Striving for Perfection (Striving Series Book 2)

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Striving for Perfection (Striving Series Book 2) Page 10

by Mooney, B. L.

  “She’s just had a rough go of it. Her mom died, her aunt watches her, but is hell bent on making her life miserable, and her dad is a workaholic and demanding asshole.” I sat back and looked at her. She had a smirk. “What?”

  “So tell me about this asshole father.”

  I picked up the fabric swatches she had moved and started flipping through them. “There’s nothing to tell. Oh, this one is pretty.”

  She snatched the swatches out of my hands and startled me. “You’re sleeping with her father.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m not, actually.”

  “Then you want to.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  She sat in the chair across from me with a stunned look on her face. “Oh, my God. You like him.” She held up her hand when I started to talk. “You’ve already cussed in regard to him and now you’re saying you’re just friends.”

  “I’m here about the girl. I like the girl, Janelle.” I shrugged. “I feel bad for her.”

  “Sure. Sure.” She smiled at me. “When do we need to be there?”

  “We?” I shook my head again. “I just need to borrow a dress and—”

  “We’re going.” She stood up and left the room.

  I had sent Carl a text while Janelle loaded her van. She was treating it like an actual shoot, and I didn’t want Carl to be upset when he came home. He was about to have a backyard full of people fussing over his daughter.

  We pulled up to the house, and I took a deep breath. It was going to seem like old times, and I wasn’t sure I would be able breathe when it was over. I’d missed this and was finally starting to breathe without it. When everyone packed up and went home, it would seem like just another day for them. For me, it would rip me open again.

  I got out and noticed Janelle watching me. I gave her a small smile as I got my camera bag out of the back. This was going to hurt, but I needed to stay focused for Amy.

  The door flew open and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch Cil storm down the steps—straight to me. “What is going on here?”

  “I’m giving the little girl in there what you tried to take away.” I took a step forward. “Try to stop me. I’ll lay your ass out on the pavement for the second time today.”

  Her cheeks flushed as we both remembered Carl dropping her to the ground as he tried to get to me. “I don’t believe this is necessary at all. You are spoiling her.”

  “You did this.” I took another step forward and started pointing at her. “You’re the one who sent back her simple dress. All it would’ve been is her, Carl, and me in the backyard. None of this would’ve happened.” My patience had run out with her, so I walked away, bumping her with my shoulder in the process.

  She grabbed my camera bag. “I’m not finished talking to you.”

  I turned and glared at her. “Don’t.”

  “Would you look at those cheekbones!” Janelle stood between us and fawned over the high set cheekbones Cil didn’t have. “Gorgeous. Who is your agent?”

  The front door moved a little and caught my attention. I smiled when I saw Amy peeking out. Janelle could shovel the shit with Cil. I wanted to share the great news with Amy. A quick movement of my head had Tommy and the other two Janelle had brought with her up the stairs with me.

  “Hey, sweets.” I walked in and showed the others to the backyard. They went straight to work.

  “This is all for me?”

  There was a sound of hope, but it was the sound of trepidation that it wasn’t for her at all that rang the loudest. I never wanted her to feel that way. Children should feel nothing but hope, and I despised how the cruelty of life had hit her at such a young age.

  “Well, it sure isn’t for your dad.”

  Janelle walked in with a flowing gown covered in jewels and sparkles. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe any dad would look good in this.”

  Amy’s face lit up right before she covered it with her hands. “That’s so pretty.”

  “Pretty dress for a pretty girl, doll. Now, show me to your dressing room.” Janelle turned and winked before she followed Amy up the stairs. I would owe her a huge debt for this—one I would gladly pay.

  Cil’s car wasn’t anywhere to be found when I pulled up. There was a van and Rachael’s car, but Cil must’ve left. She was lucky. It probably was best to calm down before seeing her.

