When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie

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When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie Page 14

by KC Mills

  My girl sucked her teeth and made her way to my door. I chuckled because she was playing hard, but this was about to go all kinds of wrong. Laken and Siah both had something to prove, and she was sitting right in the middle of it. If she wasn't worried about it, she was either crazy or in denial. Didn't matter which one because they both were the wrong move for this situation.


  It had been an extremely long day, and all I could think about was climbing in my bed and catching up on some much needed rest and reruns. I hadn't heard from Jock, but I expected that since he had his son and he was kind of upset with me right now. It was cool though, I would eventually deal with him, but right now I just didn't have the energy to.

  When I pulled up in my driveway and shut my car off, I was so mentally exhausted that I just sat there for a minute until I felt like I had the energy to get out. I quickly regretted that decision when I noticed Red pull in behind me.

  “Shit.” I mumbled to myself when I checked my purse and realized that my baby girl was in the house resting in my safe. I prayed this fool wasn't on any bullshit because I really wasn't prepared to deal with it.

  He got out, slammed his car door and moved to mine. I could already tell he had an attitude. Sad thing was he looked so damn sexy that I felt my body reacting, but I had to get it together. No way, no how was I about to deal with him and his little family issues.

  “Get out the car, Kiz. We need to talk,” he yelled a few feet away from my door.”

  “I don't have shit to say to you, so we don't need to do anything. You need to go buy some pampers or something.”

  “Man, get out the damn car, Kiz. I’m not playing with your stupid ass. I told you that don't mean shit. It was one fuck up. How you gon’ let that affect what we have? It's not like I’m still fucking her. We just have a kid.”

  I pushed my door once and it almost hit him, but he jumped back. “I don't care if you’re fucking her or not. That’s not my business because you’re not my business anymore.”

  I shut my car door and pulled my purse up over my shoulder, thinking I was about to move past this fool, but he grabbed my arm and pinned me against my car.

  “I’m your business, Kiz, just like you’re mine. That bullshit don't change a got damn thing and you know it. You really gon’ walk away just like that? No conversation, no explaining. You gon’ just be over it. I know better than that and so do you. You don't love me, Kizzie?”

  I looked at this fool as he tried to kiss me, turned my head and laughed. “Whether or not I love you doesn’t really matter. What matters is you don't love me or you wouldn't have a kid with some bitch out of town. Now let me go so that I can go in my house.”

  “So that nigga can have a kid and you still fucking with him, but I do the same shit and you got a problem with it?” Red yelled, pressing his body against mine and peering into my eyes.

  “What are you talking about?” I already knew, but I didn't know how the hell he knew. I wasn't admitting shit.

  “You think I’m stupid, Kiz? I know what the fuck you been doing, and I know that nigga got a kid too. I don't know how long you been fucking him, but I know you are. The streets talk, Kizzie. You don't think my people saw you and that nigga all up in Spotlight? You should be more careful if you trying to hide shit. So yeah, we’re gon’ have conversation and you’re not going anywhere. I fucked up and I apologize for that, but you’re mine and the only way that's changing is if you end up in a body bag.”

  Is this fool threatening me? “I think you need to go. You sound crazy right now, and I’m not the one,” I said, trying to keep calm.

  Red laughed. “You haven't seen crazy yet, Kiz, but keep trying me and I promise you will.”

  I was about to say something, but his phone went off for the third time and he finally reached in his pocket to get it. His body was still pressed against mine, holding me in place, but he used one hand to answer it.

  “What? Fuck, when? Aight, start getting everything packed up. I’m on my way.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for whatever just took place while Red looked pissed. “I’ll be back, and we’re having that conversation. If you know what's best, you’ll be here because if I have to come looking for you, it will be a problem, Kiz.” Red tried to kiss me again, but I turned my face, which pissed him off. He grabbed my chin and held it long enough for his lips to press against mine, and then he let me go.

