Saving Georgia

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Saving Georgia Page 18

by Kristin Flynn

  “I see that now. Ugh.” Jenn hisses under a fake smile, and gives the wave that she offers to her enemies to Harper.

  Harper Kelly glares back at us, and if looks could kill I’m pretty sure I’d have the nails in my coffin already. Five minutes later Harper walks right between us “Later bitches,” she mutters using her shoulder to give mine a firm shove.

  “Rude much?” I ask, looking at her then Jenn. Whatever, this hussy isn’t going to ruin my day. I am bound and determined to make sure this is a night to remember.

  “OK gorgeous, follow me” Ronaldo called after us. I walked up first, and Jenn followed suit behind me. There was another hairdresser there, and Jenn sat in his chair. We all gossiped and apparently Ronaldo and Xavier were not big Harper Kelly fans. Then I wondered what they said about Jenn and I after we left. I better keep all my opinions to myself.

  After a good bit of time, I had a nice double-banded silver and rhinestone headband on top of my head, and big curls swooped to my left side in a romantic fashion. He tamed my curls! I need to learn his trick. I can’t believe my hair looks so good!

  Finally, Jennifer was done and boy did she look glamorous. She looked every part the princess or pin-up girl. Her hair filled with tiny ringlets and faux diamonds, and silver flowers sewn into her hair. She looked like a fairy princess. I cried staring at her.

  “You look beautiful” I whispered.

  “You’re… stunning.” Jenn cries. I had to look away or the crying fits with us would start. I walked up to her with open arms and lovingly embraced my best friend, my sister.

  “Let’s go get our nails done so we can go home and get ready.” I took her arm in mine and led her to the checkout, leaving Ronaldo and Xavier hefty tips.

  We walked down to the nail parlor and I remembered this is where I got my face ripped off in that very unpleasant eyebrow fiasco. I’m never doing that again. As we crossed the threshold to the nail salon, I squeezed Jenn’s hand “I’m not doing any waxing, F-Y-I.” I hissed under my breath.

  “Noted. I wasn’t expecting you to.” Jenn laughed at me.

  After waiting for a few minutes, we both opted for French manicures and pedicures; which was very relaxing, and now I feel I will thoroughly enjoy the rest of my day. Seriously, those ladies hands on my feet felt heavenly. I need to do this more often.

  As we gingerly trekked across the mall, we stopped in at a makeup store and got some new perfume. I found the perfect scent that I think Shane would love, maybe Jason too (I still need to work that part out). It’s called Grace, by Philosophy, and I think it goes perfectly for the evening. Jenn got Mademoiselle by Chanel, which I also loved but that cost a small fortune that I wasn’t willing to pay to smell pretty, and I figured we would share anyways. Finally our flip flops started out the store, when Jenn gets the idea we need more jewelry, and who am I to tell a princess no?

  Once we made it to Claire’s, Jenn buys everything for both her and I. Necklaces and earrings, the works! She even found a fake tennis bracelet of sorts to go on top of her satin gloves. She’s going to be nothing short of stunning. I’m going to definitely pale in comparison, but I am totally okay with that. Once she checked out I was starting to get irritable.

  “Can we go home now, please?” I begged her. For all that’s holy please say yes.

  “Yes ma’am. We can go home now. We got to start getting dressed.” Jenn smiled.

  “Thank goodness!” I huffed and made a mad dash for the parking lot. I jumped in Elsie and started the car before Jenn even opened the door. I am way too excited for Prom.

  “Geese lady, let me get in first before you start backing up okay?” Jenn laughs at me, but I think she thinks I would do that.

  “I’m ready to go and it’s a hike and a half back to Benson.” I mutter, turning the radio back to country. “And don’t think about changing my radio station neither!” I humph and made my way out the parking deck. Once we were on the highway it was smooth sailing. Luke Bryan was shaking it for me, and I felt gorgeous so nothing could be better than this, right now.

  Once we made it to the house, Jenn and I strategically got our bundles and made sure that our perfectly manicured, flip-flop feet weren’t going to get dirt on them and somehow we succeeded. Once we got upstairs, I gave a good whiff of the shirt I was wearing. I can’t wait to see Shane, or have him see me! Jenn about pulled my arm out the socket tugging me into the bathroom. She sat me down on the side of the tub and handed me a new razor and shaving cream.

