She Does Know Jack

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She Does Know Jack Page 26

by Michaels, Donna

  “I just felt…like we were being watched.” She placed a hand to her forehead to shield the sun while she surveyed the decks. Several beats later, she shrugged. Nothing. She was off her game. Cripes, Jack had her all out of whack.

  Matthew laughed. “Of course we’re being watched. We’re on national television.” He pointed to the array of cameramen shooting down at them.

  Maybe he was right. Maybe it had been their equipment she’d seen glinting.

  “Don’t remind me,” she muttered, swimming away, wishing she could tread water to Hawaii. Or Japan. Yeah, the further the better.

  “Hey, don’t think I didn’t notice you never answered my question about Jack.” Matthew followed her like a barracuda. A perfect smile, dimpled barracuda. “Now, tell me what’s going on with you two. This morning, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and now you can’t stand to be on the same ship together. What gives?”

  She stopped and twisted around to face him. Best to get the explanation over with. “Jack found out my real reason for being on the show. Funny thing is…he wasn’t too happy. But hey, who could’ve predicted that? Oh, wait a minute.” She slapped the water, then raised her hand. “I did!”


  “But did I listen to my instincts? Noooo! I listened to several very well meaning, but misguided people. It’s official—” She lay back in the water, resisting the urge to cry. “I’m an idiot!”

  “You’re not an idiot, and neither is my brother. Just give him some space,” Matthew said, quietly. “Jack hasn’t had an easy time where love is concerned.”

  She opened an eye, then the other followed. “Go on.”

  “Well, eleven years ago, Jack was engaged.”

  She straightened, her attention now riveted to the artist. “He was?”

  “Yes, then his unit was deployed, but Holly wasn’t cut out to be an army wife. She sent him a Dear John.” Matthew shook his head, his expression as sour as Brielle’s stomach.

  “That bitch.” Her heart squeezed for the young soldier. Poor Jack. She tried to picture the green recruit, no doubt only a year or two out of high school. The last thing he’d needed while fighting for his country and his life was a rejection from the home front.

  “It gets worse.” Matthew’s words brought her gaze to his unsmiling face.

  Her heart took a dive. Worse? She swallowed. “How?”

  “About three and a half years ago, Caroline came along, headstrong, ambitious—completely different from Holly—so Jack took a chance and lost. She used him and his company to try to make a big score from one of his client’s estates.”

  Oh God. The knot in Brielle’s stomach tightened. She knew how it felt to be lied to and used because of her job. No wonder he had trust issues.

  “Luckily, Jack found out. He had Caroline and her brother arrested, and thankfully his client didn’t press charges.”

  Brielle sucked in a breath, dove under, then opened her mouth and released the scream burning inside. Stupid! Stupid! Following the bubbles to the surface, she wiped the sea from her eyes, then punched Matthew, hard.

  “You took that well,” he said, rubbing his shoulder

  Her body shook uncontrollably. “How could you allow this to happen?” She clenched her fists under the water and talked herself out of hitting him again. “The last thing Jack needed was another betrayal. Jeez, Matthew! I just poured salt on his wounds. He’ll never forgive me.” She hiccupped, swiping away fresh tears.

  Matthew grabbed her upper arms, his features softening. “Brielle, he just needs time. You’ll see. It’ll be okay. He just needs time. Can you give him that?”

  “I’d give him forever, but I don’t think it’s enough.” Tears rolled off her face into the Pacific. She glanced at the water. Even if she cried that much, he’d still never forgive her. She was doomed.

  A gentle finger lifted her chin. “He won’t need forever. Jack loves you. Just—”

  “He does?” She cut him off, shock making her tremble.

  “Yes, he loves you. I’ve never seen him as happy as he was this morning, or as upset as he was in the gym an hour ago. He punched the heavy bag right off the hook. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.” Matthew winked at her. “Just give him a few days. I promise, he’ll come around.”

  Hope filtered into her darkened heart, and some of the cold eased from her limbs. She really would wait forever.

  Heaving a sigh that rippled the water, she nodded toward the yacht. “We’d better get back on board. I think the captain’s supposed to weigh anchor soon.”

