Breaking angelina (Paranormal investigations # 1.5)

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Breaking angelina (Paranormal investigations # 1.5) Page 13

by Rita Webb

  I tilt the cup back and drain the last of the

  amber liquid. Everything is hazy—the voices, my

  fears, what I’m about to do now.

  “Do you want anything? Would you be more

  comfortable with candlelight?” His voice sounds

  rather shy, and he’s blushing.

  Maybe he’s not that different from me after all.

  Maybe under all his bravado, he’s lonely and

  hurting like I am.

  Although I’ve read some romance novels, I know

  more about sexual dysfunctions and diseases from

  my nursing textbooks than about how to please a

  man, and the little I’ve learned makes me feel more

  intimidated than confident.

  So what am I supposed to do first?


  Unbuttoning my shirt slowly, I paste one of

  Cyndi’s coy smiles on my face and step toward him

  seductively. He’s already hard beneath my hand

  when I grab him. It’s smooth and warm, and a little

  thrill runs up my arm. I wasn’t expecting to like the

  hardness of him.

  “You’re so big.” Guys like to hear that, right? All

  the heroines say that in romance novels.

  He grabs my wrist and, digging his fingers into

  my arm, yanks my hand away. “Don’t be fake. Or

  the deal’s off.”

  “I thought this was what you wanted.”

  “I want the real thing. Or I could just get any

  whore off the street.” He bares his teeth at me. His

  fingers dig deeper into my arm, and I wince.

  “Okay,” I say. “You’re hurting me.”

  He lets go. “Don’t toy with me.”

  “Fine.” I rub my arm. “I need to go to the

  bathroom. To freshen up.”

  “In there.” He points to a door.

  Inside, I stand in front of the sink. The mirror is

  gone, leaving a metal frame through which I can

  see the toothbrush and other toiletries inside. I

  turn on the water and wash my hands.

  “If you want me to do this, you must go away,” I

  whisper to the voices in my head.


  “He wants real, and you interfere with that. I

  can’t do this with you in my head. Go away, and I

  promise to do this right.”

  We don’t trust you.

  “You’ll have to.”

  You fail us, and we’ll punish you.


  And then blessed silence. For a long moment, I

  wait, breathing in and out, enjoying being alone in

  my own head, before I finally open my eyes.

  I unbraid my hair and comb it out with my

  fingers, letting it fall down to my waist. Stripping

  down to my panties, I look down at myself. I have

  nice-sized breasts, and my stomach is flat, my waist

  is tiny, but I have full hips and nice curves. I’m

  skinny, but I have sexy, lean muscle.

  I wash my face and dry it on one of his towels. It

  smells like him, rough and wild. I like that smell. I

  like his eyes—the way he studies me, the depth of

  sadness in them, like he’s known great sorrow.

  If I’m going to do this, I’ve got to be real. I have

  to be me. No pretending to be Emma or Cyndi. No

  copying the girls in the romance novels.

  Opening the door, I step out of the bathroom,

  naked. This is me. The real me. My soul is naked of

  all the things I use to hide behind.

  He’s sitting in a chair, his arms thrown over the

  sides. His amber eyes study me, taking in every

  naked inch of my flesh. He doesn’t smile, but I like

  the way he watches.

  “I’m not very good. I don’t know if I’m worth the

  three thousand I owe you.” My face burns and I

  look away from him. “But if you tell me what you

  want, I’ll do it for you.”

  Without a word, he rises and steps toward me.

  He comes so close our bodies are almost touching,

  and he reaches out and loops a strand of my hair

  around his finger. “How about we start with me

  doing what you want. We have all day, after all.”

  “I like kisses.” I stand on tip toe and kiss the

  bottom of his chin. The bristle along his jaw

  brushes against my lips, and a pleasant tingle

  spreads softly through me.

  He leans down and kisses me, his lips soft as if

  he savors the taste. He trails the kiss down my

  neck, his fingertips coming to rest lightly on my

  waist. Each kiss melts into me like starlight dancing

  on my skin. I can barely breathe.

  He scoops me up, my legs circling his waist, and

  he carries me to the bedroom.

  Chapter 22

  ~ HUNTER ~

  What have I done? Sammi, forgive me.

  The smell of sex hangs in the air like an


  The bed is a mess, her blood smeared on the

  sheets. Shit, she was a virgin. How could I have not

  realized that? I should’ve noticed there was no

  smell of another male on her.

  Condoms in the trash can. One broke and I pray

  she’s not pregnant. She was fertile; I could smell it

  … I rake my hands through my hair.

  What have I done?

  But if I could do it all over again, I would.

  I sit on the side of my bed, watching her sleep,

  her golden hair fanning out across the dark pillow,

  the sheet only partially covering her. I loved how

  those silky tresses and fallen over my face as she

  lay on top of me, as she rained kisses down over my

  face, chest … I want to reach out and touch her

  again. Pull her to me. Kiss her. Take her. Mine.