  “Tonight, Kiz,” he said before he stepped away and started toward his car.

  I watched as he backed out of the driveway and then I rushed into my house. I didn't know where the hell I was going, but I damn sure wasn't about to be here later when this fool got back.

  As soon as I got in my house, I locked my door and headed straight to my room after getting my baby girl out the safe. I called Nonie to let her know I was heading to her house, while I started grabbing clothes for a few days. Red had another thing coming if he thought I was about to sit around waiting on his crazy ass.

  After I had my things packed, I peeked out my front blinds to make sure the coast was clear before I left my house. I hopped in my car and made my way to Nonie's spot to make sure she was waiting for me when I got there. As far as I knew, Red didn't know where Nonie lived, so he wouldn't know to come looking for me there. He had never actually been to her house, and I was grateful for that.

  “So, what now, Kiz?” Nonie asked as soon as I was in her house.

  “I haven't really thought about that. I’m hoping he’ll eventually get the picture and just leave me alone.”

  “Kiz, really? If he went through all this, then what makes you think he’s going to just let it go? You better tell Jock and let him handle it.”

  “Hell no, I don't want that man’s blood on my hands. You know if I tell Jock that crazy fool is coming for me, then he’s going after him. They only know one way to handle things and that means somebody ain't walking away. I damn sure know it won't be Jock.”

  “Just tell him to have a conversation with Red, he’ll do whatever you want, Kiz, you know that. But I’m not cool with him running up on you like that. You don't know what he might do.”

  I followed Nonie to her room and tossed my bag on the floor. She had a guest room, but I was chilling in her room with her for a minute. Now that I was actually safe and had a chance to think, I was a little shaken by the way that Red had acted. I guess everybody has a little crazy in them. I just didn’t see him going that far.

  I laid across the foot of Nonie's bed on my stomach with my feet in the air, ankles crossed, and she was next to me in the center sitting Indian style.

  “I’m not doing that, Nonie. You know what a conversation means, and if Red came at me like that, how the hell you think he's going to react if Jock steps to him.”

  “Who cares? Let Jock handle that, you know he will.”

  “He knows.”

  “Who knows?”

  “Red asked me why I was accepting Jock having a kid but wasn't accepting the fact that he did.”

  “Wait, how?”

  “The hell if I know, but he damn sure said it. So I’m not telling Jock a damn thing. I’ll figure it out.”

  “That’s not smart, boo. For now, you can stay here, but you know Jock is going to want to know why, so you’re gonna have to tell him, Kiz.”

  I know, and I will worry about that later. For now, don't say anything, and don't tell Siah. You know he runs his mouth like a damn girl. He tells Jock everything.”

  Nonie laughed, but I was dead ass serious. “Girl, leave Siah alone. It's no different than me telling you everything or you telling me everything. Besides, Jock be grilling him about you. It's some first forty-eight interrogation stuff going on, so it's not really his fault.’

  “Mmhmm, just don’t tell him, how ’bout that?”

  “Whatever, hoe.” Nonie shook her head and smiled, but she knew I was right.

  I would tell Jock in my own time, for right now I just needed to make sure I st
ayed away from Red’s crazy ass and all would be well.


  I had been doing some research and needed to holla at my pops to let him weigh in on it. The whole deal with Laken had me pissed off, but I saw it coming. What Nonie didn't know was that it was deeper than her, hell it was even deeper than me. This shit started years ago with our fathers and was being passed down.

  His father had raised him to hate the O'day family the same way my father raised me to expect that it was going to happen. I didn't really give a fuck because no man put fear in my heart, but my father’s beef was now mine. So I was gonna handle Laken the same way my father handled his father years before I was even born. It was crazy to me how niggas couldn't just accept the fact that some men were built to be leaders and some were simply built to follow them. Just like my pops, I was a leader, so fuck Laken and what he thought he was about to do.