  “Make sure it’s all smooth. Your pits too.” She huffed and gave me a knowing look like she’d give me thorough examination afterwards.

  “Yes ma’am” I knew she wasn’t a force to be reckoned with, not when it comes to cosmetics and fashion.

  After making sure that there wasn’t a body hair to be missed, I waited for my next instructions. Jenn sat me on the counter and cleaned my face then started to spackle foundation on to no end.

  “Are you trying to fix a hole in a wall, or are you painting a Picasso on my face?” I spat out between long strokes on my face.

  “Shut it Georgy. I’m trying to make you all beautified.” Jenn squeezes my chin harder.

  Finally she was done and then she went onto what I learned was concealer and then she ‘set my face in powder’. Next came my eyes and I was praying and begging God for her not to poke me in the eye.

  “Please be careful with that thing.” I begged her.

  “It’s just an eyebrow pencil. Don’t move an inch and you’ll be fine.” Jenn huffed.

  “I’ve seen your penmanship.” I mutter and that got me a swift smack on the shoulder.

  I was barely able to handle her doing my eyeliner and when it came time for mascara I was about to lose it. Once she was done, I did everything I could to leave the bathroom as abruptly as possible. Once I made it into my room I looked in the mirror and I realized the terror was worth it. I put on my accessories and new perfume. It’s a little early so I went downstairs and grabbed a snack. No one but Jenn and I were home and I know that in an hour or so the limo would be here. I slowly made my way back upstairs and watched Jenn apply her makeup and she looked so amazing.

  She scooted passed me and danced her way into her room. I figured I should leave her alone to finish getting ready. I walked back to my own room and turned on the radio and found my cell phone.

  My thumbs quickly typed a message and I hit send, and gave myself a warm smile. Seconds later, he responds.

  I can’t wait to see you too. I bet you look beautiful.


  I was dancing in my full length mirror, looking like a gorgeous fool, but a fool nonetheless. I decided it was time for my dress, and I took the garment bag off the back of my closet door. I unzipped it carefully and the sight of the lavender satin made me instantly smile. I love this dress! I undid the garment bag from the hangar and laid the dress on my bed. I carefully took off Shane’s t-shirt so my hair wouldn’t get ruined and rummaged through my underwear drawer for a strapless bra. I finally found it and started to get to work. Once I got the dress on I needed help zipping it up, so holding my dress carefully I went and rapped against Jenn’s door.

  “Just a sec!” Jenn called from inside. Minutes later she emerges looking as perfect as can be.

  “You look amazing.” I said, smiling ear to ear.

  “Turn around.” Jenn orders and I did just that. Finally I am zipped up.

  I turned into the full length mirror in her room, and my eyes start to water. I feel gorgeous, and I just wish my mother was here. I really wished I could have these experiences with her, and though this is one of the best memories I will have in my life I cannot help but feel a little robbed.

  “Just a sec!” Jenn hollers and runs into her room. “That necklace you’re wearing doesn’t go with that dress!” She yells from her bedroom. Finally she re-emerges and takes my rhinestone necklace off and slips on another dainty necklace around my neck, a single diamond, on a rope chain.

“Mom found this the other day in your mother’s stuff. I had it cleaned for you. This goes much better I think.” Jenn says, resting her hands on my shoulders, staring back in the mirror with me.

  “Thank you.” I whisper, fingering the diamond around my neck.

  We finally made our way downstairs, and Mr. and Mrs. Hyde finally made it home. They both got misty-eyed at the sight of us. I am starting to wonder exactly how waterproof my mascara really is. Shortly after the limo emerges from up our drive and Shane and Nick are there to greet us. We stood for pictures and Mrs. Dalton drove up to snap a couple herself. About 20 minutes later we were finally on our way to Prom. Shane’s tux matched my dress perfectly and my wrist corsage matched my dress as well; I think it’s Shane’s mom that I would have to thank for that one.

  “You look amazing,” Shane breaths into my ear giving me goose bumps all over my skin.

  “Thank you, handsome.” I smiled, slipping my hand into his entwining our fingers together.

