Love Interrupted

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Love Interrupted Page 8

by Eva Andrews

  “Oh Cam, I’m sorry. My day was hectic,” she said, standing up and walking to the railing so she was closer to me, “I was thrown for a loop in the middle of my day, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. My mind has been all over the place since yesterday morning. I got home so late last night, I passed out. I’m so sorry I forgot to reply, and thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful, and look amazing in my new office.”

  I forgave her instantly.

  Worried, “You’re welcome darling. Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you? I can make time.” I really couldn’t, my morning was packed, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

  “I would, but I don’t have time either.” She fidgeted with her coffee mug handled and muttered, “Now I really wish I would have called you last night.”

  Whatever was going on, was making her nervous. In return, it was making me nervous. Is this where she tells me the weekend was fun, but fuck off? Or that she’s back with Derrick?

  Biting her lip, she ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath, “Ugh, I have to meet your mother for coffee in less than an hour.”

  My world stopped.

  My Mother?


  Smiling up at me proudly, “You are looking at the new curator for the Sophie Carmichael Wing at NOMA.”

  “Wait, what? I thought you had like, a desk job at the museum or something.” I said confused.

  How the fuck did she get that job? Why was she having coffee with my mom?

  What the fuck was going on?

  The curator, of Sophie’s wing?

  “A desk job?” She asked in contempt, and then narrowed her eyes, “Yes Cameron, a woman like me couldn’t possibly hold any other job but a fucking secretary, right? Trust me, I’m qualified for the job, shit I’m probably overqualified, you dick.”

  Turning away from me, she walked inside and slammed her door behind her. Closing all her blinds with the click of a button, she shut me out.

  Staring at her house I cursed at myself.

  Real nice slick, way to insult her, you dumb fuck.

  Knowing I needed to fix this now, I called my office and moved a few appointments. Looks like she’s getting my time regardless if she wants it or not. Grabbing my stuff, I gave Max a good petting before locking up my house and walking around the corner to face her.

  Leaned up against the arch of her front porch, I waited.

  Opening the door a little while later, she came out looking like a fucking dream. A long purple dress and a messy bun and pearl earrings.

  “Not what I’d expect a curator to wear,” I muttered as I walked her back into her house and shut the door behind me.

  Putting her hands on her hips, she looked up at me, fire in her green eyes, “My job involves intimate meetings with the family, coffee, dinners, and traveling to different places around the world to purchase art. I have clothes for every occasion. There is no need to wear a suit to morning coffee in this fucking heat! Are you done insulting me yet?”

  “Is that what I was to you? An intimate meeting?” Immediately pissed that she used me to get the job.

  “What?” She asked, blinking up at me. I could see the hurt, but it didn’t matter.

  “Did you fucking use me to get the job?” I asked coolly. I had grown used to women trying to use me, but the idea of innocent Shayne doing it, tore me up.

  “Fuck you Cameron! I didn’t know anything about your family’s memorial when I was hired in at the museum. Jesus, I thought I jumped to conclusions, but you fucking take the cake.”

  Pushing past me, she walked outside then turned and looked back at me with tears in her eyes.

  “You know what, let’s make this perfectly clear- no I didn’t fucking use you Cameron. I can’t believe you’d think that after what we shared. For the record, I have a mother fucking PhD from Cornell, you cocksucker! I have curated for the Queen of England you asshole!” Turning quickly, she jogged down the stairs and started walking towards the French Market.

  The tears I saw in her eyes ate at my soul.


  Trying to regain my composure, I locked up her house and started after her. Seeing her rub tears off her face as she crossed the road, I jogged to catch up with her.


  “Fuck off Cameron.” She shouted back, not even bothering to look back or stop.

  Weaving in and out of crowds, I was impressed with her speed. Catching her right in front of Café Du Monde, I reached for her wrist and spun her around, “Shayne, stop!”

