Saving Georgia

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Saving Georgia Page 7

by Kristin Flynn

  “You sure you’re not mad at me?” I push.

  “I promise.” Jenn says smiling at me, and soon after that she engulfs me in a huge Jenn hug, and now I can breathe a sigh of relief. “Come on, we have to get ready for the day. I know you ate breakfast, but its eleven o’clock and we need to make a move on it. Harper will be waiting. Oh, and don’t forget to call Shane.”

  Shane! Shoot! I need to hit him up. I need to make sure he is there, and goodness time sure does fly in the low country when things get to moving! I threw some shorts and a t-shirt on, packed a bag with a few options in it to see what all they would prefer for me to wear. I tossed my hair up in a high ponytail and found the bag with all the makeup I bought, and threw that into the duffle bag as well. My cat muffin is laying on the bed looking at me as if I have eight heads, and it is pulling on my conscience. My heart feels heavy, but I can’t figure out why. Reluctantly I threw on some music to get me into a better mood. If anything can get me going, it is music. Taking a good look around my room, it looks like a tornado had hit it, everything is a freaking mess. I’m not even sure where to find my cell phone. I dug deep into a pile of clothes and still, no cell phone. I moved my guitar around and it’s still not there. I looked for about a good 15 minutes and gave up. I plopped myself down on my bed and snuggled up to muffin, and what do you know, she was sitting on top of my phone!

  Quickly I look to see for any missed calls, and thankfully there were none. I did see some text messages from Shane.

  Are we still doing this thing?


  Quickly I smiled, and I’ve gotten so excited to see him. He will bring some normalcy back to my life, and these anxiety attacks can stop.

  Yes, we are still ‘doing this thing’. I’m on my way now, see you there tonight!


  I quickly threw my phone on the charger while I finish trying to pack for Harper Kelly’s house. I am so excited, but I can’t figure out if it’s because I am going to see Shane for the first time in a few days, and actually be able to spend time with him or that I could see Jason and we could, well you know.

  “Georgia, you about ready?” Jenn calls out from down the hall.

  “Yes ma’am! Just throwing some things together here.” I call back.

  Swiftly I rise to my feet and carry the bags downstairs. Jenn already has her stuff in my car. Jenn was a bunch of giggles once I got into the car, and she not so politely let me know that my shirt was not only backwards but inside out. This is starting off to be one funky day.

  Once we got to Harpers, they sat me down in her en suite bathroom, which looked like it could be the size of my bedroom, if not larger. She had this huge garden style soaking tub, a sit-down vanity, a shower where the jets come out the wall and a rain head feature, plus tons of granite and nickel accents. It was a sight to see! I felt so out of place and intimidated by my surroundings and that got me to thinking, this is all just stuff, merely worldly things and they have no reflect on anyone’s self-worth.

  Harper and Jenn’s fingers feel calming and relaxing, twisting around in my hair, weaving it to and fro, with my new straight locks ( which I wonder, how long it will stay that way, maybe until I wash it?). They spackled, and plastered my face with tons of colorful goops and glops. The whole time I was trying to focus on relaxing, Harper was focused on giving me an inquisition about Shane. It was from “What’s his favorite color?” to “What is his relationship status?” And, frankly I couldn’t be more disgusted. There is some nerve on this girl. But I reluctantly provided her with any tidbit of information I could muster up.

  “His favorite color is grey. His birthday is August 19. And, he doesn’t have a girlfriend if that is what you’re asking.”

  “OK. Good. What type of music does he like?” Harper presses on.

  “Country, are you seriously asking me that?” I ask her, and I guess that came off maybe harsher than what I intended because Jenn flashed me a stern look.

  “Oh. Well, how would I know? Can’t make assumptions you know.” Harper carried on, however now I noticed she isn’t quite as gentle with my hair as she was before.