  Jenn was practically sitting in Nick’s lap, and Shane and I looked over and I could tell he was wishing that we could be that openly intimate, that it would be exclusively us and not having a third wheel, and a big part of me wanted to give him just that. But then when I am with Jason it’s just the inverse of that, that deep tug for him existed within me as well. Sighing inside, I looked deep into Shane’s eyes and smiled. I see that fire, that sparkle that I began to know all too well and I can feel the coil unravel deep in my lower belly.

  “Shane” I whispered, “Why did you want us to go stag, but together, to Prom?” I picked at an invisible piece of lint on my dress.

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t say yes to an actual date.” Shane smiled: winking at me and making me feel as comfortable with anyone I ever felt in my life.

  Once we got to the school, Shane helped me out of the car and escorted us into the gymnasium. The four of us made our way into the building side by side, and the school looked like it took a magical transformation. There were mini birch trees covered in white tulle and white Christmas lights. There’s a natural wood arbor in the corner for pictures, with a country scene backdrop.

  Shane and I went to pose for our picture, when I felt a familiar stare burning into my skin. Jason is here, and my palms are starting to get clammy. I sent Shane to get me some punch because I know Jason wants to talk to me, and turning around after Shane walked off, our eyes met. He looked so sexy with his tie hanging off, his dress shirt opened up at the top. He had a white pocket square and silver cuff links that sparkled when the light hit them. His pants fit him so snugly, that they had me swooning.

  “You look more beautiful than a princess” Jason says, stroking my cheek. “Take a picture with me, I didn’t bring a date.”

  “It’d be my honor.” I turned, locking my arm into his and standing to take a picture with him. I felt dirty doing this behind Shane’s back, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

  “Don’t forget to save me a dance, but make sure it’s after my little show.” Jason winks and turns around and disappears back into the crowd.

  “What did he want?” Shane slinked his arm around my waist.

  “Nothing, I just took a picture with him since he didn’t bring a date” I sighed.

  “Uh huh. Come on sweetheart, let’s go dance.” Shane escorts me into the dance floor.

  The music sang high and low, and we must have danced for quite some time because my feet were starting to hurt. How do girls dance in these ridiculous heels on a daily, or even weekly basis? It’s like a podiatry torture device.

  “You’re like a fairy princess” Shane whispers into my neck. I can feel his breath warming my clavicle and his hands are splayed on my bare back. His strong fingers, slowly caressing every inch of my sensationalized skin, making me melt more into him. “You smell amazing, and I’m the luckiest guy here tonight.” His feathery kisses along the length of my neck about sent my body over the brink.

  “Shane you’re…” I started, but my mind couldn’t find words when his lips on my skin are so gosh darn distracting!

  “So what, sweetheart?” Shane started kissing my shoulder so slightly, his hands sliding tighter across my waist, the strength and intentions of his fingers are baffling my mind.

  “Devastatingly wonderful” my lips parted, my breath ragged and suddenly it’s like no one else is on the dance floor but us. My heart is pounding a mile a minute. I gnawed on the inner part of my bottom lip, my fingers digging deep into the fabric of Shane’s tux. I dipped my chin, hoping, begging and praying that he would kiss me. His hands secured themselves on my hips, and he slinked one hand into mine and brought it up to where our faces were a breath apart from each other. Suddenly he was spinning me around the dance floor, I gasped and he laughed tilting his head back. He was the hilt to my undoing, my primal needs unfurling in my belly, and yet he leaves me with no respite.

  Most of the night was nothing short of magical, enchanting even. Shane and I danced the night away, and when he was gone Jason swooped in and we had our moments as well. Close to the end of Prom, before they announced the King and Queen of Prom, the lights in the gymnasium went out and a mild sense of chaos erupted. Suddenly on the stage that was set up for the band, the lights went on and there was Jason. He was in his tux, with a fedora on his head, and the music started up. Blaring from the speakers was the new Justin Timberlake song “That Girl”, and Jason was moving, and boy was he moving. His friends were there on stage with him, and they were moving in sync, in such a smooth and seductive form. Jason swiftly pulled a chair out from the side and put it in front of him, and he used it in his performance and then he grabbed my hand and sat me in the chair. It was hot. The way his feet glided across the floor, his hips mesmerizing my eyes, my breath hitched and it was out of pure luck that I actually understood the song. I lost my inhibitions a while ago, and I was by no means embarrassed. It was like a scene from Magic Mike, and I couldn’t turn my eyes away from him. He was just captivating. Once the song was done, he strutted over to me and planted a chaste kiss on my lips. The lights sprung the gym to life and then I remembered Shane. My heart flopped to my stomach. Unwittingly, I break eye contact with Jason and made my way back over to Shane.

