Love Interrupted

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Love Interrupted Page 3

by Eva Andrews

  Sad the song was coming to an end, I hid my disappointment from Cameron as he wrapped my arm around his and escorted me back to the table. Dancing with him was like foreplay, like a giant five-minute tease.

  Addie skipped up to the table, “I think we’re going to go, Ashton and I have an early flight tomorrow,” she announced to the group before turning to me, “Shay, I’ll be back Sunday evening for Mama’s family dinner. I want to do lunch next week, I’ll come over and check out your new digs and we can go shopping for whatever you need! Please come to family dinner Sunday, Mama won’t let you say no!”

  Squealing in delight, I was ecstatic at the idea of shopping with Addie. The woman was the best shopping partner, hands down. My old wardrobe wasn’t going to cut it in this Louisiana heat, I needed a wardrobe upgrade and Adeline Carmichael was just the designer/best friend a girl would want. Add in the idea of eating a big Southern Sunday meal like a family, well that was too good to say no to. I agreed on the spot.

  Saying goodbye to her and her boyfriend, I promised Addie I’d see them Sunday night and figure out our schedule for next week once I figured out my new job obligations.

  Yawning myself, I looked at my watch. Shit, it was three in the morning.

  I knew it was time for me to make my exit too, had been up for almost a full day. Although I didn’t want to say goodbye, I couldn’t stick around all night looking completely desperate for company.

  Giving Jud a big ol’ hug, “I’m going to go home and sleep until Sunday night, hopefully all of my boxes will unpack themselves by the time I wake up.”

  “You sure darlin’? What’s going on?” He asked, the club still packed.

  “Yeah, oh, did I tell you? Derrick and Claire are getting married tomorrow? Hence the reason why I want to sleep through tomorrow and pretend neither of them exist.” I admitted, sickened that I was even still upset about it. My ex-fiancé was getting married to the woman he cheated on me with, a woman who used to be my best friend.

  “No fucking way.” He answered back in his own dramatic way.

  Nodding, “Yup. I really don’t fucking care anymore, but it still stings. I feel like such an idiot for wasting so much time with him.”

  “Just thank your lucky stars you didn’t marry that pile of shit!” He said as he pulled me in for one last hug.

  Looking over my shoulder, Justin called out to his older brother, who was talking to a few friends by the door, “Cam, walk her home will ya?”

  Giving a tip of his chin, Cameron Carmichael answered with a smile, “Of course.”

  “That isn’t necessary, I’ll be fine.” I tried to interject and wave them off, but the two handsome men looked at me and laughed.

  Yup, he was going to be just as protective as the rest of the Carmichaels.

  Cam waved off his friends and joined us, “Baby, we don’t let our cheerleaders walk home at this time of night alone. What kind of men do you think we are?”

  “Cheerleader?” Jud questioned in confusion as the bartender tried to get his attention.

  Shooing him off, “He’s teasing. Go deal with your business, you’ll see me again Juddie. Love you muffin, have a good night. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Looking over my shoulder at Cam, Jud pointed at his older brother, “Don’t you dare let her out of your sights until she is safe inside her house,” then he blew me a kiss and went to deal with whatever issue the bartender was having.

  “You ready, doll? Do you want a drink to-go?” Cam asked as he finished the rest of his drink and looked at his all black watch.

  Sighing with the knowledge I wasn’t going to win this fight, I nodded. The booze had gone past the stage of happy drunk, and now I was just drunk and overly tired.

  “Totally ready to go home, but no more drinks. I need to find my bed, or I might fall asleep on my feet. I really wanted some beignets, but I can get some tomorrow for breakfast.” Yawning a little, my belly rumbled as I thought of those delicious golden delights that were calling my name. Probably the only time Cameron’s sexiness dulled was when I was hungry.

  Grinning down at me, he held out his arm for me. Not hesitating for a moment, I slipped my arm around his and let Cameron Carmichael escort me home.

  “So tell me where are you staying?”

  “Oh, off Esplanade Ave, between Decatur and Chartres.”