  “Sorry, I just thought it was blatantly obvious.” I tell her, trying to cover my tracks and keep some form of civility with her. Harper Kelly is one of my very best friends, other best friend and though I know there is some social convention hierarchy where my position out right trumps hers, I still have to walk on glass to make sure that Jenn isn’t a casualty of warfare. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much Harper, if Shane likes you – I am sure you will know. As long as you’re a decent person and find common ground, the rest will all fall into place right?” I know for a fact, there is a very slim chance Shane would be interested in her, however girl rules forbid me from coming clean about this, and I must in fact encourage her to try to win his heart. Sometimes teenage politics are much too much, and this is why I hang out with Shane more than anyone else. Boys as friends are less complicated.

  “You’re right I guess,” Harper slumps over and shifts her weight to one foot and pouts, “I just really hope he does like me, because I am crushing hard.” She continues. I almost feel bad for her, not quite but almost.

  “Being stressed, and depressed isn’t going to get you anywhere with Shane. You need to calm down and get happy.” I tell her, “And besides you’re gorgeous, just be yourself.”

  “OK, you’re definitely right. You know it best, and I know from experience that me pouting my little you-know-what off will get me nowhere real quick.” Harper said, changing her tone. She stood back and took a good look at me, and Jenn moved to the front to get a look.

  “She looks amazing Harper!” Jenn squeals.

  “She does. I did a great job. See Jenn, anyone can look good with a little bit of makeup.” Harper says, turning around to head back to her bedroom.

  “Wow Harper, rude much?” Jenn looks at her, and holds a stance that I hadn’t seen before. Hands on the hips, deadpan glare and I think I see a snarl in the corner of her mouth. Do I move out the way, or just sit here like I don’t exist.

  “Sorry, that’s not what I meant.” Harper blinks.

  “What did you mean then?” Jenn challenges her.

  “I mean, it shows that makeup enhances everyone’s beauty.” Harper tries to backpedal.

  “Yeah, OK Harper; she’s gorgeous with or without makeup.” Jenn carries on.

  I am here, aren’t I? This conversation is happening in front of me, right? I just sit back and blink, waiting to see how this all pans out.

  “I mean, Harper she is trying to help you with Shane and you just spit out some nonsense about my best friend, my sister!”

  “I’m sorry Jenn, truly I am. Georgia, you are beautiful I didn’t mean it the way it came out, honestly.” Harper pleads with me, knowing that I am her only hope and salvation of being with Shane.

  “Yeah, OK.” I spit out, with blatant indifference.

  “Please forgive me; let’s go get some cheese and grapes before the party. We have some downstairs in the sunroom.” Harper offers, clasping her hands in front of her, as the ever gracious hostess.

  We all made our way down to the sunroom for some snacks, and I was careful not to smudge my makeup. After our tasty treat, we went back up to Harper’s bedroom to finish getting ready. The awkward tension seemed to have dissipated.

  “Georgia, can you put something on the radio? I want to give country music a whirl.” Harper asks me.

  I made my way to her computer and put on 106.9 The Kat in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is my favorite country station of all time. Miranda Lambert’s “Fastest Girl in Town” was on and I caught Harper out the corner of my eye, nodding her head to the song.

  “I like this song! I could get into country music.” She smiles, as if she had accomplished some big feat.

  “Yeah, it’s not bad is it?” I follow her lead,;inside my head I’m mocking her.

  “No, I kind of dig it.” She seems as if she is elated and pleased with
herself, so I will leave well enough alone. Jenn is off to the side, dancing and looking at outfits draped in front of her in the full length mirror.

  Once we were done getting dressed and well accessorized we made our way downstairs and finished setting up the place. We laid out the paper ware, standard red solo cups and all. The pizza’s Harper ordered showed up shortly after, and we had beach towels laid out for the rest of the guests. Thankfully, Jenn encouraged me to pack a swimsuit or I’d be out of luck on the swimming aspect, but thinking about swimming after everything I did to get this dressed up seems like a crying shame.

  Shortly after the spread was laid out, guests started arriving and that made me think of Shane and where he was. Quickly I ran upstairs and dug out my cell phone that I had charging in Harper’s bathroom. The first thing I see is there is a message from Shane


  On my way. See you soon.


  Yay! I won’t be in pretty people hell alone for much longer! That’s a mean thing to think, but frankly Harper is just much too much to handle sometimes. I haven’t the foggiest clue why Jenn likes to be around her so much.

