Riding the River

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Riding the River Page 19

by Jeanne Harrell

  Robert choked on his drink. “What?”

  “Night, Dad…” Sarah walked over to kiss her dad on the cheek and went back to a guest bedroom. She smiled thinking that Robert was taking it all very well. She’d have much to tell Matt when he called tomorrow night. Speaking of Matt, she pulled his toothbrush out of her cosmetic bag and laughed.

  “I have to get him a new toothbrush. I’ll never give up his…”


  “How are those new horses you brought in, Matt? They look like a pretty fair bunch.”

  “They are, Grandpa, but I’ll need a trainer to come help me for awhile. I was thinking of hiring Richie.”

  “Your friend at the guest ranch? Sure, good choice. Seth thinks he’s a good cowboy and horse trainer.”

  Matt and John were standing in the John’s kitchen having a cup of coffee.

  Matt took a last slurp, put down his cup and started out the door.

  “It’s been over a week, son…”

  Matt looked over at him, his hand on the doorknob. “Yeah, I know.”


  “So, what?”

  “Have you bought a ticket yet?”

  Matt blew out a breath. “Nope…”

  “What’s keeping you here, son?”

  “She’s visiting with her family…I…I…don’t want to interrupt.”

  “…Yes, you do. Aren’t you two talking?”

  He nodded. “I call her every night.”


  “She wants me to fly out.”

  “Why aren’t you on the next plane?”

  He blew out another breath, bigger this time. “…It’s Baltimore.”

  “Afraid of a big city or her father?”

  “… Both and neither…”

  John laughed. “Go get a ticket.”

  Matt drove over to the guest ranch to speak with Richie. Dale saw him first and steered him into the dining room.

  “Have you heard from Sarah?”

  “Yes, Dale. She’s fine.”

  “When’s she coming back?”

  Matt spoke to some spot on the floor. “I’m not sure. Her grandfather is just out of the hospital.”

  Dale’s mouth dropped. “Haven’t you bought a ticket yet?”


  “What are you waiting for?”

  “Have you been speaking to John?”

  “No, but maybe I should…”

  Matt looked uneasy. “I have to find Richie. I’ll see you later.”

  He left the room with Dale shaking his head.

  “… Youth…”

  Matt found Richie in the barn grooming some of the horses. He looked at Matt and shook his head. He put his brushes down in the hay.


  “You look like shit, man…”

  That stopped him. “Thanks a ton…”

  “I don’t mean to sound like Dr. Phil, but are you sleeping at all?”

  “… Not much.”

  “When’s she coming back?”

  Matt ran a hand through his hair nervously.

  “You’re the third person to ask me that today.”



  “Have you bought a ticket? If she isn’t here yet, you need to get back there. She probably needs you.”

  He brightened. “Do you think so?”

  Richie stood there in the barn, arms folded across his chest, tapping a foot on the ground. “Damn, Matt. Aren’t you talking to her at all?”

  “… Every night.”

  “What does she say? Stay in Nevada because I don’t want to see you? Get a grip, man, and go buy a ticket.” Matt swallowed hard. “Scared of her dad?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “Then what?”

  “Tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous about flying.”

  Richie started laughing. “Is that all?”

  “…Is that all?”

  “Take a pill,” he said between bouts of laughter. “And get on that damn plane.” Matt nodded.

  “Can we please discuss what I came here to talk with you about now?”

  “Go for it.”

  Matt arranged to have Richie come stay with John and take care of his new horses while he was gone. Then he drove to Wells and bought a ticket leaving the next day for Baltimore.


  Meanwhile, in Baltimore, Sarah was over at her grandfather’s luxurious home visiting and cooking for him. He had a nurse for most things he needed and a staff there at the house.

  “You don’t have to do that, dear, I have a cook, you know.” He smiled indulgently at her.

  “… I realize that, Grandfather, but I love to cook.”

  “So tell me about Matt.”

  “You’ve been speaking with Dad, haven’t you?”

  “… Yes. He’s filled me in with most of the picture, but…”


  “Look at me, Sarah.”

  They were in his large, sunny kitchen – She was at the stove and he was sitting at the breakfast table. She turned around to look at him.


  “So this is what you really want? To move to Nevada and become a rancher’s wife?”

  “Yes, Grandfather. It truly is.”

  “Your father’s concerned that you’ve known him for such a short time, but he proposed to your mother pretty quickly, as I recall.”

  “I’ve heard that,” she smiled at him.

  “… And she was a small town girl… You’re the spitting image of her, Sarah. You know that, don’t you?”

  She walked over to sit down by him at the breakfast table.

  “I do, Grandfather. Please give us your blessing… Dad’s waiting to meet him first.”

  “Don’t worry about your father. I just don’t want you disappearing from our lives. Will you fly out a few times a year and stay with one of us?”

  “Of course, we will. You need to meet Matt’s grandfather, John Garth.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “… Because he could double for John Wayne, one of your favorite movie stars.”

  “… Damn, really?”

