away from him.

  He followed behind her and couldn’t help but admire her ass. “Shorty, you know I wasn’t implying that. Aren’t you tired of sitting around here? Look, I’m offering to pay you to do what y’all ladies love to do anyway, shop.”

  “I thought you had moves to make? Here you are talking about shopping. And you may think I’m moping around but I have moves to make as well. So don’t comment on shit you don’t know anything about.”

  “Okay, okay. Damn, shorty, I apologize.”

  Tasha went back into her bedroom and slammed the door.

  He smiled and knocked.

  She snatched it open. “What now?”

  “Be ready in thirty minutes, shorty. I got you.”

  After an hour of haggling with the staff Kyra was finally able to sign Marvin out. She was pissed off and frustrated as she paced back and forth in the waiting area. Aisha was excited, jumping from foot to foot as she waited anxiously for her father to come out.

  Twenty more minutes passed and Marvin came barging through the double doors carrying his bag. He walked right past his wife without saying a word. He swooped up Aisha and kissed her on the cheek. Kyra followed behind them, barely keeping up.

  “Hello to you too.”

  “Give me the keys,” he barked.

  “Why are you so angry, Marvin? I should be the one pissed off. They are not giving us that money back.”

  “Fuck that money. Give me the damn keys.” He held out his hand. She threw the keys at him and stomped in place.

  He put Aisha in the backseat and as soon as he threw his bags in the trunk and slammed it shut he asked, “So you still fuckin’ Rick?”

  It took a minute for his comment to register. “What? So this is what this is all about?” Kyra shrieked in disbelief. “I don’t believe you, Marvin. You never cease to amaze me.”


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