What Emma Craves

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What Emma Craves Page 20

by Amanda Abbott

  “Mallory”—Emma paused to give it the full effect—“Baldwin.”

  “The supermodel?” Gillian said, picking up her beer. “You’re shitting us. She’s unbelievably gorgeous, and young, if I remember correctly.”

  “Yes, she’s only twenty-two—almost twenty-three. I’m not kidding, and we became friends! It was like she was just one of the group the entire time. But, honestly, when I got home, I Googled her, and all I can say is holy wow! That woman can take a killer picture. She’s breathtaking in person, but even more so in the photographs. She’s fairly down-to-earth—and a little jaded, but that’s not saying much considering the business she’s in.”

  “Who was she there with?” Caroline asked. “Did they do any swapping? I can’t stand that you met her! That’s so cool.”

  Emma leaned in as the waitress walked by. “She was there alone and she visits all the time. Apparently, she got into modeling at a really young age, and in her words, sex is her drug of choice. But I’m not sure how long she’ll be single. I have high hopes for her.”

  “How would you know that? Did she meet someone there?” Piper asked. “This is so surreal.”

  “No, but this millionaire businessman we met is sending her to a private dating island! I know,” she said, responding to all the looks of disbelief, “it sounds so insane. It costs fifty thousand a week! He’s a new partner, and he’s sending her for free as a test client the first week it opens.”

  Piper slapped her hand on the table, chortling. “What? You’re going to have to start at the beginning with this one, sister. What millionaire? What island? This is better than any movie I’ve seen in ages. I cannot believe all this happened on your trip.”

  Emma nodded. “There is so much to tell! We met this rich entrepreneur, Antonio, and his girlfriend at the airport here in Madison, and then they ended up in the villa next door to ours. We got to know them, and he invited us on his yacht the first day—”

  “A yacht! No way!” Caroline hooted. “Was it fabulous?”

  “It was ridiculously nice,” Emma told her. “Like, whatever you’re imagining, times it by a hundred—white couches, stainless steel accents, gleaming wood floors. It was totally amazing. Antonio invented a rocket in college and now he runs a company that launches satellites into space or something like that.”

  “Antonio Rafferty? The aerospace guy?” Piper said, her voice incredulous. “Are you talking about the billionaire who’s in the news all the time? That Antonio?”

  Emma placed a hand over her heart. “I don’t know, maybe?” She glanced around the table, her expression stunned. “I Googled Mallory, but I didn’t think to search for him because we never caught his last name. We knew he was rich, for certain a millionaire, but I had no idea he was a billionaire! That makes sense, though. He was in a different stratosphere, even from Mallory, who must have tons of money herself. He carried himself with complete assuredness.”

  “Of course it makes sense,” Gillian snorted. “The guy has a yacht and a private island!”

  “He’s actually only part owner of the island, from how he explained it,” Emma said sheepishly. “I wasn’t about to ask him how rich he is, and it’s not like he was shouting how much money he has.” She laughed. “I don’t watch the news that much, and his first name didn’t ring any bells. Now I feel silly.”

  Piper swished her hand. “It’s not a big deal at all. You just met and partied with one of only a handful of billionaires under the age of thirty. We do that kind of stuff all the time around here! Madison is a hotbed for attracting those filthy-rich types,” Piper joked. “But, seriously, no worries. The next time you take a trip, I’m giving you a notebook filled with mugshots of the rich and famous, along with their names, birth dates, and net worth.”

  Emma started to laugh in earnest. She had to cover her mouth to stop.

  When she finally quieted down, she sputtered, “Pete almost took Antonio out because he wanted to have sex with me! And I don’t think he wanted to just fuck me—he actually wanted me. At least, that’s the vibe he gave off. It was enough for Pete to feel threatened, and it was actually the best thing that could’ve happened to us. Pete has never had his heart broken before and has never gone through an agonizing breakup or loss. That explained a lot to me. But he figured it out quickly, and from then on out, it was totally wonderful.”