  No matter how much time had passed, Laken’s bitch ass father was still crying over shit he couldn't control, and had now brought his son into it. He had another thing coming if he thought that he was about to accomplish something that his father never could. Taking down the O’day men was wishful thinking, and some shit that just wasn't about to happen.

  I entered my father’s house to the smell of some good ass food, which meant that Ana was back from visiting her family in the Dominican Republic. She was always on point with the grub, and I was hungry as fuck, so it was perfect timing.

  I made my way to the kitchen, where sure enough she was in there standing in front of the stove with something that had my stomach doing somersaults.

  “Hey there, handsome.” She smiled when I kissed her on the cheek

  “Sup, Ana, you just getting back?”

  “I got in last night, has your father been behaving?” she asked with a smile, knowing that I wouldn't tell her if he wasn't, but she was just asking for the hell of hit.

  “You know it. Anxiously awaiting your return.”

  “You’re such a liar, but I expect that. You are your father's son.” She winked at me. “You hungry?”

  “You already know, hook me up.”

  “Give me a minute and I’ll fix you a plate.”

  “Where’s my pops?’

  “Out back smoking one of those nasty cigars.” She scrunched up her face.

  I chuckled at how much she hated the smell. So much so that pops couldn't even smoke them in the house. Not even in the privacy of his office or she pitched a fit.

  “Aight, I'm about to go holla at him real quick, and then I’ll be back to eat.”

  “Trust me, Siah, I know you will. Your plate will be on the table along with Senior’s.”

  I laughed and made my way to the back of the house and then out the back door, stepping onto my father’s massive deck. It was huge, just like his house, but my father liked nice things, so it was to be expected. His backyard housed a pool, a tennis court, and a full size basketball court. His yard was well manicured, looking like some Better Homes & Gardens type shit. Like me, my father lived out of the city. Which was another reason why Nonie didn't go see him without me. It was an hour’s drive.

  “Sup, old man.”

  “Age is a state of mind, Yosiah. You know that, and trust me, I’m far from old.”

  “I feel you, Pops.” He was standing in front of the rail that surround the deck with a cigar in his hand. I stopped next to him and we both looked out into his back yard.

  “You need something, or you just here because you know Ana is home? I bet you smelled the food all the way from your house.”

  I chuckled. “Nah, that was just perfect timing. I’m here about Nolan.

  My father turned to me with a stern look on his face. “What about him?”

  “Not really him, but his son I guess is the better term.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “He came to Nonie about hosting an event.”

  “You advised her not to do it, I assume.”

  “I would have if I had known about that shit, but it was too late. I found out when we ended up at the same restaurant. She was having dinner with that nigga and I almost lost it.”

  “He still breathing?” My father asked with no expression.

  “For now.”

  He chuckled and then got serious. “She know?”

  “Nah, there was no point in telling her. I’ll handle it. Long as he stays in New York and away from her, he’ll keep breathing, but if he crosses that line again then that’s a wrap.”

  “You don't need to kill him, Yosiah. Sometimes it's better to control your enemies than it is to get rid of them. You kill Laken and then you start a war. A war that you don't need because it puts you and everyone you love in danger. I’m sure you can handle it, but why, when you don't have to?”

  “You damn right I can handle it. You think it's okay for him to come at me while I just sit back and watch it happen? What about Nonie? She’s right in the middle of it. Fuck him, if I have to put a bullet in his head to end this shit, I will. It's not gonna get passed down to my son, or his son. It ends with me.”

  “What sense does that make, son? If you kill him, there’s ten more waiting to take his place. You already know that, so you spend all your time taking lives instead of living your own. Just neutralize him. He has New York and you have Jersey. He can do his thing and you can do yours.”

  I looked at my father for a minute, trying to figure him out. I wasn't sure what was up with that. The same way I never understood why my father never killed Nolan. True indeed, he had chased him out of New Jersey, which is how Nolan got started in New York, but it seemed easier just to handle him permanently.