  As they completed their swim to the ship in silence, Brielle prayed for the strength to survive…and to keep her mouth shut while Jack came around. That stubbornness of hers tended to sharpen her tongue and right now, it really, really needed to be dull.

  Matthew helped her onto the deck where they proceeded to dry off. “I’m sorry I’ve caused all these problems. I just want you to know I’d understand if you left the show.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Matthew.” She removed the towel from her face and smiled. “I gave you my word, and I’ll stick to—”


  Danni's cry cut her off and stopped her heart. The fear in the woman’s voice hit Brielle like a heavyweight’s fist.

  “Help! Help us!” Mandy’s voice followed.

  Brielle dropped the towel and raced up the stairs to the top deck to find both women hanging over the side. Danni clutched onto Mandy’s ankle while the blonde clung to the top rail. How the hell…? Adrenaline rushed through Brielle, and she thrived on the surge, channeling it into useful energy.

  “Hold on!” Brielle grabbed Mandy’s wrist and turned to the approaching Matthew. “Get Jack and his men. Hurry,” she added when he hesitated.

  “My hand’s slipping, Brielle,” the blonde squeaked. “I can’t grab Danni.”

  “It’s okay. She’s got you,” Brielle told her calmly. “You just hold on.” From the corner of her eye, Brielle spied Matthew, Jack and Rodriguez rushing toward them.

  Mandy’s grip slackened. “Brielle…I’m falling!”

  No time to wait for the men, she sprang into action. Hooking her right elbow around the rail, Brielle hopped over the side and strengthened her grasp on Mandy just as the woman’s gripped slipped.

  “Don’t drop us,” Mandy cried, now clinging to Brielle like a wet T-shirt.

  From above her, she heard Jack order his men to the deck below to see if they could grab Danni.

  Brielle’s gaze remained on the terrified woman, and although pain already radiated down her arm, she kept all signs of it from showing. “Mandy, look at me,” she ordered, her voice calm and clear. When the blonde looked up and their gazes locked, she continued. “I won’t drop you. I promise.”

  “Okay.” The hand model nodded, some of the fear leaving her gaze.

  “You okay, Danni?” Brielle glanced past the clinging contestant to see Danni nod and give a weak smile.

  “Can you lower her down at all? We can barely reach her ankles,” one of his men called up a minute later.

  “Mandy, Brielle has long legs. Can you slide down them a few inches?” Jack asked from above.

  “I…I…don’t know. What if I slip off?” The blonde peeked down, then immediately burrowed into Brielle’s side.

  “It’s just a few inches, Mandy. I know you can do this,” Brielle said. “I’ll keep a grip on your wrist the whole time. You’re at my waist now. If you shimmy down to my knees that should be more than enough, and I can still bend down with you to keep a hold of your wrist. See?” Brielle showed Mandy how she was able to reach down to her knee without a problem.

  Fear apparent in her eyes, Mandy nodded. “Okay. Just don’t let go of me.”

  “I won’t,” Brielle promised again.

  Gripping the blonde’s wrist, Brielle carefully helped lower Mandy as far as possible, never slacking her hold while the woman slowly shimmied down Brielle’s body.

sp; “Okay, that’s good. We’ve got Danni,” the men called.

  Brielle could feel Mandy’s other arm grasp around her legs while a big pulling weight disappeared. “You did it, Mandy. Good job,” she called down to the woman still clinging to Brielle’s thighs with one hand, and her arm with the other. A small smile crossed the blonde’s lips as she looked up. Brielle winked. “Now it’s your turn.”

  Using strength she hadn’t known she possessed, Brielle lifted Mandy straight up into Jack’s waiting hands. He pulled the blonde to safety as Danni and his men appeared.

  “Give me your hand,” Rodriguez told Brielle, helping Matthew to unhook her numb arm from the rail before hoisting her onto the deck.

  Brielle’s feet had barely touched the yacht when Mandy barreled into her. “Thank you, Brielle. Thank you, thank you.” The blonde hugged her tight and was soon joined by Danni.

  Ignoring her throbbing muscles, she did her best to hug them back, and didn’t even forget to smile.

  “We would’ve ended up in the ocean if you hadn’t come along.” Danni closed her eyes, then shivered.