  “I’m glad you and Pete worked it out,” Piper said. “Pete’s a good guy. He just didn’t know what he had until it could’ve been yachted out from under him.” She snorted. “I’m sure the strutting helped things along.”

  “It totally did,” Emma said. “I wore the white bikini bottoms for the first time on the yacht, and Pete nearly leapt out of his skin, so thanks for that. In fact, all of the bottoms had similar effects. They were so sexy.” Emma turned to Caroline. “And we had an incredible last night, thanks to you. That teddy paired with the lube, and the…um…beads.” She blushed. “I can’t even tell you. It was a night I’ll never forget.” Then she nodded to Gillian. “I used the harness the night you gave it to me, and we need to talk later. It was totally incredible, and I’d like to look into more things like that as a surprise for Pete.”

  “Glad it worked for you,” Gillian said. “There’s a lot of pleasure to be had if you learn to like control.”

  “No kidding.” Emma took a long drink of her martini. “It was some of the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced.”

  “I’m super happy for you, too, but can we get back to the scenario where Mallory Baldwin finds the man of her dreams?” Piper asked. “I still don’t get the dating island. How does it work? And can I just interject here and say that for a very brief, teensy moment my black heart wished I was single again. Going to a private island to find a man sounds like reality TV on steroids chased with lots of tequila.”

  “I totally agree. Even to be a fly on the wall in such a place! Mallory deemed it Fuck Me Island, and she’s not off base.” Emma giggled. “I don’t know a lot, but I exchanged e-mail addresses with her and she’s promised to update me. She’s supposed to be going next month. From how Antonio explained it, it’s like Tinder meets Tahiti for the rich and famous. All guests on the island are there to hook up and are given phones with a Tinder-like app with all the guests’ info on it.” Emma shrugged. “Everyone there is a potential fuck buddy, they’re all filthy rich, and everyone is hoping to find the person of their dreams. I’m rooting for Mallory to find what she’s looking for. Under it all, she’s a sweet girl and deserves to find happiness. She didn’t dish too deep about her background, but she mentioned her mom ‘selling’ her into the modeling at a young age and that must’ve been rough.”

  “That does sounds harsh,” Caroline agreed. “I hope she finds it, too. And, wow, what an experience you had! I’m floored. I truly hope Mallory keeps you in the loop, because we’re all going to want to hear how it goes!”

  “I’m sure she’ll keep me posted. I already had three e-mails from her by the time I arrived home.” Emma laughed. “She’s hoping to find out about a big endorsement deal very soon.”

  “That’s so crazy incredible!” Piper exclaimed. “But I’m not surprised she fell in love with you. You’re easy to fall for. You’re like if ridiculously charming and super sweet had a baby and named her Emma.”

  “Aw, that’s so nice of you to say,” Emma said. “Thank you. Mallory was actually instrumental in helping Pete see the light. I thought they wanted to be together, because their heads were always together, but when I found out she was trying to help us, it endeared me to her. We’ve forged a tight bond.”

  Piper cleared her throat. “Okay, Emma dished.” She turned pointedly toward Gillian. “Now it’s your turn. We haven’t seen you since Emma’s travel shower. You’ve both been on vacation, it seems. Can you share any news with us? You kind of look like you’re glowing. Is that the inner light of happiness seeping out?”

  Gillian chuckled. “That’s probably just my new ink sparkling in the lighting
.” She pulled down her T-shirt to expose a new tattoo on her collarbone. It was a small baseball with red stitching.

  “Bullshit,” Piper said. “Spill it. We’re all dying to know what’s been going on with you. Please don’t hold out on us!”

  “We really are dying,” Caroline added hopefully. “It’s been a few weeks.”

  Gillian arched an eyebrow around the table. “What, like you guys don’t already know who it is! Brad confessed he let the name slip, and if I know your husbands like I know mine, you already all know who it is.”

  Emma was surprised.

  Pete hadn’t said a word.

  She glanced at Caroline, who looked sheepish as she picked up her glass and took a gulp of her wine. “Well, I, for one, don’t know,” Emma said. “Pete hasn’t mentioned anything. But then again, he found me naked in the harness, so that might’ve been distracting. So what’s up? Who is it? I can’t stand not knowing!”