  About 30 minutes later, Shane finally arrives and I quickly ran into his arms.

  “Hey stranger, how you doing?” He asks, patting me on the back.

  “Better now that you are here. I’ve missed you!” I whisper in his ear, so no one hears me.

  “I’m here Georgia. No worries.” He says, and then holding me at arm’s length he got a good look at me. Taking a quick breath of air, he just stares at me, and I couldn’t feel more insecure if I tried. My heart started to quicken like it does with Jason, but I know that Shane wouldn’t hurt me. “Look at you.” Shane spits out, not taking his eyes off of me. “Wow.” Shane says, closing his eyes and shaking his head. He takes his baseball cap off and wipes his forehead with his arm, and swings his arm around my waist.

  “Come, I want to ‘introduce’ you to Harper, if you don’t mind. Just entertain me, OK?” I tell him, knowing that I’d be met with reserved hesitation.

  “Alright Georgia.” Shane sighs, and matches my pace heading towards the kitchen.

  Harpers eyes light up like fireworks on the fourth of July when she saw that I brought Shane into the room.

  “Shane Dalton! What a pleasant surprise.” Harper greets him, taking his hand and leading him into her inner circle of friends.

  Shane quickly looks back to me and I try to see if I can include myself, but I was quickly greeted by a stern look from Harper.

  “Georgia, be a dear and check on the rest of the guests please. I want to give Mr. Dalton a tour.” Harper carries on, linking arms with Shane.

  “OK.” I resign. Feeling defeated, I am not going to be someone else’s bell hop, but I did muster around the rest of the house and stared out at the pool. Maybe a dip would be welcoming.

  “There is my girl.” I hear someone call out. Gosh, some people have no hesitation in referring to people as possessions.

  Suddenly I am swept into strong, brute arms and I shriek so loud, I am sure neighbors heard me. Lips are crushing mine, and hands are burrowing deep in my silky locks.

  “You left your hair straight. I love it.” Jason breathes into my open lips, before his tongue stars dancing in circles inside my warm mouth. He tastes delicious, like mint and lemon. My chest rises and falls in a heady rhythm. He walks back, carrying me with my arms clenched tight around his neck, and he takes us out the side door, and sits down on a chaise lounge, cradling me, caressing my much sensationalized skin. His hands skim up my thighs, and secure themselves at my hips, pulling me deep against him. He grasps my whole head of hair in one fist and pulls my head back, exposing my whole vulnerable neck. His teeth skim my flesh, his tongue licking the whole way up, before stopping at my lips, where he bit down ever so gently. My body is on fire, and I’m so torn inside. My body responds to every touch of his, and reciprocates knowing that my anxiety will peak and I just have no idea how long I have before that happens. Before I know it, Jason flips me over and positions himself on top of me. Oh goodness he is gorgeous and looks nothing short of a Greek God. He covers me with quick little kisses across my collarbone, lifting me up by my back with his hand and suckling at my neck and shoulders. He lowers himself on top of me, and I can feel the glorious massiveness of his muscles weighed down on me, and my body is aching for him in a very devious way. Suddenly I can feel him, there. I freaked out.

  “Jason, stop.” I spit out quickly, obviously catching him off guard.

  “What? We’re just having fun, just messing around, don’t worry about it.” He tells me, as if I am over reacting.

  “Um, no we need to stop. Now.” I demand. “I can feel… that… and I’m nowhere ready for that yet.” I said, gesturing to his crotch.

  “OK, fair enough. We can slow down a bit.” He offers.

  “I would like that, thank you.” I exhale deeply, trying to un-rattle myself. “Who all saw that?” I ask him.

  “Saw what?” Jason asks, perching himself up on an elbow.

  “You ravaging me, and all but taking me at Harpers house in front of God knows how many people.” I start to panic.

  “None, that’s why we’re out here, I’m sure that people saw me scoop you up, but there’s no one out here, and we’re blocked by that fake tree.” Jason points out. Thank goodness!

