by Carmen Faye
He powered out of her embrace before rolling over and pulling her on top. She scrambled into position, then lowered herself, but before she could begin to thrust he pushed himself up to the sitting position, clasping her to his chest with is hands on her back as he began to kiss her throat. She began to bounce on him, his firm grip keeping them tight and making her work for every thrust.
“Shit!” she gasped as she surrounded his head with her arms, pulling his lips into her throat. She was beginning to sweat, her legs burning in effort as she thrust against his embrace. He was so fucking strong, his muscles like steel cords, but god how she loved the feel of his hard muscular body pressing into hers as he kept them tight.
He rolled to the side, dumping her to the bed, holding her tight as they tumbled, her legs locking around his ass and pulling him deep. He tugged her back, then back again, sliding off the edge of the bed before thrusting into her.
“Fuck!” he snarled into her chest as he fought against the crush of her legs.
She couldn’t stop him from fucking her, he was just too strong, but having him overpower her pleased her at a deep level. She loved being manhandled, of having her lover overpower and dominate her, to fuck her until she was nothing but boneless putty, and Ironside could do it like no one else before him. She wouldn’t be able to hold this much pressure for long, but she thrilled in the contest, watching him strain, his muscles working as he plunged into her over and over again.
He grabbed her hands and pinned them to the bed above her head as he began to drive into her with force, his orgasm coming. “Fuck!” he snarled, shaking his head, trying to deny the pleasure that was stealing his control.
She watched his face twist in sweet agony a moment. “Don’t you fucking stop! Don’t you fucking stop fucking me! Fuck me!” she sneered, her own face twisting as they battled, each trying to make the other come.
“Goddamn!” he growled, plunging into her savagely. His orgasm was coming and he couldn’t stop it.
He released her hands and slid his hands under her before rearing back and picking her up. She wailed, his cock going so deep, a new and unusual wave of pleasure roaring through her. Nobody had been strong enough to hold her and fuck her standing up until now, and she crushed her eyes shut as she cried out in pleasure and excitement.
He gasped, every muscle burning as he held her, struggling against her weight as he thrust into her, grunting in exertion while thrilling with the effort. She was going wild, thrusting furiously on him as she cried out, holding herself tight against him.
He threw her down on the bed, tumbling with her, his cock plunging in deeper still, deeper than anyone had ever gone. Her ankles locked over his ass, he pounded into her furiously, roaring his pleasure into the night as he fucked her.
She began to wail, her nails biting into his arms as he pounded into her. The sting of her grip and the fury of their fucking overwhelmed his control. He lunged into her as he came, pushing in deep, holding himself there as his cock pulsed, before pulling back and ramming into her again. “Fuck!” he snarled, pushing in deep again, a shiver of pleasure zinging though him, dancing along his nerves and making him shudder.
She released her breath as her orgasm washed out of her. With the monster orgasm to start her off, now this toe curler, her need had been satiated. She could stop right here and sleep the sleep of angels, but when he grunted and began to thrust again, his lips taking hers, she could feel the need returning as a tingle of pleasure radiated out from her core. She sighed, losing herself in the kiss, her desire for him beginning to roar again, stoked by his plunging cock.
Peyton swam up out of the darkness, the sound of running water drawing her out of sleep. She stretched and smiled, her pussy aching in the most pleasant way. Ironside had fucked the shit out of her last night, leaving her a puddle in the middle of the bed.
She stretched again, groaning, then rolled out of bed with a smile, picking up a condom as she did. She had imagined fucking Ironside in that beautiful round shower several times, but something always got in the way, but now she was going to do it. As she sauntered by on the way to the toilet, she smiled, admiring his muscled ass, shoulders and legs as he scrubbed his hair. The shower really wasn’t big enough for two, but that was okay. She was going to get in tight and stay there.
As she relieved herself, Melissa popped into her mind and she felt the desire begin to wither, her smile fading as guilt tried to take her. Here she was, being the same old Peyton, thinking only of herself, fucking her brains out only days after her friend had killed herself. She shoved the thoughts aside. Sometime, while she slept, she had decided she was going to kill Andrew, the man most responsible for what happened to Melissa, or she was going to die trying. Melissa had been afraid to live, but if she was going to die avenging her, she didn’t want her last thoughts to be of what she wished she’d done.
She flushed and stepped out of the alcove that hid the toilet, standing and watching as Ironside’s hands slid over his body, admiring his form, enjoying every bulge, valley and ripple as the desire began to burn bright again.
She smiled as she moved to the shower, opening the door and stepping in, pulling it shut behind her as she dropped the condom onto the soap holder for later use. Life was too short to not live.
Ironside turned as Peyton pressed in. With them both in the shower, they had scant inches to move around, the tight confines forcing them to slide against each other as the water fell on them like rain. She loved the 360° clear glass enclosure, allowing her to see out, or others to see in.
“I want something from you,” she said, taking the soap bar from the holder and sliding it across his chest.