  “Okay,” Piper admitted. “The rest of us do know it’s Tyler Blackstone, but we know nothing else! I promise!”

  “Tyler Blackstone, the baseball player?” Emma gaped.

  Piper gave her a look. “You know Tyler Blackstone by name, but not Antonio Rafferty?” she teased.

  “Pete played baseball in college, and it’s one of his biggest passions next to surfing, so coverage is always on,” Emma answered. “That’s how I know his name. He’s also drop-dead gorgeous, so when they drafted him for our team, I was all ears, or eyes?” She giggled. “But I’m surprised Pete didn’t say anything to me about it. It must have slipped his mind.”

  “You were on a beautiful beach in the Bahamas,” Piper said helpfully. “That would strip anyone’s memory.”

  Emma turned to Gillian, who was next to her. “If you guys are with Tyler Blackstone, no wonder he wanted you to keep it quiet. That’s huge news, and it could harm his reputation and any endorsement deals he may or may not have. Is he a Dom?” When Gillian didn’t readily answer, Emma prodded, “Come on, you have to give us something! We promise to keep our lips sealed.”

  “Okay, I’ll slip you some details, but only because I’m taking pity on your souls.” Gillian started, “But you have to give me the girlfriend swear-on-your-life promise this doesn’t leave this table. Not even to your husbands, at least not right now.”

  Piper was the first to raise her hand in a Girl Scout salute, placing her other hand over her heart. “I solemnly swear to keep my mouth shut or may I be struck down by rogue lightning the moment I step out of this bar.”

  “I’ll do one better,” Caroline said. “I swear to the Almighty above.” She glanced up at the ceiling. “May He strike me down if I so much as think about what you tell me once I leave here.” Her face was intent, like she meant it, even though they all knew Caroline would be thinking about it more than any of them.

  Emma nodded along. “And I swear on my good name I won’t breathe a word to anyone, including Pete. I can keep a secret to the grave. To this day, I’ve kept things quiet that my best friend in kindergarten begged me to never reveal. True story.”

  Piper chortled, arching a look at her. “Okay, well, now you’re going to have to tell us what it was. What happened in kindergarten that was so earthshattering you kept it secret all these years?”

  Emma mimed zipping her lips with her fingers. “Nope. Carla had faith in me then, and I will not divulge a single word. But, if I remember correctly, it had something to do with her penchant for glue and its wonderful taste.”

  “Ew!” Piper snorted. “Okay, point taken.” She leveled her gaze back on Gillian. “We’ve all sworn. We promise on our good names we won’t tell. Now let us in on what’s going on.”

  Gillian leaned forward, and they all went with her, moving drinks out of the way to make a little semicircle. “Okay, first off, this has been an incredible few weeks. This guy is off-the-charts hot,” she whispered. “We meet with him and his sub once a week. Always at the warehouse suite. The sex is very controlled. So far, there’s been no couple swap. It’s just Brad and me, and occasionally Tyler’s sub, with him calling the shots. He controls the bondage. I can’t really explain it, because out loud it doesn’t sound that sexy, but I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’m usually in the Domme position, but being his sub has opened my eyes to an entirely new way of having sex.” Her voice dropped even lower, and Emma struggled to hear. “But there’s been a small snag. He wants to swap now. I think he’s been leading up to this all along, but there’s one problem.” She sat back and picked up her drink, taking a sip. No one said a word. After she set it down, she continued, “Brad doesn’t want to. He’s never had an issue with anything we’ve done before, but he’s adamant. And frankly, I don’t know what to do.”

  Emma’s eyebrows shot up. “You mean he doesn’t want to participate at all? Or he doesn’t want you to participate with the sports star?”

  “Both,” she answered. “He wants to call it totally off. I’ve tried to reason with him, but he won’t talk about it. I don’t know what to do. This has never happened in our entire marriage. He’s always been on board with everything. He won’t give me a solid explanation.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Piper asked. “That’s a tough one.”