  “I am a different person with you. Never would I have ever condoned this exhibitionist behavior, or almost throwing my virtue to the wind. It’s like you spellbind me, I’m beguiled.” I purge myself emotionally, and I’m scared to see what he is going to respond with, if anything.

  “I see. Well, if I were to do any of those things, don’t you think I could have done it correctly? I’d have had you already, in every way I desire.” Jason says, looking deep into my eyes and planting a simple kiss on my astonished lips. I swear he sucks my breath out every time he gives me those smoldering eyes. “The fact that I am exhibiting pure control, and I’m honoring your requests should show me in a slightly different light, should it not?” He whispers into my lips.

  I don’t think the Bible ever said anything about the devil and demons’ being this beautiful does it? Or maybe it’s just the sin that seems comely?

  “I’d like some soda please.” I ask in the most innocent voice that I could round up.

  With an exasperated sigh, Jason stands and pulls me to my feet. “What would the lady like?” He asks.

  “Ginger ale if they have it.” I smile.

  “Let’s see if we can make that happen.” Jason says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  As we walk into the kitchen, Jason lets me go to find me a drink. I spot Shane across the room, and he comes running on up.

  “Thank goodness! Please don’t leave me alone with her.” Shane begs.

  “I didn’t want to. I’m just trying to show Harper some effort on my end, for Jenn you know. That boring, or what’s the deal?” I ask.

  “She is just so superficial, and she won’t leave me alone. I know she has some sort of thing for me, but come on woman!” Shane says, throwing his hands on his face for dramatic flair I think. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Look at my house, look at my TV; hey I just started listening to country music.” Shane continues. My sides almost burst in laughter.

  “Hey, she is trying.” I offer as a condolence.

  “Trying to what, kill me?” Shane scoffs.

  “Let’s just try to move on with this, and enjoy ourselves here.” I plead. I don’t want to leave just yet; I am trying to still make heads and delightful tales out of the whole Jason thing.

  “OK, but you can’t leave me. And for the record,” Shane smiles “you owe me, big time.”

  “I do, do I?” I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

  “Oh yes, I’d love to leave. But, for you I will stay. So now you owe me.”

  “OK. I owe you.” What’s a couple of burgers between friends anyway? “Hey, I have an idea, you have your guitar? I thin
k mine is in my car.”

  “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Shane derides me. I shake my head in response to his disgust.

  Shane sighs and we’re out the door, grabbing our guitars and setting up outside by the pool. It was just us, and it was quiet and we sat facing each other. I saw that smile Shane has that just puts me at ease, and makes me instantly happy.

  “Dancing away with my heart.” I tell him, and we played. The Lady Antebellum has always been a good song for us to sing.

  His voice is like velvet, and it just melts me. We strum in sync with each other and my voice is dancing with his in these beautiful pitches high and low. It’s our dance, the way we talk, the way we bond like two souls into one. We were lost together in our sweet, beautiful symphony.

  I wasn’t prepared to see more than just Shane when I opened my eyes. We were welcomed with a round of applause, naturally instigated by Jenn. I’m pretty sure she ushered everyone outside.

  “Do another!” someone cheered from the background.

  Shane smiles and surprises me with a “why not?”

  “OK dealer’s choice. Pick the song.”

  Shane gives me a wink and starts strumming along. It’s only a few chords in when I pick up what song he is playing, and I quickly come in step with him. Following his lead, we belt out the lyrics to Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson’s “Don’t you want to stay.”

  After about 3 more songs, Jason Grimes comes strolling out and straddles me from behind while I sat facing Shane and sang one last song before we called it a night, musically anyway. Shane and I need to practice, but we can’t risk jeopardizing our vocal chords.

  “Last song, can I pick?”

  “Lady’s choice.” Shane says, kind of coldly.

  I start plucking the strings to my guitar, knowing that Shane would know in an instant where I was going musically, and that hopefully he will get the idea of what is going on with Jason. Not so subliminal, but still the idea is there. I started the first verse of “Just a kiss” by Lady Antebellum. Right now, there couldn’t be a more fitting song. I’m not falling in love with Jason, but my body is.


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