  As soon as I got out of my vehicle, I heard Amy laughing in the backyard and it calmed me. I smiled and followed her sound. Not wanting to interrupt, I stayed in the corner and watched Amy pose for the camera. She was beautiful. She looked so much like her mother that I was entranced and didn’t see the dark haired woman walk up until she spoke.

  “You must be the father.” She shifted her head to the side. “Or at least lie to me so I don’t take you out right now for being a perverted peeping tom.”

  “Yes, I’m Amy’s father.” I pretended to go for my wallet. “Do you require identification?”

  “No, you have the same nose.” She looked back to the activity in the yard. “I usually ask the parents of children this young if makeup is okay, but I think she needed some pampering. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “It’s fine. I trust Rachael’s judgment.” I felt a hand on my arm as I started to go.

  “Rachael’s a good kid.” Her eyes met mine and held for a few moments. “I’d like to see her stay that way.”

  I turned and placed my hands in my pockets. “And she’ll change by taking photos of my beautiful daughter? I fail to see the connection.”

  “Your daughter’s intentions aren’t what concern me.”

  It was apparent she was a friend of Rachael’s. It still didn’t give her the right to accuse me of whatever it was she was trying to accuse me of in my own backyard. I rubbed my jaw as I tried to find the words. “I have no intentions toward Rachael. Not that it’s any of your business, but she’s a friend doing me a huge favor.”

  “That’s what they all say.” She walked back to the photo shoot before I could say anything. “Wardrobe change!”

  Amy saw me and motioned for me to come to her. “Daddy!”

  Before they swept her away, I walked up to Amy and picked her up. “You look beautiful.” I held her close and whispered, “Just like your mother.”

  She smiled and held my face as she whispered. “Rachael said that, too.” I looked over to Rachael and watched her as she messed with the settings on her camera.

  The dark haired woman tapped me on my shoulder. “We need to change into one more dress.”

  Amy couldn’t get down fast enough. I watched as she talked the woman’s ear off all the way into the house. I loved seeing her excited. I turned and Rachael was still messing with her camera. I wanted to touch her, but instead I slipped my hands back into my pockets.

  I nudged her shoulder as I stood next to her. “Thank you for this.”

  “Of course.” She looked up and smiled at me. “It’s about time you got here. I wanted pictures of the two of you.”

  She turned to look me over. Her camera was shoved in my hands as she straightened my tie and smoothed down my hair. Her hands rubbed my jaw line. “I can airbrush the stubble out, but I might keep it. I’ll have to see how it looks.”

  Our eyes locked and her hand stayed on my face. I started to lean down, but she took her camera back and moved to the table. “So how did Amy get my phone number?”

  I cleared my throat. “Well, we have a sheet on the refrigerator of important numbers.”

  Her hands stopped messing with the lens, and she looked at me. “My cell is an important number?”

  “It is. Maybe I should’ve asked you first, but Amy did ask me to put it there for her.”

  “Huh.” She went back to looking at her camera. “I don’t mind. I’m glad she had it for the shit Cil started, but I think Amy’s having fun now.”

  “Rachael, I do want to thank you for telling Amy she looks as beautiful as her mother.”

  “Every girl wa
nts to be told she’s as beautiful as her mother.”

  I thought about what she had said for a second and said the first thing that had come to my mind. Her mother wasn’t a fan of mine. “Well, your mother never stopped scowling at me long enough for me to know.”

  My gut tightened as I prepared to be hit, but it was a different and more powerful hit to the gut when her laugh erupted. She couldn’t stop laughing and I couldn’t stop smiling. Her hand rested on my arm as she tried to brace herself. She was laughing one of those deep belly laughs that shook your entire body. I vowed to make her laugh like that more. I wasn’t sure how, but I was sure I needed to.

  The dark haired woman was back with Amy and she cleared her throat. Rachael still giggled as she tried to compose herself. The dark haired woman just raised her eyebrows and looked at me.

  “You’re a comedian, too?”

  “What’s so funny, Dad?”