  “I haven’t made up my mind,” she admitted. “Brad told me if I had to do it, so be it, but he wouldn’t be joining me. He didn’t say he’d leave me, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t either.” Gillian looked miserable. “I love my husband, but the sex when we’re with Tyler is so explosive. It’s like”—she shook her head, at a loss for words—“he has broken something open inside me and let out this tide of ecstasy. I know it doesn’t sound coherent, but the thrill I feel is like a dozen highs, and I don’t know if I can give it up.”

  “Wow. In the end, you’re going to have to go with your heart on this,” Emma counseled her. “If it was me, I wouldn’t be able to do it if Pete didn’t want to, but that’s just me. I know you and Brad have a different relationship, and a more open one. My advice is to tread slowly and don’t make a rash decision.”

  “I agree with Emma. I wouldn’t be able to do it either,” Caroline added. “But I’m sure everyone at this table knows that. When is the next date set up?”

  “Next week,” Gillian said, rubbing her temple. “I’m going to have to make up my mind before then.”

  “Let us know what you decide,” Piper said. “We’ll be here for you, and we will support you, no matter what. This a killer choice. I know you love Brad, but sex has always been one of the biggest things in your life, and he knew that going in. Unlike all of us, you started with an open relationship.”

  “I know. I never thought I’d find myself in this position. Thanks, everyone. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys. Seriously,” Gillian said. “I’ve never been much of a girlfriend gal, but now I’m finding maybe it was a mistake not to have invested time into these kinds of relationships. I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted.”

  “We’ll be here,” Emma promised. “I don’t envy your choice, but we know you’ll do what’s right for you, and we’ll be here to help you pick up the pieces.”

  * * *

  The house looked perfect. Pete was proud of his efforts. Emma was out with her friends. It was the first night they hadn’t been together since right before the trip, and he wanted her coming home to be special.

  Pete needed his wife to understand that he didn’t appreciate her only on vacation.

  The basement was lit with candles, and soft music played in the background.

  He’d called all over town to find a place that would dip kiwi and pineapple in chocolate for him. It hadn’t been easy, but he’d had success.

  Emma texted him twenty minutes ago to tell him she was on her way.

  He grinned, thinking about her expression when she found him in the basement. He heard the garage door rumbling as it went up. A minute later, the door closed, and Emma called, “I’m home!”

  “I’m in the basemen
t!” he called back.

  He heard her footsteps across the kitchen floor and the noise of her purse being set on the counter. “I’m coming!” she said. When she arrived at the bottom of the steps, he enjoyed her look of complete and utter surprise. “What’s all this? Candles, music? Is it our anniversary and I’ve forgotten?” She moved toward him. She still hadn’t noticed what he wore. When she finally saw him, she stopped walking and her mouth dropped open. “Is that…are you wearing a harness?”

  “I might be,” he answered coyly.

  “Oh, my,” she said. Then she noticed the chocolate-covered fruit on the table and she let out a gasp. “You did this all for me?”

  “Of course,” he replied. “I should’ve been doing it all along, but I can only move forward, not back. I woke up this morning wishing we were still in the Bahamas, but then I thought, why not just bring a little of the island here?”

  She came over and fingered the straps around his chest. “Wow. These are substantial. How does it work?” She stepped back to examine him. “Your hands and legs aren’t bound, you can move freely.”

  He fingered the loops that were attached to his waist and grinned. “Your legs fit in here,” he told her. “So I can fuck you standing up.”

  “Oh.” Her mouth was a perfect circle.

  “But before we do that, let’s have some chocolate-covered fruit and have a glass of champagne.” He led her to the couch. He sat, and she snuggled against him. “I loved watching you eat this fruit every night. That’s why I ordered it with every meal,” he told her as he leaned over and picked up the tray.

  Emma took a proffered morsel and made a noise in her throat as she took a bite. “Mm, it’s just as good as on the island. Thank you so much for taking the time to get it for me.” She ran a hand down his chest, fingering the black leather and then moving her hand down to his hard-on. “This is sexy as hell. Does it loop around your ass? I didn’t get to see the back.”


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