  “Is there more to this than you’re telling me, Pops? I get the feeling like there is.”

  “No, I just don’t see the point in you sitting in the middle of a war that's not necessary. Now let's go eat. Enough about Nolan and his son. I’m more concerned about spending time with mine.

  I still wasn't convinced, but at my father’s request I let it go, for now anyway. I had a feeling we would be revisiting the conversation soon.


  “You see that nigga has his eyes on you,” Jock said as we both watched Nonie and Kizzie handling business.

  I could guarantee that Laken wasn't happy about the fact that we were up in there, but who the fuck was gon’ stop me? He damn sure wasn't, and even if he had, all that meant was that he’d be doing this shit on his own. I wasn't letting Nonie anywhere near his ass without me being within arm’s reach. I was already pissed that she did this shit behind my back, but I also wasn't about to embarrass her by shutting it down. As long as I was there to make sure she was good then I’d let her do her thing.

  “Man, fuck him. He can have the whole got damn city watching me for all I care. Long as he keeps his punk ass over there and away from Nonie, then we good.”

  “Siah, you looking good tonight. Can I get a dance?” Vanessa walked up, sliding her body against mine, but I wasn't in the mood for that. I was here about business and that business damn sure wasn't her.

  “Nah, I’m good on that. You know that ain't my shit.”

  “How about a trip to the bathroom then?”

  I chuckled. “Nah, I’m good on that too.” I grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from me which made her pretty face scrunch up. My eyes moved down her sexy body, and for a minute I thought about changing my mind, but then Nonie popped into my head.

  “So it's true, huh?” She stepped back and placed her hand on her hip, glaring at me.

  “What’s that?”

  “Nonie got you wide open. Since when do you turn down pussy, Siah?”

  “All the damn time, and it don't have shit to do with Nonie. It's more about bitches like you constantly throwing it at me to the point where I don't have no choice but to turn it down. I’m only one man, baby.”

  “Oh, so I’m a bitch now?”

  “Did I say that?”

  “You might as well have, but it’s cool, though. Good
luck with that because I know her stuck up ass can't and won't do half the things that I will do for you.”

  “You sound dumb as fuck right now. Your nasty ass,” Jock said, frowning at her.

  “And wasn't nobody talking to you, Jock, so mind your business.”

  “I’m talking to you, though. Your desperate ass standing here auctioning off your pussy even after this nigga told you no, and you’re mad ’cause he’d rather fuck with someone that has class. The fuck outta here with that bullshit, Vanessa, and let me hear you say some shit about Nonie again, and you ain't got to worry about Siah cause Imma fuck you up for talking about my sis like that.”

  “Sis? You sure you not fucking her too?”

  Jock was on his feet quicker than I expected, but I held my arm up to stop this nigga from choking the shit outta her.

  “Chill, Jock, she good. Her ass is just bitter. She can say what she wants, but it don’t change the fact that I ain't fucking with her.” I turned to Vanessa. “Are you done? ’Cause I’m tired of looking at your dumb ass.”

  “Fuck you, Siah. Remember that shit ’cause we both know you’ll be hitting me up soon.”

  “Bitch please, when have I ever hit you up? I don't even know your got damn number. I fucked you twice. Once in my car and once in the bathroom at Spotlight. Don't act brand new, you were never anything but a quick nut. Now get the fuck outta my face.”

  Her mouth flew open, but she was too embarrassed to say shit, so she just walked off while Jock laughed.

  “Yo, you need to be more selective, ’cause that shit right there is just sad.”

  I just laughed. “I usually am, but the first time I was drunk and horny as fuck, and she had some bomb as head, so I gave it another shot. The next time I realized her damn head wasn't that good, and I was just drunk as hell the first time.”

  “You dumb as fuck, Siah.” Jock turned up the bottle he was holding and then finished it off before he shook his head at me and laughed.


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