  “Well, he doesn’t play fair.” Shane said, sliding his arm around my waist.

  “He never said he would” I kissed the corner of his mouth. Shane smiled and gave Jason a stern nod, as if to say ‘game on.’

  The principal crossed the stage and grabbed the microphone. He announced the names of the people who were voted for nomination. Naturally Harper Kelly’s name was mentioned, as was Jenn’s, then suddenly out of nowhere my name was shouted across the loudspeaker.

  “What? Why are they calling my name?”

  “You were nominated” Shane kisses my cheek.

  “Since when?”

  “I don’t know, didn’t you notice the ballot?” Shane raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Georgia Ashton to the stage please,” the principal calls out again.

  “No. I…” I start, but Shane slinks his arm into mine and leads me down to the stage. He all but had to plop my feet onto it.

  “And now for the, uh…. Men’s portion” The principle starts, rattling off of course Jason Grimes, Nick Seagars and some others.

  After the nominations were listed off, a screen came rolling down on the stage. Harper Kelly almost got hit in the head with it, and that made me laugh. She shot me a look that if it could kill, it would have. The lights dimmed and a video started to play, showcasing snippets of all the nominee’s, myself included shots from the year that were caught off guard.

  Jenn clasped my hand and beamed with pride, watching everything on the screen. There were a lot of happy moments being displayed; homecoming, football games, baseball games, winning scores, cheerleaders then suddenly… something else was on the screen. I heard my voice and my eyes darted straight up.

  There, in front of the world to see was my intimate moment with Jason Gr
imes, at Harper Kelly’s party.

  “Well I guess you’re not a virgin anymore now, huh, Georgia?” Harper Kelly sneered.

  “Oh my… Oh God, no… please… oh my…” I felt like I could throw up right there on stage.

  “Harper, you….. you….. bitch!” Jenn barked at her. I hadn’t heard her swear in quite some time.

  I ran. I ran as far as I could run. I wanted out. I needed out. I couldn’t believe any of this is happening. I heard footsteps behind me, male voices and Jenn. I didn’t know which way to go, or what to do or how to face anyone at that point. Shane didn’t need to see that, I know he knew that Jason and I have had intimate moments, but he didn’t need it thrown in his face. That’s not fair, and besides I hadn’t even made a choice yet, and I know I never could. This is going too far, too messed up and it’s just too wrong at this point.

  I found myself in the parking lot. I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my own heartbeat. I put my hands on my knees and suddenly I felt a hand on my back.

  “Georgy” Jenn was freaking out.

  “Georgia, sweetheart” Shane was right behind her. “This is all your fault!” I heard Shane yelling at someone who just ran up behind us.

  “How is this my fault? I wouldn’t ever do this to her.” It was Jason. This wasn’t Jason’s fault, was it?

  “You filmed it! No one needs to see that, and she deserves better than that!” Shane’s mad. Like really, really mad.

  “I’d never… ” Jason sounds pissed.

  “Stop it! Stop placing blame; we all know it was Harper who did this. Let’s make sure we don’t lose Georgia in this.” Jenn can be very authoritative. I’m impressed.

  My breathing is starting to even out. I forced myself to stand, but of course not without three pairs of hands helping me with it. Some Prom this turned out to be.

  “I’m alright. I’m pissed, but I’m ok.” I offered up, holding a hand up to let them know I’m alright. Which is true, I am very pissed, but I am okay. How could such a private moment turn so public? I mean, seriously. I know this is how some people reach for stardom, but that was no sex tape (but that is arguable) and I have no urge to become a megastar. This too shall pass, Georgia.


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