  “Cam stop, people are watching.” She whispered as tears brimmed in her beautiful green eyes, embarrassed to be having a fight in public. I felt like a fucking asshole.

  Wanting to sooth her, to fix what I broke, I stepped closer.

  “I don’t give a fuck, let them watch.” Leaning down, I pulled her in and kissed her sweet mouth until she melted against me in a soul melting sigh. I had fucked up, and I needed to fix it fast. I wasn’t going to lose this one again. Not now, not ever.

  Dear God, I had missed her.

  She hadn’t been in my arms for almost over a day and I was acting like a fucking idiot.

  Breaking the kiss sweetly, I hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear, “I’m sorry honey, I’m an idiot. I never meant to insult you. I’ve just…I’ve never had a woman I’m dating meet my mother.” Giving her one last kiss on her forehead, I waited until she sighed and nodded in agreement.

  Blinking up at me, “Cam, I met your parents my freshman year of Cornell. I’ve known them for over ten years.” Her face blushed as she held onto me amongst the bustling crowd, “I didn’t tell them anything about us…I mean there is no us, shit. Wait, you said dating. Cameron, we are not dating.”

  Feeling familiar eyes on me, I looked just inside Café du Monde and saw my mother looking at us with stars in her eyes. She had been sitting down in the café, and had a front row seat to the whole thing.

  “Good morning Mother, you look lovely as always. Enjoy coffee with Shay, we’ll see you Friday night.”

  Giving my shocked unofficial girlfriend a kiss on the temple, I nudged her towards my mother and walked away with a grin. It appeared I had a few things to clear up with the fiery Shayne- later.

  Chapter 5


  Looking up at his mom, I stood speechless as she smiled at me and patted the seat beside her. Walking towards her, my brain misfired. What the hell was I going to say? Sliding into the chair, I looked up at her to see a warm smile and happy eyes.

  “I see you’ve know Cameron?” She said with teasing humor.

  Groaning, I rubbed the lingering tears off my face, “You can go ahead and fire me now.”

  Laughing, she reached over and grabbed my hand, “Aww baby, that is the last thing on my mind! It’s about time Cameron acting like a true Carmichael male. You my girl, are a gift from heaven for an old lady like me.”

  Looking up from my hands, “You are not an old lady, and I have zero idea how any of this happened.”

  Handing me a coffee, “Darlin’ that’s how the best love stories start out. I wondered who this mystery woman was, there were paparazzi photos taken of Cam and a woman this weekend. It was you, wasn’t it?”

  Nodding, the last thing I was going to do was lie.

  “Yes. Oh Jesus, how bad are the pictures?” I asked, not knowing when the hell they were taken. There were a few times, they might have appeared X-rated, like when I was topless, or straddling his waist begging him to fuck me.

  “They are all innocent sweetie, can’t even make out either of your faces.”

  Slouching in my chair, I took a drink of the coffee, “You are the world’s best mother and guardian angel, I’m convinced.”

  Grinning, “Baby, I’m going to show you how a mother is supposed to act.”

  Taking a deep breath, I picked up the hot cup of black chicory coffee and took a sip. Lillian Carmichael was just one of those people you wanted to gra
vitate to. She was warm, and genuine, I had no doubt she could also be brutally honest if need be.

  Hours later, I came home fucking exhausted.

  Lillian Carmichael was a shopper.

  The slim Jackie O’ of New Orleans had made sure I had everything I needed for Friday night, and then some. Lillian was easy to open up to, she knew my history.

  While out today, I had gotten to know her so much more about her. She talked about Sophie and what the family wanted out of the museum project. She had taken the time to get to know me better, but not in the ball busting way you’d expect the mother of a billionaire to act.

  I saw where the Carmichael siblings inherited their affection-from their mother. She was a toucher, a hugger, and her children were just like that, even Cameron.

  Shooting Cameron a text, I got into the shower and washed the humidity off me. Changing into a comfy maxi dress, I curled up on my couch and waited for him. I know he wanted me to come over, but I was too tired. If he wanted to see me, he could come here. I had sent him my key code for the door and clicked on the TV.