  “Seriously?” He asked as he tucked me out of the way of some loud drunks on the sidewalk. I couldn’t help but grin at how protective he was being. Damn, acting gallant was not helping me dislike him.

  There was something about Cameron that made me feel safe. Sure, he was a military man just like my only brother, but there was more to it. Something elemental about Cameron rubbed off on me, you didn’t always see it, but you felt it. I didn’t want to feel it, but I did.

  Grateful Jud insisted on Cameron walking me home, I felt much safer having him next to me. When I had walked to Frenchman Street it had been just as the sunset, lots of families had been out. Now, it was like a different world outside.

  “Yeah why? It isn’t that far.” I muttered in between a yawn.

  Chuckling, “I know it isn’t far, I just live right by that area too.”

  “Oh, well now I don’t feel so bad. Regardless, I’m sorry you had to walk me home, I could have taken an Uber.” Looking up at him as we walked, as if timed perfectly, the strap of my wedge broke, and sent me lurching to the side as my ankle rolled.

  “Fuck.” I said, wincing as pain shot through my leg.

  Scooping me up easily before I hit the dirty ground, he snagged my expensive broken shoe and continued walking, “You okay?”

  “Oh sweet baby Jesus, put me down Cameron. I can walk.” I announced, trying to squirm as my ankle throbbed.

  Squeezing me a little tighter he looked down at me, our faces so close. “Woman, you rolled your ankle, and furthermore, your bare feet are not going to touch this ground Shayne. Your shoe is broken, and these streets are disgusting.”

  Rolling my eyes, “Please, Cameron.”

  Stopping in his tracks, he looked down at me again. His jaw strained as he held me against his chest easily. His ice blue eyes locked with mine.

  It appeared being polite to the man had its benefits- it got his attention.

  “Fine, piggyback ride it is. That is my only compromise- you are not going to touch your bare feet to this ground, ever.” He offered as he walked over to a park bench and stood me up on it and turned around so I could hop on.

  “You drive a hard bargain Mr. Carmichael.” I whispered near his ear before I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped on.

  Giggling, it felt great to be free to laugh again. To flirt, to feel real things again. No matter what, I wasn’t going back to the girl that settled.

  Walking along passing closed businesses and sleepy homes, and the occasional drunk, he carried me like I weighed nothing. Noticing we were headed a little off our path, “Cameron, my house is that way.”

  “I know that darlin’, I’m taking you to get some beignets before you fall asleep. Can’t have our newest Carmichael go to bed hungry.”

  Instantly giddy, “Seriously? You are the best!”

  Chuckling, he leaned his head back a little and grinned, “I am the best Carmichael darlin’, don’t you forget it.”’

  “Food will get me every time; I am beyond starving.” I admitted.

  “Would you like something more than powdered doughnuts? There are plenty of places open with great food that’ll fill your belly.”

  Shaking my head, as I yawned again, “No, just some doughy sugary goodness will do for now. My fridge is stocked full of yummy foods for the morning. I’ll survive.”

  “I thought you said you just got here this evening, how’d you find time to get groceries?” He asked as we neared Café du Monde.

  “My brother’s girlfriend, her parents own the house I’m staying in. They were kind enough to get the cleaning lady to come in and get me all stocked up. They knew I had
to hit the ground running, I’m starting my new job on Monday.” I explained as Cameron walked us into the open area tent section and sat me down.

  “How’d your fiancé take the news of you moving down here?” He asked casually as I settled into the seat. His question was the equivalent of what I asked earlier about his girlfriend, it was an exploratory question.

  “He’s been an ex-fiancé for over six months now, and I hope he never finds out where I am, he’s a piece of shit.” Clearly the booze was making my not give a shit what came out of my mouth.

  Wincing, “I’m sorry Shayne. I didn’t know.” He looked down at me with real remorse for bringing up an obvious sore subject.

  Shrugging, “He cheated on me with my best friend, you know, the woman who was supposed to me my maid of honor. I came home from Europe to find them fucking in my bed. Some welcome home gift, huh?”