  “He’s a big, imposing figure – much like you, I might add.” Sarah smiled broadly at him and he winked at her.

  “Would Matt be upset if I made an investment or two in his ranching business?”

  “You’d have to ask him…”

  His eyes started twinkling at her. “So when’s he coming? You’re here, I can’t believe he’d hold out for very long.”

  She smiled. “He’s flying out tomorrow. Abby can’t wait to meet him either.” She stopped and took his hand. “He’s a cowboy, Grandfather, and a wonderful man.”

  “… Then I’ll love him too – Even though he’s taking away one of my best campaign workers. I’ll miss your help, you know.”

  “I know…”

  “And how about that crummy boss of yours. You did quit, right?”

  “Yes. He’s been all right. Initially, he threatened to sue me for a two-weeks notice, but he’s gotten so many grievances to fight off from the rest of his employees, that he just let me go without a hassle.”

  “Good riddance…”

  She finished what she was cooking and they shared a quiet lunch together. He was obviously on the mend and feeling much better.

  “Tomorrow night is the victory party at the convention center, Sarah. Will you come down for it? You worked to help defeat the governor’s opponent too. Please come…”

  She just shook her head and smiled. “Matt’s going to meet you and Dad at a campaign party? With all the noise and hoopla, balloons and people everywhere?”

  “It’s as good a place as any, sweetie.”

  “Okay… Bring on the Hughes’ political machine.”

  “He’ll get a good taste of what we’re about, at least, before he heads back to his peace and quiet.”

  She laughed. “I hear that…”

r />   Wow… The flight over had been a little hair-raising. Especially trying to take off from the airport in Reno – All those surrounding mountains caused some turbulence and Matt was concerned he’d lose his lunch. But the anxiety passed… He was interested in all the states he was flying over, many he’d never been in. The pilot would come on to say a word or two about each one. He’d gotten provocative looks from a few of the flight attendants, as well as some female passengers. Matt wasn’t immune to being scrutinized by women – They just had no interest for him… He was flying to the only woman he was interested in or would be. Sarah had captured his heart and he was reined in…

  When he arrived in Baltimore, Matt walked outside the airport to catch a cab. Sarah had told him where to meet her – And he knew he was walking into the thick of things with her family, but so be it. He knew too that he’d be on stage and would be meeting her father and grandfather. That was okay too. It was time…

  Arriving at the convention center, the noise was all the way out into the street. Apparently, their candidate had won and a big party was going on. Good… He could use a beer. Matt walked in and looked around. Everywhere he looked, there were people, people and more people. He didn’t think there were this many people in all of northeastern Nevada… No sign of Sarah… He noticed a coat check area and walked over to check his small suitcase.

  He was receiving some more interesting looks – Probably because of his Western-cut jacket, jeans, shirt and bolo tie. His big cowboy hat and boots set him off too. He stood out in a sea of business suits and ties – Didn’t bother him.

  After walking around a bit, Matt finally asked someone if they knew Robert Hughes. Of course, everyone did and Robert was pointed out sitting with some people at one of the tables. A band had started and a dance floor was now covered with people dancing and laughing. It looked like a good party…

  Out of the corner of his eye, Robert saw Matt walking towards him. He knew him immediately… Who else could it be? Matt made quite a first impression, a powerful one – A solid built man in jeans, Western jacket and cowboy hat striding his way. His face was open, friendly, even though Robert figured he was probably nervous. He looked like a man to be reckoned with… And he was thinking Way to go, Sarah… Robert asked the people at his table if they wouldn’t mind leaving. He made no excuses – They left and he stood as Matt reached him.

  Matt’s first impressions were what Sarah had said – Jeans meeting an expensive designer suit. He smiled and reached out his hand to shake Robert’s.

  “Mr. Hughes?”


  “Matt Garth.”

  “I know who you are and it’s nice to meet you, Matt.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  “Have a seat?”

  “Thank you.”

  Matt sat by Robert at the table and took off his cowboy hat. He set it on the table, brim up which made Robert smile.



  “… So you’re the love of my daughter’s life,” he smiled broadly at him.

  “I sure hope so, sir.”

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Whatever you’re having.”

  Robert spoke to an assistant at another table who got up to get the drinks.

  “Sarah’s not here right now. She and her friend, Abby, are running late. It appears we have some time together.”

  “All right.”

  “If I may be blunt, what is it that you want, young man?” Robert thought Matt to be a handsome young man, polite and to the point. He could see why Sarah liked him.

  “… I want to marry your daughter, sir, if she’ll still have me.”

  “I don’t doubt that, son, but what took you so long to get here?”

  “I was being an idiot…” Matt smiled at him.

  Robert laughed. “Well, we’re all fools in love, Matt. I was the same around her mother.” He was quiet for a minute as they looked at one another. The assistant brought a couple of martinis over and placed them in front of Matt and Robert.

  “You two haven’t known each other for very long.”

  “How long is long enough?”

  “… Good point. I proposed to her mother after two weeks myself.” Matt smiled again at him.