  Waking up to the feel of him carrying me upstairs, I snuggled into him.

  “Hi.” I whispered against his chest.

  “Hi baby, sorry I’m late.”

  “This heat is killing me, I’m so tired.”

  “Let’s get you changed, and in bed.” He said, sitting me on the bed. Grabbing a tank top, he tossed it on the bed and pulled off my dress. Sliding my tank top on, I snuggled into my bed as he shut the lights off and locked up my house.


  “Yeah baby?”

  “Will you lay down with me until I fall back asleep?”

  “Of course.” He said, sliding in behind me, sweeping me into his arms, kissing the side of my head as he held me.

  Sighing with contentment, I nestled into him- my happy place.

  Waking to the feel of his chest inhaling and exhaling, I looked up to see Cameron Carmichael watching me.

  “Morning sunshine.”

  “You stayed.”

  “Every time I tried to slip away, you’d hold on a little tighter. I eventually gave up the fight.”

  “I’m sorry, this heat is killing my energy. I can’t believe I fell asleep instead of having a date with you.”

  “Don’t apologize Shay, that was a great date. I slept like a baby.”

  “Jesus. I’m not good at this.”

  “Who’s definition of ‘good’ are you using? Because I think you are damn fine,” he looked over the long garment bag that hung on my closet door, “Gown for Friday?”

  Nodding, I stretched out a little, “Your mother wanted to shop, and she wasn’t happy until she found me the most expensively delicious gown I’ve ever laid eyes on. I don’t think I’ve ever shopped like that in my life.”

  Chuckling, “She has excellent taste, she used to design clothes, that’s where Addie got her talent from. I hope you at least enjoyed your time with her.”

  “Of course I did! She is easy to talk to like Addie, and has Jud’s humor, or maybe it’s Jud who has her humor,” sighing, I snuggled into his ribs, “I like your family, always have. They’ve never made me feel like an outsider.”

  Giving me a little squeeze, he tipped up my chin, “Come with me Friday, as my date, please?”


  “No arguments darling, just say yes. I’m going to be at your side all night regardless if you say yes or not, so I might as well be there as your official date.”

  Groaning, “My boss and co-workers will be there Cam, I don’t want anyone thinking I got this job because I’m fucking you. My co-workers were already pissed the new girl got the huge multi-million dollar expansion wing job even though I have five times the experience.”

  “Who gives a fuck what they think? My family and I know the truth, and you’ll knock the memorial out of the park. I don’t want you to ever concern yourself with what others think, first rule of business darling, learn to say fuck em all!”

  Looking up into his brilliant blue eyes, “This isn’t a business deal.”


  “You said…first rule of business is learning to say…”

  Putting his hand over my mouth, he leaned up on his elbow and looked down at me as if realizing his error and genuinely tried to fix it, “You are not a business deal Shayne, I did not mean it like that. I just never want you to worry about anything, not words, not people or their opinions. I’ve got your back Shay.”

  Kissing the palm of his hand as he held it over my mouth, I loved how quickly he tried to fix things once he realized it upset me. That shit was impressive.

  “Say yes Shay, please be my date. It is going to fucking kill me if you aren’t, and I swear to God if you’ve already got another date lined up, you better call it off. I don’t do well with sharing.” He went from romantic to teasing, but with some truth behind it.

  I put myself in his shoes, if he took another woman, I’d be fucking pissed.

  “Of course I’ll be your date Cam. You already told your mother we were going together, and lord help either of us if I told her that was untrue. She’d probably show up here and grab our ears and drag us there herself.”

  Laughing, he sexily rolled over top of me, cocooning me in his arms.

  “Please tell me you’re going with me because you want to and not because we are both secretly afraid of my mother?

  Looking up, I ran my hand over his bristly jaw and into his raven hair, “Do you think anyone can make me do something I don’t want to do?”

