Striving for Perfection (Striving Series Book 2)

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Striving for Perfection (Striving Series Book 2) Page 1

by Mooney, B. L.

  Striving for Perfection

  Copyright © 2014 B.L. Mooney

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover design by Kari Ayasha from Cover to Cover Designs

  Photography © K Keeton Designs

  Models: Lo McGauley and Grant Mroz

  Edited by Hot Tree Editing

  Interior Formatting by Integrity Formatting

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36



  About the Author

  Also by B.L. Mooney

  “Yes!” I slammed the phone down a little too hard in my excitement. I’d finally gotten the call I’d been waiting on for six months. Spinning my chair around, I grabbed my purse from behind me and took out my compact. I needed to look my best before heading to the boss’s office.

  My long golden hair was still curled from that morning. It just needed a little readjusting on my shoulders. As long as the humidity didn’t get to it, my hair would look as if I had just stepped away from the curling iron. That was the only plus to working in an office day in and day out. When I used to work the outdoor photo shoots, my hair never looked as good at the end of the day, as it looked when I left the office every night. That still wasn’t good enough to keep me away from the camera, and I hoped Jimmy had come to his senses.

  On the downside, I’d gained ten pounds during the first two months of my office job. I had started working out since I wasn’t as active anymore. I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. Being home for six months straight caused me to miss more physical things than just the photo shoots. I missed traveling. I missed a different city every couple of weeks, and I missed a different lover in each of those cities even more than the rest of it. Everyone knows you where you live. I couldn’t be myself at home the way I was when I was away. I missed the road, and I missed me, too. I needed to get back to it.

  I looked down and adjusted the girls to peek out a little more. At least some of the weight I had gained had gone to the right places. I kept that little bit of extra weight. I just needed someone to show them off to. I checked my hair and makeup one more time. I wasn’t a girly-girl no matter how everyone viewed me. I didn’t own many dresses or skirts. I preferred suits and slacks at work and jeans or shorts at play. Sure, I loved looking my best with my curled hair and flawless makeup; after all, image was everything. If it weren’t, I wouldn’t have had a job taking pictures of beautiful people and places.

  I hadn’t really had that job since I needed to take time off to help my family. I was determined to get that job back, though. I pushed the girls up a little more before I locked the screen on my computer. As I rushed to Jimmy’s office, I tried not to think of the places he would possibly send me. I was starting to suffocate staying in one place for so long. I needed to be free. I needed the road.

  I reached his office and stopped at Cagney’s desk. Cagney was Jimmy’s assistant. He was a short, skinny guy with black rimmed nerd glasses and short spiked brown hair he would sometimes dye different colors. Normally, he wore outfits as colorful as his personality, but that day, he was spike and color free. I frowned and drew my eyebrows together.

  “Are we mourning something today, Cagney?”

  He laughed and swatted at the air in front of him. “No, no. I love how you come out and tell it as you see it. Everyone else just keeps looking at me funny.”

  “Well, sweets, they look at you funny already and you don’t give a shit. That’s why you’re so fun.” I looked at his tie. He never wore a tie. “Seriously, what’s up?”

  “We have a VIP today.” He leaned in a little to whisper. “A hot VIP I would call dibs on, but I don’t think he’s a switch hitter.”

  “Oh, I could look at some eye candy, but if I can’t touch, I really don’t want to see it.”

  “If he’s to your liking, which he totally will be, you should bomb the interview.”

  I perked up. “Interview? I’m meeting with the VIP?”

  “Yeah, I thought you knew about it.” Just as Cagney finished, the office door opened and Jimmy stepped out.

  Jimmy was a grown man with a wife and children, but he still looked like a teenager. He wasn’t short exactly, but he wasn’t as tall as most of the men around the office. I was surprised to find out he was my boss when I first met him. He had no real muscle to speak of and his clothing often just hung on him.

  I talked him into changing his hairstyle about a year ago to make it shorter and a little more grownup, but his dark brown hair didn’t make him look more mature no matter how it was cut. He had the biggest brown eyes I’d ever seen. They were the kind of eyes young children use to get anything they want out of an adult. One look with a couple of blinks and you’re a goner, agreeing to whatever they want.

  “I thought I might find you girls talking together. Come on, Rachael. I need to prep you.” Jimmy left the door open for me, but went back into the office.

  Cagney leaned forward and whispered. “Ooh, that sounds dirty.”

  I smiled and placed my hand on the side of his face to push him back toward his chair. “In your dreams.” I leaned on the desk and whispered. “So, what’s the 4-1-1 on the sexy VIP?”

  Cagney frowned and sat back down. “He’s married.”

  I stood up straight. “Now that’s dirty. I don’t play with married men.”

  “I know, but you can still look.”

  “Rachael, get in here!” Jimmy yelled.