  Jack stepped forward, bringing an end to the grateful hugs. “What exactly happened?”

  “We were pushed!” Mandy’s whole face puckered as she pointed to the rail while Danni nodded.

  “What?” Matthew charged forward and gathered the two women close. “It’s all right. You’re okay, now. I’ve got you.”

  “Did you see who did it?” Jack pressed.

  Danni shook her head against Matthew’s chest. “No. We were lying down on those chairs right there.” She pointed at two towel-laden chaises in the corner. “And I thought I heard something, so I got up to check, the next thing I know, I’m hanging over the side!”

  “That’s when I opened my eyes and rushed to help, but before I could call anyone, I was pushed over, too.” Mandy shuddered, burying her face in Matthew’s shoulder. “Thank goodness you and Brielle came when you did.”

  Jack’s hard gaze narrowed on her and his brother. “Where were you?”

  “In the water. Hey…wait a minute.” Matthew glanced at Brielle. “Didn’t you say you thought you saw someone?”

  Jack’s gaze snapped to hers, disgust crossing his face. “You saw something, but stayed in the water?”

  “Calm down, bro. We both looked, but no one was around.” Matthew shook his head, still holding onto the girls’ shoulders. “Don’t even go there.”

  “Yeah, Brielle came and saved us, and she’s not even in the military.” Mandy harrumphed.

  A small smile twitched Brielle’s lips.

  Jack glared before turning to Rodriguez and his men. “Tell the captain to head back to port. I want Matthew and these ladies escorted to their rooms to pack, then escort them all to the salon. Rodriguez, you will stay with my brother and the contestants while the rest of you search this ship from top to bottom—again.”

  “Yes, sir,” his men chorused, following Danni and Mandy down the stairs.

  Matthew put his arm across Brielle to keep her from leaving, then shot a look at his brother. “Aren’t you going to ask Brielle if she’s okay?”

  Her heart flipped, and she had to fight to keep in the curse fluttering across her tongue. She could’ve choked Matthew as she had no choice but to slowly meet Jack’s gaze.

  “Why should I?” The stone-faced man shrugged. “She was just doing her job.” Pivoting on his heel, he strode away.

  “Jackass,” Matthew called after him, hugging her close. “I’m sorry. Guess he needs more time. Can I interest you in Rodriguez? He’s a good guy.”

  Jack’s second in command cracked a small smile and stood aside to let them pass.

  A few days later, Jack sat behind his desk in the study at the bachelor mansion, no closer to any answers, but the questions were sure piling up. Just once, he’d be happy to cross something off the ever-growing list instead of adding on.

  “What am I missing?” he muttered, slamming his pen on the stack of evidence covering the blotter, then rubbed his eyes. Brielle’s haunting image flashed through his mind. He groaned and leaned back in his chair. I do not miss her.

  Liar, his hat glared from the desk like a beacon, sometimes flashing Dodger in his face. Reaching for the cap, he fingered the brim. The hollowness in his gut had nothing to do with dodging a relationship. Did it?

  Jack frowned at the two letters adorning his hat. Despite the turmoil eating his gut, a smile tugged his lips. How had Brielle nailed his nickname like that? Dodger wasn’t literally on there. Hell, there was no D at all. It was a figurative reference to a major league baseball team, a gift from his men and yet…she knew.

  Jack shook his head. With a grunt, he tossed the cap onto the blotter, determined to put thoughts of the distracting woman aside. “Doesn’t matter,” he muttered on an exhale, his voice a little gruffer.

  “What doesn’t matter?” Matthew asked, entering the study.

  Jack shook his head. Ever since they were young, his brother always did have a knack for walking in on his grumbles. He used to latch on and nag. But Jack had long since gotten into the habit of ignoring his younger brother’s questions. He just hoped to God they didn’t get into a pissing match right now, because he was not in the mood.

  Besides, he still hadn’t forgiven Matthew. Hell, he had yet to speak more than three words to him since Sunday, other than show related. Jack had been too furious and upset to keep things civil. Now, he was just tired.

  “Oh, come on. You’re not still mad, are you?” Matthew frowned, stopping in front of his desk.

  “No.” Jack glared. “Why the fuck would I be mad at you?”