“You do?” he asked with a grin. He wanted something from her, too.
“I want to help you find the mole, then I want you to kill Andrew for what he did to Melissa.”
“What?” he asked. That wasn’t what he was expecting. “You want to help find the mole?”
“Yes. Girls talk. I want to try to find out to outed me and who’s feeding information to the Saracens. Then, once she’s outed, and they won’t see it coming, I want you to kill Andrew and wipe out the Saracens. Isn’t that your plan?”
“Yes,” he said slowly.
She rose to her tiptoes as she pulled his lips to hers. “I want to help. I want to help you kill Andrew,” she murmured as she pulled back, her hand sliding down to his cock. “I want to watch you fuck him and the Saracens. I want to know he’s dead and burning in hell, and I want to help make it happen.” She plucked the condom from the dish then sank to her knees, dropping the package to free her hands.
“Whiteshirt won’t like that,” he gasped as she swallowed him.
She sucked him for several moments, her tongue flicking over the head of his cock before she plunged him in deep. “Fuck him, then. He doesn’t have to know,” she murmured after pulling him from her mouth. She plunged down him again, smiling as he hissed, his hands going to her head as he began to thrust into her mouth. “It can be our secret,” she said as she pulled back again before plunging his shaft into her mouth once more.
“We don’t keep secrets like that,” he growled.
She rose, picked up the condom, opened it, and rolled it over his cock. He turned her, then pressed her against the glass, her breasts flattening, as he squatted and slowly pushed into her.
“Fuck,” he breathed in pleasure. They were going to do this again, but with a camera set up so he could see her mashed against the glass as they fucked.
“You have to start somewhere,” she gasped as she began to drive into her. “Give me false information and—fuck, that feels good—and I’ll spread it around. See what gets back to the—” she paused as she moaned softly and pushed back into him— “what gets back to Andrew.”
Discussing club business as they fucked, trying to ignore the searing pleasure of their love making to think, was turning him on. “That might work,” he grunted. “But I have to put
Whiteshirt in the loop! Fuck!”
“Can you trust him?” she cried, the strain in Ironside’s voice twisting her up.
“Yes! With my fucking life!” he snarled, driving into her hard, water splashing with wet slapping sounds as he slammed into her ass.
“Okay! Shit! Tell him! But I don’t trust that—fuck! I’m about to come!—that bitch Honey! What about her?”
“What the fuck about her?” he asked, his voice tight and strained.
“They’re fucking!” she cried.
“We’re fucking!”
“But you can—fuck! Just fuck me!—you can trust me!” she snarled, pushing back into him, trying to take him as deep as possible.
“How—fuck, you feel so good!—why do you think it’s her?” He paused long enough to pull her head around for a kiss. “She’s been a Knights girl for—Shit! You’re going to make me come!”
“I don’t trust that fucking—I’m coming!” she gasped, losing her battle to pleasure.
Doing to her what she had done to him, forcing her to come while discussing business, was the snip that severed his control. He barked his release as he drove into her hard and fast, the water running over their bodies another source of pleasure. He pushed in deep with a shuddering groan, holding himself there as he flung his head back in pleasure.
“Fuck!” he gasped as he returned to himself, then slapped the water off before peeling her off the glass. His cock still deep inside her, he pulled her head roughly around and kissed her hard, their tongues darting and slithering before he pulled out of her and pushed the door open.
They stepped out of the shower and moved to the bedroom, intending to continue what they started, leaving a trail of water on the floor behind them. He shoved her into the bed, riding her down as he entered her again, driving into her, consumed with passion, everything forgotten except this one perfect moment of pleasure.
They rolled and tumbled in the bed, gasping and moaning in pleasure, their faces twisting into feral snarls as they gave and took pleasure. She’d just snarled her way through another orgasm and now she was on her back, challenging him to keep fucking her and not come as he was driving into her hard and fast.
“Fuck!” he gasped, dropping lower, pressing himself into her so he couldn’t see her tits moving as they fucked.
“Don’t you fucking come!” she growled, trying to make him do just that. “You fuck me with that hard cock!”
“Shut up, you fucking bitch!” he snarled before kissing her furiously to shut her up, her constant snarling comments about not coming making him need to do just that.
She pulled his mouth from hers. “Can’t take it?” she sneered, enjoying pushing him, his pants and gasps as he battled to hold his climax turning her on at a deep level. “Can’t take my tight pussy on your big, thick, cock?”
He paused, sliding his hands under her leg and locked them behind his arms. “We’ll see who can’t take it!” he sneered as he began to hammer into her.
“Oh my fucking God!” she breathed as his cock began to hit her just right.
“Now who can’t take it?” he panted as her face twisted in pleasure. “Who can’t take it now, bitch!”
He pounded into her, trying to force her to climax while delaying his own rapture, when Whitshirt’s ringtone began to play.
“No!” she cried, twisting and grasping for the phone, intending to throw it out of his reach.
Whiteshirt never called just to chat, which meant the call was important. He lunged across her, his cock still inside, grabbing the phone and wrenching it from her hand as she began to thrust against him.