  “So do I have your permission, sir?”

  “I have a few questions for you first.”

  “… Certainly.”

  “You’ve bought your ranch in Nevada?”

  “Yes, sir. It’s not far from my grandfather’s ranch, up by Wells.”

  “So you’ll be raising horses?”

  “Horses and cattle.”

  “You’re a cattle rancher then.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you think that’s the kind of life my daughter wants? As a rancher’s wife? Look around you. This has been her home for twenty-five years.”

  “I mean no disrespect, sir, but her home’s with me now, in Nevada.”

  Robert looked hard at him, taking him in. He scratched his chin…

  “I do believe you’re right, Matt. She never fit in here very well, although she tried hard. And she drove me nuts watching all those Western movies. Has she told you about Gregory Peck yet?”

  Matt got a big smile on his face. “Yes, I’ve heard about Peck…”

  “Pretty brave of you to step into the lion’s den, as it were.”

  “… I should have stepped sooner, Mr. Hughes.”

  “Call me, Robert, please, if you’re to be my son-in-law.” He shook his head. “I always knew she was a small town girl.”

  “We’ve discussed what’s involved with ranching, Robert. I bought the ranch before she had to leave and we’ve been working on the house together.”

  “Have you moved in?”

  “Not yet. I couldn’t do it without her.”

  Robert’s eyes misted. It hit him that his beloved daughter would be leaving him to make her own home, her own way in the world – and with another man. It’s a tough moment for any father and Matt knew it. It occurred to Robert that he was actually standing in their way.

  “All right, Matt. I give my blessing for your marriage.” He reached out his hand to shake Matt’s.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Robert then saw his father coming their way. “…Listen, you’re back on stage again. Here comes her grandfather.” He smiled at him. “Good luck, son.”

  He raised his glass to him and Matt picked up his to do the same. They both took good swallows and then her grandfather was standing by their table.

  “Matt Garth, may I present Governor Henry Hughes,” said Robert. Matt stood to shake hands.

  “That’s former Governor,” Henry said to him.

  “Pleased to meet you, sir.” They both had strong handshakes.

  “Same to you, Mr. Garth.”

  “Matt, please. I’m glad to see you’re feeling much better.”

  Henry came around the table to sit down by Matt.

  “What are we drinking, Robert?”


  Robert signaled to his assistant again who rose to fetch another round, while it was Henry’s turn to ask questions of Matt.

  “What do you do in Nevada, son?”

  “I’m into horse and cattle ranching, sir.”

  “I understand you’ve just bought your own ranch…”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve been working towards that goal for several years now. I had some luck with some good investments, plus some capital that my grandfather loaned me.”

  “Your grandfather lives close?”

  “Ten miles away. We’re going to blend the ranches because I will inherit his ranch someday.”

  “I’ve done some research. You have good grazing and water?”

  “Yes, sir. That’s why the ranch purchase is a good one. It’ll add more grazing for our cattle and I’ll have the water rights I need as well.”

  “You sound like a smart young man.”

  “I hope s
o, sir.”

  Henry paused and took a good look at Matt.

  “You remind me some of my father – He was a real go-getter like you and started the shipping company here in Baltimore.”

  “You’re in shipping?”

  Henry chuckled. “I guess Sarah didn’t want to give you all the family news at once. Yes, I inherited a major shipping company, which I was hoping Sarah’s husband would take over.” Matt gave him a quiet look. “That’s probably not going to happen, is it?”

  “Not if I’m fortunate enough to be Sarah’s husband.”

  Henry smiled at him. “I like you, Matt. If you should decide that ranching isn’t for you, I could use you. Think about it.”

  “All right, Governor, that’s enough pressure.” Robert looked at Matt. “Do you have any questions for us?”

  “Yes, sir. Where’s your daughter?”

  That made both Robert and Henry start laughing. Robert got out his cell phone to call her when in she walked with Abby. They looked around for Robert’s table and saw the three of them sitting and talking. Matt hadn’t seen her yet.

  “My God, Sarah. Is that him?”

  “Yes,” Sarah smiled. “At long last and meeting the Inquisition.”

  Abby gasped. “He’s gorgeous… Well, I see you found your Gregory Peck.”

  “He does bear a striking resemblance, doesn’t he?”


  She was smiling at him when he glanced over and noticed her. She walked to the table and Matt rose to greet her. Sarah took his hand.


  “Hi, yourself.” They smiled at each other…

  “Matt Garth, meet my friend, Abby March. Abby, this is Matt.”

  He reached over to shake her hand with his free one. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

  “… Likewise.” Abby blinked… Ma’am? Wow again.

  Sarah looked around the table at her father and grandfather. “Have you asked him all the questions you need to right now?”

  Robert and Henry both nodded at her. Frankly, they were speechless when they saw Matt and Sarah together. Even though she wore an Italian designer dress and he wore a Western jacket and jeans, it was obvious to all that they were a good fit. You only had to open your eyes to see that…


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