  Every inch of her body has burned itself into my

  soul. I snort with self-derision—wolves and hawks

  both mate for life. That would be why this was such

  a bad idea.

  But she’s not mine. I can’t really have her.

  If the Usurper got a hold of her like he did

  Sammi …

  No, I will move heaven and hell to make sure

  that doesn’t happen. Not again. Never again.

  I take the charm from around my neck and tuck

  it into the back of my dresser drawer. Fur ripples

  across my skin as a shudder runs through me.

  Flexing my wings, I sigh, relaxed, and go into the

  kitchen, my taloned feet clicking on the tile floor.

  Shit, this place is a mess.

  If Sammi could see me now, she’d be shaking

  her head in disgust. What have I done to myself?

  Running the hot water, I fill the sink and drop in

  the last of the soap. Time to start cleaning up my

  life. I don’t own a lot of dishes—there’s only me

  and I left all our belongings in our small cabin. So in

  fifteen minutes, the dishes are cleaned, dried, and

  put back into the cupboards.

  The real mess is all the bottles and beer cans. I

  grab the recycle bin and start tossing everything in.

  When it fills up, I grab a trash bag, and then

  another trash bag. The kitchen and counters clean,

  the recycle bin and five trash bags in the bed of my

  truck, ready to go to the recycling center, the old

  couch out by the curb for the trash
truck to pick

  up—my apartment smells almost good, crisply

  clean and fresh. I feel as if the Creator has given me

  a new chance at life.

  A phone rings—not my phone—as I’m piling the

  full bottles of beer and whiskey on the counter to

  dump down the sink. The girl—and I realize I don’t

  even know her name—shambles out of the

  bedroom wrapped in nothing but my blanket. Her

  long blonde hair is mussed, and she smells of me.

  When she sees me, her face flushes, and she

  smiles faintly before fetching her pink phone out of

  the purse she left by her coat.


  A pause. Her smell changes—embarrassment,

  desire, shame, and a tinge of guilt—and the sudden

  stench of reptiles and wizard magic clings to her

  like a misty cloud. She turns her back to me, and I

  feel cut off. I’m not a part of her life, just a one-

  night stand.

  “Yes, Jason. Of course I remember,” she says

  into the phone.


  “Don’t worry; I won’t tell her you’re coming.”


  “Sure. See you tomorrow. Bye.”

  She turns to see me watching her, and her gaze

  falls to the floor, unwilling to look me in the eye.

  “What time is it?”

  I glance out the window at the moon. “Still dark

  out. Should be about eight. Sun rise in less than an


  “I have to go. I have to get back to school, a

  paper to write. Tomorrow morning, Valentine’s

  Day, right? In the alley where I first met you.”

  I open my mouth to speak, but my voice refuses

  to work. Clearing my throat, I say huskily, “Yes.


  She goes back into the room, and I wait, pinned

  to my spot in the kitchen, waiting for her to

  reappear. How do I say goodbye to her? How can I

  make her stay?

  Shit. What am I thinking? I can’t keep her. I’d be

  putting her in danger.

  Now dressed, she comes back out wearing the

  clothes she had on yesterday and grabs her coat.

  Her glossy, long hair is mussed, which I like even

  better than her normally sleek hairdo, and the

  corners of her mouth lift up with contentment.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll call a

  cab.” She pauses in the doorway and gives me a shy

  smile. “Thanks. I’ll never forget.” And she’s gone,

  leaving behind the sweet smell of sex and the

  cloying stench of reptiles and magic.

  The bang of the door rings hollowly like a casket

  being shut. Instead of dumping the whiskey, I take

  a swig directly from the bottle. One last drink to

  take the edge off.

  Then I’ll dump the rest. Tomorrow.

  Chapter 23


  Valentine’s day, and I’m dressed cute as a kitten

  for the occasion. My blonde hair, long with curls

  everywhere, is pulled back with a red hair band to

  match my flouncy skirt. Pink sweater with a silver

  lace underneath and the sweetest tights with cute

  little hearts.

  All this just to hide my brokenness.

  Everybody hates you.

  After what I did last night, I feel empty and sore.

  My breasts hurt, and that place between my legs

  burns. It felt like he ripped me open and poured

  himself into me.

  But then that is what he did.

  I blush, thinking of his gentle hands on my skin.

  His warm kisses, his body over mine. Guilt worms

  through me. Not only did I cheat on my love for

  Jason, I enjoyed it.

  Standing beside me: Jason. Yummy. Sweet.

  Devilish smile. Everything I ever wanted.

  His smile lights up the drab hall of the campus

  apartments, all of Anchorage, and my dark and

  weary soul.