  I rolled my eyes and winked at Cagney. “Later, sweets.” I started to walk away and turned back. “We need to do cocktails soon.”

  He waved his hand in my direction. “Promises, promises.”

  “Oh, it’s on.” I pointed to him right before walking into Jimmy’s office.

  The transformation one doorway could make really was remarkable. Stepping away from Cagney’s candyland-esque reception area into the dungeon-esque office was instantly depressing. I turned to shut the door and rolled my eyes. Jimmy’s lack of personality showed through his lack of decoration. I cocked my head to the side in thought. What does my office say about me? I’d have to check it out when I got back.

  I turned back to Jimmy with a huge smile. “Where are you sending me?”

  Jimmy looked up surpri
sed. He always looked like a young boy, but the surprised look on his face made him look even younger. He actually looked innocent. He wasn’t sending me anywhere. “Sending you? I’m not sending you anywhere. This job is at home.”

  “What? No, no.” I shook my head. “You promised you would put me back on the road.” I walked to his desk and stood directly in front of it, ignoring his motion to sit down. I placed my fists, knuckles down, on his desk. “I want my job back.”

  Jimmy sighed. “Look, we’ve been over this. I need someone I can trust, someone who will show up whenever I call them.”

  I was instantly frustrated when he said he couldn’t trust me. I picked up and slammed a fist on his desk. “I had a family emergency!”

  Jimmy stood up. “Calm down.”

  “I will not calm down. I have not missed one day since I’ve been back. Not one and you have the audacity to say you can’t trust me. I’m a fucking photographer not a photo editor!”

  “But you’re really good at the editing. We’ve never had anyone as good as you. Why doesn’t that make you feel better?”

  “You’ve never had anyone as good as me because you never needed to edit my photos the way I have to edit this bullshit. This bitch you have on the road doesn’t know anything about photography, and I’m sick of fixing her mistakes.” I started pacing with my fists on my hips. I was tired of the game.

  Jimmy sat back down. “Look, Rachael, this job is very important, and I want you to be a part of it. You’ll get to take pictures again.”

  I stopped pacing and looked at him. “But they’re at home.”

  “Yes, but at least it will get you behind the camera again.” Jimmy looked guilty and helpless.

  I finally sat down and started to speak softer. “This isn’t your decision, is it?”

  Jimmy looked away. “No, but that’s all I can say.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I knew in that moment whose decision it was and why I was truly being punished. It was time to stop taking my anger out on Jimmy. “So, explain this job to me.”

  Jimmy looked up and smiled. “Even though it’s a home job, I think you’ll really like it. There’s one more thing.” Jimmy paused until I gestured to go on. “He’s, um, I’m not sure how to say it.”

  “Just say it.” He still wasn’t talking. “Does he have a handicap and you’re worried about being politically correct?”

  “Well, I guess you could call it a handicap in some people, but I’m not sure about him.”

  I sat there and looked at him. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms and said, “He’s an asshole.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “No, you didn’t and you haven’t told me to behave yet, but I know that’s coming, too. I make no guarantees, so maybe it would be better if you brought whoever Hathaway is fucking back to do this job and send me back out on the road.”

  Jimmy’s face turned red instantly and he immediately went on defense. “I didn’t say any of that.”

  “No, Jimmy, you didn’t. I did, but we all know that’s the only reason she’s the photographer. She must be a good lay to have almost two years of photo shoots, be shit, and still get promoted to my job. Those pictures are really horrible.”

  He smiled even though it looked as if he was trying not to. He turned to his email without another word, but couldn’t stop the smirk no matter how hard he tried. He agreed with me and it was all I needed at that moment. I’d deal with Lance Hathaway later.

  Cagney buzzed that the VIP had arrived. I stood up and smoothed out my jacket and slacks. I also took a moment to make sure the girls were still at optimum cleavage. Jimmy scoffed. “He’s married.”

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. “So are you, but you still look.”

  He shrugged, not denying the truth, and walked to the door. I was smoothing down the last of the wrinkles in my jacket when I heard his deep voice. I froze.

  “Jim, thank you for meeting with me again.” I heard the door shut and heard him approach. I closed my eyes.

  Carl Williamson was a man known to my family. He and my brother had fought for the same woman. Carl lost. He never stood a chance with his intimidating and aggressive tactics. He even used his daughter as a pawn to get Drew to go out with him.

  I didn’t know who he was when I first met him. The only thing I needed to know was he was hot and I was in need of a hot man. At that time, being hot and single were my only dating requirements and I wanted to date Carl. It didn’t stop me from seeing him when I found out. A choice I later regretted.

  Jimmy kept bringing him closer. “No problem. We’re just as excited to get started. This is the photographer you requested.”

  “No. Fucking. Way.” I spun around and met Carl’s black eyes. It only took him a second to register what was happening and his eyes widened in surprise. “I’m not working with this asshole.” I started for the door.