  Squinting at me, “Just say what I want to hear woman.”

  It didn’t help that at that exact moment he decided to roll his glorious hips into mine, reminding me exactly what he was packing down below.

  Without any shame, I arched a little as my mouth opened, “Yes,” wrapping one of my legs around his, “yes, I’ll be your date.”

  “Good girl. I’ll see you Friday.”

  “Friday?” I ask, confused. Damn, I was hoping for some morning sex. Two days of sexy time with Cameron Carmichael had only made me hungry for more.

  “I have to fly to Sweden for work this morning, last minute deal I have to be there for. I’ll be back Friday in time to pick you up at 6:30.”

  “6:30? I thought the gala starts at 9?”

  “It does, but you get to come with me to the private pre-party my parents throw for us, best part of the entire evening, I assure you.”

  Taking his time, he kissed me slowly as I melted under his expert touch.

  “See you Friday gorgeous, can’t wait to see you in that dress…want to tell me the color so I can drive myself mad thinking about what you’ll look like?”

  Shaking my head, “Nope, just use your imagination.”

  With a wicked grin, he slipped his hand down the edge of my lace panties and whispered, “I can’t wait to see what you wear under it.”

  Swatting at him playfully, “Oh my God! I am not a sure thing Carmichael! Get your ass out of here, I need to get to work.”

  Rolling out from under him, I walked to my bathroom without looking back.

  Hearing him whistle I stopped.

  “I missed that fine ass Shay, I missed seeing you walking around in a bikini…. maybe you should just start dressing like that eh?”

  Knowing he would be as possessive as me, “You sure you want me walking around in public like this, having them see me like you do?”

  His face quickly changed, “Fuck no. The yacht it is, every goddamn chance I get I’m stealing you away.”

  Turning back towards my bathroom, I took another step, “Did you buy it?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  Turning to look at him, I knew my nipples had to be showing through my tight tank top, “I feel like there are a lot more memories to make on that ship, it’d be a shame if someone else made them instead of us.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” He said, a light in his eyes that made me want to cross the room and jump
on him.

  Turning around, I took my tank top off and turned enough for him to get just the slightest peek at my nipple, “See you Friday Cam, safe travels. Bring me back something.”

  Shutting the door with my foot.

  I smiled as I started the shower and wish it was already Friday.


  Friday evening, I jogged up the stairs of Shayne’s house dressed in my favorite tux, the door opened right as I reached for the keypad.

  “Well, hello gorgeous!” Elijah said, standing in Shayne’s doorway in a crisp black tux and red patent leather shoes.

  Smiling up at my brother’s boyfriend, I appreciated his style. He knew how to dress, fuck, everyone in my family knew how to dress, but Elijah always looked fresh.

  I had known Jud and Elijah were here, they had come over earlier and helped Shay get ready for tonight. They had fun sending me texts, but making sure never to show Shayne in any of them.

  It had been hard as fuck to not come over earlier. I had heard them all laughing and playing music, the shitheads were smart enough to shut the blinds on the back of the house so I couldn’t get a peek at her.

  “Elijah, you know the ladies hate it when you steal all their thunder.” I said, giving him a big hug.

  “I know baby, but I have to give them a run for their money. Come on in, Jud and I were just getting ready to leave. She’s all ready to go, and we don’t want to be the last ones there, you know what happens!”

  Laughing, I looked at my watch, we didn’t want to be the last couple there either. Hopefully Addie and Ashton were running late.

  “Brother! Oh hot damn, look at you!” Jud said, jogging down the stairs from Shay’s bedroom, buttoning his dark navy tux.

  “Jud, I like that tux!” Had my brother not been gay, I might have been jealous of him coming out of my unofficial-girlfriend’s bedroom.

  “Thank you thank you, wanted something a little different for tonight. See you at the house! Better get there before Addie!” He teased as he and Elijah linked hands and walked out.


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