  But his sweet smile is for her.

  And my thoughts still stray to another man with

  amber eyes and silver white hair to his shoulders.

  What’s wrong with me?

  Jason knocks on the door, his grin spreading

  wide across his face, and my heart shatters into a

  million pieces, a broken mess at the bottom of a


  “Good morning, Emma!” I force the chipper

  tone and then sing Happy Birthday.

  She opens the door, standing before us in

  panties and a t-shirt, ugly wool socks up to her

  knees, her hand on her hip, and Jason’s mouth

  hangs open while drool dribbles down his chin.

  Emma’s brows are wide with surprise, and she

  quickly ducks her bottom half behind the door.

  “Jason, what are you doing here?”

  “To take you out for the day. It’s your twenty-

  first birthday. Did you think I’d let you celebrate

  without me?” He slips inside and looks her up and


  I’m going to be sick.

  Grabbing my hand and dragging me inside,

  Emma pins him with one of her stares. “What

  about what’s-her-name? Sarah? Sally? Mandy?

  Whoever your latest thrall is. She really let you

  come out and play? I thought she’d have your

  Valentine’s Day booked.”

  “I broke up with her right after Christmas.” He


  I hate feeling like the little kid again. The

  unwanted tag-along. Tucking my hand through his

  arm, I smile up at him. “Isn’t he sweet? You have

  the best friends, Emma.”

  His return smile is tolerant. Not kind or gentle.

  Just tolerant, as if I’m an annoying fly buzzing by his


  I deserve more.

  I want to crawl back into my bed, go to sleep,

  and never wake up.

  They’re talking, but I can’t hear them over the

  buzzing growing louder in my ears. The voices

  whisper something. I strain to listen, but all I can

  decipher is one word.

  Tessst. Tessst. Tessst.

  Jason glances at me, his brow furrowed. Does he

  hear the voices too?

  But then the voices stop abruptly.

  “Remember when you took me spelunking?”

  Emma says.

  Jason grins. “I had no idea that bear was in


  “I can’t remember ever being that scared.”

  “But it was fun! Come on. We can’t break


  “What are you planning this time?” I give him

  my most endearing smile.

  “It’s a secret.” He takes a step away from me,

  and my hand falls back to my side.

  You’re nobody.

  He doesssn’t want you.

  You desssserve—

  Emma gives me a sharp look, and the voices cut

  off. Blessed silence.

  I force a smile. “See you! Tell me all about it

  later. Emma, I’ll tell your professors and coach that

  you are sick today, and I’ll collect your notes and


  “Thanks, Angelina. You’re a sweetie.”

  I blow them kisses and rush out the door.

  A part of me doesn’t really care anymore. I just

  want this to be ov

  This is what you always wanted. You want this.

  You will obey us.

  Desire ripples through me, stirring in my gut,

  filling every cell of my body. I crave for Jason to

  hold me and love me the way Hunter did yesterday.

  After today, I won’t ever be the outsider again.

  Tomorrow, he will forget her. He will look at me

  with that much longing.

  I will dessstroy Emma.

  I dessserve his kisses.

  My nerves rattle around inside me as I wait for

  Hunter. I’m not sure what I’m going to say to him

  or how I’m supposed to act now that we … I blush,

  remembering his hands in places no man has ever


  But I don’t even know his real name, and I’m not

  sure I can call him a man. He’s an animal, and sex

  with animals is obscene. Does it count if he looked


  He lands in front of me with a soft swooft, the

  wind from his wings brushing against my cheeks. I

  wonder what it would be like to have those wings

  fold around me, protect me in their embrace.

  “You ready?” Not one ounce of warmth in his

  voice, and a part of my heart withers and dies.

  What was I expecting? To him, I’m nothing more

  than a whore, paying him for a service.

  I nod, keeping my head down, too shy to look

  him in the eyes.

  “Good. Then let’s move.” He scoops me up and

  leaps into the air in one motion, his wings

  drumming against the air like a heartbeat. The city

  grows small beneath us, buildings looking like toy

  houses and people nothing more than ants

  scurrying over the earth. Up high into the clouds,

  we fly where no one can see us.

  Now I can see nothing but gray fog, feel nothing

  except the bitter wind burning my face.

  “Turn toward me.” His hot breath burns against

  my cheek, his teeth only inches from my skin.

  I bury my face in the soft fur of his chest. He

  smells like wild spices on a spring breeze. His heart

  beats wildly against my cheek; his muscles ripple as

  he grips me tighter.

  I’m supposed to be in love with Jason. What’s

  wrong with me?

  Jassson. Tessst.

  But the voices are so far away, I can barely hear

  them over the beating of Hunter’s heart. Here I feel


  “Are you a werewolf?” I ask, but the wind

  snatches my voice away.

  “What did you say?” His voice is deep and


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