  “Nothing.” I swooped down and picked Amy up, lifting her high. “You’re so beautiful!”

  The dark haired woman clapped and sobered everyone up. “We’re burning daylight here, people. Let’s get a move on it.”

  Rachael looked at me with Amy in my arms and smiled. She lifted the camera and started snapping pictures, backing up as she did. It was weird, but every time she pointed for me to go somewhere else, I followed and knew exactly what she wanted. The photos were a little more formal, a little more rigid than the first photo shoot we did, but it was just as much fun.

  I stood aside and allowed Amy the sole spotlight again. The air changed and I didn’t need to turn to know who was standing beside me.

  “I may be wrong about you.” She looked at me only for a brief moment before turning back to the photo shoot. “But I’m still watching you.”

  I didn’t look at her. “I don’t even know your name. It takes a big set of brass balls to bust mine in my own backyard without at least introducing yourself first.”

  “You’re right.”

  We stood there just watching Amy and Rachael as the sun started to go down. It wasn’t until she was ready to break it up and get her dress back that she addressed me again.

  “My name is Janelle.” She stepped into my view of Rachael. “I will come after you if you hurt my girl over there. We both know I’ve got the balls to do it.”

  I shook my head and walked after her. She took Amy inside as I headed to Rachael. “You’ve got one interesting friend over there.”

  She put her camera down and looked at me. “Oh, I thought you knew her. She was here when I got here.”

  She sounded so serious, but laughed when I narrowed my eyes at her. “Nice.” I crossed my arms. “Now that you’ve almost sent me into panic mode, what are you doing for the rest of the evening?”

  She shrugged. “Probably working on these.” She closed her camera bag and made sure it was secure. “Amy’s dying to see them.”

  “So am I.” I smiled. “It reminds me of a slide show I put together once. I haven’t looked at that in a long time.”

  “Rachael, we’re going to head out now.” A skinny man with dirty hair hugged Rachael.

  I turned, not wanting to see how tightly she hugged him back and almost walked right into Janelle. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were behind me.”

  “You never will.” She turned to Rachael. “Walk me out, doll?”

  She reached for her camera bag, but I took it for her. “I’ll take it in.”

  “Thanks.” She linked arms with Janelle and walked in with her.

  I went to find that slide show.

  “Thank you again so much for this. I owe you.” I opened the door allowing her to walk out first.

  She turned just as I closed the door behind me. “The only thing you owe me is details when you finally have your way with that man.” She growled and clawed the air.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Would you give it a rest?”

  “No.” She was serious which sobered me. “There’s something there and you need to stop running from it. I wouldn’t steer you wrong, doll.”

  I nodded. “I know you wouldn’t. It’s just—”

  She put her hand on my upper arm and squeezed. “I know, but trust me. He’s going to rock your world. Lance was a douche. I always told you that.”

  It was true. She had tried to get me to leave him before he left me. I should’ve listened to her, but it didn’t mean I wanted to listen to her about Carl, either. I hugged her and changed the subject. “Thank you for helping me.”

  She took the hug as an opportunity to whisper. “You deserve to be happy, Rachael. Please, allow yourself the happiness you just gave that little girl.” She pulled back and winked before walking to her car. I stood, watching her drive away. She was only trying to help, but I was terrified to go back in.

  “Janelle?” The studio was empty and quiet. Usually, it was a place of hubbub with tons of people running around trying to get everything put together. She hadn’t been in the business long, but she made a name for herself fast. I was glad we got in on the ground floor. Her designs were impeccable.

  “I’m back here, doll.” She shouted from her office in the back.

  “Hey, where is everyone?” I took one step in and stopped when I saw the look of worry on her face. My mind raced with thoughts of what could be troubling her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m just fine. You’re the one I’m worried about.” She motioned for me to take a seat. “How are you? I sent everyone home so we could talk.”

  I looked around. “Me?” I hesitated, but took her offered seat. “I’m fine.”