  Kneeling beside me, he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “Shayne, any man who would even consider cheating on you isn’t worthy of speaking your name. I’m glad you moved here darling, we know how to treat our women here.”

  Grinning at him, I squeezed his hand back. These damn Carmichaels sure had a way with making people feel cared about and special, bless their souls. Now, if I could just get myself to truly believe the past was in the past.

  “How’s your ankle?” He asked, looking down at my bare foot.

  A little embarrassed I was sitting in a public restaurant at three in the morning without one shoe on, I blushed as I replied, “Feels a little swollen, I’ve survived worse.” Yes, I used his own words, but they were also still true. I had survived worse, but it was still cute that he asked.

  “You’ll learn, just like Addie and Mom, heels in the Quarter aren’t always the best idea. Although sexy as fuck, not so fun when you roll an ankle.” He offered with a wink.

  “I’ll take that into consideration.” I smiled up at him. He was right, the upheaved sidewalks of the French Quarter were treacherous even in flats.

  “Be right back.” He called over his shoulder as he walked away towards the counter. Losing sight of him, I was amazed at how many people were still out. The Big Easy never slept, vivacious and pulsating with life, my new city was enchanting.

  Looking out at the bustling street, I was busy people watching when icy coldness on my ankle made me jump, “Oh!” Looking at my ankle, I saw he had laid a bag of ice on my slightly swollen ankle.

  “Thank you.” I offered genuinely, it felt great.

  Sinking down into his seat, he slid a plate of beignets in front of me and an ice cold Coke.

  Groaning, “Oh you are my favorite Carmichael,” I said as I grabbed one and took a bite. Pointing at him with my powdered sugared finger, “Don’t tell Jud I said that!”

  Shaking his head, he sat back and snatched up a beignet too and happily ate it in peace. The two of us sat in the bustling nightlife of the city and watched the world pass as we shared a big plate of beignets without senseless chatter.

  “Can I ask you something? I just need a yes or no answer, and then I want to drop the conversation, okay?” I just had to know, so I was going to take advantage of the situation and ask.

  “Ask away, darling.” He offered, leaning back in his chair- his eyes focused intently on me.

  “After you deployed, did you receive any of the letters I sent you?” It was one of the hardest questions I ever asked. His answer would determine if I’d slap him in the face, or make peace with the fact that he never knew.

  Those letters had been hard to write, delicate and heartbreaking. When I had gotten no response, it had crushed me.

  Shaking his head, “No, not a single letter.” I could see the honesty and confusion run across his face. I could see he was trying to piece things together, and how he had a million other questions now as he thought back to that time.

  Closing my eyes, I nodded in silent acceptance and my body relaxed further into my seat.

  If Cameron hadn’t receive my letters, it meant he never knew what occurred all those years ago. I couldn’t hate him for something he never knew about.

  It also meant, I might have to tell him.

  Closing my eyes, I sat back and thought about all the years I suffered in silence. His answer was like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I had always known he was a good man, and his answer confirmed that. He was a Carmichael after all, they were all damn near perfect.

  Waking to the feeling of a warm hand tucking a wayward piece of hair behind my ear, my eyes fluttered open. Around me, the French Quarter buzzed but I only saw him. His turquoise blue eyes were soft and kind, yet his body was a military trained machine that made you want to climb up on him.

  Clearing my throat, I tried to sit up, “Please tell me I didn’t fall asleep?”

  Gently preventing me from standing, he tossed the melted bag of ice in the trash and then scooped me up like a bride, “Yes darling, you fell asleep. I’m choosing to take it as a compliment that you trusted me enough to fall asleep, or I’ll have to admit I’m thoroughly boring.”

  Yawning again, I tried to hide my reaction to his touch, “You are not boring. I’ve been up for twenty-four hours and my body is not conditioned for that, at all. I’m usually in bed by ten, this is the latest I’ve stayed up in a long time. I’m a book nerd, and a homebody. Partying like this isn’t my thing.”

  Looking up at him, “Are you really going to carry me like this the entire way to my house? I can walk.”

  “You cannot walk right now darlin’, that ankle of yours is almost twice its normal size.”