  “Rachael!” Jimmy grabbed my arm. He was surprisingly stronger than I had anticipated. “What’s wrong with you?” He tried to speak softly, but Carl heard him.

  “I can’t do this.”

  I couldn’t look at Carl. I already knew what he looked like. I didn’t need to see the man standing off to the side to know his shoulders were broad. I didn’t need to see the jet-black hair to remind me I wanted to run my fingers through it. I already knew he was the perfect height to offset my heels.

  I could’ve bet money his designer suit fit his body perfectly, and was pressed as though he had just stepped off the pages of a magazine. And I didn’t need to see the look on his face to know his strong, squared jaw was set—hard. No, I didn’t need to see him again to remind me of all of that.

  “You have to do this.” Jimmy started to drag me away from the door.

  I wrenched my arm free of his grasp and from the corner of my eye, saw Carl take a step forward when Jimmy tried to grab me again. I placed my hand up to stop him. “Don’t.”

  Jimmy held his hands up and backed away. “Just give us five minutes. I’m not sure what exactly went on between the two of you, but I’m only asking for five minutes.” I hesitated and Jimmy whispered, “Just think of the camera.”

  I glanced at Carl and looked back to Jimmy. “Do I have to work with him?”

  Carl answered. “Yes, you do.”

  I could tell by the look on Jimmy’s face it was true. “Then forget it.” I turned and walked away. “I’m not working with an asshole.”

  “Rachael,” Carl said my name as a command. It stopped me, but I didn’t turn around. “We can communicate through email. I’ll send you the list of prospects and you send me the photos, but you will answer directly to me.”

  I turned at the sound of Jimmy whispering to see Carl silence him with the wave of his hand. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing that’s required for this job.”

  Jimmy’s brows furrowed for a brief moment before he walked to his desk, shaking his head. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, and I don’t want to know.”

  “Nothing is going on.” I walked past Carl to Jimmy’s desk. “What were you whispering?”

  “I had set up a test.” I still wouldn’t turn to look at Carl as he spoke. I watched Jimmy to see if Carl was being honest. “I didn’t know you were their best photographer. The test is no longer needed.”

  “Of course it’s needed.” I finally turned to address him. “You don’t trust anyone, so I’ll take your lousy test. What is it? Stand on my head and get an impossible shot?”

  It hit me then that both Cagney and Jimmy had said he was married. His wife had died over a year ago. I looked at the wedding ring on his finger. Carl noticed and put his hand in his pocket as I lifted my eyes to his. I stood there silent, just staring. I didn’t deserve an explanation, but one would’ve been nice.

  Jimmy was either unaware of the tension or chose to ignore it. “He wanted family photos taken.”

  “Jim.” He finally stopped staring at me and tri
ed to stop Jimmy, but it was too late. He didn’t want me to take his family photos.

  I couldn’t believe it. He was still hiding me as some mistress. I’m no one’s whore. I didn’t say a word. I just walked out. Jimmy was calling after me, but I ignored him and kept walking. I wasn’t going to stick around where I wasn’t wanted. Problem was I didn’t know where I was wanted.

  Cagney stopped in the hallway as I walked by him. “Rach?” He turned and started to follow. I waved my hand letting him know I need to be alone. “Call me,” he called after me, letting me go. I just nodded, but we both knew if I called him, I wouldn’t talk about it.

  I reached my office and didn’t even sit down. I bent over the keyboard to shut the computer down. It didn’t matter what time it was. The day was over for me. As I opened the desk drawer to get out my purse, my office door flung open with Carl on the other side of it. “That was rude.”

  “I’m not polite to assholes.” I continued to gather my things until I heard the door lock. “Feel free to stay as long as you’d like, but I’m leaving.”

  He crossed his arms. “Not until you and I have a conversation.”

  I crossed my arms. There was no way I was going to let him try to intimidate me. “If you want to talk to someone, go talk to your wife.”

  “It isn’t what you think.”

  “I don’t think anything, Carl. Thinking about it would mean I care.” I picked up my purse again.

  “Fair enough. I do want you for this job, Rachael.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t think you would want to take the other photos.”

  “You mean family photos, right?” I shook my head. “Why would you use your family as a test? Drew told me about the crazy shit you used your daughter for with her, but I would’ve thought you’d learned your lesson.”

  “It was more of a two-birds-one-stone type of thing. Amy wants new photos, and I wanted to see the new photographer in action.” He shrugged. “Not really a test, but I let Jim think we were doing something covert. I’ll just figure something else out for the family photos.”

  I knew Carl wouldn’t be comfortable with just anyone taking photos. He wouldn’t make the photos enjoyable and his daughter probably thought it would be a lot of fun. Amy deserved the best chance at making this fun. Plus, I was a little curious about who the sudden new wife was. I still didn’t care, but I was curious. “I’ll take the photos.”


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