  “You haven’t heard.” She reached over and grabbed her pack of cigarettes. “I thought he would’ve had the decency to tell you himself.”

  “You’re not making sense. Who are we talking about?”

  She lit her cigarette and pulled a long drag before speaking. “Lance.” The smoke was directed out of the side of her mouth and away from me as much as possible. The bottom of her sneaker was used as an ashtray to put the cigarette out. “I’ve always told myself, I wouldn’t smoke around the fabric, but I really needed that.”

  “Can we get back to Lance? What are you talking about?”

  “He’s seeing someone else.” She didn’t pull any punches, and I felt the full force of it. “He isn’t hiding it anymore and there’s a ring now.”

  “There can’t be a ring. We’ve talked about engagements and getting married.” I stood up furious and left the dresses I was there to pick up. “There can’t be a ring!”

  The door flew open and startled me. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house all the way to the front room. “I’ve found it.” He sat down like an excited child waiting to show me something. His smile was contagious.

  The discussion I had moments before was still fresh in my mind. I sat on the other end of the sofa. “What did you find?”

  Carl looked at me and narrowed his eyes as he pointed to the laptop. “I want you to see something.” He patted the space next to him.

  “I can see it from here.” I leaned on the arm of the sofa to appear getting comfortable.

  “Suit yourself.” He looked back to the laptop and pressed a button.

  The screen filled with baby and toddler shots of Amy decked out in different princess outfits. It was fabulous. I’d only seen a couple of photos from Amy’s younger years and the video was a treat. I sat up and started talking about the different photos that flashed on the slideshow.

  “Oh, can you go back to that?” I got closer to the laptop as he stopped the slideshow and paused on the picture I fell in love with. “She is so beautiful here.” I touched the laptop as if I could touch her face in that moment.

  Amy couldn’t have been more than two and her chubby cheeks were stretched as far as they could be with her bigger than life smile. The purple dress sparkled along with the tiara and wand she was holding. She truly was a princess.

  “She wouldn’t take that dress off for anything and hit me with her wand eve
ry time I got too close.” He looked at me. “Shall we keep going?” He hit play when I nodded.

  As more photos went by, Amy got older. It was a time lapse of her growing years in everything princess. It was remarkable and I wanted to watch it again, but I really needed to go. I’d spent enough time there already.

  I didn’t want to seem rude and just leave, so I sat back a little to prepare for my exit and felt something behind me. I looked to my left and saw Carl’s chest. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I looked down and my hand was resting on his thigh. How had that happened? I looked up to Carl and he was focused on the last photo that was still on the screen. Then he looked down to me.

  “Thank you for watching that with me. I can’t believe I almost forgot about it.” The moment he realized the position we were in, he smiled and squeezed me to him. “Hey, I kind of like this.”

  I slapped his thigh. “Don’t get used to it.” I stood up. “You need a bigger monitor.”

  He laughed a hearty laugh. One I hadn’t heard too often and it made me smile. “Stay for dinner.”

  “I’ve stayed long enough.”

  He grabbed my hips as I started to walk away and pulled me on his lap. “But you need to eat.”

  “I can eat at home.” I stood up and walked to my camera gear. “I’ll get the photos to you soon. Tell Amy she did fabulous today.”

  Carl watched me with his arm on the back of the sofa as I headed for the door. He didn’t seem angry, but the laughter I had just heard moments before was gone. The air had switched from carefree to charged the second I got off his lap. The hair was standing up on the back of my neck as I walked out of the room, but I didn’t turn back. I didn’t need to see the look I could feel he was giving me.

  My hand touched the doorknob and his hands appeared before my eyes, holding the door shut. His right hand remained on the door as his left hand brushed the hair away from my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He leaned in. “Stay.” It wasn’t a question or a suggestion. It was a demand.

  My answer matched his tone. “No.” I opened the door, but it wasn’t open for long. He slammed it shut and spun me around. My camera bag dropped to the floor.


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