  “I could still walk.” I said in sleepily, not wanting to ever seem weak.

  Chuckling softly, “Woman, I have no doubt you could manage nicely without me. Just let me feel like a white knight for a little bit.”

  Snorting, “Ha, you are the textbook white knight. Don’t act like this is a new role.”

  “Excuse me Miss Sassypants, I’ll have you know I have never carried a woman home from a bar before.” He offered, pretending to be offended. His semi-grin gave him away.

  Shaking my head a little, I let myself relax in his arms, “I’m sure that’s because women are always dragging you home, I assume it’s hard to be the white knight to women who only want to take, and never give.”

  “Are you going to drag me home Shayne?”

  The deep rumble of his voice made me swallow as I flicked my eyes up to his, there was no humor there, only desire.

  “If thousands of women have drug you home, I’m content with being the first one to be carried.” I replied, inwardly cheering myself for my quick rebuttal.

  “Smart girl,” he said softly before adding, “and it is nowhere near thousands, thank you very much. I am not a whore.”

  Bursting out in laughter, “Learn something new every day,” seeing we were getting close to my house, “mine is the third home on the right,” I pointed to a beautiful historic two-story home that I was proud to call my house for the time being. I loved that it was so close to everything, but just far enough away from all the Bourbon Street madness.

  “Seriously?” He questioned, his fingers gripping me a little tighter as we neared the massive home.

  Laughing at his reaction, I got it, the house was a million-dollar masterpiece.

  “Told ya, I’ve got an over protective brother with connections. The move happened so quick, I didn’t have time to refuse the offer. I’m renting it until I find something more permanent. Obviously, I have no need for a home that large, but it is so fantastic I’m going to enjoy every moment living in it.” I said honestly.

  “I live right around the corner.” He said as he jogged up the long flight of stairs to my covered entrance way like I weighed nothing and sat me down on my feet gently.

  “Really?” I sputtered, trying to not sound desperate.

  Handing me my broken wedge, “Yes Ma’am. Which brings me to my next question. May I see your phone?” He requested in such a charming manner I didn’t think
twice. Handing it over to him he smiled and focused on the phone for a moment while he typed something into my phone before handing it back.

  “Now you have all the Carmichaels’ phone numbers. Since I live the closest to you, I am at your beck and call. If there is anything you need, please call me. Also, if you’d like, I’d be happy to drive you to my parents’ house on Sunday for dinner.”

  Punching in the code to unlock my door, “Oh that would be great, thank you. I don’t have a car right now, and frankly, driving in this congested city scares me.” Although I wanted to be independent, I wasn’t going to turn down his offer.

  Now let’s see if he’d turn down mine.

  Not quite ready to let go of him, I offered quietly, “Would you like to come in?”

  Grinning, “I would love to, but I shouldn’t.”

  “Oh, sorry. Girlfriend?” I inwardly cringed as I pretended to be nonchalant about it. The rejection already stung.

  “No, I don’t have a girlfriend Shayne.” He answered, closing the gap between us. That feeling of rejection quickly dissipated as my body began to feel something very different.

  Pinning me against the door, his gentleness gone, “Do you want to know the truth?” He whispered, damn near touching his lips to mine.

  Nodding, I stood there hoping I wasn’t imagining any of this.

  “Considering you’ve already fallen asleep on me,” nodding towards the Café, “I figured I should let you go to bed, alone. If I come inside with you, sleeping will be the last thing you’ll be doing.”

  “Oh.” I blushed in embarrassment.

  Giving me a little grin, showing off his adorable dimples, “Plus, being the gentleman that I am, I’ll wait until our third date before I seduce you, again.”

  Swatting at him, I laughed, “Very funny Cameron, the years have muddled your memories and this was not a date.”

  Oh my God, I can’t believe he brought that up!

  Catching my hand, he brought my palm up to his lips and kissed it, “Stop ruining all my fun woman, this has been the best impromptu date I’ve ever been on, besides that one night before Afghanistan. And I assure you love, the years have not muddled my memories one bit.”


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