  The jerk smiled. “At least you managed a whole sentence.”

  His brother was lucky he didn’t manage a whole fist, which cracked on the armrest of his chair. With anger and betrayal still prominent, he continued to bite his tongue.

  “That’s a good start. I’m sure you have more words you’d like to say.” Matthew stared back. “Come on. Let me hear them.”

  “Yeah. I have one.” Jack leaned forward, holding his brother’s gaze. “Why?”

  Matthew blinked, some of the amusement leaving his expression with a sigh. “Look, I’m sorry, Jack. Like Brielle, I too, was following orders. We all know if we’d let you in on the plan to have a girl go undercover at the bachelorette mansion, you would’ve vetoed it right out of existence.”

  “Damn right I would.” Jack shot to his feet and rounded the front of his desk to glare at his dumbass brother. “Christ, Matthew, the woman is over there poking her nose around without backup. What if the stalker is there and she stumbles onto him or her? Then what?”

  Matthew snickered. “Jack, we’re talking about Brielle. Where’ve you been? That woman can take care of herself. She shot out a damn bulls-eye. Took you down out on that patio. Jumped over the railing on the yacht and pulled Mandy to safety. With one hand.”

  Christ, he didn’t need reminding. All of which only added to her appeal. Dammit. Still. “Everyone needs backup, Matthew.”

  His brother leaned against the desk and sighed again. “Point is, we didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t have okayed her presence, and like it or not, that woman is needed.”

  Jack didn’t like it. And what he liked even less was that his brother was right.

  “I’m sorry, Jack. I really am,” Matthew repeated. “I knew you liked her, but I didn’t realize you liked her. I mean, for God’s sake, you don’t do relationships. You do sex. They don’t call you Dodger for nothing.” The smug bastard laughed. “You dodge relationships. You don’t let a woman get close. No attachments, right?”

  Jack didn’t answer. Mostly because it was all true.

  “I never thought whatever was going on between you two was more than something physical,” Matthew continued even when Jack went back to the other side of the desk. “Had I known, I swear I would’ve told you. Then there’s Brielle. Jesus, Jack, give her a break. The poor girl begged for permission to tell
you right from the start, and weekly ever since.”

  Well, hell, if that didn’t fucking take the wind out of Jack’s sail. He dropped down in his chair, chest tight. Brielle did say she’d tried to tell him several times. And she did try to talk to him that morning before Rodriquez had interrupted when he’d found the note. The apprehension that had dulled her eyes had haunted him all week. So, maybe she hadn’t exactly lied. But still, why the hell didn’t she just blurt the damn confession out?

  Would he have acted any different?

  “Okay, well, since you’re not busy—”

  “Not busy?” Jack’s elbows hit the desk a second before he dropped his head in his hands. He wasn’t exactly sure what his brother was getting at, having sort of tuned him out for a moment. “Seriously, Matthew? I’ve barely had time to breathe since we arrived back in port three days ago.” He lifted his face and stared at the smiling man, now sitting on the corner of his desk. “Between Danni getting eliminated on Monday and then accompanying you and Mandy on your one-on-one overnighter—which we just got back from two hours ago—it’s a wonder I haven’t keeled over.”

  “I have wondered that on occasion.” His brother rubbed his jaw, staring at him intently. “Exactly how do you do it, Jack?”

  “Don’t patronize me, Matthew.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” The asshole held his hands up in a defensive gesture. “I feel bad. You’re not sleeping, and you’re under a lot of stress.”

  “Who says I’m not sleeping?”

  Matthew raised his brows. “I do, and so do your bloodshot eyes and your piss-and-vinegar attitude. I mean, come on, Jack. You’ve got poor Rodriguez afraid to sneeze when he’s in the same room with you.”

  “The man’s too loud. I can’t think,” Jack muttered.

  “Too loud?” He laughed. “Rodriguez doesn’t speak unless spoken to.”

  Jack remained silent. Mostly because his brother was right. Again. His attitude had suffered because he hadn’t been sleeping all that well since he started this case, and it had steadily gotten worse after Brielle had waltzed onto the set. Except for that one night, his mind interjected. Yeah, that night with Brielle…he’d slept like a log.


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