“Don’t answer!” she begged but he ignored her.
He rose to his knees, allowing her to thrust on his cock. “Ironside!”
“We’re fucking!” she cried, wanting Whiteshirt to know he was interrupting.
She couldn’t hear Whiteshirt’s voice, but she saw Ironside’s eyes open wide. “We’re coming. Hang on!” He pulled out of her and tumbled off the bed. “Get dressed! Hurry! Whiteshirt is pinned down at BKS!”
They dressed, throwing on clothes as fast as possible before running for the van. “You drive!” he said as he tossed her the keys and ran around to the other side of the van. “Hurry!” he snarled as she fumbled the keys before unlocking the doors. “To the clubhouse! Fast as you can!”
As they raced to the clubhouse, Ironside worked the phone, rounding up brothers. “I’ve got six!” he said as she slowed at a red light, then ran it. “It’ll have to do! When we get there, stop. Everyone will get in, then take us to the studio.”
“I don’t know where it is!”
“I’ll give you directions. When we get close, I want you slow down and drive slow. We’re going to jump out and try to catch the Saracens in a crossfire. Once we’re out, go to the end of the block and wait.”
“What’s happening?”
“I’ll fill everyone in on the way.”
There were seven Knights standing in a cluster, one more than he thought he’d have, as the van rocked to a hard stop before the men piled into the back. “Go!” Ironside called, and she matted the throttle just as the side door banged shut.
“Listen up!” Ironside called, looking into the back of the van. “Whiteshirt, Snap, Goose, Tank and Dodger are pinned down at the studio. Tracer is dead, shot as they were leaving for lunch. There are an unknown number of Saracens waiting outside to ambush whoever comes out.”
“Will they still be there?” Lolly asked.
“I don’t know. I hope not. When we get close, Peyton is going to slow down so they don’t hear us coming, then stop and let us out. Left here,” he said, giving her directions. “We’re going to approach on foot. The Saracens are probably dug in and under cover, but hopefully we can take them by surprise.”
“What’s the plan?”
“That is the plan,” Ironside growled. “That, and kill everyone who isn’t a Knight.”
It took fifteen more minutes before they were close. “Slow down,” Ironside said. Peyton breathed on the brakes, slowing the van. “Slow…slow…” he murmured. “Okay. Stop here. BKS is that red brick building up there on the right. When we’re out, drive past, turn around, then stop at the corner. Leave the van running.” He looked into the back of the van. “Somebody give me their phone.”
When a phone was handed up, he passed his to Peyton. “If I call, you get your ass in there with the van, just like last time.”
She nodded, her eyes wide with fear.
He gave her a quick kiss. “Stay frosty,” he muttered before opening the door.
The minute the doors eased closed, she continued on, looking into the parking lot as she passed but seeing nothing.
The eight Knights crept up on BKS and crouched behind a row of hedges along the fence that defined the property. The warehouse wasn’t large by modern standards, but the large parking lot for trucks made a good killing field. Until they located the Saracens, they didn’t dare venture beyond the hedgerow. Ironside felt a tap on his shoulder and turned as Lolly handed him a suppressor. He nodded his thanks as he began to screw the heavy tube onto the end of his weapon. They wanted to try to keep the cops out of this as much as possible.
Using Lolly’s phone, he sent Whiteshirt a text. We’re here. Moving to position. Located in the older, industrial part of town, the building had thick brick walls and no windows, which was perfect for making porn videos, and happened to make it easy to defend. Unfortunately, the same features that made the building easy to defend also meant it was easy to get trapped inside. With only two exits, not counting the six large rollup doors, the Saracens knew where the Knights had to come out, and Tracer had paid the price.
Ironside pointed to four men and motioned them to circle the building to cover the rear. They scanned the area but saw no signs of the Saracens. “Think they’re still here?” Tinker whispered into Ironside’s ear.
He shrugged as Lolly’s phone vibrated
. In position.
He tapped a moment, sending Whiteshirt a text. Ready.
One minute. Front, Lolly’s phone buzzed.
Ironside tapped the man next to him and pointed two fingers at his eyes then at the door, then held up one finger. The sign was repeated down the line. They waited until the door burst open. Three Saracens stepped around the side of the dumpster, their guns popping quietly. Ironside and his men opened up, but the range was too great and, despite the hail of gunfire, only one Saracen was hit.
There was a lull as the two clubs tried to work out what to do, when Ironside heard the roar of a straining engine. He turned as a pickup skidded to a stop and five men bailed out, crouching behind the truck and firing on their position.
The Knights turned to face the new threat, but they were at a severe disadvantage. They went to the ground, but they were taking fire from two sides, and two Knights were hit. Whiteshirt tried to escape, to come to the aid of his club, but was driven back by the men behind the dumpster. They had walked right into a trap and were being cut to pieces. He could hear the soft pops of suppressed weapons fire on the other side of the building and knew they were on their own.